Chapter 5

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The new girl

Fate was glimpsing at young Tom Riddle, just then he looked up from his book and found himself being scrutinized. Something about her mysterious gaze drew him in. He did not know why but he felt something strange, something different about her.

β€” What do these eyes forhold? What do they conceal?β€”

He thought to himself

β€”probably nothing....but still...there's
Something about this girlβ€”

Fate stared at him, snappily observing him. A mop of wavy black hair, dark brown eyes, the light hitting his face showing off his sharp built facial structure.

Young Tom Riddle was handsome and appealing. Fate remembered, in the chambers of secret he told her and Harry.

"If I say it myself, Harry, I've always been able to charm the people I needed"

β€”He gets all of his works and deeds done by others by simply charming them, well he not going to have any luck with trying to charm me!β€” Fate thought to herself.

But yet here he was, no different than any other student, he had friends too, sitting next to him, ever so often saying a thing or two to him. If only they knew that their friend would become a bald, noseless, heartless creature who seeks nothing but power and superiority. She could not help but feel loathed by his presence in front of her.

But as Fate looked at him with an intense look, her face showed no signs of any sort of emotions or thoughts. She reflected the same expressions he did, blank.

But in a few seconds, their eye contact broke as fate looked at the boy who extended his hand towards her.

"Hey there! I am Sirius, Sirius black"

The boy with luscious curly brown hair spoke. Fate looked at him, feeling different emotions run within her. First a harsh pain then a sweet solace. He is alive, so young and bright, it sting her remembering she just witnessed his death a few hours ago, yet here he was. After waiting for a few seconds Sirius spoke.

"Umm...are you in there?" Pulling Fate out of her thoughts.

"Oh sorry...I am you already know that."

"I sure do, here is my best friend Remus and James and over there is peter"

He pointed and introduced his friends one by one. Fate looked at young Remus, a prefect pin placed neatly on his uniform, then there way James, for a second She felt like she saw harry, he looked so much like James except for his eyes.

Fate said all her hellos and heys but when she saw peter instead of saying a "hello" she wanted to say a spell instead.

"You forgot to introduce me, Sirius! Hey there! I am Lily, Lily Evans" a redheaded girl smiled softly. Fate looked at her for a second, her eyes. Harry has her eyes, she felt her heartbreak a little she might never see him again, see her best friends again but she quickly shoved the thoughts at the back of her head, not letting her emotions surface to her soft features instead she returned the smile.

"You are going to have a great time here at Hogwarts!, now have some breakfast then I will show you around a bit before our class starts, and oh! I will also give you the time table for our classes" she beamed.

Β  Β Β  β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”-

"Ugh! I did not know they started taking in dumb gits in the middle of the school year, and another stupid Gryffindor eww!" Bellatrix who sat opposite of tom spat out with a disgusted look.

Tom did not bother to give her any response, he looked at his friend, Avery, and spoke.

"What was the new girls name again?"

Avery looked at Fate scanning her from tip to toe as she got up from the table and started walking out of the great hall along with Lily.

"Hmm...Fate Crysta"

Tom just silently nodded and got up, leaving for his class, of course, he does not want to be late after all he is a perfect student, who is never late, never gets bad grades, always completes his assignments on time, nice to everyone.

Fate and Lily made their way to the Gryffindor common room and stood in front of a portrait of some rather old looking man, he asked for the password as Lily spoke.

"And finally we are here, this is the entrance to our common room. we need to use a password to get in, and only we, Gryffindors can get in here. So you are not supposed to tell the password to any other house members. now look...."Caput Draconis"

The portrait moved like a door, revealing the Gryffindor common room. Both the girls went to the girl's dormitory. Lily showed Fate the time table for all the subjects and asked her what subjects she will be choosing to which she replied by saying she will just take the same subjects Lily was taking, which Lily was very happy to hear.

"Okay! So our first class is potions, so grab your books and let's get going"

Fate took her books and headed out for their class. She was least interested in her class. her mind seemed to feel either numb or a little too much was going on in there. She just fought a battle watched her friends only family die, watched dumbledore looking weak, watched her friends one last time, and may not even see them again.

Upon entering the class she was greeted by professor Horace Slughorn.

"Hello hello! My dear student, what is your name?

"Fate...Fate Crysta"

"Well Miss Crysta welcome to our class why don't you take a seat"

Fate looked around the room and saw Tom, her target. He was focused on the same book as earlier. Lily who was still standing next to Fate told Her that she would have loved to sit with her but she had already promised to sit with Snape. To which Fate mentally thanked her and told her it was okay.

She made her way to toms desk, luckily he was sitting alone, she took a seat and put her book on the table but Tom did not seem to notice her presence next to him as he still had his nose shoved in his book, but his head rose when he heard his friends voice from the other side of the classroom instead of next to him.

"I am sorry professor I got late, I got caught up in some- umm...why is she in my place?" Avery inquired as he noticed Fate in his place. And that's when tom did too. His head quickly snapped to his right, where Fate sat.

"Oh yes, this is Fate. she is new in class, so she decided to sit next to Tom and I think its best for her as he shall also help her catch up with the class as she joined quite late"

Fates head shot up, looking at Slughorn in surprise. He just made her task easier. Tom seemed to do the same, he also shot up to look at professor Slughorn, of course, he was annoyed, he was no tutor after all but to Fates luck, he did not say anything.

Because deep down inside for some reason he felt okay with the it.

"Okay, class so today we will be brewing...." Slughorn spoke but Fate did not pay a bit of attention as there were more important things than making a potion.

Her mind was running wild with thoughts as she wondered...

β€”Okay...So how am I supposed to hide the knowledge of Horcruxes from him? I do not even know how he finds out about them in the first place...the amount of knowledge I have about tom riddle could fit in a teaspoon, and dumbledore did not exactly help me either with this one....there's only two possibilities from where tom could gain such information, its either the library or....he found out about them by some dark wizard outside of Hogwarts...ugh! I have a lot of work to do here, first I will have to check the libr-Β  β€”

She was pulled out of her trance as a familiar voice spoke, she had not noticed but she faintly remembered the sound. It was his.

"so how come you join Hogwarts in the middle of the year? Was your old school that awful?" He spoke nattily observing her.

"Oh umm...yea it was...and was far away too. So I decided to change it because it was getting too...hard for me to hide it know... my orphanage" Fate responded stammering a bit as she did not expect Tom Riddle to even talk to her, but to her surprise he did.

Tom did not know what answer he was expecting but the one she gave was not it. Now his full attention was on the new girl who say next to him, but yet his face showed no such signs of surprise.

Fate knew she was going to hit some sort of spot in his mind when she specifically mentioned her orphanage. As she still quite vividly remembed another memory of the day in the chambers of secrets when tom mentioned his parents.

"My father was a foul, common Muggle, who abandoned his own child even before he was born, just because he found out his wife was a witch" He spat out, loathing.

After recalling the memory she was quite sure he had to be living in an orphanage.

"What orphanages are you from, may I ask?" He questioned, his eyebrow raises.

β€”umm...what was the bloody name of that place...owls? umm...OH! Wools!β€”

"Wools" she answered.

His eyes almost....almost go wide, now his suspicion growing even more.

" long have you been living there for?"

He inquired yet once again, a look certain on his face this time. Something that said "I know you are going to lie" but even that expression came across his face for a second before going back to its normal expressionless state.

But Fate noticed relatively well as she realized she might have a problem.

β€”He knows. He knows something about the orphanage..oh...i bet myself 30 galleons it is his orphanage tooβ€”

"Umm...i-" before Fate could respond this time. The bell rang indicating the class was over. She quickly got her book, mumbling a bye. In a blink of an eye, she left.

Now Tom was truly intrigued. She lied? Why would she do that? Different questions arose within him because now he really wants to know

β€”who really is she?β€”


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Yea Ik its quite long chapter but ig I'll be writing long chapters cuz whew! This has lot of details. Btw if there are any typos or anything pls ignore that as while writing this i was half asleep.
Anyways I hope you enjoyed.
-lots love β™₯️

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