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*excuse mistakes if any*

𝟑 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐬 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫...

"You think if I steal her gowns, she would notice?" Demetrius asked looking in the cabinets in the doctor office.

"Why the fuck do you need hospital gowns, Levi? Stop touching shit." Constance told him, he smack his lips shutting the cabinet and walking over to her.

"Maybe I wanted to play doctor with you, so you would dress up as my patient and I'll examine you." He said leaning down and pecking her lips.

"Yeah, I'll check your prostate by sticking my finger up your booty hole." Constance said, laughing afterwards.

"You just gotta go to the extreme ma." Demetrius remarked, shaking his head. She continued laughing finding it funny.

"That can be our little kink, me sticking my finger in your ass." She continued and Demetrius stale face her.

Constance continued laughing as Dr. Brown walked back in the room. She wiped her tears, calming herself down.

"It really isn't that funny." Demetrius muttered.

"Okay, so I just have a few things to tell you guys." Dr. Brown said taking a seat. "So, your little one is doing just fine. There's just a slight problem with your placenta which will result in her being a premature."

"Really?" Constance asked and Dr. Brown nodded her head.

"I'm sorry I'm kinda new to this, but what does that mean?" Demetrius asked, Constance stale face him.

Dr. Brown let out a small laugh, "Well, that means she's going to come a little early than her intended due date. She will have health complications like poor eating, difficulties maintaining body temperature, immature lungs and low body weight. The both of y'all would have to stay at the hospital for some time until we're sure you guys are fine to go home."

"That's lovely, but I have a question. How would I know I'm in labor and when to go to the hospital?"

"When your contractions become really intense and get close in time, you'll know labor have begun. When your water breaks, I advise you to give me a call and come right in. Anymore questions?"

"No, we're good. Thank you." Constance said sitting up.

Dr. Brown nodded her head, "Okay, I'll see the two of y'all very soon." She said before walking out the room.

"My first child a premature, that's crazy." Demetrius said while helping Constance off the hospital bed. He grabbed her jacket and put it on for her.

"Thank you and that is crazy. Baby number one a preemie." Constance said, Demetrius raising his brow.

"Baby number one?" He asked and she roll her eyes.

"You know what I mean."

"I know what you said. Was that your way of saving we having more?" He questioned and she shrugged her shoulders.

"Ion know, but let's just worry about this once first." She said lowly instantly getting sad. Demetrius look her up and down before grabbing her things.

They both walked out the room, heading back to the lobby. Constance let out a small sigh as she thought about her. That's all she was thinking about for the past two months straight. She was her family, so of course she was worried. Reaching the car, Demetrius opened the passenger door for her and she got in. He got in the car afterwards then started it up and pulled off.

Constance took her phone out her purse, the screen turning on and she look at the picture of her, Sanya and Aanya. Demetrius glance over looking at her phone and already knowing what was up.

"You miss her?" He asked and she shrugged her shoulders.

"Yeah." She answered, lowly putting her phone away. "But, it is what it is babe." she added, shrugging her shoulders again.

"We could-"

"No, it's fine." she cut him off. "I just wanna go home and sleep."


Demetrius lean down kissing Constance cheek once she got underneath the covers.

"You sure you don't need anything?" He asked and she nodded her head.

"Yeah, I'm fine." she replied.

"Aight, imma be right back."

"Be safe please."

He nodded his head then walking out the room, shutting the door behind him. Heading down the stairs, he took out his phone then called Jayden.

"Yo, Jay, I need you real quick."

Demetrius look through the window trying to make out the inside. When he couldn't see anything, he smack his lips.

"Bro, ain't nobody here." Jayden said as he look through the other window.

Demetrius sigh, debating what he could do. He had came back to Aanya place to check on her. No one had seen her in a couple months. Even though, she didn't want none of them in her life, he still wanted to wanted to make sure she was good. After all that was his wife little sister and he cared for her.

"You think we should break in?" Jayden asked, Demi look over at him and Jay shrugged his shoulders.

"Nigga, I'm not about to break into the house." Demetrius told him, banging on the door.

"Well, no one answering, so that's the only option we have right now."

"Let's check the back." Demetrius said walking down the porch with Jayden behind him. They started walking to the side of the house, heading to the back.

"The young man that live there isn't home." A elderly woman said causing them to stop in their tracks. They both walked back seeing the woman sitting in her rocking chair on her porch.

"Excuse me, ma'am." Demetrius said causing her to look over at them.

"Oh, hello. Can I help you?" She asked, cheerily.

"Uhh, yeah, have you seen the girl that live here?" He asked her.

"There's many girls that come here everyday, I don't quite know who your talking about." She told him.

"Nigga was a hoe." Jayden muttered, looking around.

"Hold on." Demetrius took out his phone, unlocking it then finding a pocket of Aanya. He walked up to the lady and handed her his phone.

"Have you seen her?" He asked as she stare at his phone.

"Oh, yes I have. Her face is always bloody and bruised. Her and her boyfriend fight a lot, screaming and hollering coming from the house everyday." She said, Demetrius taking his phone back.

"Screaming and hollering?"

"She was getting her ass beat." Jayden mumbled, Demetrius punching his chest.

"Yes, I watched from my window. He hit her everyday, but she doesn't seem to leave ever. I sometimes go over to see if she's fine, but I stopped once her boyfriend threatened me if I told." She explained, Demi nodding his head.

"Okay, do you know where she is now?" He asked and she shook her head.

"Oh, no. She haven't been home since the Fourth of July. It was a hot day and her boyfriend forced her into the car then they pulled off. She was yelling for help, I ended up calling the police, but they didn't come fast enough. I even made a report to them and they never found anyone. I haven't seen them since, now it's the nice November weather. Is autumn your favorite season?" She asked giving Demetrius a smile.

"Umm, not really. I'm more of a winter person, but are you sure august is the last time you seen her?" He asked bringing her back on track.

"The winters too cold for me, I get frost bite easily." She said, ignoring his question.

Demetrius look back at Jayden who shrugged his shoulders.

"Right, well, thanks for helping. You have a good rest of your day." He said before they walked back to this car. They got in, putting their seatbelts on. Demetrius turning his keys, starting the ignition

"Bro, you don't think..." Jayden trialed off looking at Demi.

"I hope not." Demi answered then pulling off.

Constance wipe her eyes as she slowly walked down the stairs. She heard chattering from the living room causing her to walk over and seeing Nay, Jayden, Cannon, and Sanya over. Once her presence was seen, they all stopped talking and stare at her.

"Okay, let's stop talking when Constance comes in the room." She joked, but everyone just stayed quiet.

"Okay..." she trialed off. "It was nice to know y'all was here. Y'all having a secret meeting or something?" she asked, they still not answering.

"Wow, I guess I'm a buzzkill." she muttered, throwing her hands up.

"We should get going, we all have a long week ahead of us." Nay said getting up.

"Yeah, Sanya, I'll take you back to your apartment." Cannon suggested.

Constance tuck in her lips still confused. She gave Nay and Sanya a hug before they all left the house. She look at Demi who sat on the couch, his face buried in his hands.

"Well, remind me to never interrupt y'all private conversations again." She remarked sitting down next to him. When he didn't reply, she roll her eyes.

"Hello! Demi I know you hear me!" She shouted, snapping her fingers. He look up at her and she roll her neck.

"I gotta talk to you about something." He finally said and she scoffed.

"You damn right. I don't like the fact that I was being ignored and stared at all weirdly. It's giving me the feeling that y'all was having a private conversation about me. Which is crazy cause y'all talking about me in my own house." She said getting slightly pissed.

"Look babe, we wasn't talking about it."

"So, then what we're hall talking about?" She asked, crossing her arms. Demetrius stare at her not knowing how to say this without hurting her feelings.

He sigh, "Listen, Jay and I went over to Aanya house just to check on her. We saw that she wasn't there and we ended up talking to her neighbor. Her neighbor mentioned her and her boy fighting all the time and-" he paused, trying to find the right words.

"And? Demi, you can't just stop like that." She told him.

"And-basically, she haven't been home since August babe. No one seen her for four months now. The police had gotten a call the night they left and haven't gotten any news after that." He told her.

"So, what are you saying?" She asked. "Are you saying she's gone?" she asked, Demetrius just looking at her not knowing how to answer.

"Demetrius, is that what your saying!" She shouted, her voice cracking a little. He sigh, rubbing his hands down his face.

She shook her head standing up, "She's not gone." She said, still shaking her head.

"Babe..." Demetrius began, standing up as well. He reached out for her and she put her hands up.

"She's not gone. She's somewhere, we just don't know where. She's not gone." She kept repeating trying to stop herself from crying, but the waterworks was coming.


"She's not gone." she said again, Demetrius walking closer to her. She threw herself in his arms, Demetrius holding her tight as she cried in his chest.

"We'll find her baby, I promise." Demi said, kissing her forehead.

He hope they could find her.

a. oooh, how hall feeling bout this chapter?

b. y'all think something happened to Aanya or she just ran off?

c. thoughts? opinions? questions?

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