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Dated: 6th October, 2023
Word Count: 4k+
Target: 50+ votes and comments

Bare minimum

Do follow Ridhit and Urvi on Instagram <3

5|A Little Way |


My head felt heavy as my eyes flickered open and sun shone brighter. I caught my head and looked around to find myself near the window, sitting on the floor. Yesterday's events flashed as a fresh memory in my mind. I somehow stood on my legs but immediately caught hold of the curtains. Bitting my lips and wetting it with my saliva, I took a deep breath and walked towards my cupboard to get ready for the day.

It's not like I cannot take a leave. It's just that I cannot afford to stay in here while I'm not feeling fine.

"Running away from my own house..sounds bad isn't it?" I chuckled.


"We need to talk." A voice which belonged to the person who gave me birth echoed in my ears that halted my steps towards the door. I was expecting this interruption a little sooner. Taking a deep breath, I slowly turned towards my parents who stood there along with my sister.

"Yes?" I, obviously, acted oblivious and took a step towards them.

"You had a boyfriend?" My father questioned.

"I have a boyfriend." I slowly corrected him, looking down.

"You are their daughter! Not a second option."

A voice suddenly rang in my ears and made me look immediately up.

"Why dint you ever inform us?" My mom again asked. My voice dint come out as the real reason dint seem appropriate enough to be told now.

"And how on the earth did you find a man like him?" I could literally see her drooling. I felt my jaw clenching at her mention.

"It's me whom you're talking about. Don't bring him in between." I strictly said, suddenly feeling a zero tolerance at his mention.


404 error. Not found.

My dad, a little angrily said, "Watch your tone Urvi."

"I'm sorry." I meeked. "But don't bring him here. It's our matter what's going on. We met only a month ago and eventually fell for each other. That's it." Another lie.

My mom came towards me and held my hands, "Urvi, don't we have any right to know what's going on in your life? You need to think us as your friend kanna."

It felt so abnormal to listen these words from the person from whom it should've been a habit. I sighed and looked down, not feeling necessary to lie for a statement that I probably won't follow.

My hands were freed and my mom turned back.

"I'm taking your lea..." My voice trailed off as my mom said, "Come Ridha. Let's have breakfast." Oh!

My head hammered against my skull. It throbbed badly and I needed to leave. I needed air. I picked up my keys and rushed out.

I saw the driver out there, beside my car. "I'll go by my own kaka. You can take a leave today." I said to him.

"Bitiya but you..?"

I interrupted him, "Please kaka." I felt reluctance in his nod, but nevertheless nodded and left. I quickly drove off far away from the building. Monsoon winds made its way in the car and my speed accelerated. Something was wrong today. But I knew that being there wouldn't make it better but worse. Formonix became my escape when my own house started suffocating me.

There are four seasons in a year and all brought same morning to me.

Signal turned red and my foot pressed the brakes. I rested my head on the seat board just when my eyes fell upon the book store by the street. My foot lost its volunteer movement and hands automatically parked the car aside. I got out and moved into the store.

Oh my god-

The aroma of books and their pages hit my nostrils. My eyes shut in bliss. How much I missed shopping books. Moving towards the fiction section, my hands swiftly caressed every story that lied there in the form of inked pages.

"Amma I need this book." I pointed towards the book that shone with dark, yet elegant colors.

My mom held my hands and took my towards the stationary section. "Those are not worthy kanna. Choose from here."

My eyes were still on those books, my eyes almost teared up. I chose to bite my lips and pick up a pencil before passing it to her.

My headache, heaviness of my inner self, everything seemed fading away. A smile made its way on my lips and my hands picked up the books. Fiction gave me an escape where no reality had place.

But at the same time, something squeezed in my chest. I realized that a small part of me observed the thing which fictional couples had, with something that felt a lot like longing. And that compressing sensation bothered me; it awoke a very particular set of questions I had no answers to. All of them revolving around the same thing.

My consciousness wonders over the thought that will I ever find what fictional characters have? Will I ever be so head over heels, crazy in love that everything else would fade to black noise?

My consciousness then searched for Ridhit, not because I wanted him to emulate fictional men, but because maybe everyone else expected him to.

I shook away all my thoughts and focused.

Not even a minute and my hands were filled with books. Books which almost reached my neck. Thanks to my boss and his generous salary, I'm capable enough to afford as many as books I want and I'll still have enough zeros behind the numbers.


I entered formonix and was welcomed by the receptionist. "Mr. Merhotra is expecting you in the conference room."

Nothing new, though I asked, "Any specific reason mentioned?"

"It seems Mr. Harper has suddenly proposed to show up today with final claims. Weather is hot." And she wasn't talking about weather.

I clutched my handbag and nodded before moving towards the conference room. I slowly opened the door, and there he was standing.



"You called for me?" Her voice reached me and I turned towards the door from which she entered. I wouldn't have sent for her if not Mr. Harper's sudden arrival was announced.

"We need the plan ready. Now!" I hurriedly said and clicked on the enter button. Images shone on the projector.

"We need to work on budget Ridhit." I heard her, as she hurriedly came beside me and fished out her laptop. She opened up her Excel sheet that had Escort's budget plan.

"Let's do that now." We quickly sat on the chairs. While I worked on the presentation's last imprints and she detailed the budget.

"Since our site planning is under control based on the contextual requirements and depth researches, our budget planning has to be altered accordingly. To start with, 20K square feet building structure for resort to house 50 rooms will cost approximately 5 crores. Then comes 3.5 acres open land development, gardening, tree plantations, landscaping with lush greenery & mexican grass lawn with sprinklers & watering network. Electrification, transformer, MCC will require another 40 lakhs. Boundary wall development, gate, Security CCTV camera, security cabins rounds up to 35 lakhs. Interior designer and the architect will cost us ." I nodded, gesturing her to continue. "Thus, our total now lies at 10 crore 25 lakhs."

"That's one fourth of our previous budget?" I calculated.

"Yes. And the companies chosen for these are top notch." She passed me the laptop. I went through every detail, reaching from the pictures to the companies she mentioned.

I shut the laptop after transferring the file to my system. "Okay. Mr. Harper will be here any moment."

"Everything is ready though." I checked the time.


She's here without her breakfast? God this girl.

"Have your breakfast. We'll meet in fifteen."

I saw her going blank for a moment before nodding. I stood up and left the room and dashed straight into my cabin.

This girl, yesterday, dinner, her home. Everything was fresh in my mind. That one conversation with her parents turned my entire head around.

I could sense a devoid there. The amount of emptiness, probably similar to mine. The difference is, I have no hopes of getting back to the person who brought me to this world. I face him everyday with that same burning heart, looking straight into his eyes. Proving him every bit of his misinterpreted theories. Giving him no hopes to get through me. Where as there, with Urvi, her parents are, as in giving her hopes everyday and breaking it as a dry leaf detached from the tree.

I rubbed my face with my palms frustratedly, "Oh god." I groaned. "It's okay Ridhit. She's just a normal employee and your fake girlfriend. You don't have to think about her. Alright?"

"Yeah yeah." A voice came from behind. Who else? My only enemy.

"Sometimes I really wonder if you have a company to run Alex." He chuckled and came in, without even asking for my permission. Only two in this world has this audacity. And when did I give them this right?

Do I have any idea?

Obvio-fucking-usly not!

"But my life isn't fucked up as yours Mr. Merhotra ." He took his seat while I took mine.

I, for a changed chuckled deeply looking down, "For a change, I need to agree."

"And the name of your fucked up life is Urvi I assume?" I looked at him at her mention. He nodded in information without even waiting for my confirmation.

I shut my eyes and took a deep breath before again looking at him, "Did I do the right thing by convincing her for this inheritance game?"

I saw him frowning, "I'm pretty sure that you don't doubt her capabilities."

"No no. I don't." I facepalmed and had no idea about how to explain him. She's already dealing with her parents and I just entangled her into his game of inheritance.

Alex sat erect and leaned on the table with that worried creases, "Is anything wrong Ridhit?"

"Everything is just getting even more entangled. My assumptions after this deal were that we'd just help each other out and part ways." I jerked back on the chair. "Escort won't take more than two months. My relation with her is nothing more than that. But.." I trailer off.

"But? She's getting into your mind?" Alex promoted and I kept shut having no idea how to continue. "But you said even she had a reason to accept this?"

"She did, she does.. oh!" Wait. I don't understand.

Something is off here. She agreed because of her parents, then why were they behaving like that yesterday? They should be happy. Don't they know she works here? They are unaware even of this mere fact? Let alone her eating habits.

"Ridhit, look, I don't know what the hell is going on in your useless brain. But using it too much will damage your nerves. You're overthinking as usual. I'm worried about you buddy." My nose flared.

"I have a licensed gun. You know that."

Alex rolled his eyes,"Get lost man." The door shut as he left. Another knock abrupted the silence. I gulped down my groan and came out, having an idea that Mr. Harper must be here.

If everything falls into its place, as per I've planned, then it won't be difficult to part ways.

From her

And from this relationship

I caught a look of impression on Mr. Harper's face that my heart go at a normal pace.

She shut the marker and turned towards us after completing her explanation, "Mr. Harper, what would you say about it?"

"How long have you been working on it?" Urvi looked at me, expecting some answer.

"On this project, an year or so." I replied, still confused about the need of this question. All he needs is the budget, plan, and the plot.

He nodded before continuing, "We can visit the plot soon and then sign this deal there?" My heart dropped and I slowly looked at Urvi. Her lips slowly widened into a smile and eyes reached mine.

I calmed myself down, "Sure. Any particular dates recommended for it?" We stood up, standing face to face.

"Is it possible for this Saturday?" I saw Urvi quickly going through my schedule in her file before sending a quick thumbs up. On receiving green signal, I said, "Yes sure. Thank you Mr. Harper."

"Its my pleasure Mr. Merhotra ." We did all the professional documents needed for now and then the deal will be signed this Saturday. We escorted him to the car and I got back to my cabin.

My eyes shone and I looked up towards the sky, standing in the window of my cabin. "Another step to our dream Maa."

I couldn't miss noticing another pair of happy eyes, that shone because my dream was coming true.

A shaky breath escaped and eyes traveled to the same sky for answer, "Oh Jesus, what's happening to me? The more I want to go away from her, from her thoughts in my life, the more she's ruling it."



I sighed looking at the wrist watch of mine. It's eleven and my soul never seemed to get tired of the blazing laptop screen that shone with the final edit. The office was empty and the table light of my cabin as the only source of light. I held my head which has been constantly hammering since the start of this dreadful day.

Still I continued, but the characters in the screen started dancing. My fingers lost all certainty, vacillating over the keyboard of the device. My sight doubled and then blurred. A shaky breath left my lips as I attempted to click some keys.

Water. That's what I need. My head lifted off my phone, and my legs resumed again, taking me a few feet down the corridor. I knew that the water dispenser was right there, probably about five or six steps ahead of me. But white spots scattered across my vision, and everything blinked out for a second. White. Then, the fluorescent-illuminated corridor came back, narrowing, tunneling away.

"Whoa," I heard myself murmur. I was completely unaware of the fact that my legs had kept moving forward until I had to balance myself with a hand on the wall.

"Aiyappa." I stumbled.

Blood rushed to my head and everything roamed around. I messed up. Big time. Eleven. No one around. I tried following the little vision I was getting through. My skin felt cold and sticky, and I just wanted to close my eyes and rest. I was vaguely recalling that being a bad idea when my limbs started giving out.

Then, I was lying down.

That feels good. I'll rest, and then I'll be better. I toppled to the side. It's cold, but it'll... get... better... I hope.

"Urvi." A slow voiced came down to my years. It sounded urgent. Worried.


Dark voice, whisky eyes, sweet and spice

Huh, my senses almost felt loosing its control.

I felt my lips cold. So cold. As if detached from my body.

"Fuck." Same voice. I felt something warm on my forehead. "For fucks sake, Urvi." My energy was completely drained and I was left with nothing.

I messed up a big time. I knew it and was probably hesitant to admit it.

"Hey." The voice came out calmer than before. Not angry anymore.

And I? I was so so tired.

"Open those eyes Urvi?" A hand came on my cheek and another one slid down to my waist. A warm squeeze was exerted on my forehead, followed by my cheeks. On it, a sigh automatically escaped my lips. It was a sensation of warmth that I felt after really long.

"Open them for me, please Luna." Something hard was pressed against my cheeks and I rested myself completely on it. "Hey hey." A slow pat on my cheeks, my eyes fluttered for a second and the colors busted in front of me.

"There. There you are. Keep them open luna."



I felt floating in air and we started moving. My hands wrapped around the tall figure and head rested on that hard chest. Something really soft was beneath my back and my consciousness slowly came back to me.

My hand flew to my head and body arched in sudden pain. "Hey, stay with me, okay." Another hand came beside mine and slowly pressed it.

Ah, I felt relief.

"Eyes open, please." Second time please in a row.

Somehow, I complied. My lips felt warmer and sweat on my skin cooled down. My eyes roamed around the room and went down to my memory lane.

I fainted for not eating enough, like a total stupid.

My eyes finally reached at the source of my escape, "Ridhit."

Those dark eyes reached mine as his hands flew to my cheek. "Yeah, calm down. Almost there."

I was laying on the couch of his cabin and he was kneeling before me.

"Lean back."

I raised by a little pressure on my palm and sat erect. "No, I'm okay." His eyes turned dark and eyebrows scowled. "You look..mad?" I couldn't miss that angry look on his face.

"When was the last time you ate, Urvi?" His frown deepened as he moved towards the mini fridge in his office, bending to pull out something.

"Yesterday, dinner." I meeked. His hands froze at doing its work and eyes snapped at mine. I leaned back slowly, and attempted to close my eyes.

"Don't." I sat up immediately. "..you dare." He completed and reached me before passing a chocolate bar.

"Thanks, I'm okay now." I looked down, before again glazing up at his helpless face. I hesitantly raised my hands and before it could reach him, he himself placed it. I clumsily opened the wrapper before again glancing at him. "How come you have chocolate?"

"Eat, please." That's the third time.

I gulped down my own saliva and took a bite, before shutting my eyes in escaticity. "I said I'm okay." I spoke, my mouth filled with the chocolate.

"No, what you are, is a total dumbass." He pinned me down with his glare.


"Stubborn women?" He muttered. "You should have had your breakfast when I told you to. I don't even know how many times have you disobeyed my words."

I frowned, my mouth continued chewing down the huge piece. "Just ones, Ridhit." "Okay may be a couple of times." I changed seeing his flat look. My nose might have turned red because of embarrassment. I stopped chewing and stood up, making an attempt to move out.

"Do not test me right now Urvi." He gritted and I was immediately on my formed place. "Eat the bar. It's clearly not enough, but will do for now."

"I'm eating. Don't boss around." I mumbled looking at the bar on my lap.

I heard him sighing, "Stay here, I'll be back in a moment." I nodded. He jogged out quickly and I glanced around the room. But something that really caught my attention were those dry flowers in the vase. Hmm, first work tomorrow morning after coming here.

"You can have a look at my cabin afterwards. Have the damn bar." I nearly jumped at the sudden voice behind me.

"Why are you being so...bossy suddenly." I said, gritting the chocolate.

"You're not understanding the seriousness of the situation, are you?" His voice held a kind of rage. "That was so stupid. Not eating, and risking hypoglycemia when the entire building was deserted when no one was around you. You could've been here in that condition till morning. Do you even realize what would've happen?" I hate to admit how right he sounded.

"But you were here, weren't you?" I answered, having no courage to look at him. A groan. From him. Which held warning. Don't shit with me. It told. I complied.

"Get up. Let's go." I heard his keys clinking.

"Where?" I questioned, frowning.

His pissed look reached me, "Can you ever comply what I say without cross questioning?"

I straightened up at the statement. That's..not possible though. Nevertheless I stood up. Blood again rushed to my head and eyes again tended to go blur before a hand caught hold of my palm and pulled me closer.

"Come." Sweet and spicy air hit my ears, as we moved out of the building. He made me sit in the passenger seat and himself took the driver's seat. Before I could even realize what was happening, he started driving and I could do practically nothing.

By the time my sight came out clear, I saw him stopping the car in front of a...food truck?

"Anything but fish?" He asked out of a blue and I looked at him dumbly.


He repeated, "You'll have anything but fishes right?"

"Uh- how do you-?"

"My office's canteen had a regular customer who ordered every single thing on the menu but fishes in last two years." I was dumbstruck would be an understatement. He noticed. "Why would you think fishes were banned in office out of nowhere last year?"

"Woah! That's quiet an observation." I mumbled slowly. "Uh- I think chicken tacos would do." He nodded before getting out.

My eyes fell on the window of my side. I slid it down, which gave a way for the wind to get in.

This night had something different. It had everything that a normal night of mine dint.

My heart wasn't pounding. It was at peace. My eyes weren't looking out for answers. Those were happy with the little questions that arose in last one hour. Even though my stomach was empty, I dint feel exhausted. I felt tired. Like a normal person.

What changed?

Probably in the abandoned corridors of my heart, a few footsteps still echoed at this late night.

"Here." I snapped out of my world as a hand passed me a set of tacos. I searched for his share, but he has already bought one for himself. He sat comfortably and I looked at the food in my hand.

"Does it feel this empty?" Words left without even me realizing. I felt his stare on me and I stuck mine with the ring in my right hand finger. I felt heavy, and thus decided to look at him. "When you go to your home, where no one is waiting for you to return?"

His eyes turned blank and my fingers went to my phone, unlocking it.

Zero notifications.

I shook off my thoughts, "Forget what I said."

"I like being alone." His voice came out that stopped everything around me.


"But it sucks a little watching every employee in my office exiting for the day with phones stuck on their ears, talking to their wives or mothers or families, when I'm with nothing such." His dry chuckle sinfully twisted something in my heart.

I released a breath and continued, "But one or those days when you just need a tight and actually wonder who could without even questioning twice?"

"Right." He nodded. We stayed in silence till we completed our respective food and filled our space.

"Do you miss your..father, Ridhit?" I hesitated.

"I'll throw this." He took the empty box from my hands before moving out of the car. I gazed at the figure moving towards the bin and coming back.

"I'm sorry." I felt worse to bring that topic up.

His hands rested on the steering wheel and looked at it blankly, "I don't."


Something pierced down when he chose to connect those dark pearls with my questioning ones, "Coz I'm left with no hope to get back and no desire reunite. While Urvi, you. You are still finding hopes on those who have already given up on you." It felt as if somebody has stabbed me a thousands of times, but still left me alive for me to deal with this pain.

I couldn't match his gaze anymore. I looked away, whispering, "May be I'm searching for a parent who will pat my head lovingly and whisper 'I'm proud of you' before placing a chaste kiss on my forehead. May be I'm searching for that light in this darkness that will brighten up my entire future with a certainty."

"It's not the darkness Urvi. It's just the emptiness waiting for the sun."


Tires screeched and finally halted as the destination arrived.

"Urvi." He called me out as I moved away. I turned to face him, carrying a questioning look.

"You don't have to carry winters in you for somebody who left you to wither. Trust me, I've learnt this the harder way."


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