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The sound of the camera flickering quickly made Constance look over. She roll her eyes seeing Demetrius taking pictures of her.

"I'm finna murk you." She threatened and he chuckled looking at the picture.

"I wanted one off guard." He said. "Whatchu don't want your picture taken?" he asked as he started taking more pictures of her.

Constance stale face him, "Not at a moment like this, babe." she answered blocking her face with her hand.

Demetrius sigh, putting the camera down and looking at her. "She's fine." He told her, already knowing she was thinking about Aanya.

"How do you know?"

"I don't, but-ion know." He shrugged his shoulders. Constance lower her head and started playing with the strings on her shorts.

A week had went by since the news and they still haven't heard anything. They had went to the police station everyday asking if they had any leads, and they gave them the same answer; no. Constance was growing annoyed at the laziness the police were doing.

Everyday when she walked in the station, at least two of the officers were sitting there on their phones. They were playing games on the computer, or talking about their plans for thanksgiving, or what they're going to get their kids for Christmas. Instead of helping her with her issues, they preferred to talk about other things.

It got to the point where, Constance did her own thing. She put up missing reports, only for them to be taken down by people on the streets. She even went driving around hoping she would run into Aanya or her boyfriend somewhere. But, just an hour of driving, she had to go back home because she was having contractions. It seem like she wasn't getting anywhere and she was having a hard time getting her mind off the situation.

Demetrius sat on the bed and lean back beside her. "Can't we just talk? Can't we just talk, talk about where we're going!" Demetrius sung terribly, Constance started laughing shaking her head.

"Ooh, please shut the hell up." She told him and he laughed.

"You know you love my singing." He said and she shook her head. "You do, but foreal though mamas, everything will be fine."

"It's really not though, my sister is missing, Demi. She could be anywhere right now, hurt badly and we don't know. For all we know, she could be with her boyfriend and he's holding her hostage. Her neighbor said he was abusing her, so he's probably keeping her somewhere so she don't go to the cops. I honestly don't fucking know, but I want to find my sister. I can't deal with the guilt and regret I'm experiencing right now. The feeling is eating me alive and I can barely enjoy the last few weeks of my pregnancy."

"Yeah, I understand baby." He said grabbing her hand. "I also feeling really fucked up 'bout this whole thing. Even though, she's not my sister, I still treated her like she was. So, I also feel the regret your having. But, babe we tried the best we could. We all literally went to the police everyday to see if there was any news and they had nothing. You can say they're not doing their job and I can agree, but what do you expect when we don't have much information. Not to mention, but we talked to white officers so I doubt they give a damn."

"I really hate this world with a passion." Constance mumbled fixing her top.

"I do too, however, we're here sadly. I'm not saying we should give up, but let's just take a breather. Okay?" He asked grabbing her chin, so she was looking at him.


"Good, now let's have some fun." Constance roll her eyes playfully as Demetrius got up.

"One more picture." He said grabbing the camera. Constance let out small giggle before posing.

"Goddamn, your beautiful."

Tears rolled down Sanya cheek, her leg shaking as she stared at the wall. Her, Ebony, Kai and Trey ended up going to the skating rink before they all went home for the break. Sanya really wasn't up for it, but she knew she couldn't stay in her room all week. The skating rink, however, was the wrong place to go.

Simply because, all she could remember was Aanya. They use to go skating all the time on Friday nights. It was always packed cause that's when all the teens would come out and socialize with their friends. It was also a way for the secret couples to hang with their boyfriend or girlfriend without their parents knowing.

But, now that they were older, it just wasn't the same anymore.

"Okay, so-" Ebony paused once she seen Sanya crying. "Sanya bear." she cooed causing Trey and Kai to look at Sanya.

"Sanya, are you okay?" Kai asked and she came back to earth.

Sanya quickly wiped her tears, "Yeah, I'm fine." she answered, sniffling.

"You know we can go home if you want." Ebony told her and she shook her head.

"No, I'm good."

"Baby, you sure?" Trey asked, rubbing her arm. "We can go back to my room and just chill."

"No, it's cool. I just need a breather." She told them getting up, but quickly falling back down.

"Stupid ass skates." She mumbled, taking the skates off and violently tossing them to the floor.

She got up again then walked out the cafeteria. She barged in the bathroom, going in one of the stalls and locking it. She leaned her back on the door, wiping the tears that was starting to fall. She took deep breath trying to calm herself down.

This whole week was stressful to her. After finding out the news about her sister, her mind was only on that. Her grades started to slip a little, but she didn't care cause she wanted her sister. Even though, they were going through hard time before everything happened, that was still her sister. Family always came first, no matter how many fights y'all have.

She heard the bathroom door open then two girls walked in. She stopped her crying just a little, so they didn't know she was in here. However, they're conversation made her listen.

"It's the fact that the nigga here now talking to a whole 'nother bitch, like I just wasn't fucking on him."

"Didn't you say he be fucking on other girls while his girl in the house? So, whatchu expect?"

"You right as hell. Never trust a nigga named Byron. What the fuck was his mom thinking calling him that?"

"She probably was on drugs with him which explain why he be twitching his eye like he slow."

The girls started laughing loudly. Sanya stoped listening to their conversation once she heard Byron name. Hearing that he was here right now where she was at, made her blood boil.

And she had only one thing to do.

Unlock the stall door, she quickly stormed out the bathroom. She seen Trey sitting on the bench with Ebony and Kai. He stood up, holding her sneakers out to her.

"I got your-" he paused once Sanya snatched them out his hands. She quickly put her shoes on and tied them tight, double-knotting them.

Once she was done, she started walking towards the double doors, Trey following after her. Walking outside, she look around trying to find Byron. She seen him leaning on the brick wall, talking to another girl. Just seeing him, pissed her off even more.

She quickly ran over to him just as Trey, Ebony and Kai walked out. Finally reaching him, Sanya shoved Byron hard.

"Where the fuck is my sister?" She asked through gritted teeth.

Byron look at her, "Didn't your parents teach you to keep your hands to yourself?" He asked, ignoring her question.

Sanya ignored him, sending a hard smack to his face.

"Who the fuck you think you putting your hands on?" The girl asked Sanya as Byron kept his hand on his cheek.

"Bitch, this ain't got shit to do with you. So, I advice you to kick rocks before I give you the same treatment." Sanya told her and the girl roll her eyes.

"Bitch, I'm not going nowhere. You better keep your hands to yourself or-"

"Or what?" Trey cut her off, standing next to Sanya. "You gon' put your hands on her cause I'm not gonna let that happen."

"You can't put your hands on a female." The girl told him and he shrugged his shoulders.

"Oh, I know, but ya bitch ass boyfriend gonna get it instead. So, try us."

Byron chuckled, "What y'all Bonnie and Clyde or something? Kinda wish ya sister was tough like you then maybe she would've put up a fight." He remarked, Sanya flaring her nostrils.

She look over at Trey giving him a look, then he ended up punching Byron in the face. He fell to the ground and Sanya started kicking him. The girl was about to help, but Ebony and Kai stepped in front of her. Ebony pulled out her pocketknife, showing it to her.

"I'm too pretty to fight, but I will slice a bitch in a heartbeat." Ebony told her, the girl roll her eyes then walking away.

Sanya kicked Byron once more before Trey put his hand out in front of her.

"Now, where the fuck is my sister!" She shouted looking down at him.

He chuckled, showing his bloody teeth and mouth. "Why should I tell you?" He asked, spitting out blood on the concrete.

"Because if you fucking don't, I'll call my brother and he'll kill your stupid ass! Now, tell me where my fucking sister is!" She shouted again.

"Ayo, I advise you to answer her question before your blood be everywhere." Trey told him, watching as he spit blood out his mouth again.

Byron chuckled again, stalling. Sanya grind her teeth about to kick him again, but Trey stopped her.

"She's somewhere having a nice talk with God himself. Shit, she might even be there with him, depending on how long it takes for y'all to find her." He finally answered.

"So, where the fuck is she?"

"A small place I call 'leave you the fuck there' alleyway near Quick n' Go corner store. Hey, while y'all there tell Bobby I said hi." He joked, laughing. Sanya kicked him again before storming off, going to the car.

She was going to go get her sister.

"Aye, get the fuck of her man!" Cannon shouted, hoping out the car and running over to the man that was over top of Aanya.

He pushed the guy off her then started sending blows to his face. Jayden and Demetrius got out the car, walking over to Aanya who laid on the ground with her clothes ripped. Demetrius kneeled down, feeling her pulse on her neck.

"She still breathing, a little though and she cold as fuck." He said taking his hoodie off.

As he wrapped Aanya, Jayden look over at Cannon who was still punching the man.

"Will!" He shouted getting his attention. "Bro, leave the nigga alone and help me!"

Cannon punched the guy once more before walking over to them. As the two helped Aanya up and head to the car, Demetrius went to the man. He tried to get up, but Demetrius kicked him back down then took his gun from the back of his pants.

"Don't get the fuck." He told him, pointing the gun at him.

"I'm sorry." The guy pleaded, putting his hands up. "I'm sorry."

"Ion give a fuck bout that sorry shit. How long she been out here?" Demi asked, sternly.

"A few days. A guy put her here and then left."

"And what the fuck you do to her?"

"I'm sorry man." The guy whimpered as he started to cry. "I didn't mean to, I swear."

"That's all I need to know."

Demetrius took his gun off safety then shot the guy twice.

"Yo, D, hurry the fuck up!" Jay shouted, leaning out the window.

Demetrius put his gun back on safety then putting it in his jeans. He hurried to his car getting in the driver side. He look in the rearview mirror seeing Aanya laying on Cannon lap. He put the car in drive then pulled off.

a. why my ass gotta be so damn extra?

b. anyway I have a little more to add, so the next chapter is going to continue this one

c. thoughts? opinions? questions?

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