The Day of the Doctor [Part 4]

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Inside, Tower of London, Cell, Day...

"Oi, you lot." The warden snapped as the entire group was tossed into one of the Tower cells. "Get in there!"

"Ow." The War Doctor muttered, wincing.

The door slammed shut, Lexi then immediately picking up a long nail that was laying on the floor before tossing it to the Eleventh Doctor, said man effortlessly catching it before going over to a stone pillar and scratching into it.

"What are you doing?" The Tenth Doctor asked, eyeing how the Eleventh Doctor and Lexi seemed to work together so smoothly, speaking to each other without words.

"Three of you in one cell, you do the math." Lexi said as she passed by him, walking over to the other side of the room and leaning against another stone pillar.

"Nasty anomalies if we don't get out soon, I suppose." The Tenth Doctor amended before looking to the Eleventh Doctor. "So, what are you doing?"

"Getting us out." He answered.

The War Doctor went over to sonic the door, but the Tenth Doctor shook his head. "The sonic won't work on that. It's too primitive."

"How 'bout we ask for a quality door? You know, that way we can escape." Jupiter rolled her eyes before going over and standing on her tip-toes to try and see out of the barred window that was a bit high up. She squeaked in surprise when she felt herself being lifted up and placed on a shoulder. She looked down only to be met with the smug face of her brother. "Thanks."

Sky smirked up at her. "No problem, sister mine."

Jupiter just shook her head amusedly before looking out the window again.

"Okay," The Tenth Doctor began as he paced, tearing his gaze away from the twins' interaction. "so, the Queen of England is now a Zygon, but never mind that. Why are we all together? Why are we all here? Well, me and... Chinny, we were surprised. But you came looking for us." He pointed at the War Doctor. "You knew it was going to happen. Who told you?"

"Oi! I can make my peace with Lex calling me that, but not you." The Eleventh Doctor protested as the Moment held a finger to her lips, winking at the War Doctor from where she leaned against the other side of the stone pillar Lexi was leaning against.

The War Doctor tilted his head as he gazed at the two, taking note of the similarities in their attire. Different styles of articles of clothing, but the same colors... Green jackets. Purple shirts. Black skinny jeans and a black pencil skirt. Red Converse high-tops and red peep-toe heels.

"Okay, can we just agree that you do have a chin?" Lucas sighed, crossing his arms as he leaned against the wall by where Jupiter sat on one of Sky's shoulders, trying to see out of the window.

Lexi snorted at that comment, pushing off the pillar before walking towards the back of the cell, the Moment disappearing as Lexi walked in front of her.

Outside, Tower of London, Courtyard...

"The Doctor and the Glorious will be trying to send us a message." Kate said into her phone as they walked towards the Tower entrance. "We're looking for a string of numerals from around 1550, approximately. Priority one. I'm going to need access to the Black Archive."

Inside, Tower of London, Corridor...

"The Black Archive, highest security rating on the planet." Kate explained as they walked down a corridor. "The entire staff have their memories wiped at the end of every shift. Automated memory filters in the ceiling." Clara looked up nervously as they walked up to the guard on duty. "Access, please."

"Ma'am." He nodded, taking her key.

"Atkins, isn't it?"

"Yes, ma'am. First day here."

"How long has it really been?" Clara whispered as she leaned over to Lake.

"I've only been with UNIT for six months." She whispered back. "And I even know he's been here for ten years."

"Right." Clara said, standing up straight.

Inside, Tower of London, Black Archive...

"So... Lock and key, then?" Clara asked as they entered the warehouse-like space. "But basic, isn't it?"

"Can't afford electronic security down here." Kate shook her head. "No offense to the Glorious, but we've gotta keep her husband out. The whole of the Tower is TARDIS proof. The Doctor really wouldn't approve of the collection."

"No kidding." Clara muttered, looking around. "But still, you let me in."

"You have a top-level security rating from your last visit six months ago." Lake spoke up, pointing to a board covered in photographs. "I actually met you met my first day here. Your friend Lucas as well."

"Sorry, my what?" Clara blinked, quickly looking at the board, taking notice of the photographs and note on herself and Lucas as well as past companions. She even took notice of a photograph of Lexi standing next to another woman that looked exactly like her as well as a man with dirty blonde hair and green eyes.

"That must be the family she lost..." Clara thought to herself, frowning sadly. That had to be it. That had be the reason. Whenever she got the chance, Clara was going give the Glorious the biggest hug she could.

Clara shook her head before just going and catching up with Lake and Kate.

"We do apologize, Clara." Kate told her. "We have to screen all their known associates. We can't have information about the Doctor and the TARDIS falling into the wrong hands. The consequences could be disastrous."

"What's this?" Clara asked, looking upon a computer on a leather wristband as they entered a large container with glass viewing windows.

"Time travel." Kate answered. "A Vortex Manipulator bequeathed to the UNIT Archive by Captain Jack Harkness on the occasion of his death... Well, one of them. No one can know we have this, not even our allies."

"Why not?" Clara tilted her head slightly.

"Think about it. Americans with the ability to rewrite history? You've seen their movies. No offense, Lake."

"None taken, Kate." She smiled slightly.

"Okay, so this is how we're going to rescue the Doctor, the Glorious and Lucas?" Clara asked, trying to clarify.

"I'm not sure there's enough power for a two-way trip." Kate said. "In any event, we don't have the activation code. The Doctor knows we have this. So does his wife. They always keep the code from us. Let's hope they change their minds." She then turned away when her phone rang. "Yes?" She asked, then paused. "Well, if you've found it, photograph it and send it to my phone."

Clara looked around, waiting, pausing when she saw the two other UNIT people, Osgood and McGillop, walk in. "Er, Kate?" She tapped said woman on the shoulder. "Should they be here? Why have they followed us?"

Kate looked over. "Oh, they've probably just finished disposing of the humans a bit early."

Lake's head shot up, her eyes narrowed. "Kate, what are you talking about?"

'Kate' blinked, then sighed. "Dear me. I really do get into character, don't I?"

Lake yanked Clara back as 'Kate' spat yellow venom at her before morphing into a Zygon.

"The Under Gallery is secured." The Osgood Zygon reported.

Kate's phone lit up with a photograph, and Lake took one look at it before grabbing the VM and quickly putting it inside her jacket.

"Why aren't you putting that on?!" Clara exclaimed, frightened.

"Don't need it." Lake replied, a smirk crossing her features. "Got my own."

With that, Lake surprisingly lowered the sleeve of her royal blue trench-coat to show that she was actually wearing a Vortex Manipulator of her own. She quickly punched in some coordinates.

"Prepare to dispose of two more bodies." The Zygon said. "We have acquired the device."

"Where the hell did you get that?" Clara asked, eyes wide as she glanced at the VM on Lake's wrist.

"In the words of a very dear friend of mine... Spoilers." Lake told her with a smirk before looking back to the Zygons as they began advancing. "Sorry, but it seems your plan has failed. Laters!"

Clara quickly grabbed Lake's wrist, said woman turning the Vortex Manipulator on, making them disappear.

Inside, Tower of London, Cell...

"In theory, I can trigger an isolated sonic shift among the molecules, and the door should disintegrate." The War Doctor said as the Eleventh Doctor continued scratching his message into the stone pillar.

The Tenth Doctor instantly shook his head. "We'd have to calculate the exact harmonic resonance of the entire structure down to a sub-atomic level. Even the sonic would take years."

"It would take centuries!" Lexi called to them from the back of the cell as she paced.

"Well, there went the assets." Lucas rolled his eyes as he slid down the wall to sit on the floor.

"Oh, we might as well get started." The War Doctor sat down. "Help to pass the timey-wimey." Sky and Jupiter snickered at that, both of them now leaning against the stone pillar Lexi had been leaning against earlier. The other two Doctors, however, just looked at their War self. "Do you have to talk like children?" The War Doctor asked his future selves. "What is it that makes you so ashamed of being a grown-up?" The two of them looked at each other as Lexi came to lean against the pillar the Eleventh Doctor had been scratching with the long nail. "Oh, the way you all look at me. What is that? I'm trying to think of a better word than dread."

"No. Dread is pretty apt, I think." Lexi frowned. "Doctor?"

"It must be really recent for you." The Tenth Doctor remarked.

"Recent?" The War Doctor frowned.

"The Time War." The Eleventh Doctor elaborated. "The last day. The day you killed them all."

The Tenth Doctor shot him a look. "The day we killed them all."

"Same thing." The Eleventh Doctor waved him off before going back to scratching the numbers into the stone pillar.

"It's history for them." The Moment said suddenly, the War Doctor turning to see the woman's image sitting next to him. "All decided. They think their future is real. They don't know it's still up to you."

The War Doctor frowned. "I don't talk about it."

"Why would you?" Lexi frowned, tilting her head as she looked at the War Doctor. "There's no one else here."

"Go on." The Moment urged. "Ask them. Ask them what you need to know."

The War Doctor hesitated, then finally just asked. "Did you ever count?"

"Count what?" The Eleventh Doctor continued scratching.

The War Doctor took a deep breath. "How many children were on Gallifrey that day."

That got a reaction. The Eleventh Doctor stopped scratching, the Tenth Doctor's face drained of all color, and Lexi just looked down at her feet sadly.

"I have absolutely no idea." The Eleventh Doctor said quickly.

"Liar." Lexi mumbled quietly as she continued to look at the floor.

"Glorious?" Lucas got up from his spot on the floor and approached Lexi cautiously.

"How old are you?" The War Doctor asked the Eleventh Doctor.

"Ah... I don't know." He shrugged. "I lose track. Twelve hundred and something, I think. Unless I'm lying." He paused. "I can't remember if I'm lying about my age. That's how old I am."

The War Doctor frowned. "Four hundred years older than me, and in all that time, you've never even wondered how many there were? You never once counted?"

The Eleventh Doctor closed his eyes. Flashes of his life since the Time War went by, most of it being taken up by Lexi and all the memories of them raising their two children. It would absolutely break him to lose them. He knew Lexi would say the same. They may not say it out loud, but Jupiter and Sky were their universe, so-to-speak. And even that was just a small drop in the figurative bucket that was all the children on Gallifrey.

"Tell me..." The Eleventh Doctor said softly, hurting thinking about any of that. "What would be the point?"

The Tenth Doctor snapped his head towards his future self, his gaze cold. "Two point four seven billion."

"What?" Lucas's jaw dropped.

"Oh, my God..." Jupiter whispered, clapping a hand over her mouth as she instantly grabbed her brother's hand with her other one. Both of them knew of the horrors their father had faced during the Time War, but they had never actually been told a numerical figure.

"You did count!" The War Doctor pointed at the Eleventh Doctor, said man just shaking his head as he went back to scratching the stone pillar Lexi was still leaning against.

"You forgot?" The Tenth Doctor asked angrily, glaring at his future self. "Four hundred years? Is that all it takes?"

"I moved on." The Eleventh Doctor stopped scratching the pillar and turned to glare at his past self.

"Where?" The Tenth Doctor asked. "Where can you be now that you can forget something like that?"

"Okay, I've had enough of all three of you!" Lexi finally snapped, shaking her head as she pushed off the pillar. "I can't do this anymore." She muttered, brushing past Lucas as she made her way to the back of the cell again as she tried not to take what the Tenth Doctor had asked personally.

"Okay, what's that about?" The Tenth Doctor pointed at Lexi.

The Eleventh Doctor just shook head. "Let's just say you're not doing too well for yourself right now. Haven't been all day."

"I don't know who you are, either of you, any of you." The War Doctor looked around at the people before him. It's like one moment they can all be friendly and laughing, and the next moment they're being all cold and... angry with each other. "I haven't got the faintest idea."

"They're you." The Moment told him quietly. "They're what you become if you destroy Gallifrey. The man who regrets. The man who forgets." She listed off, disappearing before reappearing next to where Lexi was leaning against the back wall. "And the madwoman with him who keeps her madman sane... The moment is coming, Doctor. The Moment is me. You have to decide."

"No." The War Doctor shook his head.

"No?" The Tenth Doctor raised an eyebrow.

"Just... no."

The Eleventh Doctor chuckled bitterly.

The Tenth Doctor raised an eyebrow coldly. "Is something funny? Did I miss a funny thing?"

"Sorry." The Eleventh Doctor shook his head. "It just occurred to me... this is what I'm like when I'm alone."

"Ha!" Lexi let out a half-laugh, making them look her way. "You really think that? Tell me, when in the last, er... nearly twenty-seven years have you ever felt alone?"

"Twenty-seven... That's oddly specific." The Tenth Doctor commented, crossing his arms as he looked at Lexi, missing the knowing look Sky and Jupiter shared with each other. "Why twenty-seven?"

"You will understand later." The Moment promised the War Doctor. "You've already been putting the puzzle pieces together in your head. It's not that long now." She told him. "But I really do think that we need to be getting out here, eh? Come on, think... It's the same screwdriver. Same software, different case."

The War Doctor blinked. "Four hundred years."

Everyone looked at him.

"I'm sorry?" The Tenth Doctor asked.

"At a software level, they're all the same device, aren't they?" The War Doctor asked, going to the door. "Same software, different case."

"Yeah. So...?"

"So, it would take centuries for the screwdriver to calculate how to disintegrate the door." The War Doctor ran his sonic over the door. "Scanning the door, implanting the calculation as a permanent subroutine in the software architecture, and - if you really are me, with your sandshoes and your dickie bow."

"I wonder if the door's even locked." Lexi tilted her head as she walked forward a bit away from the back wall.

"And that screwdriver is still mine," The War Doctor continued. "that calculation is still going on."

"Putting all this work into trying to disintegrate it, wouldn't hurt to just try and open it." Jupiter shrugged as she walked up beside her mother.

"Yeah, still going." The Tenth Doctor held his sonic to his ear.

"Then again, that would be the easy way out." Sky stated, walking up on the other side of his mother. "I mean, have you seen who we're with?"

The Eleventh Doctor made a noise, and he grinned as he held it to his ear. "Calculation complete."

"Same software, different face." The Moment stressed to the War Doctor as he laughed.

"Hey, four hundred years in four seconds." The Eleventh Doctor grinned. "We may have had our differences, which is frankly odd in the circumstances, but... I tell you what, boys, we are incredibly clever."

"Actually, I think you're incredibly daft." Lucas chimed in.

"Why do you say that?" The Tenth Doctor raised an eyebrow.

"Have you not heard anything these three have been saying?" Lucas let out a laugh, pointing with his thumb at Lexi and the time twins.

Suddenly, there was a rustling noise that came from the other side of the door before it was flung upon, Clara and Lake running in right after.

The Eleventh Doctor blinked, looking at the door, which was obviously not broken into. "How did you do that?"

"It wasn't locked." Lake answered.

Clara eyed the the Tenth and War Doctors. "So, they're both you, then, yeah?"

"Yes." The Eleventh Doctor nodded. "You've met them before. Don't you remember?"

"A bit." She nodded, looking over to Lucas. "Lucas, do you?"

"Sort of." He shrugged.

"Okay, here's what I want to know," Lake began, gesturing at the three Doctors. "there's three of you in one cell. So, none of you thought to try the door?"

"I did." Lexi raised her hand.

"Me too." Jupiter chimed in.

"Same." Sky raised his hand.

The War Doctor swallowed, watching Lexi and the time twins. "I don't know who they are..." He whispered.

"You wouldn't really." The Moment answered, appearing next to him. "Come on, though. You have to at least have a clue as to who that woman in the middle is. I look just like her, and yet, we are different." She smiled slightly, turning her head to look at the War Doctor. "I think you will come to find that you are not alone in the universe, Doctor. After the Time War, should you continue this path, you will gain things that will mean everything to you."

And just like she had done previously, the Moment disappeared.

"You know, I am also curious as to what the answer to Doctor Sonata's question is." Clara cleared her throat. "I mean, it is a simple question, after all."

"It... should have been locked." The War Doctor managed to tear his eyes away from Lexi, Jupiter and Sky.

"Yes, exactly!" The Eleventh Doctor exclaimed. "Why wasn't it locked?"

"Because I was fascinated to see what you would do upon escaping." Elizabeth answered as she stepped into the doorway, a slight frown on her face as she gazed over all the people that were there. "I understand you're rather fond of this world. It's time I think you saw what's going to happen to it."

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