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𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐚𝐥 (𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐞 𝟐𝟐)

Constance squealed a little as she look herself in the mirror. She was all jittery because today was her gender reveal. She was so happy, she could barely explain it. It was finally their day.

"Oh my god, I'm finna-" she stopped talking letting out another squeal of joy. She look at her growing belly in her pink dolly dress she was wearing with her braids up in a bun.

(her dress)

"Baby, are you done screaming at yourself?" Demetrius asked making her jump. She turned towards him and let out another squeal making him chuckle.

"Nay, gonna be mad at us for being late so let's go woman." He told her putting his hand out.

She grabbed her purse then waddled over to him as quick as possible. Demetrius started laughing as she grab his hand and they walked out the room, heading downstairs. They made sure they had everything before walking out the house.

Demi opened the passenger door for her, helping her inside the car. She took out her phone and started taking pictures of herself.

"You excited baby?" Demetrius asked, pulling off and she nodded her head, excitedly.

"Yes, I'm so excited. I wanna see what Nay did, I think I might cry." She said then turned towards him. "Babe, if I cry don't laugh at me."

Demetrius started laughing and she frown. "Didn't I say don't laugh at me." She said and he continued laughing.

"I'm sorry baby. I'm just curious as to why would you be crying?" He asked, glancing over at her.

"Well for two reasons. One, when I see what my best friend did for us. Two, when we find out the gender." She told him and he nodded his head.

"Valid reasons to cry, but I'm sorry imma end up laughing probably." He told her and she hit his arm.

"That's just disrespectful towards the mother of your child and your wife."

"I'm sorry, give me kiss baby." She lean over the armrest pecking his lips.

"We finna have so much fun."

They chilled in the car listening to music. Constance still taking videos and pictures throughout the whole car ride. They finally arrived at the building seeing Nay and Sanya standing outside. Once Demi parked the car, he helped Constance out.

"Sis!" Sanya exclaimed running over to her. They hugged each other tightly, rocking side to side.

"You look so beautiful." Nay said hugging her afterwards.

"Thank you and y'all look beautiful. Lemme guess girl and girl?" Constance asking seeing they were wearing pink.

"Of course, I need my niece." Sanya said and Constance chuckled.

"Hi Demetrius, how are you? Oh, I'm fine y'all nice to see y'all too cause last time I check I'm standing here too. I'm also wearing pink cause I want a girl, but let's not worry about me." Demetrius said smartly and they all look over at him, laughing.

"Sorry, Demi. I see you with the pink polo." Nay chuckled.

"Right, looking all sophisticated. Now, we have a gender reveal to get to loves, let's go!" Sanya exclaimed skipping back to the building.

Constance and Demetrius held hands, following after them. They walked inside to music being played and all their families sitting around with each other. Constance gasp looking around at the black and pink decorations.

"Nahomie..." Constance whined as her eyes started to water. "Thank you so much." they hugged each other again tightly.

"Your welcome love. You both deserved it." Nay told her giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Okay, now let's deal with the family." she said grabbing Demi hand and walking over to his family first.

"Aww, gorgeous!" Octavia exclaimed once she seen the two of them. She got up from her seat giving the two of them a hug.

"You look so beautiful, Constance." Remy said, kissing her cheek.

"Thank you and thank y'all for coming." She thanked them.

"Congratulations to you too baby. You finna be a poppa." Octavia said pinching Demetrius cheek.

"Thank you mom and don't call me poppa. It makes me feel old and I'm only twenty-four." Demetrius told her and she chuckled.

"There shouldn't be no problem with you being old, I'm sure ole girl love the oldies." Nia remarked, side eyeing Constance.

"Alright, let's go meet my family cause I don't have the time nor the patience." Constance mumbled the last part, waddling over to her family.

She seen her cousin Samantha first and a huge smile grew on her face. "Sammy!" Constance shouted and Samantha ran over to her.

"CiCi, Jesus you look so damn cute." Samantha told her then putting her attention on Demetrius who walked over.

"Hello, sir." She gave him a small wave, squinting his eyes at him.

"Hello." he said back giving her a head nod.

"Hmm, I approve for the sake of this cause you seem legit. One fuck up though and imma cut your throat, I keep it in my purse. Oh, and I'm Samantha." Samantha said patting her purse.

Demetrius nodded his head while Constance chuckled. "Well, then that's a nice introduction. Shall we enjoy ourselves?" She asked looking up at Demi.

He lean down peeking her lips, "We shall."

"Poke, poke, poke." Constance muttered to herself as she poke her belly.

She was sitting in another room while everyone still partied to get some time alone. She was enjoying herself and everything Nay had organized. The games were fun and both her and Demetrius family was getting along well. Besides Aunt Judy and Nia who were being assholes during the whole thing.

But, Constance and Demetrius didn't pay attention to them. And no one else did either. She heard the door opened making her look up, she seen Judy and she let out a small sigh. Judy walked over to her, taking a seat next to her.

"Are you enjoying the party?" Constance asked, being friendly. There was no point in fighting negativity with negativity.

"Hmm, it's alright. Your friend could've done a little better." Judy answered, Constance mentally rolling her eyes.

"Well, she did amazing especially with little time. I appreciate her and everything she did." Constance said and Judy hummed sipping from her wine glass.

"Mhm, tell me Constance...why?" Judy asked her, Constance look over at confused.

"Why what?"

"Why Demetrius? Why my nephew out of all other men in this world?" Judy asked, sipping from her glass again.

"That's kind of a weird question-"

"It's not a weird question, so just answer it. If you have nothing to hide then just answer my question." Judy cut her off, Constance tuck in her lips looking away.

She shrugged her shoulders, "He was the first man I laid my eyes on and he's the last. It was just a connection I guess." She answered, Judy scoffed shaking her head.

"Oh jeez, child this isn't a fairytale so stop with the connection bull. Listen I know what type of girl you are, trust me I seen ones like you before. And trust me when I say this, you won't be the last." Judy told her and Constance scrunched up her face.

"What does that mean exactly?" Constance asked her.

Judy scoffed again, "Your just dumber than I thought child. I'm just going to let you know that my nephew is the type of man to hit it and quit it. Unfortunately, he hit it then stayed sadly and I don't know why. Now, here y'all are about to bring a little bastard into this world. Since he didn't leave the first time, I promise you once that child is born he's a goner. I'm preparing you so you don't look stupid when the time comes." Judy told her bluntly not caring.

"I-umm..." Constance paused as her voice cracked. "That's not true. We love each other, he's not going to leave me." She continued looking over at Judy.

"You say that now, but once that baby is here I'll give y'all a week with y'all relationship. Enjoy it while it last cause it's going to be stripped away from you quickly. I wonder who's going to be his girl? I hope she looks better than you and is white." Judy said letting out a chuckle while sipping from her glass.

Constance blink back tears as she fiddled with her fingers. The door opened and Nay came in and instantly seen Constance head lowered.

"Babe..." she began, Constance looking over at her. "We're about to do the reveal and we're ready for you." she continued side eyeing Judy as she walked over to them.

"Umm, yeah I'm ready. I just have to go to the bathroom first." Constance told her, wiping her face. Nay nodded her head helping her up then watched as she walked to the bathroom.

Once she heard the door shut, Nay look over at Judy who stood up.

"Yes?" Judy asked looking her up and down.

"Whatchu say to her?" Nay asked, Judy chuckled rolling her eyes.

"Something she needed to here. A good ole woman to woman talk." Judy told her, shrugging her shoulders.

In the bathroom, Constance walk back and forth as she hyperventilate. She was trying to breath normal, but it only resulted in her over-breathing. She started hearing her mother voice in her head all over again.

"Your going to be alone."

Constance shut her eyes remembering the breathing techniques her therapist told her.

"Breath, Constance, breath." she told herself as she relax. Nay knocked on the door and she look over.


She opened the door and Nay look at her. "Are you okay?" She asked and Constance nodded her head.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Don't we have a gender reveal to attend." she said walking out the bathroom hand in hand with Nay.

She kept taking deep breaths calming herself down. They walked back to the party as everyone stood around waiting for them. She walked over to Demi and he noticed she was frowning.

"You good?" he mouthed to her and she nodded her head.

"Alrighty then everyone, it's time to do the gender reveal so get your phones out and record it you like." Nay told everyone as she handed them the Boy or Girl ballon.

Constance and Demetrius held the string, Demetrius nudging Constance making her look up at him.

"You sure you okay?" He asked her and she nodded her head again. He kept looking at her not believing her.

He knew something was up. He could feel it.

"Alright, I changed it up a bit for my girl. So, mom and dad, black confetti means a baby boy and pink confetti means a baby girl. Here's your pins loves and whenever your ready, go ahead." She told them handing them the push pins then backing away to Sanya.

Demetrius look around seeing his Aunt Judy and Nia chuckling with each other.

"Alright, you ready?" Constance asked him.


"3...2...1!" They counted together then popped the balloon, pink confetti coming out. They both smiled while everyone clapped and shouted.

"We're having a girl!" Constance exclaimed, jumping up and down.

"We're having a girl." She repeated looking at Demetrius as her eyes started to water. He pulled her into a hug, kissing her forehead.

"We're having a baby girl." He said, kissing her cheek. He pulled away looking at her.

"Please don't leave me."

"I'm not baby, I love you."

"I love you too."

a. IT'S A GIRL💗💗

b. Nay showed out for ya girl!!!

c. what's y'all thoughts on Judy and what she told Constance?

d. thoughts? opinions? questions?

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