The Day of the Doctor [Part 5]

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Inside, Tower of London, Zygon Base, 1562, Day...

"The Zygons lost their own world." Elizabeth said as they entered a techy part of the Tower's dungeons, Zygons everywhere to be seen. "It burned in the first days of the Time War. A new home is required."

"So they want this one." Clara said.

"Not yet. It's far too primitive. Zygons are used to a certain level of comfort."

One of the Zygons then turned. "Commander, why are these creatures here?"

"Excuse me?" Lake quirked an eyebrow. "I'm sorry, but have you seen yourself?"

Elizabeth just raised eyebrow as well. "Because I say they should be. It's time you, too, were translated." The Zygon just turned back, and Elizabeth nodded. "Observe this. I believe you will find it fascinating."

The Zygon placed its hand on a glass cube with dents in the corners, then vanished.

"Look." Lucas pointed to a familiar 3D painting nearby.

Clara's eyes widened when the Zygon appeared inside of it. "That's him! That's the Zygon in the picture now."

"It's not a picture, it's a Stasis Cube." The War Doctor corrected. "Time Lord art. Frozen instants in time, bigger on the inside, but could be deployed as -"

"Suspended animation." The Tenth Doctor nodded. "Oh, that's very good. The Zygons all pop inside the pictures, wait a few centuries 'til the planet's a bit more interesting, and then out they come."

"You see, Clara," The Eleventh Doctor began. "they're stored in the paintings in the Under Gallery, like cup-a-soups. Except you add time, if you can picture that."

"No one could picture that, dearie." Lexi sighed as the Tenth Doctor eyeing her suspiciously, taking note of the term of endearment.

"Right." The Eleventh Doctor cleared his throat. "Forget I said cup-a-soups."

"You two are slipping." Lucas whispered in Lexi's ear, making her jump slightly since she hadn't even noticed him go behind her.

"Shut up." She hissed back.

"And now the world is worth conquering." Clara said. "So the Zygons are invading the future from the past."

"Exactly." The Eleventh Doctor nodded.

"And do you know why I know you're a fake?" The Tenth Doctor then stepped forward to Elizabeth. "Because you're such a bad copy. It's not just the smell, or the unconvincing hair, or the atrocious teeth, or the eyes just a bit too close together, or the breath that could stun a horse. It's because my Elizabeth, the real Elizabeth, would never be stupid enough to reveal her own plan. Honestly, why would you do that?"

The Eleventh Doctor sighed, closing his. "You are really digging yourself deep."

Elizabeth scowled slightly at the Tenth Doctor. "Because it's not my plan. And I am the real Elizabeth."

"Okay." The Tenth Doctor nodded slowly. "So... backtracking a moment, just to lend some context to my earlier remarks."

"My twin is dead in the forest." Elizabeth said. "I am accustomed to taking precautions." She held up her skirts, showing that she had a jeweled dagger strapped to her leg. "These Zygon creatures never even considered that it was me who survived rather than their own commander. The arrogance that typifies their kind."

"Zygons?" Jupiter asked.

"Men." Elizabeth smirked.

"Oi!" All the Doctors, and the rest of the men in the group, said at once.

Lexi laughed out loud. "You know, Your Majesty, that's the first time I haven't completely disliked you today."

"But... you actually killed one of them?" Lake asked, impressed.

"I may have the body of a weak and feeble woman, but at the time, so did the Zygon." Elizabeth nodded. "The future of my kingdom is imperiled. Doctor, can I rely on service?"

The Tenth Doctor nodded. "Well, I'm going to need my TARDIS."

"It has been procured already." Elizabeth smiled. "But first, my love, you have a promise to keep."

The Eleventh Doctor opened his mouth to object, but Lexi held her hand up to stop him.

"Don't worry." She told him quietly with an ever-growing smirk. "I have a plan."

Outside, Castle, Courtyard...

As the TARDIS stood off to the side, a minister stood in front of a tent as he performed the wedding ceremony of Elizabeth and the Tenth Doctor, the Eleventh and War Doctors standing with Sky and Lucas on one side while Lexi stood with Jupiter, Clara and Lake on the other.

"I now pronounce you man and wife." The minister said. "You may kiss the bride."

Elizabeth smiled wide, grabbing the Tenth Doctor's face before planting a passionate kiss on his mouth.

"You're really okay with this." Clara whispered to Lexi.

"Of course not. I want to gouge out her eyes." Lexi whispered back with a false smile plastered on her face. "But I can't ruin history and do that to the Queen of England. So I've... improvised."

"What have you done, Mum?" Jupiter whispered from where she stood on the other side of Lexi.

Lexi just giggled, grinning evilly.

"Is there a lot of this in the future?" The War Doctor asked the Eleventh Doctor as they stood on the other side, watching Elizabeth kissing the Tenth Doctor.

"It... does start to happen, yeah." Was the answer the Eleventh Doctor decided to go with, shooting a look at his son and Lucas when he heard them snicker.

The Tenth Doctor then managed to pull away from the kiss.

"Godspeed, my love." Elizabeth told him.

"I will be right back." He said to her before running for his TARDIS, the rest of the group following after him.

Inside, TARDIS...

The War Doctor looked around the Tenth Doctor's TARDIS as they all entered, the Tenth Doctor immediately going for the console. "You've let this place go a bit."

"Ah, it's his grunge phase." The Eleventh Doctor couldn't help himself. "He grows out of it."

"I haven't seen this console room since..." Lexi trailed off, looking around.

"we went outside the universe." Sky finished as he, too, looked around while he flashed back to the adventure with the human TARDIS (Idris) and the entity known as the House.

"Don't listen to them." The Tenth Doctor pat the console - only for an alarm to sound, making him jump away from the console. "Ow!" He winced, shaking his hand. "The desktop is glitching."

"Three of us from different time zones," The War Doctor looked around as the desktop morphed into a white desktop. "it's trying to compensate."

"Hey, look, the round things!" The Eleventh Doctor grinned.

"I love the round things." The Tenth Doctor smiled.

"...What are the round things?"

"No idea."

"You really do get entertained by the most simple things." Lake tilted her head as she gazed at the two men. "I mean, first the fez and now this."

Lexi laughed. "Oh, I like you, Doctor Sonata."

"Oh, please." She grinned. "I think formalities have flown out the window. Call me Lake."

"Okay." Lexi laughed.

"New friend, have you?" The Eleventh Doctor crossed his arms as he looked at the two women.

"I always make new friends just about anywhere we go." Lexi grinned just before an alarm went off again. "And I do believe that would the friction contrafibulator." She stated, the Tenth Doctor raising his eyebrows. "Smarter than I look, Doctor." She told the Tenth Doctor. "And it's all thanks to you, or will be thanks to you."

With that, she winked at him before going and helping her Doctor with the controls.

"Ha! There." The Eleventh Doctor smiled. "Stabilized."

The desktop then changed, Jupiter and Sky both sighing in relief when it morphed into the TARDIS desktop version they were most used to. "Oh, I've missed this sight."

"Oh, you've redecorated." The Tenth Doctor looked around before wrinkling his nose. "I don't like it."

"Don't pay him any mind, Idris." Lexi snickered, the TARDIS making a beeping noise at her. "Remember, it's your desktop."

"Who's Idris?" Lake asked.

"Oh, it's an adventure we'll have to tell you about sometime." Sky smiled at her.

Lake smiled back at him before looking back up at the room. "She's beautiful."

The TARDIS whirred at her.

"She's also alive." Jupiter commented, walking up on the other side of Lake. "And I think she likes you."

"Wish I could've gotten her to like me that easily." Clara chimed in, crossing her arms as she stood next to Lucas.

"Learning curve, Clara." Lucas chuckled, patting his friend on the shoulder.

"Okay, so we're going to the National Gallery." The Eleventh Doctor rubbed his hands together. "The Zygons are underneath it."

"No. UNIT HQ." Lake shook her heard. "They followed us there in the Black Archive."

All three Doctors' heads shot up at that, including Lexi's as well, all of them turning to look at Lake.

"Lake, I think they've heard of that." Clara said, eyeing the expressions on the Doctors' and Lexi's faces.

"Obviously they have." Lake rolled her eyes before directing her attention to the individuals who were looking at her questioningly. "So, info time: the Zygons are in the Black Archive and Kate Stewart and two of my other colleagues are said creatures."

"Great." Lexi pinched the bridge of her nose, thinking.

Inside, Tower of London, Black Archive...

"The equipment here is phenomenal." Zygon McGillop commented as he and the other Zygons were going through the collection. "The humans don't realize what half this stuff does. We could conquer their world in a day."

"We were fortunate, then... in our choice of duplicate." Another Zygon, one in its natural form, responded.

"If I were human. I'd say it's Christmas."

"No. I'm afraid you wouldn't." Kate suddenly spoke up as she, Osgood and McGillop entered the Black Archive, all of them having escaped the predicaments the Zygons had put them in. "We're not armed. You may relax."

"We are armed." The Zygon told her. "You may not."

"Lock the door. I'm afraid we can't be interrupted." Kate told McGillop before going and standing on one side of a table in the center of the room, Osgood standing behind her, and McGillop joining them soon after. "You don't mind if I get comfortable?" She asked before taking a seat in a chair.

"You don't mind if I do?" The Zygon asked before morphing into Kate and going and walking to the other side of the table, the table then acting as mirror, reflecting the humans on one side and the Zygon counterparts on the other.

"You'll realize there are protocols protecting this place." Kate stated. "Osgood?"

"In the event of alien incursion," Osgood began. "the contents of this room are deemed so dangerous, it will self-destruct in..."

"Five minutes." Kate finished, starting the countdown, making an alarm start up. "There's a nuclear warhead twenty feet beneath us. Are you sitting comfortably?"

Zygon Kate raised an eyebrow. "You would destroy London?"

"To save the world? Yes, I would."

"You're bluffing."

"You really think so?" Kate scoffed. "Somewhere in your memory is a man called Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart. I'm his daughter."

"'Science leads', Kate." The Eleventh Doctor's voice suddenly came over a device on the other side of the room. "Is that what you meant? Is that what your father meant?"

"Doctor?" Kate asked.

"Space-Time Telegraph, Kate." He said. "A gift from me to your father, hotline straight to the TARDIS."

Inside, TARDIS, Console room...

"I know about the Black Archive, and I know about the security protocol." The Eleventh Doctor said, continuing to speak. "Kate, please. Please tell me you are not about to do something unbelievably stupid!"

"I'm sorry, Doctor. Switch it off."

"Not as sorry as you will be." The Tenth Doctor said. "This is not a decision you will ever be able to live with!"

"And take it from them." Lexi added. "They have experience."

The TARDIS then groaned as it rocked and shuddered.

"Yeah." Lake winced. "I probably should've mentioned... the Black Archive is TARDIS proof."

"What?" Lucas looked over at her.

"I said switch it off." Kate's voice said.

"No, Kate, please, just listen to me!" The Eleventh Doctor shouted, but the feed cut out.

"How can you TARDIS proof a place?" Jupiter demanded.

"Alien technology plus human stupidity." The Eleventh Doctor shook his head. "Trust me, it's unbeatable."

"Oi!" Lexi nudged him. "Don't forget I used to be one of those humans."

"What?" The Tenth Doctor asked.

"Shush." Lexi told him quickly before turning back to the Eleventh Doctor, not caring that the Tenth Doctor was now glaring at her slightly. "How the hell are we supposed to land the TARDIS in there if she can't get through?"

The War Doctor's eyes went to the console, absently listening to the discussion before he blinked, his gaze finding the Stasis Cube on the console. "We don't need to land." He said suddenly,

The Tenth Doctor glanced his way. "Yeah, we do, a tiny bit. Try and keep up."

"No, we don't." He shook his head. "We don't. There is another way." He held up the Stasis Cube. "Cup-a-soup."

"Ha!" Sky laughed. "That's brilliant!"

The War Doctor nodded before looking back down at the Stasis Cube in his hands. "What is Cup-a-Soup?"

Lexi slowly looked over to the Eleventh Doctor only to find him already staring at her before giving her a wink. Lexi grinned madly before then rushing to the TARDIS doors.


Inside, National Gallery, Main gallery...

The Eleventh Doctor turned towards Kate. "What happened?"

"Easier to show you." Kate gestured away from from the painting, her, Osgood and Lake then leading the Doctor, Lexi, Clara and Lucas from the gallery.

McGillop made his way to follow them but stopped when his phone rang. "McGillop." He answered.

"Take a look at your phone and confirm who you're talking to." Lexi's voice came over the line.

McGillop lowered his phone for a moment to look at the screen, his eyes widening slightly when he saw the caller ID before he quickly put the phone back up to his ear. "But that's not possible. I was just -"

Inside, TARDIS, Console room...

"You were just talking to us, blah blah blah. I know. We're time travelers. It's not that hard to figure out." Lexi interrupted him as the Tenth Doctor watched her, slightly amused while the Eleventh Doctor grinned proudly. "But never mind that. Listen, the Doctor and I need you to send the Gallifrey Falls painting to the Black Archive. Understood?"

"Of course, ma'am. But... Why would I take it there?"

Lexi just smirked. "In due time."


Inside, Tower of London, Black Archive...

"One word from you would cancel the countdown." Zygon Kate said as the countdown went to 2:58.

"Quite so." Kate nodded.

"It's keyed to your voice-print."

"And mine alone."

"Not anymore." Zygon Kate looked towards the device with the countdown. "Cancel the detonation!"

Kate stood. "Countermanded!"

"Cancel the detonation!" Zygon Kate stood up from her chair.


Zygon Kate glared at Kate. "We only have to agree to live."

"Sadly, we can only agree to die." Kate snapped back.

"Please, Doctor. Please, Glorious..." Osgood muttered, closing her eyes. "Please save us..."

Outside, Street, Arcadia...

The Eleventh Doctor finished using the Stasis Cube and, suddenly, the whole group found themselves standing in the midst of the destruction, explosions being heard nearby as well as screaming. Lots of screaming.

"The Battle of Arcadia..." Lexi whispered looking around with wide eyes.

"Wait... Are we actually in the painting?" Lucas asked, stepping up next to her.

"I wish I could say no." The Eleventh Doctor commented before going and standing next to his previous selves.

"Oh, my God. This is..." Sky muttered, looking all around.

"The planet where part of our ancestors come from." Jupiter finished his thought as she, too, gazed around at all the destruction.


"Get out of the way!" Lexi shouted as everyone whirled around, all the Doctors aiming their sonics at the two Daleks approaching while Lexi pushed Lake, Clara and Lucas out of the way before she and the twins whipped out their own sonics, ignoring the shocked looks of the Tenth and War Doctors.

"EXTERMINATE!" The Daleks chanted, bringing them back to the gravity of the situation.

The three Doctors, Lexi and the time twins all fired their sonics at the two Daleks, both of them screaming as they rolled backwards and through the glass of the painting as they exploded.

Inside, Tower of London, Black Archive...

The three Doctors were the first ones through the painting and into the Black Archive; Lexi, Jupiter and Sky following right behind them.

"Hello." The Eleventh Doctor smirked at the two sets of Kate, Osgood and McGillop, all of them staring right at them in shock.

"They're the Doctor." Lexi said, pointing at the three Doctors.

"She's the Glorious." The Eleventh Doctor pointed at Lexi.

"And we're the Twins of Time." Jupiter grinned, gesturing at herself and Sky.

"Sorry about the Daleks." Sky examined the wreckage of the two Daleks they had just destroyed.

"Although, not that sorry since they did try to kill us." Lexi shook her head.

"Yeah, not the nicest thing, is it?" The Eleventh Doctor glanced at her before looking back at the two sets of Kate, Osgood and McGillop.

"Also, the showing off!" Clara said as she and Lucas came through the painting, Lake climbing through behind them.

"Now, Kate Lethbridge-Stewart," Lake began as she strode in between Clara and Lucas and passed Lexi, the time twins and the Doctors. "what in the universe do you think you're doing? You know, I knew I should've tried to get you to have that warhead dismantled as soon as I started working here."

"The countdown can only be halted at my personal command, in case you've forgotten." Kate told her. "There's nothing you can do."

"Except make you agree to halt it." The Tenth Doctor pointed out.

"Not even for three of you." Kate shook her head before looking past the Doctors, her eyes trained on Lexi. "And not even for your glorious wife."

The Tenth Doctor's eyes widened. "What?"


Inside, The Library...

"Time can be rewritten!" The Tenth Doctor shouted at River as he was chained to a metal structure.

"Not those times." She immediately replied, shaking her head. "Because if you die here, that means you'll never meet the person who's going to change your life for the better."


Inside, Tower of London, Black Archive...

The Tenth Doctor slowly turned his head to look at Lexi. "What?"


Inside, The Library...

"She's going to give you happiness again." River told the Tenth Doctor, her eyes brimming with tears. "Trust me, I've seen it... None of that can be rewritten."


Inside, Tower of London, Black Archive...

"What?" The Tenth Doctor asked as he stepped towards Lexi, the War Doctor looking on in shock.

Lexi winced, quirking an eyebrow. "Penny dropped?"

"Penny dropped indeed." The Moment smirked, the War Doctor glancing at her to see her leaning against one of the shelves while looking right back at him. The Moment raised an eyebrow at the War Doctor. "Getting it now?"

"Thank you, Kate." The Eleventh Doctor said, Kate raising an eyebrow challengingly. "We're going to have to deal with the revelation that my predecessors seem to be processing at moment. However, bigger issue at hand: You're about to murder millions of people."

"To save billions." Kate responded. "How many times have you made that calculations?"

"Once." The Eleventh Doctor chuckled darkly. "Turned me into the man I am now. I'm not even sure who that is anymore."

"Clearly a better man than I." The Tenth Doctor remarked, not taking his eyes off Lexi. He pointed a finger at her. "We're not done."

"I don't expect to be." Lexi smiled at him before they directed their attention to the Eleventh Doctor and Kate. "But, you know, I think after all the time I've been with you, I've figured out exactly who you are." She said, walking up to the Eleventh Doctor, said man turning his head to look at her. "You're the man who tries to be a better person. You do that every single day. After all, that's all any of us can do. Right? You take the road less traveled by, so-to-speak. You arrive at the destination at the end of that road. And, you reap the rewards, or consequences, that come with that." She grabbed his hand, giving it a squeeze. "It may not always work out how you hoped, but... you do your best. And that's one of the things I love most about you."

Clara wiped a tear from her eye, Jupiter doing the same as Sky and Lucas tried to hide the emotions that they themselves were feeling.

The War Doctor however? He looked on at Lexi, examining her closely. She wasn't the Moment. Definitely not. But she was glorious. The Glorious. And apparently, sometime in the future, she would be his Glorious... And then he remembered: Everything Ohila and Eulalia had said to him was true.

"Well, glorious Pond," The Eleventh Doctor choked out a laugh. "can't exactly argue with that now, can I?"

"I don't think you should." The Tenth Doctor commented, walking up on the other side of Lexi as they all looked at Kate. "But still, you tell yourself it's justified, but it's a lie. Because what I did that day was wrong. Just... wrong."

"And because I got it wrong," The Eleventh Doctor continued as the War Doctor looked over at the Moment again, her giving him a small smile before disappearing once more. "I'm going to make you get it right."

"How?" Kate asked with a frown as the Eleventh and Tenth Doctors walked forward, pulled out the chairs at the table, sat down, then put their legs up on the table in sync, crossing them one over the other.

"Because, any second now," Lexi began as she walked up behind where both Doctors were sitting, putting her hands on their shoulders. "you're going to stop that countdown. Both of you, together."

"Then you're going to negotiate the most perfect treaty of all time." The Eleventh Doctor nodded.

"Safeguards all around, completely fair on both sides." The Tenth Doctor nodded.

"And what's the key to perfect negotiation?" Lexi asked with a grin.

"Not knowing what side you're on." Both Doctors answered.

"So, for the next few hours," The Eleventh Doctor continued. "until we decide to let you out..."

"No one in this room will be able to remember if they're human." The Tenth Doctor said.

"Or Zygon." Lexi smirked before laughing. "Whoops!"

The Eleventh and Tenth Doctors jumped onto the table, raising their sonic screwdrivers as Lexi pulled hers out. The memory filter in the ceiling then abruptly sparked.

The two Kates in the room blinked, looking around in surprise, then looked at the countdown, which had reached seven seconds. "Cancel the detonation!" Both of them shouted, the countdown stopping at five seconds.

The Eleventh Doctor smiled triumphantly. "Peace in our time." He declared, Lexi grinning happily.


"So, that was some speech you gave back there." Lake commented a bit later as she, Lexi, Clara and Lucas examined the board of all the past companions, the Eleventh and Tenth Doctors negotiating with the Kates, Sky and Jupiter stepping in for their mother and attempting to help where they could.

"It was all true." Lexi shrugged, gazing over the numerous photographs including Ian, Barbara, Susan, Mike Yates, Sara Kingdom, Ben and Polly. "I really do believe everything that I said." She stated before her eyes landed on a picture of herself, Amy and Rory. "Sometimes you... have to say what you want to say when you know it needs to be said."

Clara's gaze drifted from Lexi to the photograph that had captured said woman's attention. Clara's gaze then flickered back and forth from the photograph to Lexi and then back again before she found herself wrapping her arms around Lexi in a tight hug, making her eyes widen. "I'm so sorry."

"What... for?" Lexi asked, confused as she tried to figure out what to do with her arms at Clara's unexpected hug.

Clara pulled away from Lexi, putting her hands on her shoulders. "I'm just... sorry."

"Okay..." Lexi trailed off before kinda just... walking away.

Lucas smiled slightly as he, Clara and Lake turned back to the board. "It's still hard for her to talk about."

"I bet it would be for anyone lost their loved one." Lake nodded in agreement, pointing at the photograph of Lexi, Amy and Rory. "Or in the Glorious's case, loved ones."

"Can't imagine what it would be like to lose a sibling. Let alone a twin." Clara said softly as she looked at the photograph. "And on top of that, to lose someone else close to you as well? I wouldn't wish that anyone."

With the War Doctor...

The War Doctor was sitting in a large wingback chair, drinking tea as he watched everything around him when he heard approaching footsteps, which made him look over to see Lexi walking towards him.

"Hi." She smiled at him.

"Hello." He nodded.

"So, er... I'm the Glorious. But I haven't always been that." Lexi said quietly as she sat down on the footrest in front of him. "My name is Alexis Pond. And we haven't exactly met yet."

"I look forward to it." The War Doctor said truthfully. He had been thinking about Ohila's and Eulalia's words that had come flooding back to him. Words about about an individual called the Glorious. After everything he endured during the War, the words had subconsciously been pushed to the back of his mind. But now they definitely weren't. He remembered how Eulalia and Ohila said that the Glorious was going to mean something to him. He just never knew the true extent of it. Clearly, though, she was going to mean everything to him if he decided to marry her. He had had a nagging thought during the War that would occasionally make him wonder about the things he was doing, about if any of them would change anything at all. But the woman sitting before him was proof that he'd do something right. He just didn't know what it was because... he hadn't done it yet. And the Moment, after everything she had said, after everything that had transpired, it had made him develop a sneaky suspicion of who the Moment had taken the appearance of. It wasn't the woman sitting in front of him. Even though they looked exactly alike, they were totally different. And the word 'twin' had not gone unnoticed by him when the Moment had spoken it. The puzzle pieces now clicked into place... He knew who she was. I mean, the surname 'Pond' had been a dead giveaway when Lexi had just spoken it. The War Doctor frowned, though, when he saw Lexi had something to say. "Is there a problem?"

Lexi sighed. "The Doctor... well, my Doctor." She always liked saying that. Because it was very true. He was her Doctor. Well, any Doctor was her Doctor. Just like she would always be his Glorious. "He's always talking about the day he did it, the day he wiped out the Time Lords and the Daleks to stop the war."

"One would." The War Doctor agreed.

"But you don't." Lexi pointed out. "It's like when when we were all in the cell. You were surprised at the way the other Doctors were looking at you. And that can only mean one thing... You haven't done it yet. It's still in your future."

"You're very sure of yourself."

"He regrets it. I see it in his eyes every single day. And, on the nights he tries to sleep, he always struggles to do so. If there's one thing I know he would want to change in his life, this would be it."

"Including saving all these people." The War Doctor told her. "How many worlds has his regret saved, do you think?" He pointed to where the Tenth and Eleventh Doctors were talking, Lake having joined them to take over for Sky and Jupiter, said time twins joining Clara and Lucas over at the board with all the photographs. "Look over there. Humans and Zygons, working together in peace." He finally looked back to Lexi again. "How did you know?"

"I walked through his mind." She said simply. "It was right after we were married, and he showed me everything through a mental link. And when I say he showed me everything, I really do mean everything. I saw all of his memories. All the way from the very beginning. But the memory of you and the war... that one he was hesitant on showing me. I mean, he did show me, but... I didn't see it for very long. He didn't want me to... I can understand that, though. But after I came out of his mind, I could see in his eyes that he held regret. Regret for that one memory of that one part of his life he wished he never had to live. But that regret... it isn't in your eyes now." She took in a shaky breath. "When someone does something they regret, they usually try to hide it. Move past it. But... their eyes always tell the story. The eyes never lie even when their owner does. Regret ages you. It reflects in you... And it's not in your eyes. You look so much younger because of that."

The War Doctor closed his eyes. "Then all things considered, it's time I grew up." He lifted his head. "I've seen all I needed. The Moment has come." He turned to see the Moment from where she was watching nearby, a sad look in her eyes. "I'm ready."

"I know you are." She answered.

"Who's there?" Lexi frowned, turning to look. "Who're you talking to...?" When she turned back, however...

...the War Doctor had vanished.

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