The Couple of Time and an Empty TARDIS

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A/N: Here's a fun little filler chapter that is full of Gloronimo fluff! 😍 It gets slightly naughty, but it's not full on smut. 😏☺️

It's not like I'm against smut. I mean, I've read it enough. I just can't bring myself to ever write full on smut with the Doctor and Lexi. 💕 I think y'all can definitely understand why. 😉😂


P.S. ~ This filler chapter picks up immediately after "The Crimson Horror". 🙂

Enjoy! 😘


Inside, TARDIS, Console room...

"So you found Marguerite's lamp in this?" Lucas questioned, now back in his regular everyday clothes as he was holding the wooden box Lexi had found just outside of the Yorkshire marketplace with the carving 'Let her free'.

"Yep." Lexi grinned, flipping a lever as she and the Doctor went about working the controls, both of them now back in their regular outfits as well.

"Mm." Lucas hummed, nodding before placing the box in a chair just as Clara came into the console room, now also wearing her own regular everyday clothes.

"Back home I'm guessing for the both of you." The Doctor stated, looking up from typing on a keyboard.

"I think so." Clara nodded, running her fingers through her hair. "Best to have a break if we've really been gone for over a month. Time never really seemed to exist when we were catatonic in that place."

"Well then," Lexi began as the TARDIS made a noise when it landed in the Maitland's driveway. "till the next Wednesday."

Inside, Maitland house, Foyer, Day...

"The Glorious is so definitely the boss in that relationship dynamic." Lucas commented as he and Clara entered the house.

"And even though the Doctor won't say it," Clara added as she check herself over in the mirror hanging on the wall. "he definitely agrees."

Lucas just chuckled before he and Clara continued on into the house, the small monitor screen on the wall showing the TARDIS dematerialize outside.

Inside, TARDIS, Console room...

"So, you're the boss, eh?" The Doctor smirked, coming up behind where Lexi stood at the console before wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his chin on her shoulder.

Lexi grinned as she leaned back into him. "You know it."

"And I do believe that I have some making up to do for the derailment of most of your birthday." He mumbled as he started peppering kisses along her neck. "You know, 'cause it was actually your birthday."

"Mm." She hummed in response, leaning her head sideways a bit to give him better access. "Hey, do you hear that?"

The Doctor paused, lifting his head from laying kisses across his wife's neck. "Hear what?"

"Exactly." Lexi grinned before turning around in his arms and wrapping her arms around his neck. "No kids. No companions." She whispered, leaning in closely to where their lips were almost touching. "Just you, me, and an empty TARDIS..."

The Doctor smirked, moving his hands to grasp at her hips. "And what do you suppose we do with that?"

"Oh, you know..." She grinned, bringing her hand to the back of his neck so as to bring his face even closer to hers. "I think we can come up with a few things."

The Doctor grinned right back before crashing his lips to hers as they stumbled towards the corridor that led to their bedroom.

Inside, Maitland house, Kitchen, Day...

Clara and Lucas entered the Maitland's kitchen, both of them then leaning on the counter as they tried to get back to reality.

Clara smiled slightly as she touched one of Artie's toys, a Transformer robot, that just so happened to be sitting on top of the counter, Lucas smiling as he watched her move the arms of the toy.

The two friends then looked over at the table, both of them straightening up after seeing what was on Angie's laptop.

The duo quickly walked over and sat down at the table as they looked at the screen which was currently displaying a group photo taken on the 1983 Soviet submarine showing them, the Doctor, Lexi and Sky with the crew.

Nervously, Lucas clicked underneath that to see a picture of himself, Clara, Lexi, the Doctor and Jupiter with Alec and Emma at Claiburn House in 1974.

"It's you two, isn't it?" Angie questioned as she and Artie suddenly came up behind where Lucas and Clara were sitting. "It's from the '70s, but it's definitely the both of you."

Clara bit at her thumbnail nervously. "Of course it's not."

"And that's also you two, from 1983." Artie stated, pointing at the Soviet submarine picture. "I found it at school."

"No, it's just someone who looks like us." Lucas stated, trying so badly to diffuse the conversation.

"And those two people," Angie began, pointing at the Doctor and Lexi in the picture. "are just two someones that looks like you guy's boyfriend and girlfriend?"

Artie tilted his head in thought. "Are they aliens?"

Angie glanced at her younger brother. "Why would they be aliens?"

"Well, he does have a bit of a chin." Artie reasoned, pointing at the Doctor in the picture before pointing to Lexi. "And come on, that girl is made of legs!"

"She is pretty." Angie admitted. "But really, it's totally the time travel."

Angie then leaned in between Lucas and Clara before clicking on a third picture that was of Victorian governess Clara and Victorian tutor Lucas.

Lucas and Clara leaned forward, Clara squinting as they examined the picture. "That's not right."

"You both were in Victorian London." Angie said, suppressing a grin.

"No, we were in Victorian Yorkshire." Lucas shook his head before his eyes widened when he realized what he just said. He sighed, closing his eyes. "Dammit."

Angie hit him on the shoulder. "How come you didn't tell us?"

Artie smiled wide. "Time travel, that's so cool!"

Angie then gasped when an idea popped into her head. "Can we have a go?"

Clara's jaw dropped. "Can you have a what?!"

"We want a shot at the time machine!" Artie exclaimed.

"No, no, no, absolutely not." Lucas objected. "I mean, listen–"

"Okay..." Angie drawled out, cutting Lucas off. "or, you know, we'll just have to tell Dad that our nanny and god-brother are time travelers."

Lucas sighed as he hung his head in defeat while Clara's eyes never left the photograph of Victorian Clara and Lucas.

Inside, TARDIS, The Doctor and Lexi's bedroom...

Lexi giggled as the Doctor's fingers ghosted over her bare skin while they laid in bed next to each other.

"That was..." Lexi breathed before turning on her side to look at her husband. "definitely worth the wait."

"Am I forgiven?" He smirked, pulling her flush against him.

"Maybe." She grinned, threading her fingers through his hair. "But, you know, I think I might need just a little more persuasion."

"Is that so?" He questioned before rolling the both of them over to where he was hovering over her. "You know, dear, you are just insatiable."

"Don't hear you complaining, though." Lexi grinned up at him as she ran her foot up the length of his leg.

"And you never will." The Doctor grinned back before leaning down and bringing their lips together in a searing kiss. His lips began to venture lower, but he stopped when the sound of a phone ringing was heard.

The couple glanced to the nightstand, Lexi's cellphone screen aglow with Lucas's name.

"Just ignore it. I'll call him back." Lexi waved it off before grabbing the back of the Doctor's neck and bringing him for another kiss, the both of them getting lost in the other again as the phone quit ringing. Again, the Doctor's lips began to travel southward as he continued to ravish his wife.

Ring! Ring!

The Doctor grunted in frustration as he crawled back up the length of his wife's body. "Just answer it."

"Are you sure?" She questioned him before reaching over to the nightstand and grabbing her phone.

"Yes." The Doctor sighed as rested his weight on his forearms, not moving from his spot above Lexi.

"Okay." She shrugged before answering and putting the phone to her ear. "Hello, Lucas. Whatever can I do for you?" She questioned, listening for a moment and gasping when she felt the Doctor kiss her bare shoulder before moving to lay kisses across her neck as she continued to speak on the phone. "Uh-huh... They want to what?... You know, that is crazy. Just so you know..." She tugged on the Doctor's hair in warning as his mouth became more bold while nipping at her earlobe. The Doctor grinned, not even stopping what he was doing as Lexi's grip on his hair got tighter. "I'll, uh, see what, er, what we can.. You know what, Lucas? I'm gonna have to call you back."

With that, Lexi quickly hung up her phone before carelessly tossing it aside and gathering enough strength to flip the two of them over so she was now above the Doctor.

"Bad Doctor." Lexi tisked, the Doctor grinning up at her unashamedly. Lexi leaned down and rested her forehead against his. "You're lucky I like to play games."

"Well then, Lex," The Doctor began, smirking as he rubbed his hands down his wife's back before stopping to grip the soft flesh of her hips. "Game. Set. Match."


A/N: *blushes* I hope that was okay. ☺️

So, I've been gone from this book for a while because I'm busy with college classes. I try to write as much as I can, but life does get busy. Y'all know that. ❤️

One thing I'd like to mention, is that I just posted another chapter to my (Matt Smith x OFC) book "Something Just Like This". 🎉 I'm gonna try to write more of that. Those chapters usually are easier to write since they're not as many words as the episodes in this book are.

Anyway, I don't know when I'll get the next episode published. I usually write little bits of the episode at a time before it eventually becomes complete.

I'll write what I can when I find the time before getting it out you beautiful cupcakes! 💖

Now, with that that said, I suppose I shall depart from y'all for the time being and say that the next episode will be... "Nightmare in Silver"!!! 😀

💋 Love always,

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