Death of the Doctor (TSJA) [Part 3 - FINAL]

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Outside, Wasteland of the Crimson Heart...

"There. That should work." The Doctor announced as he did a couple of little last minute checks on the device. "Intergalactic molecular streaming, with just a hint of blackcurrant."

"But what'll happen to Clyde?" Sarah Jane questioned as she and Jo stepped over to him.

"No, no, no, I've fixed it. All I needed was you two. Oil and sonic." The Doctor replied, taking Sarah Jane and Jo's hands. "Now we can go back and Clyde can stay where he is. Hold tight."


The first thing the Doctor, Sarah Jane and Jo heard when they popped back was Clyde yelling. "Get us out of here! Doctor!"

"Then again, maybe leaving Clyde in the same place wasn't such a good idea." The Doctor admitted.

Sarah Jane looked around and noticed a ventilation shaft.

"Look out, stand back." She warned before sonicking off the grill.

"Ah, ventilation shafts!" The Doctor grinned. "That takes me back... or even forwards."

Inside, Ventilation shaft...

"Hurry up!" Lexi shouted from off in the distance as the Doctor crawled inside the ventilation shaft. "We're getting boiled alive in here!"

"Hold on! We're coming!" The Doctor shouted back.

The Doctor wasn't far in when he heard Sarah Jane scream. "Doctor!"

"Jo?" He asked, glancing behind him and seeing that neither woman was following him. "Sarah?"

"They're roasting us!" Clyde shouted.

"Let us out!" Rani cried.

"Sarah!" The Doctor exclaimed, looking behind him again before sighing in frustration. "Argh!"

He shook his head before just continuing to shuffle onwards, finding the next shaft.

"And release!" The Doctor called, everyone on the other side pushing and making the shaft covering fall.

Clyde gawked at him. "Blimey! You really have changed faces, haven't you? I couldn't see you before. I was too busy swapping."

"It's you're fault, isn't it?" Lexi smirked at the Doctor as she lightly fanned herself, her hair now up in a bun so it wasn't sticking to the back of her neck.

"Oi!" The Doctor complained.

"Oi!" Rani spoke up. "We're still cooking back here!"

"Where's my gran?" Santiago asked.

"Right, yes, sorry." The Doctor shook his head as he came back to reality. "She's in danger, so, we'd better er--" He looked back. "Can't turn 'round."

"You'll have to shuffle backwards." Clyde told him.

"Yes, okay." The Doctor nodded as he began to scoot backwards. "Thank you, Clyde."

"Even your eyes are different." Clyde said as he looked at the Doctor while they were shuffling down the ventilation shaft. "It's weird, 'cause I thought the eyes would stay the same. Can you change color or are you always white?"

"I could be anything." He shrugged.

"And is their a limit? How many times can you change?"

"Five hundred and seven." He answered. "Add it up."

"A lot less mundane than dinner, eh, Doctor?" Lexi called up to him from where she was shuffling behind Rani and Santiago, the little blue Groske shuffling along behind her.

"You can say that again!" He called back just before there was a loud hum that rang through the UNIT base. "They've started..."


When they all arrived just outside the chapel, the Doctor banged against the doors. "Jo! Sarah! Can you hear me?"

"They want the key!" Sarah Jane shouted, her voice muffled since she was on the other side of the door. "They've got the TARDIS, and a Memory Weave!"

"Try to find a way in." The Doctor ordered as Lexi felt around along the walls.

"There's nothing." Santiago shook his head as he looked around. "We need a bulldozer."

"I've got the original here!" The Doctor shouted, holding up the TARDIS key, slapping his hand against the doors. "You can have it if you let them go!"

Clyde soon found a fire extinguisher and tried hitting it against the steel doors. "It's not shifting! What do we do?!"

"Wait!" Lexi shouted suddenly, twisting a knob for the comms. "Sarah? Jo? Can you hear me?"

"The key, it's almost ready!" Sarah Jane exclaimed.

Lexi looked towards the Doctor "They have to remember. Everything" She then turned back to the comms. "Sarah Jane, Jo, both of you, remember!"

"We are doing!" Jo shouted. "That's the trouble!"

"Lexi Pond, you are brilliant!" The Doctor grinned, quickly kissing the top of her head before turning to the doors. "Sarah, Jo, remember everything! Remember everything. Remember every single day with with me, every single second. Your memories are more powerful than anything else on this planet. Just think of it. Remember it. But properly. Properly. Give the Memory Weave everything. Every planet, every face, every madman, every loss, every sunset, every scent, every terror, every joy, every Doctor. Every me."

"I remember!" Sarah Jane laughed.

"Come on, all of you, tell 'em!" Lexi urged the kids.

"Think of us, Sarah Jane!" Clyde called. "Remember Maria and her dad, and all that stuff we did, like the Gorgon!"

"And the clowns and the zodiac, and the Mona Lisa!" Rani added.

"Just think, Gran!" Santiago chimed in. "All the countries you've been to!"

Suddenly, they all heard sparking from inside, making the Doctor groan and hit his forehead against the doors. "We didn't think it through."

"We're in trouble, aren't we?" Lexi asked worriedly as she leaned against the door beside him.

"Very big trouble." The Doctor agreed. "The Weave's going to blow up and we can't get them out."

"What?" Rani gawked at him.

"Oh, my God, they can't escape..." Lexi realized.

"Doctor?" Sarah Jane shouted, sounding closer to the door. "Doctor, I can't get out!"

"I can't open it!" The Doctor shouted back.

"No sonic screwdriver?"

"Inside the TARDIS."

"And we can't get in, because guess what?" Sarah Jane huffed. "We stopped ourselves getting the key. Oh, that was clever."

"I just want to say, I'm so glad I saw you again." Jo spoke up. "I waited all this time, and it was worth it, every second. Funny thing is, though, your funeral turns out to be ours instead."

Lexi blinked, tilting her head. "His funeral..."

"Doctor, all of you, you'll look after Luke for me, please?" Sarah Jane asked.

"Funeral!" Lexi shouted loudly, making the Doctor jump slightly. "Don't you see? You're funeral! Sarah Jane, Jo, his funeral!"

There was a pause on the other side of the door before...

"Lead-lined coffin!" The two women shouted.

The Doctor laughed in relief before turning to the Groske that was now working at the console by the door. "How much time have they got?"

"Big bang, ten seconds." It answered.

"Everyone, come on!" Lexi shouted, taking Rani and Santiago's hands and tugging them down the corridor to take cover.

"Nine, eight, seven, six."

"Clyde." The Doctor beckoned before they quickly followed.

"Five, four, three, two.."

The explosion was enough to tear the door off its hinges, a fireball billowing out.

"Wait a minute..." Lexi muttered, glancing at Rani. "Did you say the Mona Lisa?"

"Mona Lisa?" The Doctor asked quickly, glancing at them.

Inside, Chapel...

Lexi sniffed around the chapel and wrinkled her nose. "Well, one thing's for sure: If we ever do get that dinner, I won't be ordering chicken."

"Definitely." The Doctor agreed. "Now, then, Smith and Jones." He grinned, swinging open the lid of the coffin to see Sarah Jane and Jo laughing as Lexi walked up to stand beside him.

She tilted her head as she looked down at the two women. "So, the coffin was the trap. The coffin was the solution. That is pretty cool."

"I could write a thesis on it." The Doctor noted thoughtfully.

"Yeah, well, don't ask me to edit it." Lexi giggled, shaking her head.

The Doctor chuckled. "Come on, then, you two. Out you get."


"Woah!" Clyde gasped as they stepped out of the TARDIS. "It's Bannerman Road! It's like everything moved! I'm never getting used to that."

"Mr. Smith, you're in big trouble." Rani scolded, Lexi smiling as she watched Santiago take it all in. "Those Shansheeth were bad."

"It transpires that you encountered a rogue element, and the Wide Wing of the High Shansheeth Nest sends apologies." The talking computer, Mr, Smith, answered smoothly.

Lexi laughed at the look on Santiago's face.

"No way." He stated. "On top of everything else, you've got a talking computer? That's it. I'm giving up."

Lexi giggled, shaking her head. "It was lovely getting to meet all of you."

She then reentered the TARDIS, shutting the door behind her.

Inside, TARDIS, Console room...

"Still the same old TARDIS." Jo smiled, walking around as Lexi walked back up the stairs to join them at the console. "It doesn't matter what's changed. It still smells the same."

"Really? You know, I never thought to sniff the TARDIS before." Lexi commented, smiling.

The Doctor chuckled, swinging an arm around her shoulders as she came to stand right beside him.

Jo sighed, looking around the room before just shaking her head. "No. I've got to say goodbye, or else I'd stay with you forever. Besides, I probably couldn't keep up anymore. Get you into trouble with the Time Lords."

"Hmm." The Doctor nodded, tightening his hold on Lexi slightly. "Yeah, we probably better go. You know, stuff to do."

"It's daft, though." Sarah Jane said. "Because we were both saying, we had this theory that if you ever died, we'd feel it. Somehow, we'd just know. But that's just silly, isn't it?"

"I don't know." The Doctor shrugged. "Maybe not. But between you and me, if that day ever comes, I think the whole universe might just shiver."

Sarah Jane and Jo took a moment to absorb that statement.

"BOO!" Lexi shouted, making both women gasp as she giggled.

Sarah Jane just huffed, shaking her head before pulling Lexi away from the Doctor and into a hug. "It was so lovely getting to meet you."

Lexi smiled as they pulled away from each other. "And it was so lovely getting to meet you, Miss Sarah Jane Smith." She then looked to Jo and pulled her into a hug.

Jo laughed, hugging her back. "You keep hold of this life for as long as you can." They then pulled away from each other. "There's nothing else like it."

"You keep an eye on him for us, eh?" Sarah Jane pointed at her as she began heading for the stairs.

"I'll do my best." Lexi grinned as she and the Doctor watched the two women exit the TARDIS, shutting the door behind them.

The Doctor smiled, sending the TARDIS spinning off before turning to Lexi and pulling her in for a quick kiss.

"Now, let's go have that dinner." He said softly, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear before turning back to the console and typing in some coordinates.


Inside, Pond-Williams home, Night...

Lexi put a hand on her stomach when she didn't feel the twins moving around anymore. "I think they're asleep."

"So you actually got to meet two former companions of his?" Rory asked, tossing a stress-ball he had picked up off the coffee table and throwing up and down as he laid on the floor.

"Yeah, it was quite an ordeal. But, you know, it always is, isn't it?" Lexi shrugged.

"And you two never told them you were together?" Amy questioned, taking her hand off Lexi's stomach.

"Yeah, it just made things less complicated." The Doctor answered, mindlessly twirling a strand of Lexi's hair around his finger. "We had other things going on at that time, after all."

"True." Lexi nodded, running a gentle hand over her stomach. "Just like we have other things going on right now."

"Wait a moment." Rory sat up abruptly. "'I know they're actually called Mr. and Mrs. Williams, but it's really funny to call them Mr. and Mrs. Pond just to get a rise out of Rory.'?"

"That's what you got from that story?!" The Doctor gawked at him.

Amy laughed. "Oh, let's just leave it at you're both a 'Mr. Pond' and call it a night."

Lexi giggled. "I agree. And on that note..." She slowly stood up from the chair. "I think I'm gonna follow the twins' lead and go to bed."

"Come 'round again some time, yeah?" Rory said, getting up off the floor as the Doctor and Amy stood up from the arms of the chair Lexi had been sitting in.

"Always." The Doctor nodded, taking Lexi's hand as they began to head back towards the TARDIS.

"Don't wait too long." Amy told them smiling. "I don't want you pair to turn up next with babies in your arms. I would like to see again before that comes."

"Well, I do have thirty five weeks left in the pregnancy." Lexi told them as the Doctor opened the TARDIS door.

"Thirty five weeks?" Rory questioned. "I thought you were already at seventeen weeks."

"She is." The Doctor turned around. "But, with all the Time Lord properties the children possess, it takes a bit longer."

"Makes sense." Amy nodded slowly. "Still, a year being pregnant?"

"Don't even get me started." Lexi rolled her eyes as she stepped into the TARDIS and paused in the doorway. "You should've seen the look I gave the Doctor when he told me how long this pregnancy would last."

"If looks could kill..." The Doctor shuddered at the memory before looking back to Amy and Rory as he stepped into the TARDIS himself. "Actually, there is a very dangerous planet where the race that lives th--"

"Oh, come on, you." Lexi rolled her eyes, not wanting to hear a long and drawn out explanation as she yanked him into the TARDIS before poking her head out the door again. "Until next time!"

Amy laughed, giving her sister a small wave as she closed the TARDIS door, Rory putting an arm around her shoulders as they watched the TARDIS dematerialize.

Amy sighed contently, leaning her head on her husband's shoulder. "There they go again."

"I wonder how pregnant she'll be next time we see them." Rory commented.

"Who knows?" Amy huffed out a laugh before stepping away from her husband slightly and taking his hand. "Come along, Mr. Pond. We've got work tomorrow."

"Ugh, real life." Rory groaned.

"I know." Amy sighed over dramatically before giggling. "Now, come on, bedtime."

And that's what Amy and Rory did. They slipped back into their regular lives, waiting and wondering when they'd see their Couple of Time next.


A/N: There ya have it! 😁

I'm not sure if I'm completely happy with how it all came together, but I still enjoyed writing it. 🙂

Now, let's start the hype because the next thing you're gonna be getting in this book is the episode...


I'm like seriously excited for that! 💜💙 I mean, our little Time Twins are gonna be born in the episode! 😀 Like seriously, I've gotten a good bunch of ideas for this episode, and I absolutely cannot wait for you guys to get to read what I've thought up. 😉 It's gonna be fun, funny, adorable, and slightly emotional for one big obvious reason that I've already stated.

Now, I shall bid you adieu for the time being and say that the next episode shall be... "The Power of Three"!!! 😁❤️

Until then! 😘

💋 Love always,

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