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Dated: 25th September, 2023
Word Count: 3k+
Target: 40+ votes and comments
Bare minimum guys

And one more thing

Your Ridhit and Urvi are on Instagram now
Do follow and check out their life ;)

4| Solicitude And Rains |


"You won't have dinner with us, it means?" 'As if it matters' I shook away my thoughts and nodded in a no to my sister. "By the way, I need a help." She sat on the bed, her gaze stuck on her phone. I kept all necessary items in my small handbag, trying to act normal.

"Yeah?" Courtesy.

"How do we add story on Instagram now? This new update is ready passing me off." I went towards her.

"Gimme your phone, I'll show you." I asked.

"No you cannot see this one." I saw her quickly going back to the home screen.

"But I'll anyhow see it on the Instagram. No use of hiding it." I shrugged.

"No, it'll be on close friends list." Ouch!

"Oh-" I could manage to utter. I fished out my phone and showed her how it is done. Ones she was out of my room, it felt as if air in the room has suddenly purified.

Not that I care about whatever she does.

Nevertheless, I descended down, all set to see the person upon whom my bestfriend is whipped and has wrapped around her fingers.

"There's someone waiting for you Urvi." My mom said and I frowned. My entire family of three were down. My sister on couch and parents standing, hiding the person from me. I wasn't expecting anybody I suppose. I looked forward to peep above my father's tall figure and...


"YOU?" I nearly shouted while he, my new fake boyfriend stood there with hands in his pocket and wearing that smirk on his face.

"Yeah, surprised baby?" I nearly choked my saliva.

"Who's he?" My father's stern tone instantly filled me with nervousness. I mean, yes I had to introduce him to my parents. But this donkey came unannounced because of which I dint prepare any romantic speech too.

God why me!!!!

"He's handsome though." I snapped my head towards my sister, who uttered this. No, my heart shouldn't be burning as such.

We're in a fake relationship.

Do not forget Urvi.

I, nevertheless took and deep breath and walked towards that man. If glares could kill someone, he'd be dead right at that moment.

And that smirk!

Only I'm aware how I'm suppressing my urge to smack his not so pretty... uh- strike that..., his face! I stood beside him and he wrapped his hands around my waist, that suddenly made me conscious.

Everything is fake!

I reminded myself.

"Uh- Maa papa, he's my..." I took a pregnant pause before uttering the word. "Boyfriend."

Silence was all we could hear it for next few moments.

"Since when?" My mom questioned and I looked at the person behind this drama for the answer.

"A month." He answered. I quietly tried removing his hand from my waist, but that only made it tighter. I huffed and gave up.

"And you dint bother to inform us?" My father quietly asked.

"Only if you had time for me." I wanted to say that out loud, but stayed mum.

"It's only been a month. We wanted to be sure before having meet." He again answered upon witnessing no reply from my side. A part of me won't agree, but yeah, I was grateful to him for the same.

"Then you surely must be having some serious eye problems." Ridha said, attempting to crack a joke. My heart dropped and looked at Ridhit, before chuckling, a fake one obviously.

I'm getting into too many fake things these days.

But this thought actually managed to get a chuckle out of me.

"Then I'm sure my eyes are as good as a microscope to find a real girl than a caked face one." The air went silent at his reply while I tried to soak in his words.

"Real girl.."

That warmth in me because of his words made the line even more...what? Beautiful? Bliss?

Everything is fake!

Too many ouch-s in one day.

"Now if you may permit." And he dragged me out towards his car. I could just take a glance of my parent's angry glares and my sister's sad face.

I'm screwed ones I come back home!

"Is this how they treat you everyday?" His calm voice had some sort of emotion. Some sort of rage.

"Why were and are you here?" I gritted angrily.

"Is this how they treat you everyday." He repeated in the monotonous tone taking a step towards me. I instantly took a step back and...


I was now stuck between this human wall and thus human wall's Rolls Royce.

"You shouldn't have come." My audacity.

"Is this how they treat you everyday?" I literally saw his jaw clenching and I clutched my kurti to my dearest.

"They're my parents." I gave up. He just saw everything and lieing about what he himself witnessed would be like telling no for a murder that has been witnessed by the police itself.

"And you are their daughter! Not a second option." Is it bad that his line did hit me as hard as a bullet?

"Why are you here?" I got back to my question. His eyes went silent for a second and again found its path to mine.

"Is this the reason behind you agreeing for this fake thing?" How on the earth is he so sharp? I looked here and there just when his hand slipped into my nape and made me look at him.

His hand against my skin warmed up my back. My entire system shuddered at the contact of his petals. His palm resting on my neck gave me a sort of feeling. To never let it- uh.

For the first time I'd made an effort to look at him properly. To look at him through his eyes.

This close.

This proximate.

This intimate.

His hold tightened and held my face angled to his eyes. "Look here Miss. Khatri. I won't repeat myself."

Eyes, silent as storm. And the only language I'm fluent in.



"Ridhit." Never thought that a mere name from someone's lips would have audacity to send shiver down my spines. "Some people survive chaos and that is how they grow. And some people thrive in chaos, because chaos is all they know. This is my life."

Something weird took place in me at her vulnerable tone.



She's making me feel.

She is making me FEEL!

And I don't like it. I don't want to stop it. And this is making me hate it even more.

My hands dropped and I took a step back. Chilled air passing through my torso made me realize the lost of warmth I had because of a mere contact.

"Why were you here?" She asked, shrugging off our previous conversation.

"I wanted to take you out. So that I could introduce you to the media and you could post us on Instagram." I said, before getting into the driving seat.

"What? I'm not coming. I have plans." She said while I rolled my eyes.

"Your best friend is going to introduce you to her boyfriend, because you want to make sure if her boyfriend is right for her or not." Her jaw hanged while I continued. "And that same boyfriend of hers turns out to be my best friend. So just shut up and get in the car."

"Wha-?" I could see how stunned she was. "How..?"

"You think I won't check on the girl who my bestfriend is dating, for whom he actually left his whole damn company for an year?" I shrugged. "Get in." She hesitantly pulled the door and sat in.

"You spied on my bestfriend?" I saw her stunned look.

"I just checked on her history. She seems to be fine." I said, pulling the accelerator. "Too villain-y types?" I shrugged carelessly. No angel sees through a demon.

"I understand."


I looked at her, who was looking at me with..those eyes. To my surprise, she nodded carelessly and looked out.

"You're fine with that?" I asked out of a blue.


"You're fine with me investigating on her?" Nobody's 'fine' mattered to me until now.



"You don't think it as invasion of privacy?" She looked at me for my question and went silent.

"Maybe. But then that might be your concern, to ensure his safety." She is the first person to say me that. First person to understand that this is my concern and not possessiveness.

"ยนChrysalism." I breath out.

"Hein?" I almost chuckled at her frowned face. "Spell it out." She fished out her phone and opened up the search bar. I stayed silence and she narrowed her gaze at me before stuffing her phone in her bag back.

I pulled the brakes as our destination arrived. She got out and I fished out my phone as I watched her moving away.

"Get the next step ready." I spoke over watching her going inside.



Yeah, Ava's boyfriend is my fake boyfriend's bestfriend.

"You better keep her fulfilled or else..." I trailed off, thinking for a suitable threat for this human wall's bestfriend. "Or else I'll be the reason behind yours and avs Avs break up."

"You wouldn't." Alex stern gaze poked through me and I returned the same with greater intensity.

When it's about my bestfriend, these glares are no less than a stone for me.


"Try me better."

"Oh don't." I heard him breathing out beside me.

"So since Urvi has her date tonight, we'd like to give privacy. Thanks." Alex caught hold of Avs hand and even before I could make a move, they left.

What the-

I awkwardly looked beside me, to the man who was sitting there unbothered.


"I think I should leave."

"Oh no, we have a few things to discuss about Elite. And also about this agreement of ours." He said and I swiftly shifted to the next chair. I was now opposite to him. Someone came from behind and handed him a bag, who I suppose is a staff member.

"Look at this." He opened a file and I looked into it.

"Yeah, the presentation I made? Any mistakes again?" I was preparing myself for another round of a quarrel.

"Arrange a meet with Mr. Harper. As soon as possible. The budget and the plot needs to be finalized. We'll have to sign this up. I can't wait." He said and I frowned.

"Ridhit. I respect and understand your situation. This project is your dream resort. But hurrying it up will worsen it." I tried saying. "I will arrange a meeting, but since it's your project, it should have every delicacy and minute details you wish. After accomplishment, your lips shouldn't tremble or quiver while saying 'I've done this for her'." I said, unknown to what I was uttering.

But this man in front of me.

He's the rudest person I've ever come across. He's mean as a mean freak and silent as a storm. His anger destroys everything around and nobody would prefer upsetting him.

But something that I look upto, is his determination. The way he has worked for this one resort, for Elite. Nobody, I repeat nobody would've ever put their entire life and career upon a dream that their parents ones saw.

He's living for his mother's dream and accomplishing it would do nothing but..make him...happy?


I saw him looking down and sighing tiredly.

I wonder when did he have his last sleep? His face is so handsome that dark circles almost go unnotice.

Uh- Did I just checked out his face?

Uh oh. "Red signal." My consciousness kicked me.

"I'll arrange a meeting sir. But this process requires its own time. Pushing it will lead to something disastrous." I paused, waiting for a counter back or disagreement.


My eyes would've surely popped out of my sockets if.



Silence surrounded us. I looked at him unexpectedly. Moving my gaze towards the laptop screen, my nape burned as his gaze pierced across me.

His gaze is making me go sensitive. I don't know what will happen if he...STOP!

"What happened?" He suddenly asked and I jerked towards him.


"Why did you shout?" He asked and I frowned. Did I shout that word loud?

"Oh. Nothing." I scratched my nape and chuckled nervously. He looked at me weirdly while I gulped. "Anything about the agreement?"

"Tomorrow we are announcing publicly." He said and I went quiet. "She's not freaking out. Something dangerous is coming on my way." He muttered quietly.

"No no. But... I'm confused. Why do we need to announce it publicly? I mean, you can choose introduce me to your father, who is behind you for this inheritance game." I put forward. "Plus, once we part our ways, it will be difficult for us to handle media. I think the case may get worst and because you been the 'famous' businessman and I being a 'commoner' will be accused of dirty allegations. I don't know if that's a good idea."

His eyes went cold and stern voice came out. "Nobody will say a word to you till the time I'm here."

Words suddenly betrayed my throat. Just a moment before my mind was clouded with n number of doubts, confusions, probabilities and possibilities, and suddenly just a line by him managed to clear the fog in front of my eyes.

Why did his line give me that belief?

How is this possible?

How is it possible that he can actually manage to calm my inner turmoi without even uttering more than a line.

Is it fine?

Is it normal?


"Will meet tomorrow then." I said as he halted the car in front of my house.

But my gaze turned quizzical as he abruptly said. "They don't deserve you."

"Huh?" He dint answer but looked at my entrance which made me understand what was he talking about. "So you are trying to claim that, you are able to understand my equation with my parents just by meeting them ones?" Deep chuckle echoed in the car, that dint sound well to me.

"Beggars understands what money is, an orphan realizes what a parent is, a widow goes through what pain is and a deprived knows what a look of love is." I went silent. Again. "Thank you for your time Miss. Khatri." I quietly got down the car and stood there. He did not move an inch but kept looking at me.

That wasn't feeling good.

The building behind me was sucking life out of me. Nevertheless, I walked in. It was nearly eleven and I knew there'd be no one awake.

My consciousness sunk in the ocean of thoughts that was stained behind by him.

I deserve better.

The single soul telling me this in this entire world turns out to be the one with whom I am not more than a year and two.

"And a deprived knows what a look of love is..."

Somewhere along line, we stopped seeing eye to eye.

I opened the windows and made way for the wind and the smell of rain to enter.

He was gone.

He went after I came in.


My gaze was stuck with the scene of droplets and mind wandered to the corners of the world.

I deserved better. I deserve better, because I really try to understand. I hold them like heavy grocery bangs when they let me go like a sand. I deserve better, I try to pain the sun in their sky but when I asked for same, they couldn't look me in the eye. I deserve better because they made me wanna hide and when my internal battles started, they were never on my side. I deserve better than having to be convinced because when they asked to love me, they were the reason my heart wince.

I deserve better.

I shut my eyes and the fine drops of those tears by clouds just slide across my face.

The smell of rain and the pearls of drops accompanied along with a strong gust of wind that brought a change with it.


ยนChrysalism; peace in the storm.

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