Chapter 6

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A cruel turn

Fate shuffled out of class not waiting for Lily, she was not prepared for any sort of lies. She was mentally exhausted, and functioning properly would not be an easy task for her right now.

Fate stopped after she made sure she was far away from running into riddle. But of course, she had a whole day, so many classes to attend, she knew avoiding him was not an option. She had to come up with lies, which she loathed the most.

A few minutes later Lily called out Fates name snapping her out of her thoughts.

"Wow you got out so hastily I did not even see you leave, are you okay?or Am I just that annoying?" She playfully smiled at the last part.

"Oh no I am fine, just felt like taking in some fresh air ...and you are not annoying" Fate responded smiling softly.

"Okay well you can get some fresh air while we're on our way to our next class, its transfiguration"

"Yes sure"

As Fate got to her class, Tom was already there his book neatly placed in front him but his attention seemed to elsewhere. Lily stood behind her, waiting for her to choose a desk.

β€”should I sit next to him again?β€”

Fate looked at Tom. He was once again sitting all on his own. Her gaze shifted to the boy sitting behind him, it was Avery. Fate felt confused, just before he had asked why she had taken his place but now he was not sitting next to tom.

β€”the seat next to him is empty...why is it empty? Why is that boy not sitting with him? He did seem to have a problem with me sitting in his place earlierβ€”

"Err....are you not intending to get inside the class?" Lily asked

"Oh yea I am...uhh..."

Both the girls walked in class, and before Fate knew Tom was looking her way, no expression on his face.

"Do you mind if I sit next to him? He might help me for this class too" Fate asked lily hoping she would not mind.

Lily shifted her eyes to the boy who watched Fates every move. She had a slight look of disquietude by the thought of the new Gryffindor who dared to sit next to a cold-blooded Slytherin. But she politely nodded and went off.

Fate signed and once again sat next to tom. Drawing in a deep breath she spoke

"I hope I am not taking anyone's place this time"

"No you are not" he spoke fixing his eyes to his book before he spoke again

"So you were telling something"

"Oh yes, about the orphanage, I just orphaned a few months ago"

He nodded still not moving his eyes from the book.

β€”hmm...she was not lying, after all, there is nothing intriguing about her. She is just another silly Gryffindor that's allβ€”

Tom thought to himself sort of disappointed.

"Alright everyone settle down now, today we will learning a slightly different spell, you will be learning how to change an sort of fire into a snake" McGonagall spoke.

Fate looked her slightly confused. She already knows how to do that. Everyone learned that spell at the beginning of the fourth year. She glanced at Tom, he was attentively listening to what professor McGonagall was teaching.

The rest of the class went by well, well as in for Fate not having to lie because Tom didn't speak a work after their little chat and that was it. She looked at the professor who taught a spell she already knew the knowledge of.

β€”maybe in this time they were a bit slow in advanced spellsβ€”

A part of Fate wanted tom to speak something while the other wanted to leave the class as soon as possible.

But tom did not speak at all, and the class ended. Fate and lily walked out and got to their next class but as Fate walked in she saw the same boy was sitting next to tom this time. She narrowed her eyes looking at the boy who took her place, okay it was not hers.

β€” why is he there this time? Why did he take my-ugh I mean why was he sat there?β€”

She felt irritated and confused at the irrational behavior of the boy but chose to sit with Lily this time she had no other choice.

Classes started and ended but Fate didn't once get a chance to sit next to tom again for which a part of her was very thankful.

Now finally she took all her classes, done with her exhausting day. She made her way out of the last class which she had with Ravenclaw.

β€”What was his problem? He pretended as if he did not even acknowledge my presence"--

She thought to herself as Lily interrupted.

"Umm... are you not going have lunch?" Lily asked confused as she noticed Fate taking a turn for the Gryffindor common room rather than for the great hall.

"...oh go on...I just don't feel really hungry at the moment"

"Are you sure? You barely had any breakfast"

β€”yes I am sure, hunger is the last thing I feel at the very momentβ€”

"Yes, I am very sure. Thank you...for your concern"

"Alright then...but if you find that have a chance of mind, I'll right here...well until lunchtime is over of course" lily said sweetly

"Of course" Fate smiled at the red-headed girl but watching her leave she felt a shiver creeping it's on her spine.

It was still all-new, too much to take, too much to process, after all, she was in the past. Where such dark thing as Voldemort ceased to exist.

But only for now, it would not be long until the very normal looking young boy called "Tom Riddle" would find about the Horcruxes.

β€”THE HOCRUXES! I need to prevent Tom from seeking the knowledge of Horcruxes...but where do I start? Merlins knows HOW he found out about such knowledge in the first could be the school library which is bloody enormous or it would be, that... he found about them from...UGH many other thousands of books, most probably millions of books related to dark arts!"β€”

"Oi...OI! Ya deaf or something!?"

Fate hadn't realized she still stood at the same spot, too lost in her thoughts to realize she leaving for the common room. She looked to see who's annoying voice called for her she felt anger rise within her as she saw the familiar face of no one other than Bellatrix Lestrange herself.

Even after feeling soo much hatred towards the filthy hag that stood in front of her, her face showed no such features of distaste.

While she stayed quiet, not bothering to ask what Bellatrix wanted she felt another presence walk in. Tom walked by her and Bellatrix but before making his way to the great hall he curiously glanced at the new girl and then left with a blank look.

"Oi, I'm talking to you weird girl! Why are you just standing there?" Bellatrix demanded.

Fate looked at her, with all the power in her body she stoped herself from hexing the curly-haired bitch in front of her. She just looked at her and with an eye roll, she left ignoring the question.

She made her way to the Gryffindor common room and got in the girl's dormitory, plumping down on her bed, she felt her bones rusting up as if they didn't want to move anymore. This day felt like it lasted longer than a year. She kept reminding herself she needed to get up right now and go to the library but a part of her knew it would be useless if her mind wouldn't be at peace. With a few deep breaths, she felt her eyelids feeling heavy her stiffened muscles somewhat relaxing. Tuning out all her thoughts she drifted into unconsciousness.


Water dripped as the coldness of the floor soaked in Fates robes. She opened her eyes to the unusual feeling. It was cold, it was dark. It was so heavy. As if the atmosphere thickened making it hard to breathe, hard to move.

As she looked around at her surroundings she could not focus on anything, everything seemed soo blurry. The place was dimly lit.
Fate took in the unfamiliar place but not being able to distinguish anything as if her eyes refused to do as she said.

β€”wherein the bloody hell am I?!β€”

She tried getting up, but her body felt like it was being held down by some unseen force.

"Ugh!" She groaned using all her might to get up as her palms touched the floor feeling the coldness of the water her mind snapped as she quickly got up. Her heart ready to plunge out of her chest as her breathing started taking an un-regular pattern. She looked her around once more to make sure her eyes were not deceiving her, and no they were not.

She was indeed in "The Chambers of Secrets"

"well well, look who it is little miss Fate came to the rescue didn't she?"

Fate took a sharp turn at the voice, to see who it belonged to. It sounded familiar but she could not warp her mind around who it belonged to. But as his eyes met hers, she felt her heart sink.

"W-Where am I? Why am I here?" Fate demanded to know the answer.

"You do not know where you are? You mustn't be that foolish now Fate" He spat bitterly.

Fate looked at him with wide eyes not knowing what to say, to do next.

"How come a strange girl comes to Hogwarts in the middle of the year and no one even questions it? I thought Dumbledore was wiser than this, this pathetic attempt to stop me from achieving what means the most to me!

Do you think that a filthy little mud blood could stop me from becoming the worlds most greatest most feared wizard in the entire wizarding world?!

Tom spoke with anger and disgust written all over his face, a scowl he held that said nothing but danger and despise.

You think you can save them all? You think you can prevent the slaughter of Lily and James Potter? You think you stop me?...with this?"

There in toms hand was held the time turner that belonged to her. Fate gasped at the sight of the necklace.

β€”no...NO! He knows! I knew I should have been more careful than this!β€”

"You should know Fate after finding about your plan it made things rather easier for me, besides you were too late anyway...the damage has been done"

He threw an evil smirk satisfied by his work he pointed at something that laid in the corner of the room. It was...a body.

Fates breath stopped as she ran towards the person who laid there. And when she looked her legs went weak, a dreaded scream leaving her mouth


There laid the lifeless body of none other than Lily Evans.

"I must thank you for such help Fate now with the little mudblood gone Harry Potter will never exist" he smiled.

"Now as for you Fate I would advice you to run, I would love to to play a little cat and mouse game and see how far can you go being tortured before you beg of me to finally grant you the sweet relief of death" Tom spoke in a twisted way enjoying every second as he watched the poor girl wipe away a tear.

"No! This can't be! You can not do this!!! I-I failed you harry!" She cried for the first time in years she cried and screamed on the top of her lungs, not being able to move from her spot. She dreaded as Tom spoke one last time with a twisted smirk.

"Run, Run Fate"


Hi guys!...sorry for updating soo late and im sorry for what you read in this chapter...ik it sucks but my mind was legit empty and this chapter almost took me a month to write cuz idk...I promise the story will get better and ill try updating soon

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