Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS [Part 4]

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Inside, TARDIS, Corridor...

The Doctor and Sky were now leading the way with their sonics down a green-lit corridor as Jupiter and Clara walked behind them, Jupiter still cradling her injured wrist as Gregor and Tricky followed them with Lexi and Lucas following at the back just before a couple of shadows passed the corridor in front of them.

"There are things in here with us." Clara whispered.

"Those things have followed us." Tricky agreed, looking around.

"Glorious, what are they?" Lucas questioned. "What aren't you and the Doctor telling us?"

Lexi sighed patting him on the arm as she took out her sonic again.

"Trust me, Lucas dear, there are some things you just don't want to know." She said before glancing behind her when she heard one of the creatures pass behind them. "They're on the move again..."

"Right, okay, everyone, run!" The Doctor exclaimed as they all ran away. "Move, move, move!"

Inside, TARDIS, Another corridor...

Jupiter and Clara ran and stopped when they realized they'd lost the others.

"Dad?! Mum?!" Jupiter looked around. "Sky?!"

"Where've they gone?" Clara asked as they began retracing their steps. "Lucas?!" She then glanced at Jupiter. "Has this happened before?"

"Never." Jupiter shook her head as they continued on before stopping at an intersection, spinning around as they were unable to decide which way to go.

They then turned around only to see another Clara stride down the corridor in front of them.

"I know what I said. I was the one who said it."

"You said it was looking at you funny!" Another Doctor said as he followed after her.

Jupiter and Clara shared a look before both turning around to go the other way only to stop abruptly when they saw another Clara.

"Now you're creeping me out." That Clara said, Clara and Jupiter only being able to stare.

"Please tell me there's a button you can press to fix this!" Another Clara shouted.

Clara and Jupiter both backed away before heading down another corridor, gasping when they saw the Doctor and Sky.

"Oh, thank God. Doctor, Sky, what's going on?" Clara sighed in relief, waving her hand when they didn't acknowledge her. "Say something."

Jupiter tilted her head slightly. "Dad? Sky?. Wait... I think it's another echo."

Just then, the Doctor, Sky, Lexi and Lucas rushed up behind Clara and Jupiter.

"Don't touch them." The Doctor said quickly. "There's a rupture in time somewhere onboard the ship. A small tear in the fabric of the continuum."

"It must have happened when the TARDIS was pulled in by the salvage vessel." Sky agreed before taking his sister's hand that was attached to her uninjured wrist as the Doctor grabbed Clara's hand before they all ran away, Lucas and Lexi leading the way. "The TARDIS is leaking."

"Leaking what?" Lucas glanced back at the Doctor as the six of them ran along.

"The past." He answered. "The six of us. Everything we've all done, everything we've said. Recent history."

"Long story short, it's not real." Lexi chimed in. "it's just a memory."

The group of six stopped abruptly when they saw two creatures in front of them.

Clara leaned over to whispered the Doctor. "What about this one?"

"If you're giving me the option," He began. "I'd say, 'This one's real.'"

Lexi quickly pushed Lucas ahead of her as the Doctor did the same with Clara before they did the same with their own children as they all ran away with the two creatures chasing after them.

"She's right onto us." The Doctor said as they ran.

Lexi glanced back, looking to the other figure. "How could I do this to him? After all the other times..."

Clara and Lucas both stopped abruptly, making Jupiter and Sky almost run into them.

Clara looked back in the Doctor and Lexi's direction. "She?"

"And what do you mean by 'he'?" Lucas wondered, tilting his head.

"Yeah, let's not ask anymore." Sky quickly said as he and Jupiter ran past them, Sky grabbing Clara's hand to pull her along as Jupiter did the same with Lucas while the Doctor and Lexi followed after all of them before they all ducked into a small niche to the side of the corridor.

They tried pressing themselves against the wall behind a girder as best they could while the two creatures paused.

On the opposite side, a past Clara and a past Sky walked down the corridor.

"Does he remind any of you of one of those guys who can't go out with a girl unless his mother approves?" The past memory of Clara asked.

"Obviously his mother did." The past memory of Sky replied as he followed after the past memory of Clara. "Otherwise Jupiter and I wouldn't be here."

The two creatures quickly followed the past memories of Clara and Sky, letting the Doctor, Lexi, Sky, Clara, Jupiter and Lucas step out from their hiding place just before they heard a groaning sound which made them look up to the ceiling.

"What's that noise?" Lucas questioned.

"I do believe that we're right under the primary fuel cells. Right, dear?" Lexi questioned, glancing at the Doctor as he continued to hold her hand.

"Yes." He nodded at her before looking to everyone else. "And unfortunately, the fuel has spilled out. Therefore, the rods will be exposed. That means that they will cool..."

"And start to warp." Sky concluded, closing his eyes.

"And start to warp." The Doctor nodded. "Maybe even..."

"Don't say it, Dad." Jupiter shook her head. "Don't you dare say it."

"Maybe even break apart."

Suddenly, a large rod shot down at an angle directly in between the Doctor and Lexi and Sky, Jupiter, Lucas and Clara.

Lexi's eyes widened before she and the Doctor quickly ducked under the rod.

"I suggest we run, now!" Lexi exclaimed as she and the Doctor pushed everyone ahead.

"No arguments here!" Lucas shouted back as they all ran down the corridor, ducking and dodging rods as they shot through the walls.

Inside, TARDIS, Another corridor...

Tricky groaned in pain, having been impaled through his shoulder by one of the rods.

"Cut it off." Tricky said as Gregor tried to pull it free. "Just cut my arm off."

"No!" Gregor objected immediately.

"It's the quickest way to release me. No fear, no hate, no pain." Tricky tried to tell him. "I can get a new one. Disposable parts, just do it. It won't hurt me."

Gregor shook his head. "Tricky, you don't understand."

"I'm an android. Cut me!" Tricky demented just as the Doctor, Lexi, Sky, Clara, Jupiter and Lucas all arrived.

"You made it through." Clara sighed when she saw them.

"What's the matter with you?" Tricky questioned, frowning at Gregor as the Doctor and Lucas tried to help Gregor pull the rod free. "Why won't you cut me?"

Lucas looked to Gregor, letting go of the rod. "Tell him."

Tricky raised an eyebrow. "Tell me what?"

"You can't, can you?" The Doctor asked Gregor. "You're a coward. You won't save him, but you're scared to tell him why."

Tricky looked from the Doctor and Lucas to Tricky. "What're they going on about?"

"Remember the question I asked you on the salvage ship before we came into the TARDIS?" Lucas reminded him. "I said I wasn't an expert in robotics. But, I do know enough to figure out that a robot wouldn't need a blast suit."

"And they don't need respirators either." The Doctor added. "They don't get frightened of monsters in the dark."

Tricky glanced from them to Gregor. "What're they talking about?"

"Two bionic eyes and a synthetic voice box." The Doctor said, shining his sonic in Tricky's eyes before putting a hand on his uninjured shoulder. "But you, my friend, are human. Flesh and blood."

Tricky then looked back to Gregor, staring at him, hurt and lost.

"It was a joke... It was just a stupid joke." Gregor confessed. "We did it to relieve the boredom."

Lucas rolled his eyes. "Oh, It was very funny." He said before looking to Tricky. "They lied to you and changed your identity just to provide some in-flight entertainment."

"I'm sorry." Gregor apologized. "You're human, Tricky."

"Cut the metal." The Doctor just shook his head. "Cut the metal! Go!" He clapped his hands before Gregor picked up the laser and started cutting the rod.

Inside, TARDIS, Another corridor...

Lexi was now glaring at Gregor, said man trying to avoid her gaze as the Doctor lead them all down the corridor while Tricky staggered along at the back, his arm bandaged.

"Where are we?" Clara asked as the Doctor stopped at a door and looked through its round window.

"Power source." He answered. "Right, you lot, wait here. I'll check if it's safe. We can only survive for a minute or two in there."

Lucas tilted his head. "What'll happen if we stay longer?"

"Our cells will liquefy and our skin will start to burn." Sky spoke up as he walked up to the door, looking through the window.

"Oh, well, if that's all." Clara rolled her eyes as she went to stand next to Lucas.

"Right, Sky, keep this door shut." The Doctor instructed as he opened the door.

"Got it." He replied, nodding before watching as his father entered through the door, said door closing behind him.

Inside, TARDIS, Power room...

The Doctor looked around, taking a few breaths as he tried to get his bearings in the heat-filled room.

Inside, TARDIS, Corridor...

Lexi leaned against the wall diagonally across from Gregor as she continued to frown at the man, trying to pick out the right words that would express the feelings she was currently experiencing while Tricky leaned against the wall a little ways down from her.

Sky continued to stand at the door to the power room as Clara, Jupiter and Lucas all leaned against the wall a little ways down from Gregor.

Watching as Lexi continued to stare at him with a prominent glare on her face, Gregor held up his hand-held scanner and scanned her.

"Alien. Scottish. Angry."

"Intelligent sensor." Gregor commented, making Lexi roll her eyes.

"Ever pointed that thing at yourself, Gregor?" Tricky questioned, also angry. "What would it see if you did that? What sort of person does this to another human? Made them believe they're made of metal?!" He then went and grabbed Gregor by the arm and turned him around. "Who am I?"

Gregor just ripped the Van Baalen patch off his sleeve and handed it to Tricky, said man looking at it before walking off to the end of the hall.

Inside, TARDIS, Power room...

The Doctor ran across the catwalk to the far door while he used his sonic and made the door unlock, the Doctor then tugging on it before it finally opened.

Inside, TARDIS, Corridor...

"My mouthy little kid brother." Gregor stated as he looked to Tricky.

"Why... why can't I remember?" Tricky asked as he turned back around.

"Salvage accident. There was a big explosion." GeForce answered. "You lost your sight, voice and your memory."

"And you... you thought of a way you could have some fun with me?" He questioned as he walked closer to Gregor. "I just wanted a brother beside me!"

"You were always the smart one, Tricky." Gregor told him. "He wanted you to take over. He made you captain."

Tricky squinted at him. "He?"


"I don't... remember him."

Inside, TARDIS, Power room...

The Doctor looked up before then closing the door and running back across the catwalk.

Inside, TARDIS, Corridor...

"You did this to me, just to be captain of a heap of junk!" Tricky shouted before angrily charging his brother, but Lexi was quick to get between them and push them apart.

"Both of you stop!" Lexi exclaimed, looking back and forth between them just as Sky let the Doctor back into the corridor. "Tricky, ask yourself why Gregor couldn't cut you up. He has just one tiny scrap of decency left in him, and you helped him find that. And Gregor, Lucas filled me in on everything when we all first came down here. If it weren't for you, the TARDIS wouldn't be in suffering and my daughter's wrist wouldn't be hurt. Sorry to break it to you, but I don't like you. My good opinion, once lost, is lost forever. However, how I feel isn't important right now. You, Gregor Van Baalen, need to remember this. Because this, this is the day that your brother found out what you did to him. And this is the day that everyone found out what kind of a person you really are."

Inside, TARDIS, Power room...

"Okay, move, move, move." The Doctor said as he held the door open for everyone.

Everyone stopped and looked up as the Doctor moved along the rail.

"The Eye of Harmony." The Doctor said, showing everyone what actually powered the TARDIS. "Exploding star in the act of becoming a black hole. Time Lord engineering. You rip the star from its orbit and suspend it in a permanent state of decay. This way." He said, grabbing Lexi's hand before motioning with his other arm to move the other along. "Quickly."

Tricky and Gregor followed after the Doctor and Lexi, Gregor helping his brother across given that his shoulder was injured. Sky and Jupiter followed after them, Sky trying to cover his sister's wrist from the heat of the room so it wouldn't become more irritated than it was already getting.

Lucas and Clara, however, didn't move as they stared at the Eye of Harmony a little longer while the Doctor opened the far door only to find a creature was waiting for them there. Lexi quickly helped him close the door before they ran back to the other side, Gregor opening the door only to slam it shut when they found two other creatures were there.

"There's no way out." Gregor said as he turned around to face everyone. "We're trapped."

The Doctor and Lexi shared a look before they both bolted for the other door, stopping abruptly when Clara and Lucas confronted them.

"You have to tell us now!" Lucas shouted to be heard over the blazing heat. "If we're gonna die in here, you're going to tell us what they are!"

"We can't!" Lexi shouted back.

"Tell us!" Clara insisted. "What's the use in secrets now?"

"Secrets protect us!" The Doctor tried to tell them. "Secrets make us safe!"

Lucas shook his head. "We're not safe!"

"Sensor detects animal DNAs, human core elements." Gregor's held-held scanner informed as he scanned the two creatures that were pounding on the door. "Calculating data. Calculating data."

Lexi's eyes widened when she heard the scanner before she and the Doctor ran over to Gregor, passing Sky and Jupiter as they did so. "No, no. Turn that off!"

"Lancashire and London." The scanner stated. "Identifiable substances. Clara and Lucas."

The Doctor and Lexi slowly turned to look at Clara and Lucas as Gregor and Tricky ran past Sky and Jupiter and back to the other door.

"That's us..." Clara said in shock as she and Lucas took a few steps towards the Doctor and Lexi.

"We are so, so sorry." The Doctor said earnestly.

Lucas looked through the window. "That's us... Clara and I burn in here."

The Doctor sighed. "It isn't just the past leaking out through the time rift. It's the future."

"Listen," Lexi began as she ran a hand down her face. "The Doctor and I brought you both here to keep you safe, but it happened again. You two died again."

Clara frowned. "What do you mean, again?"

The Doctor ran a hand through his hair as he tried to figure out what to say.

"Wait! I have a question!" Jupiter suddenly spoke up, walking over where she had stood by Sky. "I just thought of this. I know you say you can't change the future. But... if you interrupt the timeline, can't you stop something from happening?"

The Doctor slowly looked up and over at his daughter. "Jupiter, that... is brilliant!" He exclaimed, kissing the top of her head quickly before running to the other door and pushing Gregor and Tricky apart. "Don't touch each other, otherwise the future will reassert itself."

The Doctor then pulled them to the center of the catwalk as the fused creature pushed through the door before grabbing Gregor's pack.

"Gregor!" Lexi shouted as she ran up to where the Doctor and Tricky were standing. "Gregor, let go of the circuit!"

"Just let it go!" Tricky shouted in agreement. "Gregor!"

Not wanting to protest anymore, Gregor quickly slipped off his pack before backing away to where the others were. Tricky then took a swing at the double creature, making it fall over the rail.

They all then rushed towards the door but pulled away when the two more creatures appeared.

Everyone then ran towards the other door, but the other two creatures punched their hands through the window.

Wide eyed and unsure of how to move forward, everyone grouped in the middle of the catwalk.

"Alright, er, is anyone feeling a sense of mortal terror or is it just me?" Lucas questioned just as two more creatures ran in behind the two creatures that had already made their way into the room.

Thinking quickly, Tricky grabbed a crowbar that had fallen out of Gregor's pack and went about knocking the four creatures that had made their way into the room off the catwalk one by one. When there was only one creature left, he kicked it off the rail, making it fall. But he nearly fell off himself, but managed to grab and hold onto the ledge.

"Tricky!" Gregor shouted as he went to help his brother.

"Don't touch him, or time will reassert itself!" The Doctor shouted as he and everyone else watched Gregor help Tricky back onto the catwalk before the two of them soon became fused together and turned into the fused creature before coming after the Doctor, Lexi, Sky, Jupiter, Lucas and Clara.

The group of six quickly ran out the other door and closed it behind them.

Inside, TARDIS, Corridor...

"The engine room." The Doctor said as he sonicked the lock on the door. "The heart of the TARDIS."

"Come on, then." Lexi grabbed the Doctor's hand, the two of them leading their children and their companions through another door.

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