Chapter 4

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The Riddle era

"See you guys in a minute"

She drew in a sharp breath looking at her friends One last time. She twirled the time turner in her hand and watched everything around her change. She swore for a second she saw young Harry and Ron on the platform during their first year, a lot of people came by and vanished and then it stopped. She felt a little dizzy after the quick stroll in time she just had.

She was once again alone at the platform, of course, It was the middle of the school year why would anyone be here. Fate looked down at herself, in such an urgency she did not even get a chance to neaten herself up. She took out her wand and with a flick, her hair tidied up, her uniform neatly ironed.

β€”okay I need to get to a orphanage for firstβ€”

Obviously, she could not be at Hogwarts right off the bat, or else everyone would have thought she was some sort of derelict or an intruder.

β€”how exactly am I supposed to get to an orphanage when I do not even know about any, dumbledore said any choice of orphanage I would like. But First off how am I supposed to travel anywhere?β€”

Fate thought to herself, then a light bulb lit over her head. She quickly dug her hand into the pocket for her robes. She pulled out the piece of parchment and looked through it, she quite vividly remembered there was more then one spell written on it and aha! She read a spell on top of which was written

"Wherever you need to go, Have a safe journeyβ€” "travellum"

Fate softly smiled, of course, Dumbledore would not leave her hanging in such a situation. She pointed her wand at the train tracks.


And all of a sudden a train came bursting out of thin air and took an abrupt stop, making fate jump at its sudden appearance. A skinny man came out of the train, looking around.

"Aye called in for a ride? Where do you wanna go?"

The man asked Fate.

"Uuuhhh.....umm...i-i wanna go to my...orphanage"

"Okay, which one?"

β€”oh, which one? How am I supposed to know? I do not know any namesβ€”

Fate stood quite, slightly panicking on the inside but the man continued making her problem easy.

"Okay, which one? Wool's right? The one in London?"

"Uh..yes that's the one...Wool's"

β€”okay so that solves the problem, dumbledore knew the train man would ask me what orphanage I wanted to go to and name a few...well he only named one but that does itβ€”

Fate got on the train and got her ticket, she took a seat, thinking it will a long ride but the train sped off almost sending her falling over but she stabilised her self and then in a few minutes the train transformed into a bus. Fate watched in awe she has never traveled by such means of magic.

In a few minutes, the bus took a pause. The man spoke.

"This is it, this is your spot"

"Okay thank you"

Fate got off looking at the entrance of the orphanage. She got the parchment out and looked at the spell she needed to use that would make the orphanage think she has been living there for quite a while now. She drew in a breath and entered. A kind lady stood at the reception, she gave Fate a kind smile.

"Hello how can i help you?"

"Hi...umm...i....wait! what's that behind you?!"

Fate pointed at something, actually at "nothing" behind the lady. The lady quickly turned around and looked at what Fate had pointed at, giving Fate the chance to cast the spell, the lady turned around and spoke.

"Fate! There's nothing there! You really like pranking me don't you now?!"

Fate was a bit taken aback from the lady's intense reaction but she played it off and fake laughed.

"Of course I do! Nancy" Fate read the name tag that sat neatly on the "Nancy's" desk.

"So are you ready to go to your new school?" She sighed but spoke once again.

"Err...yes I am, i just need my...umm paper works and certificate forms, i need to hand them in"

"Oh yes! Here you go"

Nancy handed Fate her forms and paperwork she needed. With that, she headed off...again. She used the spell again, called in for a ride and reached Hogwarts.

She looked at the view, the familiar castle stood in front of her, her home.


All the students were sat in the great hall, having their breakfast when a lean and fair girl with silky, straight raven black hair that fell perfectly just below her shoulders and misty dark drown eyes with a hint of green, walked in.

Fate quietly but confidently made her way to the front of the hall, then she was greeted by professor Minerva McGonagall, who with just tap on her glass made the entire hall silent.

"May I have your attention please!, I want you all to warningly welcome a new transfer student here at Hogwarts, she will be sorted into her house....Over here dear"

Many eyes rose to see the new student who had joined their school at a rather odd time of the year. Now almost everyone was looking at the new girl including Tom Riddle, gazed at her with a cautious look.

β€”hmm...never seen this happen before, a new student in the middle of the semester?β€” He thought to himself.

McGonagall politely instructed Fate to the stool and place the sorting hat on her head. Fate nervously gulped as an old memory flashed back into her mind.

β€”it was my first year at Hogwarts, I was sat on the tiny stool as the sorting hat started blabbering, and then suddenly said

"Hmm hard it is, to decide your have got all the qualities to be in all of the houses, but the question is where? Ahh yes smart you are, Ravenclaw? Kind-hearted as well, Hufflepuff perhaps?...actually never mind that you! bravery deep within your soul..hmm a Gryffindor maybe?...ahh...but a Slytherin at heart"β€”

Fate shook off the thought of being sorted into the house she least wanted to be in. The sorting hat has started off quite loud the second it was placed on Fates head.

"Huh? a new student? At this time? Uh whatever! ....hmm..UGH definitely not a hufflepuff..haha! could make a good ravenclaw...but...OOH! Very much brave you are..."

Fate let out a sigh, feeling a just a little bit relieved,

β€”maybe the sorting hat is not as good at sorting in the old-time as compared to the later years I guessβ€”

"....hmm...but a Slytherin at heart..."

β€”nope I was wrong, it is still as precise as alwaysβ€” Fate slightly panicked.

β€”I can not sorted into Slytherin...i need my peace of mind! Which I am sure I will not get even a spec of, if i am sorted into Slytherin!β€”

"Please no, I do not wish to be in Slytherin! Not Slytherin please!"

"Aye! Not Slytherin? GRYFFINDOR!"

Fate calmed down as one more time the hat had listened to her plea just like her first year.

"Gryffindor! Welcome, Fate Crysta!"
Professor McGonagall announced openly, smilin, All of the Gryffindor table screamed out in excitement as a new student had gotten into their house.

before McGonagall left she said something to Fate.

"Welcome To Hogwarts my dear, i hope you have a wonderful time here,As you know we do not take any students in the middle of the school year however your case was exceptional, after all we do not have much students who come from an orphanage to attend Hogwarts,
Oh! And all of your paperwork is done, your luggage will be in your room, have a good day miss Crysta" She gave Fate a small smile and left.

Fate made her way to her house table and was greeted by multiple handshakes, she sat next to a young girl who looked like she must be in her fourth year.

"Hey there! I'm Tonks! Nymphadora Tonks...but you can just call me Tonks." She smiled.

Fate felt a bit overwhelmed, she was actually back in time, back when Voldemort was just a young normal boy. She then remembered why she actually came back in timr.

β€”Tom Riddleβ€”

Fate vividly recalled his appearance from when she and Harry were stuck in the chambers of secret.

She looked around trying to find the particular boy when her eyes landed on a familiar face.

It was him, Tom. Marvolo.Riddle.

He was reading some sort of book his eyebrows furrowed in concentration at whatever piece of knowledge he was examining. He lifted his eyes momentarily but he stopped when his eyes met a pair of mysterious Brown ones.

She could not believe it, as her eyes met his. He was there, the future dark lord...just an ordinary boy who no evil lurking around him or other.

She could believe it, she was in
"The Riddle Era"


Hello! I wanted clear things up and let you know...that i am aware tonks is a hufflepuff but i made her a Gryffindor for just plot convenience. Hope you all dont mind that.

If you enjoyed this chapter pls give it a vote and do let me know what you think of it!

Btw if there are any typos or grammatical mistakes im sorry for that....

And Yes it is quite a long chapter but i had to fit in lots! Anyways i hope you guys like it (:
-lots love β™₯️

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