13| 𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑡

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A few days had gone by since the dark night when the Harvest had failed. Ever since, Evelyn had completely shut out from the outside world. She had stopped responding to people's text, let alone leave her house at all. 

It was yet another day of moping around when the doorbell rung, causing Evelyn to groan in annoyance. She had made it very clear to all her visitors that she was not interested in coming out of her apartment or interacting with anyone in any way at all. Even then, someone would stop by every now and then and try to get her to greet them- first it was Jace, then Elijah and Hayley, Jade and Marcel (who had even tried to bribe her with her favorite pancakes) but in vain.

The doorbell rang again and Evelyn was fully prepared to ignore it when a familiar voice spoke from the other side of the door.

"Evelyn Scarlett Kenner," Emma's voice echoed through the house, "I've had enough of you moping around and shutting us all out. If you do not open the door this instant, there will be some serious consequences.

Evelyn sighed as she picked up a book from her table and settled on the sofa, hoping Emma would leave soon if she didn't respond. Evelyn didn't have anything against Emma. She had always been like a mother-figure to the were-witch but Evelyn was really not in the mood for any sort of interaction at all.

The were-witch had buried herself in old grimoires for days, trying to figure out what had gone wrong with the Harvest and why Davina and the other girls had not awoken.

The one question that kept repeating in her mind was about where all that magic could've gone if it hadn't reached to the Casket girls. Did someone consume it? Did Sophie lie about the process? She couldn't pinpoint the issue but she was hellbent on bringing back Davina. She couldn't bear the thought of the little witch being gone. She had to find a way, no matter what.

"Evelyn, sweetie," Emma spoke again, "Jace told us what happened."

At this, Evelyn's eyes shot up at the door. She was so busy trying to bring Davian back, she had completely forgotten about her little meltdown in front of everyone. She knew it wasn't fair but she couldn't bring herself to face Jace, even though she missed him. She couldn't help but blame him for convincing her to let Davina go through with this idea that seemed insane from the beginning.

She couldn't help but tell herself that if it wasn't for Jace and Klaus concerning her that day and getting to the best of her emotions, Davina would still be here with her in this apartment. 

This was yet another reason Evelyn wouldn't go out. She was not ready to face them again. She was scared she might lash out on them for something even she knew wasn't completely their fault. 

But at least Jace had still stopped by everyday, trying to check up on her. He apologized and tried to speak to her the first two days but when he realized it wasn't going to work, he started bringing her food and leaving it outside the door for her to take after he'd leave. He would ring the bell thrice and that's how Evelyn would know he was here. 

However, she couldn't help but notice that even though everyone else had stopped by at least once to check up on her, a certain hybrid never tried to make an attempt to do so, despite being arguably the one who was to be blamed the most for how the past events had turned out. And somehow, Evelyn found herself being more annoyed at Klaus' nonchalant behavior than anything else in the past few days. 

Evelyn was snapped out of her thoughts yet again by Emma's words, "Evelyn, you don't need to talk to me if you don't want to. Just let me in so I can see if you're alright and then I'll leave. I brought you spaghetti too. Just please, let me check up on you once. I won't annoy you again after that and you can stay here for as long as you wish. I promise."

Evelyn closed her eyes as she sighed in defeat before getting up and walking to the door. She could hear the concern in Emma's voice and she hated to add more worries to the woman's mind. So after being holed up in her apartment for over a week, Evelyn finally opened her doors to the mother werewolf whom she looked up to more than anyone.

As soon as the door opened, she was engulfed into a loving hug as Emma softly placed kisses of the side of her head and rocked her back and forth in her arms. When Emma finally let go, Evelyn finally looked up to see Emma was accompanied by Jade, who held the spaghetti box in her hands and had a wide smile gracing her face.

"So you open the door for mom and not for me?" Jade jokes as the two walk into the apartment, "it's almost like you love her more than me."

"I do," Evelyn joked back as she greeted her best friend with a hug as well.

A loud gasp escaped Emma as she walked into the kitchen to see the mess that had compiled over the last few days. There were unwashed dishes everywhere, one of the stove lids was broken and the toaster was still plugged in.

"What have you done to this place?" Emma asked, astounded by the mess she saw before her.

"Oh yeah, I was busy with things so didn't get the time to clean up," Evelyn replied sheepishly as Jade walked over to peek into her bedroom to see it was in a similar condition- clothes all over the place, the bed that looked like it hadn't been made in ages, some pillows on the floor next to some half-opened books and the cupboard door left half-open as well.

"Did you sleep on the floor last night?" she then questioned.

"Umm no, I mean...yeah," Evelyn murmured, "I fell asleep on the floor while going over some grimoires and there was no more space left on the bed after a few days so I had to eventually move to the couch. Look, I know this is all a mess but...I was going to clean it all out-"

"When?" Emma questioned as she started to sort through the messy kitchen.

"Umm, as soon as I found a way to bring back Davina," Evelyn replied softly as Emma looked up to her in sorrow.

"Sweetie, I know what Davina meant to you," Emma assured, "but you can't shut yourself out and expect to fix everything by yourself. It's okay to ask for help."

"That never works, Emma," Evelyn dismissed, "it's always better when I'm by myself. I tried to work as a 'team' with Marcel and the Mikaelsons and look where that got me. I'm just...so full of anger and regret now."

"That's because you always blame yourself for everything," Jade chimed in, "not everything is your fault. You don't have to carry the weight of the world alone, you know. We're here for you."

"Look, no offence but I don't think anyone can help with this. It's magic and witch business and I'm not about to drag you guys into this."

"But aren't we already involved?" Jade retorted, "Jace is your boyfriend, so he's always going to be connected to anything you are and I...I was helping Klaus write his memoir and whatnot so, I am involved too. There's no way to stay out of a supernatural war when the oldest family of these supernaturals returns to town, Evie. So just...let us look after you the same way you try to look after absolutely everyone."

"Okay enough," Emma then interrupted, "Evelyn, it's okay to take time out. I know this isn't an easy loss to deal with but don't push away your loved ones because of it. Like Jade said, you should let others care for you once in a while too. Now how about you two try to tackle the mess in the bedroom while I sort through the kitchen? Then we can sit down and enjoy the spaghetti, okay?"

The two girls nodded in agreement as they decided to get to work and sort out the little thunderstorm of a mess that Evelyn had caused in her apartment over the past week. It was time for her to reset and start all over again.

Author's Note
Sort of a filler chapter that I wanted to write to build up more of a dynamic between Evelyn-Emma as well as Evelyn-Jade, obviously. Jade is going to start appearing more and more in the future chapters and I've got big plans for her, yayy!

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