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"I want a tattoo, on my ass." Tati exclaimed, barging in the room.

Demetrius sigh, "Of course you do, Tati." He said, shaking his head.

She smile pulling up her dress, "Do I need to take my panties off?" she asked already in the process of taking them off.


"Whoops, looks like it's already off." she shrugged her shoulders, climbing on the chair. Demetrius shut his eyes praying to himself.

He let out another sigh grabbing his things then turning around to Tati. He roll his eyes seeing she was smiling at him.

"Imma need you to lay on your stomach." He told her.

"Ooh, back shots I love those." She said turning on her back, he roll his eyes again sitting in his chair.

"How come you couldn't go to Cannon?" He asked and she suck her teeth, looking back at him.

"He left." She answered.

"And TJ? Zack? Romana? There's other people here." He told her and she shrugged her shoulders.

"TJ is ugly and I don't want him touching me. I think Zack is gay and Romana is a white bitch, so your my only option." She said, Demetrius shook his head not even bothering to go there.

"Okay, Tati." He said putting on his gloves then proceeded to sanitize her area and started her tattoo.

"Sooo, you know after my tattoo we can have some fun." She said looking back at him.

"Tati, I'm not sure if your just plain stupid, but I literally told you this shit several times. I'm married, so I don't want to do anything with you at fucking all." He told her and she frown.

"You can't possibly tell me that your going to deny me for her."

"But, I am telling you that right now and other times as well. I don't want to rude, but your a hoe Tati." He told her bluntly and she laughed.

"So, I'm a hoe because I love messing with men. That's crazy." she remarked, shaking her head.

"Tati, do you really know why multiple men like messing with you?" He asked her.

"Because I'm fine as fuck, duh. And because I'm a bad bitch."

Demetrius shook his head, "No, it's because your easy. If a dude came up to you right now and said that he wanted to fuck, you would agree. Your just plain easy and they know when they mess with you, your not going to question them." he told her truthfully.

"I mean why would I question them? They're dicks be big and they know how to fuck. Why constantly be with one women when you can be with multiple?"

"I think your missing the part to the whole situation. Your in the wrong for messing with men that's in a relationship, the man in the wrong as well. But, your a woman and you should have respect for yourself and not mess with a guy in a relationship. Instead of messing with men that are already taken, go with someone that's single. I'm sure your going to get the same outcome."

"Nah, single men are boring. They don't have anyone to go home to, so I can't be petty. Whereas a guy that's taken will go home to his girl, lay next to her with my pussy juices all over his dick. It's like a two for one package deal, you know."

"No, I don't know and I'm not going to know cause I don't care. I'm happy with my wife and that's the end really." he told her, shrugged his shoulders.

No matter how many times the two would get into, he was never leaving her. He just couldn't. How could you leave a woman that been down for you since the beginning?

"Mhm, eventually your going to get tired of her and your going to want something new. And when that time comes imma be here waiting for you." She said kicking her feet like a little school girl.

"Nah, I won't get tired of her. But, continue doing what you do since that have nothing to do with me."

"Whatever. Now, time to eat my pussy."

"We're done this."

Demetrius rapped the lyrics to Racks In The Middle by Nipsey Hussle as he headed upstairs. Reaching his room, he opened the door seeing Liam and Constance laying together.

"Demi!" Liam exclaimed and Demetrius shush him.

"Why you so loud boy?" He asked walking over to him. "Why you still up?"

"I-I-I wasn't tired." He answered, Demi nodding his head. He look down at Constance who was knocked out making him smirk.

"Come on let's get some cookies." He said picking Liam up then walking out the room. They headed downstairs going in the kitchen, Demetrius sitting Liam on the counter.

"Cookies and milk or just cookies?" He asked as he opened the cabinets.

"Cookies and milk." Liam answered, excitedly. Demetrius nodded his head grabbing the cookies, milk and two cups.

"If Constance ask who ate her cookies, your going to take the blame ok?" Demetrius asked, pouring them a glass of milk. Liam nodded his head and he smiled.

"Good, cause I know she won't be mad at you but she'll curse my ass out over some damn Oreos." He mumbled to himself.

"C-C-CiCi said she's having a baby and it's in her belly." Liam muffled since his mouth was full.

"Don't talk with your mouth full and yes she's going to have a baby. Her belly is pretty big right?"

Liam nodded his head, "Yes, she said-she said I can rub it and I rubbed it. I felt a kick." he eagerly told Demi.

"Hmm, you must be happy that she's having a baby huh? You know that's going to be your cousin, somewhat." Demetrius told him.

"Can I ssssssee..." Liam paused for a quick second before talking again. "Can I see the baby?" He asked and Demetrius nodded his head.

"Yeah, when he or she is born. But, that's a long way to go kid, so you have to wait. But, I promise when it's time you'll be the first to know." Demetrius said, tapping his nose and Liam laughed.

It went quiet between the two, Demetrius noticing Liam was frowning.

"What's wrong?" He asked, lifting up his chin so they were looking at each other.

"I miss daddy. Is he coming back?" Liam asked in a quiet like voice.

Demetrius look at him then sigh, "Uhh, your dad is umm..." he paused trying to find the right words.

"Damn, I wish Constance was up." he thought to himself knowing she was better at this than him.

"Is he not coming back?" Liam asked and Demetrius shook his head.

"No, Liam...he's not coming back. He's gone for a long time little man, but that doesn't mean you can't go see him. We can take a trip to his gravesite and you can talk to him. How does that sound?" Demetrius asked, Liam hung his head not answering.

"Or we don't have to. Actually, how about me and Constance take you to the aquarium soon. Maybe we can have fun there." Demetrius continued trying to cheer him up, but Liam wasn't having it.

"Can I-can I go lay with Constance?" Liam asked.

"Yeah, sure." Demetrius helped him off the counter and Liam took off

"Congrats, Demi for upsetting a four year old. Now, Constance really gonna beat my ass."

a. thoughts? opinions? questions?

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