Six Weeks and Counting

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A/N: Hey there! *waves* 😁

Okay, so we've got something very special that's beginning in this Christmas special prequel... Can you guess what it is? 😏

Read to get your answer! 😜

Enjoy! 😘


Inside, TARDIS, The Doctor and Lexi's bedroom...

"I'm telling you, it's going to blow up." Lexi stated as she laid all nestled comfortably in the blankets of her and the Doctor's bed.

"No it won't." He waved her off as he slipped on his infamous tweed jacket.

"Uh, have you met you?" Lexi quirked an eyebrow. "There's almost always something that's bound to either crash or blow up. Or even a combination of the two."

He opened and closed his mouth a couple of times, but no words came out.

Lexi grinned in victory.

"Shut up." He rolled his eyes before sitting on the edge of the bed on the side she was laying. "You sure you don't want to come?"

"It's Christmas Eve, 1938 and there's a spaceship floating above the Earth, wanting to attack it. Of course I want to come." She answered, but sighed. "But I'm just not feeling up to it. Kinda tired."

The Doctor smiled softly before leaning down and pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Just rest then."

Lexi smiled back, bringing the blankets up to her chin as the Doctor stood up and walked to the bedroom door.

"Love you!" She called over to him.

"Love you, too." He said, smiling as he glanced back at her one more time before actually leaving their room.

Lexi sighed contently, listening closely as the Doctor's footsteps faded down the corridor outside their room till they could no longer be heard.

As soon as Lexi was sure the Doctor was no longer near, she promptly threw all the blankets off of herself before swinging her legs over the side of the bed.

"Okay, dear Idris..." Lexi began as she stood up from the bed. "Show me to the SickBay."

Inside, TARDIS, SickBay...

"Wow, that was quick." Lexi commented as she stepped into the medical room. "It's almost as if you sense that I really need to check something."

The TARDIS hummed in response.

"Haha." Lexi laughed softly. "S'pose you're right. Now, how exactly do I check this?"

Lexi's attention was brought to other side of the room to some sort of scanning device as it began beeping.

"Aww, are you helping me?" Lexi asked.

The TARDIS hummed in response.

"Well, thank you, old girl." Lexi smiled, rubbing the wall gently before going over to where the scanning device was beeping.

"Now, where do I go from here?" Lexi asked as she picked the scanning device up.

She was then drawn to a button on the scanning device as it lit up.

"Thank you again." Lexi said with a smile before she pressed the button on the scanning device, making it light up even brighter. "How do I use this exactly?"

The screen on the table in front of her then lit up.

'Place flat end against stomach."

"So, just place this... here." Lexi stated as she lifted her shirt up slightly and placed the flat end of the scanning device against her stomach before immediately feeling a warm and light tingly sensation as the device began scanning her internally.

"This feels... weird." Lexi said before just shrugging, pulling the device away from her stomach when she heard the monitor beep.

She quickly placed the device back down on the table before looking at the screen.



Two life-forms detected within womb.

6 weeks gestation.


"Six weeks..." Lexi whispered, a grin spreading across her face as she put a hand to her still flat stomach. "Our first night on Zaravelia..."

She then watched as a beautiful sight popped up on the monitor.

"Hello, Sky and Jupiter..." Lexi said, her voice just above a whisper as she lightly touched the two little spots on the screen. "It's weird to say that I already know what you two will be..."

The TARDIS hummed in congratulations.

"Thank you." Lexi smiled, a couple happy tears escaping the corners of her eyes. "Mind printing a copy of this out for me? I know exactly what I'm giving our Doctor for Christmas."

Inside, TARDIS, Console room...

The answer-phone on the TARDIS suddenly buzzed, the Doctor's voice then coming over it.

"Amy? Amy! Amy, it's me! The Doctor. Hello! Bit of a situation..."

"I told him." Lexi sighed as she entered the console room from having just wrapped and hid her present for the Doctor.

"Intruder alert!"

"I've got my finger on a button, which is fine." The Doctor's voice stated. "But as soon as I take my finger off the button, the spaceship is going to explode... Ahh! Which is good in one way, 'cause the spaceship in question is about to attack the Earth. But bad in another way 'cause I'm ON the spaceship and I'm gonna get all... smithereened."

"Yeah, I'd say that's pretty bad." Lexi commented, rolling her eyes as she continued to listen to her husband on the answerphone.

"Now, plan." The Doctor continued. "I'm going to send you the coordinates so you can fly the TARDIS here and rescue me. Only three flaws in this plan as far as I can see... 1: I don't have the coordinates. 2: You can't fly the TARDIS. 3: OH DEAR! You're not even there. You left ages ago. Oh well. I think I just wanted a chat before all the... smithereening. Merry Christmas, Amelia..."

The message ended with a beep, Lexi rolling her eyes as she stood all alone at the console.

"You're father can be a right idiot sometimes." Lexi mumbled, looking down at her stomach. She then looked back up at the rest of the console room. "What do you say, old girl? Think you might be able to help me fly you and see if we can't rescue him somehow?" She asked as she went about pushing a few buttons. "Does he not even remember that I'm here?"

Suddenly the phone went off again, the Doctor's voice coming up angrily. "LEX!"

Lexi just laughed loudly, flipping a lever as the TARDIS hummed happily. "Merry Christmas!"


A/N: There ya have it! 😀

So, yeah, Sky and Jupiter are officially happening! 🎉

This is where they technically begin.

And before you ask, the Doctor will not find out during the Christmas special. Lexi's going to tell him in a little filler chapter I have planned for after the episode. 🙂

And trust me, it will be adorable! ❤️

Now, I'm gonna go ahead and proofread the Christmas special as best I can before I publish it. Then I'll get it up for you guys as soon as I can! 😁

Until then...

💋 Love always,

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