Chapter 21

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The book of blight

As she laid on her bed, shivers crawled up and down her spine, each breath she drew in felt dense and saturated, almost suffocating. Her heartbeat never slowed its pulse since she reached her dorm.

The time seemed to have stopped, the dark sky was still there reminding her how far away the morning lights were from here. She could not wait for the morning to come so she could take off, snatch the book, and burn it to ashes, it felt like Tom would get it any second but Filch was out there, so Tom can't.

But as the minutes passed by her anxiety got worse. Getting back up she grabbed the coffee cattle and filled her mug.

--you are just being paranoid, it is nothing to be afraid about! So calm down!

It was finally six in the morning, everyone had gotten ready and started leaving for the great hall.

Fate once again was already gone. she was anxiously roaming the hallways as she waited for some other kids to go to the library first because what if Filch was there and she was the first to reach, it would be too obvious.

"Good morning Fate, what are you doing here wandering the halls? Do you not want to have breakfast?" professor Slughorn approached her.

"O-Oh good morning sir, I just do not feel like having breakfast, I did have coffee though"

"You were asking me something yesterday, I forgot what you wanted to know, perhaps I can help you now?"

Though Fate did need the answer to her question, right now all of her attention was towards the staircase that led to the library.

"Uhh...yea actually never mind that I will ask you...another time-"

"Nonsense come on tells me- oh wait! I remember it had something to do with the love potion right?" Slughorn said not budging.

She looked over slug horns shoulder once again "uh..yea love potion it was" she said uninterested.

"Oh my, please tell me you did not try giving it to someone?! I don't even think you would have to do that... some of the boys in my class already stare at you during the entire lecture-"

"Wot?! No... I did not use Amortentia on anyone- I'm sorry but I really have to go"

"Okay then-" before Professor could say anything else Fate had ran towards the library.

She instantly made her to the restricted section and ran over to the side where the book was located. She harshly threw her towards the book but stopped it in mid-air, a nauseous feeling hit her in the guts as she saw the place where the book once had been was now empty.

Her eyes kept staring at the hollow space between the books.

β€”no no no no no no! It was right here! It had to be! Right?? No! You are just looking at the wrong spot it must be somewhere else!β€”

She tried assuring herself she was looking for the book at the wrong place, she aggressively started looking around shuffling and moving the books with her hands but the book was nowhere to be found.

Realizing that the book she was looking for was actually gone, Fate ran towards the reception where Madam Irma was reading something.

"Umm hello I wanted to know did someone check out a book titled "The Secrets of the darkest arts ?"

"Let me check"

Fate clicked her fingers aggressively against the counter as she waited for Madam Irma to find out if the was actually taken or if she was actually losing her mind.

"No dear no such book has been checked out"

"Wot?! But- actually, never mind, are you sure you don't have another copy of that book?"

"No, unfortunately, that is the only one we have"

"Okay thank you-" she rushed out before she even completed her sentence.

Her heart was pounding in her throat wondering about the consequences of her stupid mistake.

The bell rang indicating it was the first class, she quickly made her way to Charms class.

Upon entering she did not find Lily either the marauders but she did find Tom who was intensely reading a book, as the book was placed straight on the table she could not read its title.

Drawing in a heavy breath she took a seat next to him, "Good morning, what are you reading?" She blurted out rather quickly.

Tom threw a pre annoyed look at her, at first she disappeared for two days and avoided him, and now all of a sudden she was interested in what he was reading.

β€”is she planning something against me?β€” he thought to himself as different possibilities ran through his mind remembering he saw her scared hand in his vision in the crystal ball.

He raised an eyebrow but didn't look at her, "a book" he answered.

"Oh wow I thought you were reading your wedding vows, I meant whats the name of the book?" She narrowed her eyes at him.

"What makes you so interested?" He looked at her coldly.

"Well we have similar choices when it comes to books so I just asked out of morbid curiosity" she threw back a blank look.

Rolling his eyes he spoke "The Secrets of the Darkest Arts" and as those words rolled off his lips, her guts twisted and turned making her queasy.

", well looks like you were quite eager to get a new book huh?"

"Yes, you could say that," he said looking back at his book.

After that Fate just stayed quiet while she kept coming up with planes to get the book. Soon the professor walked in and Tom kept the book in his bag that was placed on his right while Fate was on his left.

During the entire time, she was in a perplexed state peeking at the bag ever so often, and just as the bell rang Tom flees like he was very impatient to get something done.

Fate was hot on his heels, he was sat at the county yard as his next class was free and so was Fates. Everyone went to their classes while she watched Tom from afar while he was sat on a bench under a tree reading the pages of the cured book, as he flipped a page her heart thumped louder.

She waiting for the right moment to grab the book and make a run. A few minutes later Lucius called from the other side of the courtyard, Tom looked up from his book and after seeing the rest of his class fellows there, he kept his book aside and walked to them.

This was it, it was the perfect time to steal the bloody book.

Fate looked at the Slytherin boys and made sure no one was looking her way. once she was sure, she pushed her silky hair behind her ears, pulled her hood up on her head, held her wand in a hand, and slowly made her way to the tree where Tom was sat.

When she got the book, adrenaline rushed through her veins, and with a sudden jolt she literally ran into the castle as fast but as stealthily as possible because it felt like if she walked any slower Tom would yank her back.

Once she was far away in a corridor she pulled the hood back and just stood there staring at the book, it was finally in her hands.

She had to read it to make sure it was what it was supposed to be, the Gryffindors common room was too far away and she did not have any time so she found an empty classroom and locked the door.

She opened the book and looked for its content but there was no table of content in the book.

She had to go through it to find about the knowledge of Horcruxes. She started reading through the pages in a frenzy and then her blood ran cold as she saw the chapter called; "immortality"

and after that;

"Horcruxes and how to make one"

she read through the topics;


"To remain forever is the real meaning of success in one's life......

....the world will crumble but the one with an immune soul should be held dear to life.


To obtain immortality one must split their soul into a Horcrux...

...To separate the soul from the body, the blood of another must be shed and a part of the soul will detach itself from the flesh and bones as the forbidden act causes it to shatter.

A Horcrux can be made of any ordinary object to even a person...

...Once destroyed the soul will not be restored but would be lost causing agonizing pain.


She started at the page in disbelief, he was this close to reading this but thank merlin he did not. As she drew in a relaxing breath, the class door busted open making Fate jump and quickly standing up but before she could grab the book, Tom pushed her against the wall.

"Who do you think you are?!" He spoke so dangerously low looking at her dead in the eyes.

"Get your hands off me this instant" She gritted her teeth but that only made him wrap his hand around her throat.

"I loathe thieves..." he spat bitterly "I knew something was up with you when you showed up two days later being all interested in wot I was reading" his face was inches away from hers.

"That book is mine Riddle, I was at the library last night but just as I was about to grab it that bloody git Filch decided to raid the place, so now I would simply like to have back what was mine" she spoke confidently and placed her hand on his trying to rip it off from her neck, though he was not choking her, she feared he just might.

"Next time steal from me and I will make sure you do not have those hands left to do such an act again" he slightly tightened his grip.

She slipped her hand in her pocket and without saying an incantation she flicked the wand, which caused Tom's hand to start burning from where his skin made contact with hers.

"Ugh!" With a grunt, he pulled his hand back and before he could get the book she flicked her wand again and the book came flying to her, just as she took about two steps outside the class she heard Tom loudly say "Carpe Retractum"

And soon a rope made of light was warped around her and she was yanked towards Tom.

"Let me go!" She struggled "Conring-" before she could yell out a destructive spell the rope was wrapped around her mouth, Tom snatched the book from her, and before letting her go another spell left his lips and her eyes widened.


Yes today's chapter was very detailed with less story but don't worry it keeps getting better

Also, don't forget to vote and comment and also follow me if you want~

Anyways enjoy (:

-Lots love Ebeeβ™₯️

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