Death is the Only Answer

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A/N: Hiya! 😀

Okay, this little chapter is just pure fun and humor. 😂 I mean, the Doctor and Lexi get a surprise visit from Albert Einstein! 😁

This oughta be fun... 😉

Enjoy! 😘


Inside, TARDIS...

"Oh, I missed you. I can't believe River blew you up." The Doctor grinned as he walked up the stairs of the TARDIS, tossing a fez.

Lexi rolled her eyes, coming out from behind the other side of the console. "Yeah, well, I told you not to wear it last time we saw her. But did you listen? No."

"Yes, yes. I know." He mumbled back, tossing the fez some more, trying to catch it once, but missing and making it hit a lever on the console before disappearing. "Okay... I didn't mean to do that..."

Suddenly, air at the top of the stairs began swirling.

"Um... Did you do that?" Lexi asked, tilting her head in confusion as she walked over to the other side of the Doctor, both of them eyeing the strange anomaly at the top of the stairs.

"No, I didn't... I think. I'm sure I didn't." He answered, before looking around on the console. "More importantly, where's my fez?"

Lexi watched with wide eyes as a certain physicist stepped out of the swirl at the top of the stairs, wearing a certain fez while holding a test tube in his hand.

"Uh, dear, I think I found it." Lexi stated, lightly hitting the Doctor's arm without taking her eyes off of Mr. Albert Einstein.

The Doctor turned to look and smiled at the familiar face.

"Doctor? That is you, is it?" Albert asked as he walked down the stairs. "Can you explain how my fez got here?"

"Albert Einstein, nice to see you!" The Doctor exclaimed happily, going over and hugging him before pulling away. "What are you doing here?"

"I was working on MY time machine when it started shaking." He replied. "I put my hand in to try to turn it off, went straight in, and ended up here."

"Interesting." Lexi nodded slowly.

"Ah, yes, sorry." The Doctor remembered. "This is my wife, Alexis."

"Call me Lexi. Lovely to see you." Lexi smiled, shaking Albert's hand. "I've already met you once before. It was a while back, though. Frank Sinatra's hunting lodge, 1952. You'll get there one day."

"Oh, yes, that was a long time ago, wasn't it?" The Doctor smiled fondly before looking back to Albert. "Anyway, how's it going with your 'time machine', Albert?"

"Oh, not great." He replied, walking around the Doctor and Lexi to another part of the console. "I've singed my eyebrows, almost died twice, and fallen off a cliff." He informed as the Doctor used the sonic on the green liquid in the tube. "In fact, I'm quite close to perfecting it. I think this liquid is the key."

The Doctor examined the readings from the sonic. "Oh...yes...but no."

"Well, is it yes or no?" Albert asked.

"No." The Doctor told him.

"So, how did I get here?" He asked, trying to understand.

"You're the original owner of this fez." The Doctor said, taking said fez off Albert's head. "The fez I happened to be carrying during an unavoidable collision with this lever." He stated, putting the fez on the lever.

"He says it was unavoidable..." Lexi stated slowly, grinning at the glare the Doctor was giving her.

"Ignore that comment." He told Albert before going back to his original explanation. "Anyway, my lever plus your fez equals time window in the TARDIS. MY TARDIS, by the way, so don't get any ideas trying to steal it... Again."

"You said you were going to give my toothbrush back." Albert reminded him.

"About that..." The Doctor began. "The Daleks kind of exterminated it last week...or was it last century?"

"Well, it definitely wasn't last week." Lexi stated, leaning against the console. "We were still on our honeymoon. You just can't get dates right, can you?"

"Oi!" He exclaimed.

"Hello?" Albert asked, getting their attention again. "Getting back to this." He said, holding up the test tube he had been holding since he arrived. "I guess it's not bionic fusion liquid."

"Never mind." The Doctor said, taking the test tube from him. "Pass it to me. I'll just run some tests." He stated, putting it on the console before putting some goggles/glasses on.

"I made it, I'LL do the tests." Albert insisted before taking it back.

"That's the 20th century physicist for you...always wanting to do it themselves." The Doctor mumbled, taking the goggles off.

"What did you expect?" Lexi asked him quietly. "It's Albert friggin' Einstein."

"Where have you hidden my bicarbonated processing machine? Huh?" Albert asked, ignoring the couple's words to each other before walking a few steps up the stairs. "A genius like me needs better than this old trash!"

"Old trash?!" The Doctor exclaimed in disbelief as Lexi's jaw dropped before she covered her mouth to stifle a laugh at the two men. "I'll have you know this old trash will be around till the end of time. In fact, it was. Ah, and Albert..."

The Doctor not paying attention to what was happening, Lexi watched as the liquid exploded onto Albert as the Doctor was messing around at the console.

"Uh, Doctor..." Lexi stated with wide eyes as she backed up to be at the Doctor'a side, slapping his arm.

"...I almost forgot, whatever you not drink that liquid. It may..." He continued to rambled, but looked to Lexi. "What is it? Why do you keep hitting my arm?"

"That!" She exclaimed, pointing to where... Albert? was.

The Doctor turned to where she was pointing and saw that Albert had turned into an Ood with red eyes.

"Ohh!" The Doctor exclaimed, smiling. "I like your new look."

"It's an Ood, isn't it?" Lexi asked, curiously as she and the Doctor approached him.

"Yeah." He nodded. "I can tell, he's got the wiggly bits and everything."

The Ood's hand sphere then lit up as it took a step down the stairs. "Death is the only answer."

"Ooh, can it hear us?" Lexi whispered as the Doctor stood slightly behind her while they eyed the Ood.

"I don't know. Maybe." He replied before looking over her shoulder to the Ood. "What's your name?"

"Death is the only answer." Is all that it answered with as it began advancing on them.

"Doctor, what does it mean?" Lexi asked, slightly frightened as they both started to back up.

"I don't know." He replied, grabbing her shoulders and pulling her back with him as they continued to back up.

"Do you know anything?" Lexi rolled her eyes.

"Question for a different day." He replied, wrapping an arm around her midsection while they continued to back away from the Ood. He looked over her shoulder at the Ood. "What exactly do you mean? Death is the only answer to what?"

The Ood just kept advancing on them.

"Uh, sweetheart, I don't think he wants to tell us!" Lexi squeaked as the red-eyed Ood kept getting closer.

"Yes, I'm getting that, dear." The Doctor replied. "But wait!" He exclaimed in remembrance before pulling out what looked like a yoyo. "This is what you're looking for, huh?" He asked, dangling it out in front of Lexi as he kept hold of her. "Power source for your time machine, hmm?" He asked as a distraction before reaching over and pulling a lever, a white light beam then turning on behind the Ood.

The Ood immediately turned around and headed for it, getting trapped before turning into Albert again.

"What just happened?" Albert gasped, his hair sticking up in every direction.

"Long story." The Doctor replied, unwrapping his arm from around Lexi. "You went a bit Ood." He informed him, Lexi elbowing him harshly in the side. "Ow! Odd. I meant odd."

"Nice hair, Albert." Lexi smiled, ignoring her husband. "I think you should keep it."

"Yeah." The Doctor agreed. "Looks more sciency."

"I don't feel too good. Will you both drop me off home please?" Albert asked before collapsing.

The Doctor quickly caught him before he and Lexi helped him to a nearby jump seat, the Doctor scanning him with the sonic.

"Sorry about that." The Doctor apologized.

"Exactly which year did you come from, Albert?" Lexi asked, standing back up straight.

"Uh, 1945...I think." He replied, panting slightly from the ordeal of being turned into an Ood.

"Here we go then!" The Doctor stated, starting up the TARDIS. "1945! 18th of September." He said, helping Albert up. "About 10 o'clock, I believe."

"Back to the drawing board." Albert stated as he and the Doctor walked down the stairs, Lexi following behind them. "I guess you are keeping the fez, then?"

"Well, fezzes look better on me than you." The Doctor shrugged.

Lexi sniggered. "Yeah. Sure. They're not bow ties, dearie."

"You just like to make snide comments, don't you?" The Doctor rolled his eyes.

"Typical Doctor." Albert chuckled at the couple. "Suppose some things will never change. Oh well, good bye." He said, shaking the Doctor's hand. He then turned to Lexi. "Keep him in check, won't you?"

Lexi laughed. "I'll do my best."

"Well then, goodbye." He waved at the duo before stepping out of the TARDIS.

"Bye Albert!" The couple waved before the Doctor shut the doors.

"And just FYI..." Lexi began as she and the Doctor made their way back towards the console. "I do like to make snide comments."

"I believe I've known that about you the whole time I've known you." He replied, smiling before taking her hand and twirling her around.

Lexi laughed as she landed with her hands on the console.

"And we're off again!" The Doctor exclaimed jovially, pushing buttons and flipping levers.

"Or, as you usually say..." Lexi began as she put her hand on a lever before pulling it. "Geronimo!"


A/N: There you go! 😁

Hope you enjoyed this fun little thing! ❤️

The next chapter is going to be what I consider a filler chapter, but it's also going to be my version of the prequel to our upcoming Christmas special! 😜 I'll publish that as soon as I can, but tomorrow I do have other things to do besides writing. So, I'll get back to this as soon as I can. 🙂

Until next time! 😘

💋 Love always,

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