The Crimson Horror [Part 5 - FINAL]

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Inside, Sweetville, Factory floor, Night...

Jenny and Vastra, along with Marguerite, were watching the Pilgrims as they moved about the floor.

"Look." Marguerite whispered and pointed, Jenny and Vastra looking to where she was pointing before spotting one of the large flasks. All three of them looked at each other, Vastra nodding once before they all slowly moved from their hiding place.

Inside, Sweetville, Main Building, Parlor...

With purpose, the Doctor opened the door without knocking and strode right in with Lexi, both of them followed by Lucas and Clara.

"You do seem to keep turning up like a bad penny, young man." Mrs. Gillyflower stated, turning around as she chuckled before walking over to them.

The Doctor shrugged. "Force of habit."

"Can I offer you something?" Mrs. Gillyflower enquired. "Tea? Seed cake? A glass of Amontillado?"

"No, thanks." The Doctor gave her a thin smile. "We've had a skinful already, as you might say."

"Ha! Very funny." She let out a fake half laugh before letting her gaze drift to Lexi. "And who might you be?"

Lexi gave her a mirthless smile, taking a step forward. "I'm his wife. And you're nuts." She pointed out, crossing her arms. "And we're going to stop you."

Mrs. Gillyflower tisked, shaking her head. "Sorry to inform you, but I'm afraid Mr Sweet and I cannot allow that."

"Oh, yes." The Doctor rolled his eyes as he came to stand alongside Lexi. "Would it be impolite to ask why you and Mr Sweet are petrifying your workforce with diluted prehistoric leech venom?"

"We keep hearing so much about this silent partner of yours." Lucas chimed in, tilting his head slightly as he stood next to Clara. "I think it's only fair that we finally put a face to the name."

"Yeah." Clara agreed, tilting her head in much the same way her friend was. "There's no need for him to be so shy."

"Oh, do not worry, dears." Mrs. Gillyflower said in reassurance. "Mr Sweet is always with us."

"You know," Lexi began, drumming her fingers against her arm. "you do seem to have a particularly close relationship with your pal."

"Oh, yes. Exceedingly close." She nodded. "Symbiotic, you might say."

With that, Mrs. Gillyflower unfastened the top part of her gown and partially opened it to reveal a large red leech attached to her. Said leech turned its head to reveal a round mouth that was lined with numerous sharp teeth. Mrs. Gillyflower then sat down and began feeding it.

Clara's eyes widened. "What... What is that?"

"A survivor!" Mrs. Gillyflower exclaimed, smiling evilly. "He has grown fat on the filth humanity has pumped into the rivers. That's where I found him."

"Definitely not something I've ever read in any History book." Lucas muttered. "Still, very enterprising."

"His needs are simple." Mrs. Gillyflower explained. "And in return, he gives me his nectar."

"Mrs Gillyflower, you have no idea what you're dealing with." The Doctor sighed, sitting down next to her as Lexi walked around to stand on her other side. "In the wrong hands, that venom could wipe out all life on this planet!"

"Do you know what these are?" She questioned him, holding her hands out in front of her with her palms up. "The wrong hands!"

Mrs. Gillyflower then giggled before getting up and moving over to the mechanism, pulling another lever.

Suddenly, a noise was heard from outside, Lexi quickly going over to the window and seeing lights on the chimney.

She raised an eyebrow, glancing back at Mrs. Gillyflower. "Planning a little fireworks party, are we?"

"You've all forced me to advance the Great Work somewhat." She responded. "But my colossal scheme remains as it was. My rocket will explode high in the atmosphere, raining down Mr Sweet's beneficence onto all humanity."

"And wiping us all out?! You can't!" Clara shouted, moving to go over to the older woman, but stopped when Lucas put a hand on her shoulder. She glanced up at him, finding his gaze stone cold as it was fixed on Mrs. Gillyflower.

"My new Adams and Eves will sleep for but a few months before stepping out into a golden dawn." Mrs. Gillyflower grinned, clasping her hands in front of her. "Is it not beautiful?"

The Doctor suddenly clapped his hands together. "Tell us about Ada, Mrs Gillyflower."

Mrs. Gillyflower paused, glancing over at the Doctor with a confused expression. "What?"

"Your daughter." The Doctor repeated. "You do remember your daughter? Tell us about your daughter."

She scoffed. "How can you speak of such trivia when my hour is at hand? The child is of no consequence."

"Is that how you really feel?" Lexi spoke up. "Is that why you experimented on your own daughter?"

Lucas tilted his head in confusion. "Experimented?"

"The signs are all there." Lexi stated, not taking her eyes off of Mrs. Gillyflower. "I'm no expert, but it really isn't that hard to figure out. It's the pattern of scarring. You used her as a guinea pig, didn't you?"

"God!" Clara put a hand over her mouth in shock.

Mrs. Gillyflower scowled our Lexi. "Sometimes, sacrifices must be made."

"Sacrifices?" The Doctor scoffed as he came over to stand next to Lexi, both of them staring the older woman down. "Believe me, I'm no perfect parent. But, I would NEVER subject my children to experimentation just so I wouldn't have to."

"But it was necessary!" Mrs. Gillyflower insisted. "I had to find out how much of the venom would produce an anti-toxin. To immunise myself! Don't you see? It was necessary!"

"Mama?" A small voice spoke up, making everyone look to see Ada was standing at the door. "Is it... Is it true?"

"Ada." Mrs. Gillyflower sighed, taking a step towards her daughter.

"It is." She said sadly. "It's true. True..."

"Ada, listen to me." Mrs. Gillyflower said as she took a few more steps towards her daughter.

"You hag! You perfidious hag! You virago! You harpy!" Ada shouted as she began advancing on her mother. "All these years, I have helped you! Served you! Looked after you! Does it count for nothing?! Nothing at all?!" She screamed, striking her mother with her cane.

"Stop, stop." Mrs. Gillyflower whimpered, putting her arms up to try and block Ada's attack as everyone watched them.

Ada herself stopped as her mother leaned against a door.

Looking around quickly, Lucas soon spotted a chair before rushing and picking it up.

"Uh, Lucas, maybe that's not the best idea!" Lexi tried to tell him. "I've got my sonic screwdriver!"

"Yeah?" He smirked. "Well, Glorious, I've got a chair."

With that, Lexi, the Doctor and Clara all watched as normally mild mannered Lucas threw the chair at the rocket's controls, therefore destroying them and causing sparks to fly.

"No!" Mrs. Gillyflower cried out.

"Okay, well I suppose that worked." The Doctor shrugged before quickly looking to Mrs. Gillyflower. "I'm afraid your rocket isn't going anywhere, Mrs G."

Ada then faced opposite her mother who was still by the door as Lexi, Lucas, the Doctor and Clara continued to stand in the middle of the room.

"Please, come to me, Ada. My child." Mrs. Gillyflower said gently, taking a sobbing Ada into a hug. "You have always been so very..." She trailed as she put a revolver to Ada's head. "useful."

Lexi's eyes widened. "Mrs Gillyflower, no."

"Please, Mama." Ada cried. "No more. No more."

"And now, if you'll please forgive us," Mrs. Gillyflower began, directing her words towards the other individuals in the room. "we must be going. It is long past Ada's bedtime!"

With that, Mrs. Gillyflower pushed Ada through the door ahead of her as Clara and Lucas rushed over. The door, however, closed and locked before they could get there.

The two friends tried pulling on the door but the Doctor stopped them.

"No, don't." He told them. "If we follow straight after her, she'll shoot Ada on the spot."

"She wouldn't do that!" Lucas said, glancing back at the Doctor.

"Sorry to inform you, dear Lucas," Lexi said as she went and picked up the chair Lucas had used to smash the controls. "but I do believe she would." She held the chair over her head. "Chairs are a wonderful thing, aren't they?"

"What are you about to do?" Clara asked her.

Lexi just grinned, everyone watching as she turned around before then charging towards the window with the chair and smashing the glass.

Inside, Sweetville, Factory floor...

"Come, Ada." Mrs. Gillyflower instructed as she pulled her daughter along by her hand. "Don't dawdle."

Ada sobbed. "Please, Mama, stop!"

Ignoring her, Mrs. Gillyflower stopped to question some Pilgrims. "Has the venom been loaded?"

"Yes, ma'am." A male Pilgrim nodded.

"Then heaven awaits ya'!" Mrs. Gillyflower exclaimed before continuing on her way as she pulled Ada along with her while the Pilgrims went the other way.

Inside, Sweetville, Chimney, stairs...

"Please, Mama!" Ada cried as Mrs. Gillyflower pulled her backwards up the stairs that went around the rocket.

Inside, Sweetville, Factory floor...

The Doctor, Lexi, Lucas and Clara all arrived at the factory.

The Couple of Time both looked up at the rocket before sharing a look. The two of them then quickly continued on with their companions running after them.

Inside, Sweetville, Chimney...

"Stop!" The four time and space travelers heard Ada cry out as they hurried up the stairs, which only made them hurry faster because of the sound of terror in her voice. The four of them stopped when they saw Mrs. Gillyflower holding Ada in front of her by a power box.

"Please, Mrs. Gillyflower, just let her go!" The Doctor called up to her. "Let Ada go!"

"Secondary firing mechanism, Doctor!" Mrs. Gillyflower replied. "Mr Sweet and I are too smart for you, after all."

"Please, just let your daughter go, Mrs Gillyflower." Lexi pleaded earnestly before Ada suddenly broke away and fell to the landing down the steps, holding herself up by the hand rail.

"Ada!" Mrs. Gillyflower shouted angrily, cocking the revolver as she aimed it at her daughter.

"Shoot, if you wish, Mama." Ada sniffles. "It is of no matter, for you killed me a long time ago!"

The Doctor started to move towards Ada but Mrs. Gillyflower fired at him, making him fall back with his hands over his head.

While Mrs. Gillyflower struggled with cocking the pistol, Lexi herself tried for Ada but was also shot at, making her stumble into the Doctor as she dodged the bullet.

Steadying her, the Doctor watched as Mrs. Gillyflower opened the power box and began to sing.

"I'll labour night and day To be a pilgrim!" She sang out before pulling a lever.

While Mrs. Gillyflower was opening the box, the Doctor moved away from Lexi to go to Ada again.

After Mrs. Gillyflower pulled the switch, the rocket's engines powered up and then it launched as the Doctor helped cover Ada against the wall while Mrs. Gillyflower laughed giddily.

"Now, Mr Sweet," She began as she looked up to the sky. "now the whole world will taste your lethal kiss!"

"I don't think it will, Mrs Gillyflower." Lexi stated, snapping her fingers and pointing up.

Everyone looked up to see two veiled figures and one hooded figure appear on the landing above holding the flask of venom. The two figures wearing veils pushed them back to reveal it was Vastra and Jenny. And the hooded figure lowered its hood to reveal that it was indeed Marguerite.

"Very well, then." Mrs. Gillyflower scoffed. "If I can't take the world with me, you will have to do. Die, you freaks! Die! Die!" She shouted, aiming her gun at Marguerite, Vastra and Jenny.

"Put down your weapon, human female!" A very distinct voice commanded, making everyone look to see Strax was at the opening of the chimney as he aimed his weapon at Mrs. Gillyflower. Said older woman fired at Strax, said potato firing back and making Mrs. Gillyflower lose her balance which then made her fall to the floor down below.

The Doctor and Lexi quickly rushed down a few steps and tilted their heads, grimacing as they look down at a now barely moving Mrs. Gillyflower. "Ouch."

Everyone then ran to the last flight of stairs, watching as Mr. Sweet (the red leech) released his hold on Mrs. Gillyflower before starting to crawl away.

"No... No! Mr Sweet? Where are you going?" Mrs. Gillyflower called out to the creature. "You can't leave me now, Mr Sweet."

Clara made a face as she watched the red leech crawl across the floor. "What's it doing?"

"It knows she's dying." The Doctor answered. "She's no longer any use to it."

"Mr Sweet!" Mrs. Gillyflower cried before noticing Ada, said young woman making her way down the stairs, her cane tapping the steps. "Ada? Ada. Are you there?"

She carefully kneeled beside her mother, gently taking her hand. "I'm here, Mama."

"Forgive me, my child." Mrs. Gillyflower halfheartedly begged. "Forgive me."

Slowly, Ada leaned forward to whisper one single word to her dying mother.


"That's... my... girl." Mrs. Gillyflower said, a weak slight smile coming across her face as she took in one last breath before dying.

Everyone then looked up to the sky above them, watching as the rocket exploded. The Doctor let out a low whistle before they all then looked back to the floor.

"Now, what are going you do with that thing?" Jenny questioned, looking over to the Doctor.

"Take it back to the Jurassic era, maybe." He shrugged. "Out of harm's way."

They then watched as Ada crossed the floor, tapping with her cane before it landed on Mr Sweet, Ada then beating him to pieces.

Lexi cringed. "On the other hand... maybe not."

Outside, Street, Day...

The Doctor, Lexi, Lucas and Clara all headed for the TARDIS, Jenny, Vastra, Strax, Ada and Marguerite standing there to say goodbye; Vastra holding the flask of the red poison.

"Right, London." The Doctor rubbed his hands together. "We we're heading for London, weren't we?"

"Was there any particular reason you had picked London to go to for your birthday, Glorious?" Lucas questioned, glancing at said woman.

"No." Lexi shook her head. "Just thought it'd be fun. Thought we all might... like it."

"I don't know about any of you," Clara began as she walked ahead of the group before turning around to face them. "but I think I've had enough Victorian values for a bit."

"Amen to that." Lucas agreed before walking ahead of her, Clara turning around again and following him to the TARDIS door. "I mean, I love traveling to these amazing times. It's like a field day for me. But, there has to be a limit. You know, at some point."

"Couldn't agree more." Clara said, stepping into the TARDIS as Lucas held the door open for her.

"Well, you two are the bosses." The Doctor commented.

The two friends poked their heads out of the TARDIS, raising their eyebrows. "Are we?"

"Nah, I am." Lexi grinned, making the Doctor glance at her and quirk one of his virtually nonexistent eyebrows. "Now, go on. Get in."

The duo just laughed before finally going all the way inside, shutting the door behind them.

"Now, Ada," The Doctor began as he and Lexi turned back around and walked over to her, Marguerite and the Paternoster gang. "I'd love to stay and clear up the mess, but–"

"I know, dear monster." She cut him off, smiling slightly. "You have things to do."

"And what about you?" Lexi asked her.

"Oh, there are many things a bright young lady can do to occupy here time." Ada assured. "It's time I stepped out of the darkness and into the light."

"And on that note," Marguerite spoke up, walking up to where Lexi and the Doctor stood. "Glorious, I must point out, that you still have one more wish."

A look of realization crossed Lexi's face. "I do, don't I?"

"You do, indeed." Marguerite nodded. "Have anything in mind?"

"You know..." Lexi pursed her lips in thought. "I think... I think I know exactly what I want to wish for."

Lexi then leaned in to whisper in Marguerite's ear.

Marguerite smiled at her as they pulled away. "I think I can manage that." She then turned towards Ada and stepped up to her, gently taking her hands in hers. "We haven't been formally introduced. I'm Marguerite. If it is alright, I'm going to put my fingers on your temples. Just hold still, it won't hurt."

The Doctor glanced at Lexi curiously but then turned back and watched as glowing purple mist flowed from Marguerite's fingertips before swirling around Ada's head, said woman's eyes glowing gold for a moment before the white in them disappeared to reveal their beautiful natural color.

Ada then stumbled away from Marguerite, breathing heavily while squinting as she tried adjusting to the sudden brightness.

"You didn't..." Ada gasped, putting a hand over her mouth in shock. "I can... I can see!" She then looked to Marguerite. "How did you do that? Why?"

"Well..." Marguerite smirked slightly, glancing at Lexi before looking back to Ada. "Someone made a wish."

Ada grabbed Marguerite and pulled her into a tight hug. "Thank you."

Marguerite smiled, returning the hug before pulling away. "You're welcome."

"You used your last wish for her." The Doctor said, awed at his wife's selflessness in that moment. I mean, he knew she could be selfless, but it never failed to make him love her even more than he already did.

Lexi smiled at Ada. "Now you can go and see everything. Do anything you want to do."

"Thank you so much." Ada said before also taking Lexi into a hug.

Lexi hugged her back before pulling away. "You are going to be splendid, Ada."

Ada couldn't help but smile, a tear or two escaping the corners of her eyes as she walked off to where the Paternoster gang were standing.

"And now," Marguerite began as she looked at Lexi. "you can tell me what to do."

"You're not going back into your lamp." Lexi shook her head. "I've been thinking, and I don't want you to be trapped in there." She stated before turning slightly away from everyone to take Marguerite's oil lamp out from underneath her dress. She then turned back and held out the oil lamp to its owner. "You, Marguerite, are amazing. And I want you to go and do what you want. I want to release you from this lamp's hold so you can go and make your life what you truly want it to be. You've been doing whatever other people have wanted for over eleven hundred years. It's time for you to put yourself first."

"You... you really want that for me?" She asked, shakily taking hold of her lamp from Lexi as everyone watched them.

"Yes." Lexi told her, giving her arm a gentle squeeze of reassurance. "And you know," She glanced over at Vastra, Jenny and Strax. "I believe there are a few certain individuals who wouldn't mind having you with them."

Vastra smirked knowingly. "You would be very welcome to come and join our little household, Marguerite."

Marguerite shoved her lamp into the Doctor's hands before launching herself at Lexi and wrapping her in one of the tightest hugs she ever had. "You have no idea how happy you've just made me."

"Oh, I wouldn't speak so soon." Lexi giggled as they pulled away from each other, nodding towards the Paternoster gang. "You're probably going to get in all sorts of trouble with those three."

Jenny gasped, putting her hands on her hips even though she was smiling. "We are not that bad."

"Whatever you say, Jenny dear." Lexi rolled her eyes playfully. "And you know, we'll no doubt see you again at some point, so..."

The Doctor chuckled, handing Marguerite back her lamp before swinging an arm around Lexi's shoulders. "Thanks a million, as ever. Have some Pontefract cakes on us. Love Pontefract cakes!" He grinned. "Anyway, see you around. Shouldn't wander."

With that, the Couple of Time turned back to the TARDIS and started making their way to it.

Jenny quickly ran after them. "But, Doctor, Glorious, that man and woman - Lucas and Clara." She stopped in her tracks as the Doctor and Lexi turned back around to face her. "You haven't explained."

"Yeah, you're right. We haven't." Lexi smiled before turning back around and making her way to the TARDIS, frowning as she stepped up to the door. She ran a finger along the doorframe. "You need a good wash, Idris."

"That she does." The Doctor agreed before turning and walking towards his wife. "See you all again, eh?"

With that, everyone watched as the Doctor and Lexi entered the TARDIS, closing the door behind them.

Jenny sighed, shaking her head as she turned back around and made her way to where Vastra, Marguerite, Ada and Strax were.

"Another one for the vault." Strax said as Vastra handed him the flask of poison.

"Ah!" A voice exclaimed, making everyone turn to see Mr. Thursday walking towards them. "There you are. I called to see whether there had been any progr–"

Mr. Thursday stopped talking and watched as the TARDIS dematerialized, making his eyes roll to the back of his head before he fainted.

Ada raised an eyebrow as Vastra, Jenny and Strax didn't really react at all, while Marguerite couldn't help but smile as she held her oil lamp close to her.


A/N: There ya have it! 😁

I really hope y'all enjoyed that. And I really hope y'all liked Marguerite. ❤️

And yes! 😁 Marguerite is now a member of the Paternoster gang! 🎉💕

Anyway, I know I cut off the last little part of the episode where we get to see Angie and Artie figure out about Clara (and Lucas) being time travelers, but we're going to get that next. I'm saving it for a little filler chapter. I'm going to proofread that for y'all before publishing it soon! 🎉

So, I guess I will see you then! 😘

💋 Love always,

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