12| 𝐷𝑒𝑎𝑑 𝑇𝑜 𝑀𝑒

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Things had escalated far too quickly for Evelyn's liking.

Hayley and Elijah were on the outs because the pregnant werewolf had gone behind Elijah's back and read his journals, telling Sophie about where he had buried his ex-lover, Celeste's bones. Sophie then tried to consecrate those bones and take the late witch's powers in order to fulfill the harvest but to everyone's surprise, all of Celeste's power was already gone.

Meanwhile, New Orleans was shaken up as Davina was getting sicker by the minute and as a result, natural signs were surfacing- all the natural elements, one after the other. It went from earthquakes to strong winds and now, such heavy rain that a flood was occurring.

Evelyn was currently helping at the church where Father Kieran had given shelter to many people (mostly werewolves) who were suffering due to the flood when she saw Hayley and Klaus walk in.

"Hey, what're you doing here?" Evelyn asked as she walked up to Hayley, taking the box from her, "let me help you carry that. Heavy things are a 'no' for you."

"We just wanted to help," she replied as Klaus caught up to the girls.

"Little wolf," he greeted the were-wolf, "so this is where you have been hiding. Is the little witch with you too?"

"I'm not hiding," Evelyn retorted, "Jace and I were-"

"Jace is here?" Hayley asked as Klaus rolled his eyes at the mention of the male werewolf.

Before Evelyn could respond, Father Kieran walked up to the group, "we still haven't gone through all that you've already provided, Klaus," he spoke as the girls exchanged a shocked look.

"Well, this newest bit isn't from me," the hybrid replied.

"Oh, that's very kind of you," Father thanked Hayley as she smiled in response.

"These people are-"

"I asked Father Kieran to give them shelter," Klaus interrupted as Evelyn raised her eyebrow at him in question.

"You asked Kieran to give them shelter? You're helping these werewolves?" Evelyn asked in a disbelieving tone as Klaus made an offended face.

"They are my clan from very far back," he explained, "they've fallen upon hard times and their plight has brought out the philanthropist in me. What can I say? Must be Elijah's influence."

"What do you mean 'your clan'?" the pregnant werewolf then questioned.

"The blood that runs in their veins runs in mine...and in our child's" the hybrid replied as Evelyn's eyes widened in shock but before she could say anything, Klaus grabbed her hand and turned to Hayley, "love, wait here for a moment while I have a little chat with your friend, okay? We will be right back."

Evelyn could not even protest as Klaus dragged her out of the door and outside the gate of the church, sitting down on the sidewalk bench and patting the place next to him, motioning for her to sit down.

"What is it, Klaus?" Evelyn questioned, standing in front of him with her arms crossed and an annoyed face.

"I want the little witch back," he replied sternly as Evelyn remained expressionless.

"I don't know where she is," she replied, "you know it was Marcel who took her-"

"How about you stop lying to me, love?" Klaus spoke through gritted teeth and he suddenly stood up, coming face-to-face with her with very little space between them, "I know she is hiding under your magic, probably at your apartment, I'm guessing," he said as Evelyn swallowed harshly in fear.

"Now I have already been invited in so I could easily bust down the door and get her myself but," he said, getting even closer and Evelyn took steps back until she bumped into the bench on the other side of the church's entrance, "I am giving you a chance to bring her to me yourself because I know you care for her and I...respect that."

"Klaus, I can't let her-"

"She will die if the Harvest isn't completed, Evelyn," he interrupted, "and she will take the entirety of New Orleans down with her. This town is as much your home as it is mine and I do not think either of us wish to see this city burn to ashes."

"I will find a way to save her," Evelyn whispered softly as tears pooled into her eyes, causing Klaus' expression to soften. He slowly sat her down on the bench and bent down in front of her, to get to her face level.

"Klaus, she's...she's a child. I can save her. I...I can't fail her, again," Evelyn stammered as Klaus placed his hand on her knee, rubbing soft circles over her denim pants.

"If there was another way, you and all the other witches of this city would've found it out by now," he said as he took her shaking hands in his, "love," he said, making her look into his sincere eyes with her own teary ones, "I know you care for her like your own but there is no other way. We need to do this and we need to do it soon and you're the only one who can comfort her and ensure she isn't scared when it happens."

"What if she doesn't come back?"

"She will," Klaus reassured, "this will work and she will come back. I...promise."

"You don't know-"

"I think you should do it," a third voice spoke as they looked up to see Jace stood behind Klaus with more boxes of food in his hand.

He gently placed them by the door and sat down beside Evelyn, taking her hands as Klaus let them go and stood up, moving back a little, even though he did not want to.


"Baby, you know this is hurting Davina too," the male werewolf pointed out to her, "you tried. She knows you did. You spent the last two days with no sleep, running around and trying to find a loophole but...I don't think there is one. This is the only way to stop this...to stop Davina's hurting. And when this is done, everything will calm down, the witches will back off and Davina will be back with you before you even know it. You know this is the right thing to do."

A silence settled as Evelyn went over his words, the only sound being that of the nonstop rain pouring on and on over the city for over a day now.

"Fine," she finally whispered, clearing her throat and get up, looking at both the men in front of her, "fine, I will ask Marcel to bring her here and I will talk to her. But if...if anything goes wrong, I'm never going to forgive any of you for it."

And with that, Evelyn opened the doors to the church and walked in without sparing either of them a single glance.

"Thank you for that. She was being stubborn-" Klaus mumbled as Jace scoffed at his words.

"I didn't do it for you," he responded, "look man, I don't know what your family has going on but...I've known Evelyn for years and...I've seen her struggle and build the family she now has- the werewolves, Marcel, Davina- all of them. She can't even bear the thought of losing them and I love her, I can't bear the thought of seeing her get hurt. Ever since your family rolled into town, she's only had sleepless nights full of worries and secrets keeping her up, too scared to sleep because she's too scared of yet another thing going wrong. When this is over, spare her from your family drama and just let her be. If one thing is clear, it's that nothing good ever comes from being around you guys. She deserves some peace after all that live has thrown at her since the day she took her first breath to now. She needs it and I will make sure she gets it."


The Mikaelson siblings were out burying Esther and trying to get Sophie to channel the magic when Evelyn returned to her apartment to see Davina cuddled up on the couch under a blanket.

"Hi sweetie," Evelyn greeted softly as Marcel followed behind her, having been invited into the apartment as well.


"Marcel, it's okay," the little witch interrupted, "I know I'll die whether I do this or not. I mean, now the only option is whether I take everyone with me. If you look at it that way, it's kind of selfish not to do it. Right, Evie?"

The were-witch fought back tears as she walked up to the girl and took her in her arms.

"We won't do this if you don't want to," she spoke," Marcel will get you out of town and I...I'll keep looking until I find another way and-"

"Yes, there has to be another way. This is not how it ends," the vampire agreed.

"And if this is?" Davina then countered the two adults, "if this is all I have...I've had a lot," she said as Evelyn let out a sob upon hearing her words, "I had Monique and I had Tim. And I had people who fought for me from the moment they met me. I had the greatest mentors and a beautiful family with you two. Most people don't get that even if they live to be a hundred."


"No, Marcel, Evie...I'm ready," the little witch went on, "I have to do this."

"I won't rest until you're back here with us, 'Vina," Evelyn promised through her tears as Marcel walked up to the girls and pulled them into a bear hug.

"You'll be back before you know it," Marcel added as Davina nodded slowly and the three held onto each other as if it was all they would ever need. None of them were ready to let go but time was slipping away and things were only getting worse for the little witch...and the entire town of New Orleans.

The Cemetery

Flames burned through the trail as Marcel carried Davina in his arms, Evelyn walking right beside him as they reached the place where the bodies of all the dead Casket girls were laid down, with an empty spot remaining for Davina. The Original family, as well as Sophie and Jace were already there, awaiting for the trio's arrival.

Davina stood on the cement slab as Sophie burned her knife's blade in the fire and approached Davina, causing both Marcel and Evelyn to look away as Jace pulled Evelyn into a comforting side-hug, holding her close to him.

"Do you believe in the Harvest?" Sophie questioned the little witch as she nodded, responding with, "I do."

And with that, Sophie reached out and slit Davina's throat as she fell back into Marcel's arms and Evelyn let out a painful sob, burying her face into her boyfriend's arms.

Everyone looked away as the girl bled out and her eyes shut, just as the rain finally stopped and the magic slowly faded from the girl's body.

Davina was laid down next to all the other Casket girls as everyone stood and waited for the next step.

"After the Harvest comes the Reaping," Sophie spoke, "their sacrifice is made and accepted. We call upon our elders to resurrect your chosen ones."

Silence fell as everyone waited for the girls to wake up but nothing happened.

Sophie gulped harshly before repeating, "we call upon our elders to resurrect your chosen ones. Resurrect your chosen ones."

Fear settled into everyone as nothing still happened and Evelyn looked up to meet Klaus' eyes, seeing the same fear and guilt in his eyes as she had in her own.

"Please," Sophie begged as tears pooled into Evelyn's eyes.

"Why are...why're they not waking up?" she asked in a whisper, "Sophie...why is it not working?"


"No, Jace, it was...it was supposed to work. We did everything right. She...she was supposed to wake up. I promised her, Jace," she sobbed as she fell on her knees, holding onto Davina's lifeless face.

Sophie too let out a cry and everyone realized it hadn't worked. They were not coming back.

Hayley walked up to Evelyn, wrapping her into a hug as the girl cried in her arms, "I...I promised her. Hayley, I told her I would bring her back...I let her down-"

"It's not your fault," Klaus spoke as Evelyn looked up at him.

"You're right, it's yours," she spat as she got up and walked towards the hybrid, "you promised she would come back. You...you promised, Klaus, you promised."

The hybrid only looked away in guilt as Evelyn punched his chest on and on, sobbing all along as she kept repeating her words.

"This is all your fault. I... I should have never let her anywhere near you. I should've gotten her out of town when I could...I, I let her down because of you, Klaus. All because of you."


"This city was fine before you came," Marcel finally spoke, "we were all fine. Davina was safe. She was in control! If you hadn't gotten her worked up, if you hadn't killed that boy-"

"My condolences the girl is gone," Klaus yelled back at Marcel as Evelyn looked up at him, "but don't lose perspective. We still have out community. The vampires of this town-"

A gasp escaped Rebekah and Hayley as everyone else looked in shock at where the vampire was stood, a hand covering his cheek where Evelyn had just landed a slap upon listening to his words.

"They mean nothing," she spat, "the vampires mean nothing. She is dead, Klaus. Dead!"

"I'm sorry-"

"I'm sorry too," she went on, "I'm sorry I thought even for a second that anything good could come of trying to help you and our cursed family. I should've never trusted you. I'm sorry I let my family down...for you. But it's over now. It's all gone and you're dead to me. You lot mean nothing to me anymore. Nothing!" and with that, she stormed off the cemetery with her boyfriend following close behind. Marcel too sped away right after, leaving the Mikaelsons behind with their guilty hearts too. Everyone had lost something today.

Marcel and Evelyn had lost the girl they loved as their own little sister and the Mikaelsons...they had lost their only hope of ensuring the unborn child's safety that had brought their family together.

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