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Constance slam her hands on the counter, Demetrius slowing looking up at her.

"I told you I was visiting Dre today right?" she asked him, he slowly nodded his head.

"Yeah, you told me that nine times already." He answered and she tuck in her lips, lowering her head.

Tapping her nails on the counter, she look around chewing on her tongue. "I'm visiting Dre today." she repeated out of nervousness.

"Ten times." Demi remarked, putting his bowl in the sink and rinsing it out.

"Baby, if your scared to go just say that." He told her as she walked over to him.

"I am, I'm scared that imma end up breaking down when I see him. And then when I realize I can't leave with him, imma cry even more. Why the fuck am I so emotional?" Constance poke out her bottom lip while it quivered.

"Baby, your mood swings are wild." He told her wiping her tears.

"I know, I fucking hate it. I feel like a baby." she mumbled, crossing her arms.

He kiss her forehead, "Well, your my baby regardless of your mood swings. You okay now?" He asked and she nodded her head.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Anyway, I wanted to tell you that I'm also going to see my therapist today. And it's going to be my last session for awhile." She told him.

"Last session? Your going to be done with her?"

She shook her head, "No, but her and her family are taking a trip so she won't be back until the beginning of September. So, I won't be able to see her but she gave me other therapist, she worked with that I can go to if I really need to talk." She explained and he nodded his head.

"Okay, you think you'll be good without talking to her?" He asked, she tuck in her lips then nodding her head.

"Yeah, I think so. I'll just talk to you instead if that's fine?"

"You already know it is mamas, so you don't have to ask. I gotta get going though beautiful, you be careful and let know when you get there." he told her, pecking her lips.

"I love you..." he began pecking her lips again. "And I love you too princess." he continued kissing her belly.

Constance smile, "We both love you baby. Have a good day at work." she told him before he walked out.

Once he left out the house, she look down at her stomach rubbing it.

"Let's go see your soon to be adoptive brother."

"We got this princess, we're not going to cry." Constance talked to her daughter as she waited.

She heard the door open making her look up. She seen an officer first then once he stepped out the way, she seen Dre. They made eye contact and a smile grew on both their faces. She got up as quick as possible just as he ran over to her. They greeted each other in a tight, embracing hug.

"Hi, baby." Constance said, her voice breaking slightly. They pulled away from each other, staring at one another. Dre eyes started to water and Constance poke out her lip.

"Aww, Dre baby...don't cry." She sniffed, wiping his falling tears as she cry herself.

"I'm sorry." He apologized, she continued wiping his tears. "I wanna go home."

"I know baby, I know. And your going to come home soon baby, I'm working on it. I promise you'll be home soon." She told him, cuffing his face.

"I promise."

Isn't she lovely?
Isn't she wonderful?
Isn't she precious?
Less than one minute old
I never thought through love we'd be
Making one as lovely as she
But isn't she lovely made from love?

Constance played with Demetrius beard as he laid his head on her belly. He rubbed it while Isn't It Lovely by Stevie Wonder played on their tv. They were just chilling with each other enjoying they're family time.

"Baby..." she said and he look up at her. "Can we talk real quick?" She asked and he nodded his head.

"Yeah, wassup baby." He said sitting up and sitting in front of her. She sat up on the pillows, attempting to cross her legs but failed.

"So, I wanna talk to you about today with me and Dre." She said and he nodded his head.

"Aight, wassup?"

She sigh, "So, our talk was very, very emotional. We talked everything out and I just want to tell you about it." She told him.

"He admitted to everything...he said that he dealt drugs to that kid and others at his school. He also admitted that he knew what he was doing was wrong. He knew you would be mad and punch him, but he did it for attention. Attention from his mother mainly. He just wanted her to pay attention to him, he also was giving her some of the money he was making."

"We sat and we talked everything out to the point where we both were in tears. He made a mistake and he was brave enough to admit what he did wrong. He was just trying to get his mother to look at him and see that he existed. He was trying to help her out, any kid would when their parents just abandoned them for drugs. I sat there watching him explain his mistakes and why he did what he did as tears roll down his face." she told him, looking down at her hands.

She sigh continuing, "I know you only saw him as a kid you put a roof over and food in his stomach. But, I seen him more than just that...I see him as my own kid. A boy that I took in, raised and gave my loving to when his own parents couldn't and refused to do so. We didn't have a 'you live in my house and I'm going to respect you' relationship. We had a mother-son relationship, an actual one that he's wishing to get from his own mother, but can't. I want him."

"He told me where his mother lives and I'm going to take a visit to see her. And while I'm down there, I'm going to tell her to give up her rights and give them to me. I refuse for him to stay under her care when she doesn't even know shit about him. I want here with me, under my roof and under my care. And I know we have to agree with situations like this, but I don't care about that. If you don't agree then you don't agree, but I'm doing this whether you like it or not. He's not just an object we can just throw away whenever we get tired."

"He's a child and he deserves to be loved like anyone else in this world. That's why I need your help with talking to the police or someone and see if he can come home earlier. I'm aggressive and I get mad easily, so me talking to them won't work. I really, really need you baby. This needs to be done." she said while grabbing his hands.

Demetrius nodded his head, "Yeah, I'll help baby. I know how much he means to you, so I'll talk to someone and see what I can do. I'm not sure if they'll release him early, but I'll try something." He told her and she nodded her head.

"Please, that's all I'm asking for baby nothing else. I just want him."

"I know and imma get him for you. I promise."

a. sorry for taking so long y'all...

b. y'all think Dre deserve another chance? y'all want him home?

c. thoughts? opinions? questions?

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