11| 𝑊𝑖𝑡𝑐ℎ 𝐵𝑢𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠

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The Compound

The morning sun shone into the room as Evelyn's eyes fluttered open, her mind still all over the place with all of yesterday's events taking a toll on her. With a groan, Evelyn turned around to come face-to-face with Jace lying beside her, still sound asleep as soft snores escaped his mouth.

With a soft smile creeping up on her face, she began to play with his hair, causing his sleep to be interrupted. Jace's eyes fluttered open, only to shut close again as his eyes needed time to adjust to the bright sunlight pouring into the room.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," Evelyn mumbled softly as Jace's eyes finally met hers and a sense of relief flashed over the male werewolf.

Sighing, he scooted closer to her, wrapping her into a hug as Evelyn's head rested on his chest and he placed a small kiss on her forehead. "How're you feeling now? I was so scared," Jace questioned as he ran his hands through her hair in a soothing manner.

"I'm alright," Evelyn replied as Jace scoffed in disbelief.

"You don't have to lie to me," he reminded her as she hummed in agreement.

"I know. I'm not lying," she repeated, "I'm fine. I was just...so scared about Davina that..."

"I know. You love Davina like your own. You always have and the thought of losing her must've been-"

"Terrifying," Evelyn finished his sentence, "I felt so helpless. It felt like someone drove a stake through my heart and I just...couldn't breathe anymore."

"She's alright," Jace told her as she removed herself from his grip and sat up on the bed, resting her head against the headboard, "Rebekah brought her back last night. Your necklace worked."

"Rebekah brought her back here?" Evelyn asked with wide eyes as Jace nodded, "and why're we here?"

"You were sick, unconscious," Jace reminded, "so, we just decided it was better to lay you down here for the night."


"You know," Jace shrugged as Evelyn raised her brows at him, "Marcel, Rebekah, the brother in the suit and even...even the hybrid guy seemed worried about you."

"Klaus," Evelyn spoke, "his name is Klaus. And the guy in the suit is Elijah, their older brother. He's the one who helped Hayley all this time, you know, my childhood friend."

"Uh yeah, got it. Sorry I just need some time to get caught up with everything," Jace mumbled sheepishly as Evelyn looked away in guilt.

"I'm sorry I hid all this from you for this long," she apologized again, "I didn't want to-"

"I know, baby," Jace cut her off, "you did it for your friend's safety. I understand. I'm sorry I got mad at you first, I was just...scared."

"You've got nothing to be scared about," Evelyn told him honestly, "I love you. You mean so much to me and I...I promise you, no more secrets from now on."

"I love you too," Jace replied with a smile, "so much that I can't put it to words."

Evelyn smiled back softly as their moment was interrupted by a series of knocks on the door, causing the couple to exchange a look.

"I'll check," Jace offered as he got up to open the door. When he moved aside, Evelyn's eyes landed on Marcel, who walked in with a small smile while carrying a tray of food in his hands.

Walking up to her, he placed the tray on the bedstand as he sat down on the edge of the bed with a guilty look on his face.

"You won't even look at me?" Marcel asked sadly as Evelyn stared at her hands, refusing to meet his eyes, "Evie, I'm sorry. Please, tell me how I can make this better. I can't afford to have you hate me too."

"I don't hate you," Evelyn whispered back, knowing he could still here it clearly, "that's the problem. I...I can try but even then, I can't hate you because you're you. You're my mentor, my big brother, my best friend and yet, you still did the very things you know you shouldn't have."
"I didn't have a choice-"

"Don't bullshit me, Marcel," Evelyn cut him off, finally meeting his eyes as tears pooled her own, "you had a choice and you know it. You just had to trust me. Trust us, me and Davina, more than them. You just...you just changed ever since they showed up."

"Because I need to protect my town," Marcel tried to reason but Evelyn shook her head 'no'.

"This isn't about New Orleans and you know it just as well as I do," Evelyn stated, "it's about your history with them. You might be able to lie to the others and to yourself but you can't lie to me, Marcel. You still care about them. You still love Rebekah and you still seek approval from Klaus. You still want to be one of them and this hostility you show? It's just to make it seem like this doesn't hurt you but it does. You're still hurt they left you, but that doesn't stop you from still caring for them just as much as you did 100 years ago."

"I don't care about them," Marcel denied, "but I do care about you. And trust me, I tried to keep you and Davina out of this, from the very beginning. I know I should've fought harder for her like you did. And I am sorry, but I can't take back what's already happened. All I can do is promise you that I'll be better from now on."

"You can't guarantee that, Marcel," Evelyn retorted, "if there's one thing I've learned in these past few months, it's that the Mikaelsons and everything regarding them is very unpredictable."

"Then I promise you I'll fight for you two, no matter what," Marcel urged, "I'll die before I let anything harm you again."

"It's a sweet sentiment," Evelyn chuckled, "but I can protect myself. Just trust me from next time. I'm on your side, okay? Always."

"Always," Marcel repeated with a smile as he handed the tray of food to Evelyn, "I made pancakes for you."

"Your secret recipe?" Evelyn asked happily.

"Yes," Marcel answered with a smile as Evelyn grinned back, "and no, I'm not giving you the recipe, so don't even try."

"Rude," Evelyn groaned in mock-offence as she began to feast on the lavish apology-breakfast Marcel had set up for her.


Outside Evelyn's room, Jace was stood waiting for Marcel to leave so he could go back in. He had decided to step out, thinking the conversation was not for him to hear and that the two needed privacy to discuss the matter. Besides, it was well-known to him that Marcel wasn't a big fan of his, anyway.

"Who are you?" Jace heard a voice from behind him, causing him to turn around and come face-to-face with a pretty brunette. His eyes trailed off to where her hands lay on the slight baby bump of hers, causing him to deduce who she was.

"You're Evelyn's friend, aren't you?" he asked her, instead, "the pregnant werewolf?"

"I'll answer your question if you answer mine," Hayley responded skeptically as Jace smiled at her, extending his hand.

"I'm Jace," he introduced as Hayley's eyes widened in realization.

"Oh, hi," she greeted as she shook his hands, a small smile on her face, "I'm Hayley, Evelyn's pregnant werewolf friend."

"It's nice to meet you," Jace said, "congratulations on the baby. I hear it's going to be a girl?"

"Uh yeah, that's what the witches said," Hayley laughs, "it's nice to finally be able to put a face to your name. Evelyn's talked about you a lot."

"Only good things, I hope," Jace joked as Hayley laughed along, nodding to his words. Their laughter, however, was short-lived as they heard someone clear their throat, causing them to turn around and be greeted with the smiling face of the noble Mikaelson brother.

"I heard laughter," he clarified as he walked up to them, "there hasn't been laughter in this house in...centuries."

"I don't think we had the pleasure to meet yesterday," Elijah then said as his eyes landed on who Hayley was laughing with, "I'm Elijah."

"I'm Jace," the male werewolf replied as they too shook hands, "Evie told me how you helped with the werewolves in the bayou. Thank you for that."

"Are they your family too?" Elijah inquired curiously as Hayley too listened, wondering if he too was a Labonair and whether he could help her learn more about her family.

"Oh no, I'm not," Jace denied, "I'm not part of any pack. But I know these people and they're Evelyn's family. That's enough reason for me to care about them."

"You must really love her," Elijah stated with a smile as Hayley nodded along in agreement.

"I do," Jace admitted with a soft smile, "more than anything."

"How long have you two been together for?" Hayley asked then, "I never got to ask her because of all the chaos going on."

"Almost three years," Jace answered as more footsteps could be heard and now, the hybrid Mikaelson brother too joined the group. He too had heard the laughter and thinking it was Evelyn and Hayley, he was headed to check up on the little were-witch that he had grown rather fond of.

Jace's face fell as soon as his eyes landed on the other Mikaelson brother and the smiles diminished as Klaus masked his annoyance with a smirk and said, "oh lovely, you're still here."

"I'm staying here until Evelyn feels better again," Jace fired back with narrowed eyes, "and then I'm leaving with her."

"Until she feels better?" Hayley repeated with a frown, "what happened to her?"


"She's staying here with us," Klaus spoke up, ignoring Hayley's question, "so, you can take your leave now."

"I'm not leaving her here with you people-"

"With all due respect, we don't mean her any harm," Elijah chimed in, "she's alright with us. And I think she can make the decision herself on whether she wants to stay here or not."

"Will any of you tell me what happened to Evie?" Hayley huffed angrily as concern for her best friend grew, "what? Tell me!"

"What's with all the shouting this early in the morning?" the four heard a new voice down the hallway, causing them all to turn around and see Evelyn and Marcel walk out of her room as Marcel held the tray of food in his hands.

"Evie? Are you okay?" Hayley questioned as she rushed to her best friend's side, "I was so worried...what happened to you? No one would tell me."

"Nothing happened, I'm fine," Evelyn assured the pregnant werewolf with a smile, "it was just a few stressful weeks at work. Nothing for you to worry about, okay? It's not good for my little niece."

"Of course I'll worry about you," Hayley said as Evelyn shook her head 'no'.

"Leave the worrying to us, please," she joked, "you just need to rest and look after yourself well enough."

Hayley nodded with a smile as Elijah spoke up, "it's good to see you're doing better."

Evelyn nodded in agreement as she turned back to Marcel and asked, "where's Davina? I should go check up on her."

"Oh, our all-powerful little witch in tucked in safe and sound, down the hall under my protection," Klaus announced proudly as Evelyn looked at him briefly before rolling her eyes and turning back to Jace.

"You don't have to stay here, you know," she told him softly as the Original hybrid glared at the interaction.

"Oh come on, he's here already," Hayley chimed in, "might as well get to know all of us, right?"

Jace nodded in agreement, "plus, I'm not leaving your side. We can go back home together, whenever you're ready to. I took the day off."

"You didn't have to," Evelyn mumbled as she could feel everyone's attention being on them.

"I wanted to," Jace smiled sweetly as Hayley and Elijah smiled softly at the love in his eyes.

Marcel and Klaus, however, were not completely on-board. Marcel knew how much love there was between the two but he never liked Jace much. He thought Evelyn deserved a better guy. As for Klaus, he still did not know why but the thought of Evelyn with Jace, with anyone else, made him feel an anger he did not understand.

"Um Evie," Marcel cleared his throat, interrupting the couple, "I think we should go see Davina."

Evelyn nodded at his reminder as she turned back to Hayley, the pregnant werewolf already understanding what her friend was trying to say.

"Don't worry, I'll keep our guest company," Hayley assured as Evelyn offered her a grateful smile before following behind Marcel towards the room where Davina was.

"I need to talk to you two," Klaus grumbled angrily as he stormed past the group and towards the study on the other side of the Compound as Hayley turned to look at Elijah confusedly, while the noble Original only smiled knowingly. He had noticed what had caused his brother's mood to sour suddenly.

"If you will excuse us," Elijah spoke to Jace politely as he grabbed Hayley's hand and led her towards the study where his grumpy brother awaited them, leaving Jace behind, alone in the hallway.

Davina's Room

Marcel and Evelyn walked to the other end of the Compound, where the guest bedrooms were, including the one Davina was residing in.

Marcel and Evelyn exchanged a look as he grabbed a tray of food that was left ready on the side-table, "I made her some pancakes too," Marcel mumbled as Evelyn let out a short laugh before holding the door open for him to walk in first, her waiting for a few seconds before closely following behind.

"Go away!" Davina yelled in anger as she flung Marcel towards the wall as soon as her eyes landed on him, the tray of food shattering everywhere.

"Can't say you didn't deserve it," Evelyn mumbled sarcastically as she closed the door behind her before turning to Davina and holding her hands up in mock-surrender, "I promise I come in peace."

"Evie?" Davina questioned in disbelief as her eyes lit up at the sight of the brunette were-witch before she rushed off the bed and lunged towards Evelyn, wrapping her into a warm hug, "I'm so glad you're okay. I was so worried about you."

Evelyn laughed as she hugged Davina before pulling away and holding her face in her hands, looking at her with relief, "you were worried about me? Do you realize how big of a scare you gave me last night? I thought I lost you."

"I thought I lost you too," Davina whispered as tears pooled in her eyes, "I...I thought that was it. That I wasn't coming back. That I was de-"

"Shh, don't even utter the word," Evelyn cut her off, "you're fine. I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you then. I'm sorry I failed you," she cried as tears rolled down her eyes as she pulled the teenage witch in for another hug.



"Tim," Davina whispered, "he...he didn't make it, did he?"

"I'm sorry, Davina. I-"

"If there's anyone who should be sorry, it's me," Marcel spoke as he regained consciousness and the girls separated from the hug to look at him.

"I...I know I messed up, okay?" Marcel spoke as he walked closer to them, looking at Davina with guilt, "I failed you. I failed both of you and I am ashamed of myself for it but I... I promise it will not happen again. I will protect you two over anything. I will protect you two even if this town burns in exchange for it. I will protect you two even if it is the last thing I do. Right now, I just wanna make peace with you two."

"Why?" Davina spat, "so we can all be one big Frankenstein family?"

"We've got each other's backs, 'Vina," Evelyn agreed, "nothing's going to happen to you. Or Josh. Or Jackson. Or Hayley. All of us will be fine. I promise you that Marcel has learned his lesson and this time, we're going to make sure everything stays in order so that we can be one big, happy Frankenstein family, okay?"

Davina smiled at the two before nodding in agreement as Evelyn wiped away tears from the teenager's witch's face, "now come on, you must be starving. Go downstairs to the kitchen with Marcel and get yourself some food, okay?"

"You're not coming with us?" Marcel questioned as Evelyn shook her head 'no'.

"I need to...go see what the Original siblings are up to. And get Hayley her meds on time because I bet she forgot-"

"You know you're not her personal nurse, right?" Davina rolled her eyes as Evelyn sighed.

"Yes but she is my best friend-"

"Well then maybe they should actually treat you like one instead of acting like you're their slave-"

"Davina!" Evelyn cut her off as the other two looked at her with wide eyes, shocked at her raising her voice as Davina, of all people, "Hayley is my best friend and she too got dragged into Mikaelson drama she didn't sign up for. But she is pregnant and whether you like it or not, she is my family and that unborn child is my niece, so I will go to the same lengths to protect them as I would to protect you. You don't have to love her but I do not want to see you disrespecting her, either, okay?"

Davina looked down in shame as she slowly shook her head in agreement.

"Good, now go get yourself some breakfast," Evelyn continued with a softer voice, "oh, and Jace is around and probably feeling as lost as you are so, if you two could keep him company until I get there, that'd be very nice. Okay, thank you, bye," she spoke quickly as she slipped out of the room before Marcel could protest, knowing the vampire was not too fond of the 'werewolf boyfriend' in the first place.

Compound Study

Evelyn was walking towards Hayley's room when she heard voices from the study, causing her to stop and listen as the Original Hybrid rambled about something yet again.

"Are there any more inopportune deaths you'd like to wave in my face?" he questioned sarcastically.

"Give me a month, I'll get you a list," Elijah sassed back in response as Evelyn decided to walk into the room to see what the conversation was about and a crash was heard from downstairs, causing Klaus to sigh in annoyance.

"Young, old, dead, or alive- witches are a pain in the ass," he fussed as Elijah looked up behind him to where Evelyn now stood with her arms crossed across her chest.

Klaus got up from his seat and turned to walk out, only to come to a halt as he almost ran into Evelyn, "oh, that's a nice thing to hear about yourself first thing in the morning," she said sarcastically as Klaus looked at her dumbfounded and Hayley and Elijah tried to hide their smiles.

"I didn't mean you," he tried to clarify as she cut her off.

"You said 'all witches' and I think that includes me too-"

"But you're half werewolf-"

"Doesn't mean I'm not half witch too, Klaus," she sassed, "and weren't you the one who told me to embrace myself and live to full extent, not hide my magic and all that crap?"

Elijah raised his eyes at her words as Klaus tried to speak again, "and I meant it but-"

"But what? Now you're confusing me. Do I be fully myself or not?"

"You can be whatever you want, love" Klaus answered as he sighed in defeat, knowing she was not letting this go, "and if I remember correctly, it was you who even refused to look at me this morning."

"Because you tried to kill Davina-"

"She's not dead-"

"But you wanted her to be, didn't you?"

"I just wanted to teach everyone a lesson-"

"By trying to kill an innocent teenage girl?"

"She's the most powerful witch in New Orleans-"
"She is still a child!"

"Enough!" Hayley yelled, cutting off the argument between the two as she stood up from her place, "I already hate the morning sickness and I don't need you two bickering and giving me a headache too now. So, just stop, okay?"

"He started it," Evelyn mumbled as Klaus glared at her.

"No, I did not," he refused, "you were the one to accuse me."

"Of things you did do, Mister," Evelyn sassed as Hayley sighed dramatically before walking over to Evelyn and grabbing her arm, dragging her out of the study before the two could continue bickering further.

Klaus sighed in annoyance after the girls had left when to turned to see Elijah looking at him with an amused look of his face.

"What?" he questioned as Elijah's smirk widened.

"Nothing," he replied, "just the way you let Evelyn talk to you. If it was anyone else... let's just say their heart would be out of their chest and halfway across the room by now."

"Hayley needs her," Klaus reasoned, "she's the only reason Hayley agreed to stay here in the first place. And she could be useful for us, both with the witches and the werewolves."

"Are you sure that is all the reason, brother?"

"Yes," Klaus rolled his eyes, "what else would it be? I won't hesitate to get rid of her as soon as she stops being of use to me."

Elijah only smirked back at him in response, causing Klaus to sigh in annoyance as he turned and walked out of the room without another word.


"This is madness. How can a sixteen year old girl shake the entire French Quarter?" Klaus grumbled as everyone gathered back into the study due to recent escalation in events.

Turns out the power from the failed Harvest ritual was becoming overwhelming for Davina and as a result, she was getting weaker and her sickness had let to the entire town of New Orleans to be shaking as if an earthquake has passed through. Luckily, nobody had been hurt yet but upon Evelyn's insistence and much to Klaus' satisfaction, Jace had returned back home in order to make sure Jade and his mother were alright as well.

"Oh, so now she's a sixteen year old girl, huh?" Evelyn glared as Elijah held onto her arm, motioning her to stop.

"Not now," he whispered as Evelyn looked at him before calming down and relaxing as Klaus glared at the two from the other end of the room.

"How did you control her in the attic?" Klaus asked Marcel then as Evelyn rolled her eyes at his use of the word 'controlled'.

"I didn't have to," Marcel answered, "but then again, I never killed her boyfriend."

"Yes yes, we have been over that," Klaus grumbled, "but the point is, in her current state, she is useless as a tool against the witches."

"She is not a tool!" Evelyn yelled as Elijah tried to hold her back but she slapped his hand away before walking over to come face-to-face with Klaus, who was propped against a table, leaning over it, "you know, I try to hold back. I try to give you a chance but you never fix your ways, do you?"

"Even the righteous Elijah couldn't do it in a thousand years, what makes you think you can in just a few months, love?" Klaus asked with a challenging smirk as Evelyn continued to glare at him.

"She's not a tool but...something's wrong with Davina," Marcel spoke up, trying to divert the two from breaking into yet another argument.

"She has too much power that she cannot control," Elijah agreed as Evelyn turned to look at him, facing away from Klaus.

"That much we already knew," Evelyn nodded.

"But why is it manifesting itself in such an aggressive manner?" Evelyn questioned as Elijah came to a realization, making him walk out of the room without another word.

"Where are you going?" Klaus asked as Evelyn and Marcel exchanged a confused look.

"This is witch business. Let's ask a witch," the noble brother answered as Evelyn made an offended face.

"But...I am a witch-"

Klaus laughed at her before catching her glaring at him, making him stop and follow behind his brother to wherever they were headed.

Author's Note
Hiii guys! So, here's an update after AGES. I started missing writing when I was on my TVD re-run and decided to try to make more time to put out a few updates. Hopefully I keep my word this time. This is a filler chapter of nearly 4k words, but there will be more eventful stuff coming in soon, I promise!

Also, i LOVE Klaus and Evie's bickering lmao

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