Chapter 20

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The sixth sense

The night was dead silent as Fate reached Hogwarts, usually, the cold breeze would wrap her in a comforting minty blanket but tonight it went through her bones prior to the information provided to her.

She shuffled into the magical castle and made her way straight up to the Gryffindor common room, everyone was probably in their beds by now.

The corridors were dark and cold, her shoes clicked on the marble floor making her heart thump in her chest because in the silent night her light footsteps screeched like rocks clanking together, she feared the noise would get her closer to facing Riddle.

Was she still to blame him? Or blame his mother? His father perhaps? But Tom could have chosen a better path and be different from the people of his past but he decided to become worse. Yet still, his family had sacred him too deeply.

Her thoughts kept accumulating, as she was having an internal fight with herself. Grandma Riddles voice kept repeating itself over and over in her conscious.

"If you would put some effort into pushing your feet forwards perhaps you could reach your dormitory faster, Crysta" a smooth yet sharp voice called from behind her.

The poor girl gritted her teeth together, β€”this just couldn't wait till the morning could itβ€”Β  she thought to herself raw.

She did not even want to hear his voice at the time not because of the animosity she felt towards Tom but because of the mixed emotions she was feeling towards him, so facing him was relatively complicated for her.

She stood there for a second and without saying a word started walking away at a quick pace.

"The library is still on fire thanks to you" He shortly asserted behind her.

Her feet stopped in their tracks, she had forgotten all about the "setting the library on fire" part of her plan.

β€”if you walk away he will think you did it for sureβ€”

"Thanks to me? I would I set the library on fire?" She turned around but in the dark of the night, but she could not see his face.

"Yes you would, but why is all I want to know"

"I need sleep Tom and so do you."

"I don't like you at all, why did you even have to come to Hogwarts?" He spat coldly.

β€”oh the irony, I did not wish to come here either you psychopathβ€”

She stood there quietly, acknowledging she called him a psycho made her feel guilty, he was not a murderer not yet he still has not chosen the wrong path. She could fix him, she had to.

"Maybe destiny brought me here, to mess around with you" She did not lie this time and gave him a clear answer but to him, it made no sense.

He was quite annoyed at how mysterious and annoying the girl could get. "Good night Tom" she walked away leaving the boy in dark, but not for long.

Fate quietly made her way to her dorm and hoped no one wakes up especially Lily because she just could not handle any conversations or questions about her Halloween holidays.

she changed into her pajamas and sat on her bed, she was met with a small ball of fur dozing peacefully but due to Fate's movement Jinx was now awake. Upon finding her back he meowed at her happily.

"shush!" she placed him on her lap and stroked its soft fur, she was still sitting staring straight ahead in the dark, sleep was something so peaceful, enveloping one in sweet dreams and malice, bit even that temporary trance could bring so much peace but only to the person who was capable of having peace in the first place.

but sleep for someone whose past keeps flying around them, whose demons keep crawling out from under their bed, while the possible annihilation of their future haunts them, sleep was not exactly amicable or calming.

perhaps that was the reason why Fate did not fancy sleeping, why she did not feel the urge to nod off often. With every little memory, concern, burden digging into her each fold of her brain she dreaded sleep. yet of course no one can fight it for too long before it takes over the body and mind.

-the cracks finally release followed by a scream of a lady and a muffled one of a man, mother! the little girl screamed startled. NO!-

Fate woke up with a jolt, sweat covering her forehead. she glanced around and everyone was sound asleep. The morning light was peaking through the curtains, she got up and went to the bathroom. looking at her reflection, her sandy beige skin was now pale, her hazel eyes no longer reflected the strands of green in her eyes making them dull paired with the dark circles were forming under eyes, and yet somehow all this still added to her beauty.

she changed into her uniform and got out. It was currently half past five but she decided to start her day, grabbing her bag she headed towards the library.

when she reached there, half of the library was free of fire but the books and the shelves were still burnt and the other half was still lit with dying flames.

"finite incantatem"

the counter spell was strong but not strong enough to take out the fire all at once and it would be foolish of Fate to fully put out the fire because after that she could wear a board around her neck that said; "yes I set the library on fire and then I put it out".

Soon the flames got lower and she left. What was she supposed to do now? She thought to herself. Now she knows of Toms past, she couldn't read any books at the moment and she certainly was not in the mood for a chat. She just wanted to be alone and suddenly an idea popped up in her mind.

She smiled thinking of the place where she loved to hang out with Hermione, even Harry and Ron did not have any knowledge of the place.

She carefully made her way to the black lake, after walking for a few minutes she was stood in front of dense trees and shrubs near the lake, with a flick of her wand the trees slightly moved out of place creating a path.


She was sitting under a huge tree, the soft grass beneath her provided a bed like feeling. The cold wind rusted making her shiver, November was almost here and two months had passed by without her even noticing, and yet she had achieved nothing, nothing big.

She sighed and grabbed her diary, as it was enchanted to only be opened by her, she kept Meropes letter in there too.

β€”All you have to do is destroy the bloody book and Tom will not turn evil and he will not murder myrtle- oh shit how could I forget?! The bloody serpent in the chamber of secrets?!β€”

She jolted and sat up remembering about the deadly beast, how could she remember that myrtle dies but couldn't remember how she dies maybe it was because of the lack of resting.

She wanted to pull at her hair in frustration, her life was so much better before she missed her friends so dearly but she had to get away from them because of him.

In a bad mood, she got her diary and bag and left for her first class.


The first lesson was potions and today Fate was the first to reach the classroom as she skipped breakfast.

"Fate! How are you?" Slughorn as always spoke out in his enthusiastic tone.

"I'm great sir" she smiled back but then a thought popped up in her mind "professor I was wondering if you could tell m...if a love potion was to be consumed by someone...would it have any side effects on them?" She inquired.

Slughorn watched her observantly with furrowed eyebrows "well you see Amortentia or the love potio-"

"Good morning professor" a silky voice spoke as the classroom door was opened.

"Oh, Tom good morning! Just in time you are as always! Well come here and take a seat with Fate"

She flinched as the professor gestured towards the vacant seat next to her.

"Oh- I told Avery I will sit with him so-" Tom tried to escape this misery as well.

"Oh, nonsense! He can sit with Rosier but you sit with Fate she needs you"

The short haired girl cringed at his words, β€”need? I need him? He needs me actually--

Tom helplessly took a seat next to Fate while she scooted nearer to the wall. Soon the class begins but Fate did not pay much attention to it and thankfully they did not have to make any potion together, with an essay for homework they were free to go as the bell rang.

As Fate escaped the class she was held back with a hand on her shoulder, thinking it would be Tom due to her paranoia she snapped around only to find Remus.

"Woah calm down Fate, what's wrong? You look...sic-"

"Sick?" She asked with a blank face.

"Wot? No, I meant tired"

"Yes, I actually am didn't get much sleep and I didn't have any break-"

"Breakfast I know, I was looking for you but you never came, you mustn't skip breakfast Fate Its the most important meal of the day come on"

"Wot where?"

"To get you some coffee and pancakes"

"But I don't-"

"YES, you do!" With that, he dragged her away to get some breakfast.


"I'm skipping transfiguration" she blurted out as she took the last sip of her coffee.

"Wha- why?" Remus furrowed his eyebrows.

"I don't know, I just don't feel like it...actually I don't feel like taking any class. You know wot?"


"I'm not taking any class today I want to go back to my dorm"

"O-Oh okay if that's what you want then of course" he smiled at her.

She grabbed her bag and as she got up she spotted Lily, Sirius and the others walking her way but before they could reach her, she hurried out of there.

"Where did she go? And where did she come from?" James asked confused looking at Fate as she hurried out.

"Yea I did not even see her in our dorm this morning she was gone already" lily piped in.

"I'm not sure but I suppose something is bothering her" Remus scoffed.


Two days had passed by and Fate had not attended any classes because she felt like she needed a break and during this time Lily would try and talk to her, ask her how her holidays were but Fate always kept her conversation short.

She also helped Fate in completing some of her assignments while for the muraders she did not really give them a chance to talk to her except for during breakfast and dinner.

"Fate someone told filch that it was you who set the library on fire" Sirius informed.

"Wot me? Why would someone say that?" Fate casually reacted while taking a bite of her dinner but on the inside her guts clenched.

"Someone is probably just trying to bully you," James said.

"But still be careful just one mistake and Filch will accuse you even if he is not sure himself" Remus added.

"Yes don't worry and thanks for telling me" she quietly finished her dinner, said goodbye, and called it a night.

The nights were not any fun either, she did not have any books to pass her time but the library was finally fixed and would be available tomorrow morning but Fate could not spend her night just sitting there, so she waited for everyone to go to sleep.

When finally everyone was passed out, She got jinx and made her way to the library cautiously, there was no doubt that she might run into Tom.

Upon reaching the library everything was just as before, the old aroma of books wrapped her in a warm blanket. She made her way to the restricted section and this time randomly started looking at the shelves instead of going in order that she previously was going in.

While reading some Random names and titles a certain name caught her attention, a book titled;

"Secrets of the Darkest of Arts"

something about it made her sixth sense tingle as if it might just what she was looking for.

Just as she dragged her finger on top of the book to pull it back suddenly Jinx meowed which was followed by an angry yell "who's there! I knew you would be here! Show yourself!".

Fate jumped as filch screamed, she could not get caught or she could get expelled and that was worse than dying.

In all that situation her reflexes caused her to immediately take off the opposite side from where filch was. Jinx would be out by himself.

As she ran towards her dormitory her heart kept sinking low as her consciousness kept repeating one thing over and over.

β€”That was it. That was the bookβ€”


So yea today's chapter made me happy so I hope it makes u happy too :D

Also, don't forget to vote and comment and also follow me if you want~

Anyways enjoy (:

-Lots love Ebeeβ™₯️

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