Chapter 1

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Heels clicked on the ground as Umbridge marched in the hall. A small evil smile on her face that somewhat resembled a toad.

Mid-Term O.W.Ls examinations were being held at Hogwarts. Yes midterm because to complicate things more umbrige made a new rule that was

"to sit in your final term examination hall you will have to pass the midterm O.W.Ls examination to make sure everyone is qualified to attempt the final exams"

The evil goblin who now, was sat at a big chair that looked more like a throne, sipping on her tea satisfyingly watching all the students suffer trying their hardest to pass this exam.

Fate struggled to answer the questions asked on the piece of parchment which she wished so dearly to tear into shreds. Blankly staring at nothing, her quill dangled between her fingers. The lady in pink who had started strolling again took a pause right in front of her

"Dear, what's the matter? Did you not study well for your exams?" She smiled but there was not a bit of kindness in her words.

Fate looked at the ugly women. She gave her a blank look, not even seeing her worthy of a response. She once again forcefully tried to write an answer to one of the questions but just then a light thud that came from outside caught Umbridge's attention, she furrowed her eyebrows listening carefully for the sound. Another, louder thud made her jump this time. Now all the students instead of attempting their questions were looking at the door, Fate watched the scene amusedly, already having a hunch who it could be.

Just as umbrige opened the door Fred and George came whooshing in the hall on their brooms sticks, making her welp. All the questions papers flew in the air, fireworks crackled and sparkled in the hall, the corridor, everywhere! All the students ran outside, But Fate before running outside returned Umbridge the same wicked smile.

Everyone stood outside, hooting and celebrating. Fate stood right next to Harry cheering along with others but just then Harry's smile faded as he flinched, Fate noticed but before she could ask what's the matter Harry fell to his knees.

"Harry! Harry what's wrong!? Fate asked already knowing something really horrible is about to unfold

"Its Sirius!" Harry cried out.


A fierce battle took place between the order and the death eaters, splashing lights of different spells shot out of Fates wand.


Knocking out another death eater Fate smiled, they have outnumbered the enemy.

"Ah-ha!" Sirius's voice echoed once again taking out the enemy. Harry gave Sirius a happy smile, Sirius returned the smile courageously, his eyes beamed happiness despite the fight that continued. They had hope. they're gonna be okay, Sirius is okay

The night fell cold as a shrill voice ranged through the tense atmosphere.


Bellatrix yelled the unforgivable curse staring daggers at Sirius. Fate who was just looking at Sirius, saw the glow of his eyes fade, the gleam of ecstasy drawn from his eyes just like that, she watched him as the colors of his liveliness were sucked out of him. His eyes now filled with dread and loss. He looked at harry one. Last. Time before he drew in his final breaths. His body vanished into shades of blue and silver hue, gone.

Fate felt her heart sink down low, her breath caught in her throat. Pain submerged deep within her body when she heard Harrys screams. Screams of agony and suffering.

Her eyes stung but before a tear could roll down her cheek. She rubbed them away

β€”no! I'm not gonna let her get away with thisβ€”

She ran before the culprit who killed her best friends only family. Fury running within her veins.


Fate bitterly spat the curse but missed, but she didn't fail to knock Bellatrix over. She looked at Fate with a scared expression. Fate pointed her wand at her chest ready to let go of the spell that lingered to leave her lips but something inside her didn't allow her to do so. She was fuming, her whole body quivered with wrath.

"You know the spell Fate"

a sickish voice spoke, the last voice she least wanted to hear. A voice that sounded like as if it hasn't been in peace for long. she felt pure hatred when she saw his reptile-like skin loom around her in a dusty haze.Β 

"kill her"

The dark lord spoke right next to her, his voice filled her skull sending waves of pain through her brains. She had her wand ready to kill the hag that still laid on the ground but found her devilishly snickering at her. Fate trembled, gulping she clenched her jaw.

--I can't...i-i just can't kill her--

She thought to herself but even if she wanted to Bellatrix was already off the ground running around her laughing like a maniac. Harry came running but stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Voldemort circling Fate. The second Bellatrix saw Harry she started singing in a sick tone

"I killed Sirius! I killed Sirius!"

Fate stood quiet, looking at the wand in her hand, she had the perfect chance to annihilate the heartless killer but she didn't. She easily would have slain her but she did not.

"you are weak! Just like your friend"

His bitter words recited, she looked at his ghastly face. Despite feeling dread within her, her face only portrayed a blank expression on her face. Voldemort gawked at her with a loathing look before he spoke

"filthy mudblood!"

His words didn't affect her, she looked him in the eyes with vigor, she was about to speak when he took a sharp turn looking at Harry and in a blink of an eye he flew towards him vanishing around him.

Fate loudly gasped, her eyes wide. He just vanished? He just vaporized. She stood there looking at Harry. Who stood totally unharmed but when he looked at her. His eyes had turned a ghostly white.Β  Her mouth ran dry

--wait he did not evaporate around him, he went inside him--


Hi everyone! Ik what you all must be thinking...what's this we've already seen the movie! Where is tom? And all stuff but believe me it's on its way and I promise, you didn't read this for nothing because this will come up in the later chapters for plot convenience and one more it isn't tom who I described in this chapter it is lord Voldemort the bald ugly noseless dude okay...ill update soon... I promise..all your confusions will be cleared.
Β  Β Β  -lots love β™₯️

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