The Ultimate Guide

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A/N: Hello!!! *smiles and waves*

Does me putting three exclamation points make it seem like I'm yelling? Whatever, it doesn't matter. 😂

Okay, so here's a little filler chapter that's based off the Doctor Who minisode "The Ultimate Guide". Hence this chapter's title. 😁

Enjoy! 😘


Inside, TARDIS, Console room...

"Okay, I think I have everything." Lexi announced, wearing sunglasses and holding a beach bag as she emerged from a corridor and into the console room. "Clara and Lucas are getting ready. They're wondering if we're still doing a taxi." She tilted her head in confusion as the Doctor peeked at her from the other side of the console, looking as if he had no idea who she was. "Doctor, is everything alright?... Okay, you're worrying me now. Stop it."

"Who am I? Where am I?" The Doctor questioned, walking around to the side of the console, not taking his eyes off Lexi. "And who are you?"

Lexi slowly looked down to her left ring finger, seeing her blue sapphire engagement ring and wedding band before letting her gaze drift over to the Doctor's left finger and seeing the silver wedding band he had worn since right before their honeymoon.

"Are you even serious right now?" Lexi sighed, looking back up at the Doctor's face. "You actually did it, didn't you?" She asked, dropping her beach bag beside her feet before walking up to him. "The last thing you said to me before I went to get ready was: 'I've got to remember to repair the interface before I repair the time circuit or I'll completely wipe my memory.'"

"I don't remember saying that." The Doctor frowned. "I don't remember saying anything." He tilted his head. "And, in fact, here's a theory: don't laugh, promise me you won't laugh... I think, whoever I am, I've lost my memory."

Lexi quirked an eyebrow at him. "All 1200 years?"

"That sounds like a lot..." He trailed off. "Is that a lot? That sounds like a lot. Anyway, first things first: what's my name?"

Lexi's eyes widened a bit before she stepped closer to him. "I don't think I should say. I mean, Lucas and Clara are on the TARDIS. They could come in here at any moment. Besides, you told me to never repeat your name. I'm the only one you've told."

"Well, that's a good start." The Doctor rolled his eyes.

"Well, I like to think it is." Lexi said before gently taking his hands in hers. "However, there is a title. You call yourself the Doctor."

"I like it." He said, smiling as he looked up from their joined hands. "Doctor who? Wait, ha! Yes! Nobody knows. Well, nobody except you, apparently. That's the thing, I suppose."

"Hang on. I think I know just the thing." Lexi smiled at the Doctor, letting go of his hands before rushing below to underneath the console and pulling a book out of a compartment. She then ran back up to the main level and handed him the book, which was a sort of journal that had the words '1200 YEARS MEMORY' embroidered on the front. "Here. You showed me this once. I think it'll help. It contains everything about your life. Everything you've ever been a part of. Everything you've done. It's all written right in here."

"The Doctor, is he a good person? Is he a good person to be?" He enquired as he took the journal from Lexi. "Who are his friends? Who are his enemies?"

"Open it and find out." Lexi smiled at him, giving his arm a squeeze before going over and sitting in a chair to wait for him.

"Alright, Doctor," The Doctor started as he opened the journal and began to read. "let's find out who you are...."


"I remember now." The Doctor slammed the book shut. "I remember everything. It's like seeing it all for the first time. Seeing me... The Doctor. Eleven faces. Hundreds, thousands of years of space and time."

"And now it's all back in there again." Lexi grinned, standing up from the chair she had sat herself in before walking to join the Doctor at the console once more. "Ready for our holiday now? I think Clara and Lucas should be out here any second."

"But I don't know if I deserve a holiday." The Doctor sighed. "You know, I don't know if I deserve anything. It's like not knowing was a relief... So much death, so many friends I've lost." He then glanced at her. "You've been with me for so long. You've experience some of the losses I have... How do we carry on?"

"Because..." Lexi smiled, taking his left hand, rubbing his wedding band with her thumb. "You've saved billions of lives every time you go to a place where there's something wrong." She intertwined their fingers, gazing into his emerald green eyes. "You could turn and run... but you don't. You never do. You stay and help."

He glanced down at their intertwined fingers before looking back up and staring into Lexi's beautiful brown eyes. "Well... Wouldn't anyone stay and help?"

"No." She shook her head. "And because you don't know that, and because you'll never understand it, that, my dear husband, is what makes you the Doctor. You've taught me so much in our time together. You've made me a better person. You've showed me that even when there's death, destruction and darkness, you can find a way to the light again... That's why we'll never stop doing what we do."

"And that, my glorious Pond, is why your title is so apt for you." The Doctor smiled at Lexi, bringing her hands up to kiss her knuckles and leaving a single kiss on her blue sapphire wedding ring. "You've made me feel better."

"You make everything better." She told him softly, leaning up slightly to peck him on the cheek before pulling back. "That's why you're the Doctor."

"Oh, don't get all sappy now." He chuckled, bringing her in for a tight hug before pulling away from her and grinning. "Right, let's go on holiday, shall we?"

"Lucas! Clara!" Lexi called over her shoulder, warning her and the Doctor's companions that they were getting ready to leave before turning back towards the console. "Geronimo, dearie."

"Ha!" The Doctor laughed before pulling a lever, setting the TARDIS in motion as Lexi grabbed onto the edge of the console. "Hold on!"


A/N: There ya go! 😁

I hope you enjoyed that little piece of Gloronimo fluff. 💕

Now, as you've probably figured out, the next episode is going to be "The Crimson Horror". I absolutely cannot wait to write and get that published for y'all! ❤️

Like seriously, I have no idea what it is, but I've gotten so inspired for "The Crimson Horror" and am going to say that I'm quite confident that you're going to enjoy it immensely with all that I've thought up for it. I'm going to shut up about it for now though so I don't accidentally spoil anything I've got planned. ☺️

Also, I'm just now realizing that all that's left in this book is:

• "The Crimson Horror"
• "Nightmare in Silver"
• "The Name of the Doctor"
• "The Day of the Doctor"
• "The Time of the Doctor and the Glorious"

That's just FIVE episodes left of this book before we get to the 12th Doctor and we get to meet Lexi 2.0/The 2nd Glorious! 🎉

I mean, I am definitely gonna miss 11 and Lexi 1.0 so much. 😥 But, I am so excited for y'all to find out who I've chosen to portray Lexi 2.0/The 2nd Glorious. I really like this pairing of her and 12. ❤️

Anyway, I suppose I'll say goodbye for now until... "The Crimson Horror"!!! 🎉

Until then! 😘

💋 Love always,

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