The Power of Three [Part 1]

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A/N: HELLO!!! *waves enthusiastically while grinning*

Okay, so I'm like seriously excited for y'all to read this episode! 😁

We finally get what I'm sure we've all been waiting for since we found out when the twins were gonna be born. That was sorta revealed at the end of "A Good Man Goes to War", in case you were wondering. 🙂

Anyway, we've finally arrived to that! 🎉

I don't really have much else to say at the moment, so I suppose I'll just wait for the AN at the end of this episode to say more. 🙂

NOTE: See the picture above for a look at Lexi's outfits for this episode.

And just to let y'all know, I did put the twins' actual birth scene into this episode. But it's not too/overly explicit, so don't worry. 😁 I tried my best on it.

Now, with that said, let us read... "The Power of Three"!!! 💖

Enjoy! 😘


Amy ~ Life with the Doctor and Lexi was like this:

• The Atraxi
• Queen Elizabeth X
• Winston Churchill and the Cabinet War Rooms
• Daleks
• River Song
• Weeping Angels
• Sexy Fish/Vampires
• The Dream Lord
• Silurians
• Vincent Van Gough
• The Pandorica
• Cybermen
• Romans
• One great Big Bang
• Wedding

Rory ~ Our life away from them? Was like this:

Inside, Pond-Williams home, Kitchen, July, Day...

Rory was sorting laundry as Amy went through the refrigerator.

"It's Lens Opticians." A woman's voice came over the phone when the answer machine clicked on. "Just to remind you, your reading glasses are ready for collection. Bye!"

"Milk, two months out of date. Yogurt." Amy took the container out of the fridge and opened it. "Ah!" She screamed, dropping it into the trash can. "Don't ask."

Rory took hold of a shirt and sniffed it before standing. "We've run out of washing tablets." He announced, tossing the empty box over his shoulder.


The Doctor ~ Life with Amy and Rory was like this:

• Fish that swim in the fog
• Sky and Jupiter
• Canton Everett Delaware III
• President Nixon
• The Silence
• 17th Century pirates and the Siren
• Idris
• The Flesh
• Demons Run
• Madame Kovarian
• Hitler
• The Teselecta
• Night terrors
• Giant wooden Peg dolls
• Two Streams Facility
• Handbots
• Shifting hotel
• Alien minotaur
• Tick tock goes the clock
• April 22nd, 5:02 PM
• Wedding
• Dinosaurs on a spaceship
• The Old West
• The Gunslinger

Lexi ~ Our life away from them? Could be like this:

Inside, Sisters of the Infinite Schism...

"And mummies, breathe in." A Catkind nun, Novice Blu, instructed as she sat in front of a class of different pregnant woman and their partners. "And breathe out."

"I can't believe I'm doing this." The Doctor whispered as he breathed out while he sat behind Lexi, supporting her back as she leaned back against him.

"It was your idea, dear." Lexi whispered back, breathing out.

"Yes, but I didn't think you'd actually want to do it." He told her, breathing in.

"Is your husband complaining?" A Zaravelian woman asked as she sat back against her husband as they sat next to the Doctor and Lexi.

"Yes." Lexi rolled her eyes.

"Mine is, too." The woman responded, making Lexi giggle.

"Okay, now..." Novice Blu began as she got up off the floor. "We're going to watch a short film of a human woman giving birth so it can help all of you get a better idea of what to expect."

It didn't take long to get the film started as everyone settled back to watch it.

"And push." The midwife on the tape instructed just before the human woman started screaming as she started to push.

"Oh, God." Lexi cringed.

The Doctor's eyes widened before he covered them with his hand, doing the same for Lexi. Lexi not even protesting and very much appreciating it.


Amy and Lexi ~ But here's the thing:

Outside, Pond-Williams home, Back garden...

Amy and Rory were sitting in the garden as they were having tea.

"We have two lives. OUR life and TARDIS life. It doesn't feel like our life gets much of a look-in." Rory commented before taking a sip of his tea.

"What do we do?" Amy questioned, lowering her tea mug away from her mouth.

"Choose." Rory shrugged, taking another sip of tea just as the sound of the TARDIS engines could be heard, making Rory and Amy turn around.

"Not today, though." Amy glanced at Rory questioningly.

"Nah, not today." He agreed before they quickly got out of their chairs.


Lexi ~ "That's the thing. Every time Amy and Rory flew away with the Doctor and I, they'd just become part of OUR life. But we never really stood still long enough to become part of theirs. At least, not in the way they did with us."

Amy ~ "There was one time, though, that that happened... The year of the slow invasion. The time the Doctor and Lexi came to stay."


Outside, Pond-Williams home, Front, Morning...

Brian Williams was ringing the doorbell incessantly, making Rory open the window above, he and Amy looking down at him.

"Dad, it's half past 6:00 in the morning." Rory yawned.

"What are you doing lying around?" He questioned, holding up a small black cube. "Haven't you seen them?"

Brian turned around, arms open, making Rory and Amy see that there were little black cubes everywhere on the street, cars, window ledges and the park.

It didn't long for Rory and Amy to quickly join Brian outside on the street.

"What are they?" Rory questioned, examining the black cube in his father's hand.

"Nobody knows." He answered. "But they're everywhere."

"Well, where have they come from? Wait..." Amy trailed off as she saw something across the street in the park. "Doctor."

The Doctor was sitting on the top of a children's jungle gym as he examined a cube with a magnifying glass.

He turned around to look at them, a curious smile on his face. "Invasion of the very small cubes..."

Rory and Amy then turned around at the sound of someone's shoes walking along the sidewalk behind them only to see Lexi standing there holding a cube in one hand as her other one rested atop her 26 week pregnant belly. She looked up from the cube and grinned at them.

"This is new."

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