Dinosaurs on a Spaceship [Part 5 - FINAL]

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Inside, Spaceship, Lab...

Riddell opened up a cabinet, finding three rifles stored away all right next to each other.

He grinned. "Now these are what we need - dinosaur protection."

"No weapons!" Amy objected, grabbing one of the rifles from Riddell. He handed her a magazine. "Anesthetic? These are stun guns."

"Enough to make a dinosaur take a nap." He told her, smiling. "Even the Doctor couldn't object to that. Here you are, Skyler."

Sky chuckled, taking one of the stun guns from him. "You know, Riddell, you're almost clever."

"So, Amy, you and the Doctor... Are you his queen?" Nefertiti enquired.

"No, no, I'm Rory's queen." She immediately answered before backtracking. "Wife. I'm his wife. Please don't tell him I said I was his queen. I'll never hear the end of it."

"And the Doctor, does he have a queen?"

"Clearly." Amy giggled at the thought of Lexi. "Anyway, I thought you had a husband."

Neffy rolled her eyes. "A male equivalent of a sleeping potion."

"You clearly need a man of action and excitement. One with a very large weapon." Riddell told her, cocking the rifle he was holding before heading for the door.

Sky smirked, looking to Neffy. "So, Your Majesty, human sleeping potion or walking innuendo. Take your pick."

He, Neffy and Amy all shared a smile. On the screen they see the Doctor, Lexi, Rory and Brian in the corridor.

"'That's very bad indeed. Completely unhelpful.'" The Doctor said on the video feed.

Inside, Spaceship, Corridor...

Rory and Lexi were both peering at the computer as the Doctor paced.

"Doesn't this ship have any defence systems installed?" Rory asked.

"Good thinking, Rory!" The Doctor exclaimed happily, quickly kissing Rory on the mouth. "Computer, show us weapons and defence systems." The computer then showed 'No Systems Available' "Well, that was a waste of time, wasn't it?" He lightly slapped Rory on the face. "Getting my hopes up like that."

"What ship doesn't have weapons?" Lexi asked, trying not to laugh at Rory's face.

"The ancient species, Lex - still full of hope." He sighed.

"What about the control deck?" Brian asked in remembrance. "You said we should go to the control deck next."

"It's too late, it won't make any difference." The Doctor replied, stalking away from the computer.

"We could at least try." Rory said as he Lexi walked over to him.

"It won't work, Rory. The missiles are locked on."

"So, what?" Lexi tilted her head, looking at her husband incredulously. "Now we're just giving up?"

"I don't know." He put his hands to his face in frustration. "I don't know..."

There was then a sudden flash of light before they could see Solomon standing there with the robots.

"You were telling the truth, Doctor." Solomon told him. "Earth has launched missiles. This vessel is too clumsy to outrun them, but I have my own ship."

"You won't get your precious cargo on board, though." The Doctor informed him. "It'll just be you and your metal tantrum machines."

"We do not have tantrums!" One of the robots stomped its foot.

"Shut up!" Solomon rolled his eyes before walking up to the Doctor using two canes. "You're right, Doctor. I can't keep the dinosaurs and live myself. But I had the IV system scan the entire ship and it found something even more valuable. Utterly unique. I don't know where you found it or how you got it here, but I want it."

"I don't know what you're talking about." The Doctor replied quietly.

"Earth Queen Nefertiti of Egypt."

Inside, Spaceship, Lab...

Sky, Amy, Nefertiti and Riddell were now all watching the exchange on-screen.

"'A face stamped across history.'" Solomon said as he was on the screen.

Inside, Spaceship, Corridor...

"Give her to me and I'll let the rest of you live."

The Doctor leaned in close to Solomon and whispered.


"You think I won't punish those who get in my way?" Solomon raised an eyebrow. "Whatever their worth?"

One of the robots then stepped forward at Solomon's subtle nod and shot poor Tricey. :(

The Doctor, Lexi, Rory and Brian could only watch; Lexi putting a hand over her mouth in shocked sadness.

Inside, Spaceship, Lab...

Riddell removed his hat as they watched the Doctor walk slowly to Tricey.

Inside, Spaceship, Corridor...

The Doctor kneeled beside Tricey and stroked the innocent creature as it died. He then walked back, clapping slowly.

"You must be very proud."

"Bring her to me. Or the robots will make their way through your corpses." Solomon insisted. "Bring her now."


There was then a flash of light as Sky, Amy, Nefertiti and Riddell teleported to the corridor.

"What are you doing?" The Doctor whispered to Nefertiti.

"I demanded to be brought here." She answered as she walked forward.

The Doctor grabbed her arm. "No, no, no, no - no way."

"It isn't your choice, Doctor." She told him. "It's mine."

"Listen to me, if you go with him, I can't guarantee your safety." The Doctor informed her.

"You saved my people. I am in your debt."

"No." He shook his head. "No debts, you don't owe me anything."

"Then I do it of my own will."

"Neffy, Neffy, Neffy..." The Doctor tried to convince her not to do it, but it was no use as she walked towards Solomon.

"No!" Riddell exclaimed, cocking his rifle and aiming it at Solomon. "Take her, I shoot you."

Nefertiti held out an arm to keep him back. "Put your weapon down. Let me make my choice."

"Do it, boy." Solomon said as one of the robots stepped forward, making Riddell lower his rifle. "My bounty increases. And what an extraordinary bounty you are." Solomon spoke softly as he reached out to touch her.

Neffy shoved his hand away. "Never touch me."

Solomon quickly pushed her against the wall, the sharp edge of his cane pressing against her throat.

"I like my possessions to have spirit. It means I can have fun breaking them." He said before Nefertiti pushed his cane away. "And I will break you in, with immense pleasure. Thank you, Doctor. Computer? Take us back to my ship."

With a flash, Solomon, Nefertiti and the robots were teleported away. Then, at that moment, alarms began to sound.

"'Hostile targeting in progress. Hostile targeting in progress. Hostile targeting in progress.'" The computer spoke. "'Hostile targeting in progress. Hostile targeting in progress.'"

The Doctor slowly turned his head to look at Lexi.

She quirked an eyebrow at him. "What?"

He grinned back. "Bingo."

"What is it?" Rory asked. "Doctor?"

Inside, Spaceship, Control deck...

They all teleported to the control deck where two piloting chairs were covered in cobwebs as they faced each other. There was also a small post between them.

"Okay, Control deck." The Doctor clapped his hands together before removing the cap on the post and looking inside as Riddell took position by the door.

"So, what's the plan exactly?" Lexi asked, crossing her arms.

"Come on." The Doctor smiled at her. "The missiles are locked on to us, we can't outrun them, we have to save the dinosaurs and get Nefertiti back from Solomon. Isn't it obvious?!"

"Yeah, it's sort of the opposite of that." Rory said in agreement with Lexi.

"Oh!" Sky exclaimed in realization, handing Lexi the stun gun he had been holding before walking over to the post. "It's 17 minutes before the missiles hit."

The Doctor grinned at him. "And...?"

Sky grinned back. "We need to turn this ship around."

The Doctor laughed before he and Sky both began using their sonics on the inside of the post.

"But you said it was too late, there wasn't any time." Rory reminded.

"Ah, yes, but I didn't have this plan then, did I?" The Doctor replied. "Riddell? Keep an eye out for dinosaurs."

"I was rather hoping you'd say that." He said, handing a gun to Brian.

"No killing any. Rory, Brian, get rid of the cobwebs."

Inside, Spaceship, Corridor...

Riddell now stood in the doorway as something growled in the distance. He quickly looked around and saw nothing until a raptor showed.

"Keep walking, big chap." He whispered before there was another growl and a second raptor appeared on the other side of the corridor.

Riddell swung the gun between the both of them as the first raptor growled, more joining it.

Riddell sighed. "Hell's teeth, that's really not fair!"

Inside, Military HQ...

Indira and her team were watching the screen.

"'Missile target will be reached in 11 minutes.'"

Inside, Spaceship, Control deck...

The Doctor got up from the floor, slamming his hand on the computer. "No - don't be like that! Really unhelpful."

"What's the matter?" Amy asked in concern.

"Parallel pilot compartments, bio-configured, needs two operators of the same gene chain." He replied. "That's why Solomon couldn't change the ship's course and neither can we."

Lexi face palmed. "You really are my beautiful idiot."

"Excuse me?" The Doctor turned to her.

She looked back up and at him. "Really, think about it. It's needs two operators of the same gene chain. In other words, two people that are blood related to each other. Out of the people in this room, there are a few different ways we could do this."

"Oh... Oh!" The Doctor slapped himself on the forehead. "Stupid Doctor!"

Lexi laughed. "You and Sky could do it. Sky and I could do it. Sky and Amy could do it. Amy and I could do it. Brian and Rory could do it. In fact, I think Brian and Rory should do it. I'd love to see them fly a spaceship."

"Lexi Pond, you are brilliant!" The Doctor laughed, quickly kissing her on the forehead "Brian, Rory, both of you sit down. Ship does all the engineering, the controls are straightforward, even a monkey could use them" He said as Rory and Brian took their seats. "oh, look, they're going to..." Everyone kinda just stared at him. "Guys, come on, comedy gold. Where's a Silurian audience when you need one? Anyway, two eye-line screens - velocity and trajectory. Steer away from Earth, try not to bump into the moon otherwise the races who live there will be livid."

"What?" Brian quickly asked.

"Primary controls in the arms of the chairs, principle's the same as any vehicle." The Doctor replied, ignoring the question. "Eight minutes, 45 seconds." He sonicked the chairs to activate them. "Get us as far away as you can." He then looked into post again. "Right, phase two sorted. Now for phase one. Sky, I'm assuming there's a torch setting on your sonic."

"Way ahead of you." Sky said as he walked back over to him and used his sonic as torch to lighten up the inside of the post the Doctor was working on.

Lexi smiled at the duo, setting down the stun gun Sky had handed her before walking over to her sister and pulling her aside.

"So, sis, while we have a minute, let's talk." Lexi smile at her. "How's the job?"

Amy quirked an eyebrow at her. "We're about to be hit by missiles and you're asking me that?"

"Yeah. I am." She replied. "Keeps the thought of imminent death away. So, how's the job."

Amy glanced over to see the Doctor and Sky working on the post before looking back to her sister. "I gave it up."

"But you gave your last one up." Lexi tilted her head in confusion.

"Yeah, well I can't settle." She informed her, crossing her arms. "Every minute, I'm listening out for that stupid TARDIS sound."

Lexi raised in eyebrow at her. "So it's me and the Doctor's fault now?"

"Lexi, I can't ever not wait for you. Either of you." She told her honestly. "Even now. And they're getting longer, the gaps between your visits."

"Amy, I thought I told you--" Lexi began but was cut off by Amy.

"I think you're weaning us off you." She whispered so no one else could hear.

Lexi glanced over to see the Doctor was actually watching her for a moment before he went back to helping Sky.

She then turned back to Amy. "How could you say that? You're my sister, for God's sake. Besides, I thought that's what you and Rory wanted. You know, lives on Earth with the occasional time and space excursion. I mean, I chose my life. I thought you chose yours."

"I know." Amy sighed, shaking her head. "It's just... I just worry that there will come a time when you both never turn up, that something will have happened to you and I'll still be waiting, never knowing."

"Amy..." Lexi gave her a small smile before pulling her in for a hug. "That will never happen. You and I will always be sisters. Therefore we'll always be connected. And besides..." She began as she and Amy pulled away from each other, Lexi putting a hand on her small baby bump. "You're definitely not gonna miss meeting these two."

"We have already met them, though." Amy pointed out, giggling slightly.

"Shut up, you know what I mean." Lexi laughed.

Amy laughed, looping her arm through Lexi's and leaning her head on her shoulder. "Remember where this all started?"

"A long way since fish fingers and custard." Lexi smiled fondly, leaning her head on top of Amy's.

"Ha! Done." The Doctor suddenly said as the sonic beeped. He and Sky then pulled out the 'innards' of the post, resting it on the rim.

"Doctor?" Riddell asked as he re-entered the room. "This is a two-man job." He said before Amy and Lexi each picked up a rifle. "What're you doing?"

"We're easily worth two men each." Amy smirked before heading out the door.

"You can help too, if you like." Lexi told him before following her sister, Riddell following her.

"Careful out there!" The Doctor called to them before he and Sky looked at the device they had pulled from the post. Resting in the middle was a large crystal. The Doctor breathed on his hands before rubbing them together. He then reached in and quickly snatched the crystal.

"A-ha!" He exclaimed in victory, tossing the crystal to Sky.

"Gotcha." Sky grinned, catching the crystal.

"Doctor, what're you going to...?" Amy asked as she walked back in just as the Doctor and Sky teleported out. Amy just shook her head before going back to the corridor.

Rory and Brian gave each other a look before they set to work on piloting the ship, using the chairs.

Inside, Spaceship, Corridor...

Lexi, Amy and Riddell guarded the doorway as the raptors edged closer.

"Quickens the blood, doesn't it?" Riddell asked as he stood in between the red-headed twins.

"The sooner this lot go back to being extinct, the better." Amy replied.

"You know what I want more than anything?" He asked, clearly knowing the answer.

"How 'bout lessons in gender politics?" Lexi retorted.

"A dinosaur tooth to take home." He responded before shooting a raptor. "Dinosaurs ahead, two beautiful ladies at my side, about to be blown up. Not sure I've ever been happier."

The twins smirked. "Shut up and shoot."

In what seemed like a choreographed dance, Lexi, Amy and Riddell all twisted and spun back-to-back as the three of them fired at the dinosaurs.

"Duck!" Riddell exclaimed.

With a gasp, Amy dropped and Riddell shot over her head.

"And, you, duck!" Lexi shouted at Riddell, making him drop as she shot another dinosaur in much the same way Riddell had with Amy.

Inside, Spaceship, Control deck...

Rory and Brian were side by side in the chairs as they piloted the ship.

"I'm... I'm flying a spaceship." Brian stated in disbelief. "Rory! We're flying a spaceship!"

"I know! Ha-ha!" Rory laughed, also in disbelief of the sheer insanity of the circumstance they were in.

Inside, Military HQ...

"The ship's trajectory is changing." A man informed Indira as they looked at the screen.

"It makes no difference." She told him. "The missiles have locked on. How long till target?"

The man then pulled up a clock. "Seven minutes."

Indira just turned away, hoping that by some miracle things wouldn't happen the way it looked like they were going to.

Inside, Spaceship, Control deck...

Brian was treating the whole thing like a video game, cheering himself on.

"Go-o-o! That's it, that's it! That's it, that's it! Me, me, me, me! Yes, yes! This is better than golf."

Inside, Solomon's ship...

The Doctor and Sky teleported onto the ship.

"Hello! Having trouble leaving?" The Doctor asked as he and Sky each pressed live wires to both robots.

"Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer..." The robots sang, their power draining as they died.

Solomon quickly stood and faced the Doctor.

Sky patted one of the robots. "You're ship is still magnetized. We just couldn't bear to lose you."

"Release my ship." Solomon ordered as he held a weapon to Nefertiti's neck. "or I kill this precious little object."

Nefertiti took a deep breath before kicking Solomon's cane out from under him and making him fall to the floor. She quickly grabbed the cane and held the point to his neck.

"I am not your possession now, nor will I ever be." She sneered at him. "Now stay there."

The Doctor sauntered over and leaned down slightly. "Don't mess with Egyptian queens, Solomon. I hope you've learnt that now."

With that he walked to the controls of the ship.

"What're you doing?!" Solomon asked him.

"Disabling this ship's signal and replacing it with the one from the Silurian ship. I send this craft off emitting the signal they're looking for, the missiles will follow." The Doctor answered before turning around. "Hopefully Silurian ship safe, dinosaurs safe, everybody safe." He then checked his watch. "Bit tight for time though, shouldn't really be chatting. Neffy, Sky, let's go." He clapped his hands together and headed off only to pause. "Sky?"

"Here you are." Sky said, tossing the crystal to him.

"Thank you." He said. "Now, the thing about missiles, very literal, this is what they latch on to." He then set down crystal and pulled out the sonic. "One press on this and the ship's demagnetised."

"Doctor, whatever you want, I can get it for you, whatever object you desire." Solomon tried to tell him.

"Did the Silurians beg you to stop?" The Doctor asked, not really needing an answer before he looked at the computer screens. "Look, Solomon. The missiles. See them shine. See how valuable they are. And they're all yours."

"Come on, Your Majesty." Sky said, leading Nefertiti off the ship, the Doctor following behind them.

"You wouldn't leave me, Doctor..." Solomon insisted.

The Doctor just hit the button, closing the gate as he pressed the sonic.

"Enjoy your bounty." Is all he told Solomon before leaving.



Solomon's ship took off, heading away from the ship and Earth. That then made the missiles change direction and follow Solomon.

Inside, Solomon's ship...

Solomon soon saw the missiles on the screen.



The missiles soon converged on Solomon's ship, making it explode.

Inside, Spaceship, Corridor...

Lexi, Amy and Riddell now stood in the middle of the corridor surrounded by sedated raptors.

Lexi breathed out. "Nice work, you two."


The spaceship was now traveling safely away from Earth.

Inside, Spaceship, Corridor...

The Doctor lead the way back to the TARDIS as Lexi, Sky, Rory, Amy and Brian followed.

"So, dinosaur drop-off time." The Doctor stated as he opened the TARDIS.

"Actually, we think home for us." Rory spoke up.

"Oh. Fine. Of course." The Doctor replied as he stopped in the door at Rory's words, Nefertiti and Riddell catching up with everyone.

"Not forever, though." Lexi smiled, reassuring Amy when she saw the look on her face.

"Yeah, just a couple of months for us." Rory nodded, smiling slightly.

"Right, yes, pretty busy anyway." The Doctor responded. "I mean, gotta drop everyone back."

Brian took that moment to step out from behind everyone. "About that. Can I ask a favour? There's something I want to see."

"Oh..." The Doctor smiled.


The TARDIS was now hovering above Earth. Sitting in the doorway, feet dangling over the edge, Brian was eating a sandwich and drinking tea from a thermos.

Inside, TARDIS, Console room...

"So, off you go to our future, then?" The Doctor asked Sky as they and Lexi walked down the stairs away from the console.

"Yeah." Sky smiled slightly as he began typing in coordinates into his VM.

"It was good seeing you." Amy chimed in as she and Rory walked up to them.

Sky looked up at them and smiled, giving his Aunt a tight hug before he and Rory gave each other a quick hug and patted each other on the back. Almost as if they might not see each other again.

"Bye, Mum." Sky said quietly, hugging Lexi. "You keep Jupe and I safe in there."

Lexi laughed lightly, glancing down at her stomach before looking back up. "I'll do my best."

"Dad." Sky said, giving the Doctor a quick hug and patting him on the back much in the same way he did with Rory.

"Till the next time." The Doctor said as they stepped away from each other.

"Yeah... Till the next time." Is all that Sky said before zapping out of sight.

"Did he seem a bit...?" Rory trailed off.

"Kinda..." Amy nodded slowly before just shrugging and grabbing Rory's hand and walking over to where Brian sat in the open TARDIS doors, staring down at planet Earth.

Lexi sighed as she stood a short distance behind them, but smiled when she felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around her from behind and a set of hands gently place themselves on top of her small baby bump.

"Love you." Lexi whispered, leaning back against the Doctor and placing her hands on top of his as they rested against her stomach.

"And I you." He whispered back, pecking her on the cheek before they just continued to stare out at the Earth below.

Outside, African plains, 1902, Night...

Riddell looked up at the night sky as a dinosaur tooth tied on a cord hung from his neck.

Nefertiti then stepped out from the tent, her hair loose as she held a stun gun in her hands. She cocked the rifle, making Riddell smirked as they continued to look at the stars above.

Inside, Pond-Williams home, Parlor, Day...

Rory was standing on the ladder and blew on the light fixture before inserting the bulb.

"MORE postcards from your Dad." Amy stated in amusement as she entered the room with the mail.

"Do you know what?" Rory asked as he tilted his head while examining the light. "I think it is the fitting."

On a wall of photos, they had tacked up the postcards from Brian in exotic locations like Pisa and Rio de Janeiro, Egypt and Uhluru.

The latest, however, showed the TARDIS in what could pass for prehistoric Earth complete with dinosaurs. It's label?



A/N: BOOM! 😀

There ya go, lovelies! ❤️

Sorry it took awhile to get this episode up. I've had other real life things I've had to deal with. 🙂

Also, I recently got into "Broadchurch". The first two seasons are on Netflix and I've already watch all of them. And I also watched the season 3 premiere on BBC America last week. I love hearing David Tennant talk in his natural Scottish accent! 😍

Anyway, if you read the previous AN chapter thingy, you'll know that I asked if y'all wanted me to write TSJA's "Death of the Doctor". Well, I will now say that I have decided that I am going to write it. 😁 I've also decided to insert the episode in between "A Town Called Mercy" and "The Power of Three". I'm gonna make it to where it's like the Doctor and Lexi telling Amy and Rory the story of them helping Sarah Jane and Jo stop the Shansheeth. Almost the whole thing will basically be like a flashback. So yeah, should be fun! ❤️

Anyway, we still have something to get through before we get to "Death of the Doctor", and that is... "A Town Called Mercy"!!! 😁

Until then! 😘

💋 Love always,

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