Dinosaurs on a Spaceship [Part 4]

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Inside, Spaceship 2...

The robots escorted the Doctor, Lexi, Rory and Brian to the other ship. There seemed to be a gate barring the entrance to the ship.

"Love what you've done with the place down here." The Doctor commented, leaning forward.

"Let him in." A man from within the ship ordered. "Open the gate."

One of the robots then pressed a button, making the gate slide open and allowing the Doctor to walk through.

It immediately closed after him. Piano music could be heard playing softly.

Lexi gripped onto the gate, giving the Doctor a concerned look.

"It's fine. It's fine." He tried to reassure her, placing his hand on top of hers and giving it a reassuring squeeze before turning back around to walk further into the ship.

"He's not interested in YOU." One of the robots sassed.

"Look, I've just about had it with you." Lexi shot back, turning back around to look at the robot as she stepped up to it. "YOU need to learn some manners."

"No, YOU need to learn some manners!"

"No, YOU do!"

"No, YOU do!" The second robot sassed back. "Mrs. Manners!"

Inside, Spaceship 2, Infirmary...

The Doctor made his way to the bed on which lied an older man. There appeared to be cobwebs draped over the machinery.

"Fantasia in F Minor for four hands." The Doctor commented on the music that was playing.

"You know it." The older man noted.

"Know it?" The Doctor scoffed. "Say hello to hands three and four! Schubert kept tickling me to try and put me off. Franz the Hands. Oh, that takes me back." He then began to take a little walk around the space he now found himself in. "Well, this is... cozy."

"It's fate you came." The man told him.

"Is it?" The Doctor asked incredulously. "I'm the Doctor."

"Yes, I know." The man replied. "I'm Solomon."

The computer then beeped as the Doctor was scanned by a purple light.

"What's that?" The Doctor asked quickly, looking in the direction the light had come from.

"System malfunction, ignore it." Solomon told him, waving it off.

"What happened to you?" The Doctor asked him, taking in the appearance of the man and noting that it looked like his legs were badly damaged.

"I was attacked. Three raptors. They cornered me." Solomon informed him. "The robots rescued me, but it was nearly too late."

"Ah, yes. The robots." He nodded. "They're... unusual."

"I got them cheap, from a concession on Illyria Seven. The robots did as best they could with my legs, but... you can help me so much more."

"Oh, a 'doctor' doctor! I see." The Doctor said in realization before breathing on his hands. "Let's have a look." He then lifted the material away from the wounds.

"They chewed through part of the bone in my legs." Solomon told him.

"Yes, very nasty." The Doctor replied, slightly surprised at how bad the wounds actually were.

"But you can repair them."

The Doctor looked at Solomon. "If you tell me how you came by so many dinosaurs."

Solomon then pressed a communications button beside him. "Injure the older one."

"What?" The Doctor asked quickly before running for the gate.

Inside, Spaceship 2...

One of the robots shot Brian in the arm, making him fall to the ground as Lexi and Rory quickly went to try and help him.

"Dad!" Rory exclaimed. "Dad... It's all right, Dad, it's okay, it's okay."

"Brian, breathe." Lexi told him as she gently sat herself down beside him against the wall.

Inside, Spaceship 2, Infirmary...

The Doctor angrily went back to Solomon.

"I don't respond well to violence, Solomon." He just about growled out.

"And I don't like questions, Doctor." Solomon told him. "You boarded without my permission. Now, fix me or the next bolt will be fatal."

Inside, Spaceship 2...

Rory turned angrily on the robots. "I will take you apart cog by cog, and melt you down when all this is over."

"Oh, I'm so scared!" One of the robots said in a clearly sarcastic tone. "Actually, I might be. A little bit of oil just came out."

Rory just shook his head before applying a pressure bandage to Brian's shoulder.

"Stay still. It's just a burn, it's nothing serious." Rory told his father before taking an item from his pocket.

"What's that?" Brian questioned.

"Well, you carry a trowel, I carry a medpack." Rory replied. "It's all about the pockets in our family. This is an ice patch. It cools the skin."

"Never seen one of those."

"I look out for cool stuff wherever we go." He explained. "Some people it's cars and hardware, for me it is nursing supplies." He gently applied the ice patch to Brian's shoulder. "Now... painkiller. Now, this won't hurt." He then jabbed a needle in his father's shoulder.

"Ow!" Brian exclaimed, surprised.

"I lied." Rory said quickly. "It won't hurt from now on, though. All right. You're done."

"Thanks." Brian said as he began buttoning his shirt back up.

"S'all right." Rory shrugged. "You get to see my awesome nursing skills in action for once."

Lexi's phone suddenly began ringing.

"What's that?" One of the robots questioned.

"Your phone's ringing." Brian stated, glancing at Lexi. "In space!"

"Yeah, you get used to it." She told him. "Rory, help me up. My phone's in my back pocket."

"Yeah. Yeah." Rory nodded, quickly going to Lexi's side and taking her hand and supporting her back as he helped her to her feet.

"Thank you." She smiled at him before fishing her phone out of her back pocket. She looked down at the screen. "Ah." She smiled slightly before looking to the robots. "I have to take this. My son." She then put the phone to her ear. "Hello, sweetheart."

Inside, Spaceship, Lab...

"Mum, where are you?" Sky asked as he spoke on his phone.

"Still on board." Her voice replied through the phone. "Met some pterodactyls and some rusty robots, which your uncle wants to MELT DOWN."

Inside, Spaceship 2...

Lexi glanced quickly at the robots, pointing a finger at them. "And I'll help, too. I'm pregnant and... Scottish. So don't test me!"

Inside, Spaceship, Lab...

Sky chuckled slightly at his mother's words before just shaking his head. "Mum, this is a Silurian ship."

Inside, Spaceship 2, Infirmary...

The Doctor now had some surgical tools in his hands.

"How did you get on board, Doctor?" Solomon questioned him.

"Oh, I never talk about myself with a gun pointed at me." He replied. "Let's talk about you. Your cozy little craft embedded in a vast, old ship."

The Doctor then began working on Solomon's leg.

"Very observant." Solomon noted.

"I'm a Sagittarius. Probably."

"I'm transporting it to the Roxborne Peninsula."

"The commerce colony." The Doctor nodded. "You're a trader."

"I search out opportunities for profit across the nine galaxies."

"Ah, the purple light." The Doctor stated in realization. "That's what it was. An IV system - identify and value: the database of everything across space and time, allocated a market value. Argos for the universe. You were trying to find out how much I'm worth."

"Would you like to know?" Solomon asked him.

They both then looked at the computer screen as it processed the information. It soon responded with 'No Identification Found', making the Doctor smirk slightly.

"You don't exist. It's never done that." Solomon stated in surprise.

"That's me. Worthless." The Doctor told him. "Unlike these creatures you have on board. Very valuable... given they're extinct."

The device in the Doctor's hand whirred, making Solomon groan in pain.

"Done, sit up." The Doctor instructed. "Very slowly."

He helped Solomon sit as Lexi came to the gate holding out her mobile.

"Doctor? It's Sky." She told him.

"I need to take this." The Doctor told Solomon before going over and taking Lexi's phone. "Sky."

Inside, Spaceship, Lab...

"This ship that we're all on, it's an ark. An ark built by the Silurians." Sky informed him over the phone. "They were looking for another planet."

"Where are they now?" The Doctor's voice enquired through the phone.

"None on board at all." Sky replied. "I mean, there are thousands of stasis pods, but they're all empty."

Inside, Spaceship 2, Infirmary...

"I'll see you soon." Is all the Doctor said before ending the call.

The Doctor glanced at Solomon before giving Lexi her phone back through the gate.

"Be ready." He whispered to her.

Lexi nodded silently before the Doctor returned to Solomon who was now standing with use of a cane.

"The pain in my legs. It's gone. I can move them." Solomon informed. "Thank you, Doctor."

"What did you do to the Silurians?" He asked lowly.

"We ejected them. The robots woke them from cryo-sleep a handful at a time, and jettisoned them from the airlocks." He replied. "We must have left a trail of dust and bone."

The Doctor closed his eyes and shook his head. "Because you wanted the dinosaurs." He muttered, sitting down dejectedly.

"Their ship crossed my path. I sent out a distress signal. They let me board." Solomon told him. "But when I saw the cargo, things became more complex."

"Piracy and then genocide."

"Very emotive words, Doctor."

The Doctor gave a mirthless chuckle. "Oh, I'm a very emotive man."

"The lizards wouldn't negotiate. I made them a generous offer."

"The creatures on board this ship are not objects to be sold or traded." He defended.

"I feel like you're judging me." Solomon noted.

"You said Roxborne Peninsula, so why are you heading to Earth? You're on the wrong course." The Doctor told him before realization crossed his features. "Oh... You don't know how. Ha! Brilliant... You couldn't change the pre-programmed course. Without instructions, the ship defaulted, returned home. Oh, dear... The Silurians outwitted you, even after you'd massacred them. So now you're a prisoner on the ship that you hijacked."

"Not now you're here." He informed. "You're going to help me to where I want to go, Doctor."

"Little bit of news, Solomon. You're being targeted by missiles. Get off this ship..." He told him before standing back up. "while you still can."

"You think I believe that?" Solomon asked as the Doctor walked away towards the gate. "You just want them for yourself. You won't profit from me, Doctor."

He stopped at the gate. "Don't ever judge me by your standards." He then opened gate with the sonic. "Well, don't just stand there, Rory!" He then looked to the robots. "Hey, he wants to see you." He then grabbed Lexi's hand. "Come on, Lex."

"Dad, up!" Rory told his father, motioning for him to get up before they quickly followed after the Doctor and Lexi.

Inside, Spaceship, Corridor...

The Doctor and Lexi hurried down the corridor, both of them skidding to a stop when they saw the triceratops.

Lexi glanced over at her husband. "You thinking what I'm thinking?"

He grinned at her and motioned with his hand for her to go. "After you, dear."

She laughed as the two of them began running to the triceratops.

"What're we doing?!" Brian shouted as he and Rory caught up to them.

"Just do exactly as we do!" The Doctor shouted back.

"Doctor, no!" Rory tried to say just as the Doctor and Lexi reached their destination.

Lexi grinned as she quickly stepped up some stacked crates before leaping her way onto the back of the triceratops, the Doctor helping her get on before he himself hopped onboard right behind her.

"Geronimo!" The Doctor grinned, waving his arm for the others to follow.

Brian and Rory looked at each other before following the Doctor and Lexi's lead and clambering onto the dinosaur behind them.

"Go, Tricey!" The Doctor exclaimed. "Run like the wind!"

The triceratops bellowed but didn't move. Laser bolts were now being fired at them as the robots caught up to them.

Lexi sighed in frustration. "How do you start a triceratops?!"

"There they are." One of the robots said as they began to approach.

"I know! I saw them before you." The other robot replied.

Lexi tried to get the dinosaur to move, the Doctor peering over her shoulder.

In remembrance, Brian quickly pulled out another golf ball.

"Tricey, fetch!" Brian exclaimed, throwing the tiny ball ahead of them, making the triceratops run after the ball.

"Ha-ha!" Lexi grinned as she held onto the triceratops.

"That-a-boy! Yee-hah!" The Doctor laughed. "Come on, Tricey! Woo-hoo!"

"They've stolen a dinosaur!" The first robot shouted.

"I can see that." The second robot shot back.

"Come on, Tricey! Faster, baby!" The Doctor said, holding onto Lexi from where he sat behind her.

The gold ball soon ricocheted off a wall, making Tricey turn the corner to to follow it.

"Whoa!" Lexi exclaimed, gripping onto Tricey even tighter.

"They're turning off, we're losing them!" One robot spoke.

"Which way did they go?" The other one asked.

"I thought you were looking!"

"No! Now they've got away."

"We definitely used to be faster." The first robot said definitively.

"I'm riding a dinosaur!" Brian exclaimed in sheer disbelief of what was currently happening. "On a spaceship!"

"I know!" Rory laughed.

"I only came 'round to fix your light!"

"Bit of a turn of events, eh?" Lexi called back to them, laughing.

"Ha!" The Doctor laughed. "Come on, Tricey!"

The corridor soon came to an end ahead of them, but Tricey didn't seem to be stopping.

"Where are the brakes?!" The Doctor shouted.

"There are no brakes!" Lexi shouted back.

"Whoa!" They all exclaimed as Tricey stopped, making the three men fall off as Lexi managed to hold onto the part of Tricey's head she had been holding onto the whole time.

As the three men lied on the floor, Tricey trotted up to them and dropped the ball in front of Rory.

"How is it that I'm the only one that managed to hold on?" Lexi asked, not actually wanting an answer as she smiled slightly before she carefully slid down off of Tricey. Said triceratops nuzzling Lexi's hand before moving away and sitting down.

"Good, that worked!" The Doctor exclaimed as he, Rory and Brian all stood up. "Okay..." He muttered as he looked around. "Where are we now? Ooh." He soon spotted a screen. "Incoming message from Earth. Hello, Earth! How are things?"

"'Doctor, the ship's coming through the atmosphere.'" Indira told him as she appeared on the screen. "'I have to start the missile program.'"

"No. No, no, no - don't do that, everything's under control here, turning round any moment." He tried to convince her. "Need a bit of wriggle room on the timings..."

"'I can't do that.'" She told him insistently.

"You can, of course you can." He tried to tell her. "Tiny bit more time, Indira, please. This ship contains the most precious cargo..."

"'My only responsibility is the Earth's safety. I'm launching the missiles. Goodbye, Doctor.'" She said before disconnecting the video feed.

"No Indira!" The Doctor exclaimed, hitting the screen like it would help. "Hey, come back! Please!"

Inside, Military HQ...

A countdown had now commenced on a large computer screen.

"'Target identified.'" A man informed over the loudspeaker. "'Navigation systems locking on to target. Missile launch procedure initiated. Estimated impact: 30 minutes.'"

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