The Time of Angels [Part 1]

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A/N: HELLO! I published this story on a long time ago and still am doing that, but I just thought I should mention that this is my work. I own none of the characters except my OC Lexi. Go onto Pinterest to look at this story's board. Just type in The Pond Twins. It's mainly for Lexi's outfits. :)

So, without further adieu...

It was a beautiful day with the sun shining from a clear, blue sky. There was a birdsong as a young man spun slowly in the middle of a field. His eyes had a glassy, drugged appearance and there was an imprint of a kiss in red lipstick just above his lips on the right side. He was then approached by three men, two were armed and the third was an older man in an evening jacket.

"It's a beautiful day." Said the young man.

The older man used his handkerchief to wipe at the lipstick.

The sunny field disappeared to reveal that the men were actually in a corridor on a ship.

"Hallucinogenic lipstick. She's here." The older man said before turning around and walking away.

Some other corridor on the ship...

A woman strode along the corridor in red high heels, her black dress was swirling at her ankles. She stopped in front of a door, pulling a gun from her small bag, she fired out the lock of the door. The door slid open to reveal a black cube with a hole through the center. She tilted the cube so the top was facing towards her. She changed the setting on the gun, making it a blow torch and began to write on the cube.

-12,000 YEARS LATER-


The museum looked like it was based on the plans of a medieval church. The Doctor strode through, pointing at the displays and was giving his opinion. Amy and Lexi followed behind him.

"Wrong! Wrong! Bit right, mostly wrong. I love museums." The Doctor said happily.

"Yeah, great. Can we go to a planet now? Big spaceship, Churchill's bunker...?" Amy said trying to come up with more examples.

"Yeah. You promised us a planet next." Lexi said in agreement with her sister.

"Ponds, this isn't any old asteroid. It's the Delerium Archive, final resting place of the headless monks, the biggest museum ever."

"You've got a time machine, what do you need museums for?" Amy asked confused.

"Wrong! Very wrong! Oooh, one of mine. Also one of mine." The Doctor peered into a display case.

"Oh, I see..." Lexi said looking over at Amy and raising her eyebrows at her until she saw the look on Amy's face saying that she figured it out.

"It's how you keep score." The twins said together.

Something in the next display case caught The Doctor's eye. It was an antique version of the box that the woman had on the ship. Intrigued, The Doctor looked at the top which bore strange symbols.

"Oh great, an old box." Lexi said rolling her eyes.

"It's from one of the old starliners. A Home Box." The Doctor replied.

"What's a home box?" Amy asked wondering.

"Like a black box on a plane, except it homes. Anything happens to the ship, the Home Box flies home, with all the flight data."

"So?" The twins asked together.

"The writing, the graffiti - Old High Galifreyan. The lost language of The Time Lords... There were days, there were many days, these words could burn stars and raise up empires, and topple Gods."

"What does it say?" Lexi asked growing more and more intrigued.

"Hello, sweetie..."

Ship corridor...

A door slid open to reveal the woman from before was RIVER SONG! She looked straight into a security camera and winked before walking away.


Alarm bells rang as The Doctor ran through the museum, the home box tucked under his arm. Lexi and Amy were racing behind him. They all rushed into the TARDIS as two guards chased after them.

Inside the TARDIS...

The Doctor hooked up the home box to the console.

"Why are we doing this?" Lexi asked a little out of breath from the running.

"Cos someone on a spaceship 12,000 years ago is trying to attract my attention. Let's see if we can get the security playback working."

Grainy black and white footage of River winking at the camera appeared on the monitor. It then switched to River with her back to the camera facing a door. A man's voice could be heard over the receiver.

"The party's over, Doctor Song... Yet still your on board."

"Sorry, Alistair. I needed to see what was in your vault. Do you all know what's down there? Any of you? Because I'll tell you something. This ship won't reach its destination."

"Wait till she runs. Don't make it look like an execution." Alistair said to some guards that were with him.

"Triple-seven, five... slash, three, four, nine by ten."

The Doctor and the twins all exchanged a look while still listening to the monitor.

"Zero, twelve, slash, acorn... Oh, and I could do with an air corridor."

"What was that, what did she say?" Lexi asked confused.

"Co-ordinates!" The Doctor said excitedly.

Ship's corridor...

"Like I said on the dance floor, you might want to find something to hang on to!"

A timer began to beep frantically, Alistair realized what was about to happen and grabbed hold of one of the pipes on the wall. The two guards did the same. River blew a kiss just before the door behind her blew open and she was carried into space - and directly to the TARDIS as it materialized,

Inside the TARDIS...

The Doctor let out a 'whoop' before running to open the TARDIS doors. He reached out and pulled River in, but they both landed on the floor with River on top.

"Doctor?" Lexi and Amy both asked together.

"River?" The Doctor asked looking at River before they both stood up to watch the ship fly away.

"Follow that ship." River said pointing.


The TARDIS was following the spaceship.

Inside the TARDIS...

The Doctor and River were both working the controls while Amy and Lexi stood back watching them. River had taken off her heels and was barefoot.

"Who do you think she is?" Amy asked whispering to her sister.

"I don't know... and I don't like not knowing." Lexi replied with her arms crossed.

"They've gone into warp drive, we're losing them! Stay close!" River yelled to The Doctor.

"I'm trying!"

"Use the stabilizers."

"There aren't any stabilizers!"

"The blue switches!"

"The blue ones don't do anything, they're just... blue."

"Yes, they're blue. They're the blue stabilizers!" River used the stabilizers and the TARDIS became quiet. "See?"

"Yeah, well, it's just boring now, isn't it? They're boring-ers. They're blue boring-ers."

"Doctor, how come she can fly the TARDIS?" Amy asked in a curious tone.

"You call that flying the TARDIS? Ha!" The Doctor sat on the jump seat to sulk.

"Okay, I've mapped the probability vectors, done a fold-back on the temporal isometry, charted the ship to its destination, and parked us right along side." River said showing off a little.

"Parked us? We haven't landed." The Doctor said a bit sarcastically.

"Of course we've landed. I just landed her."

"But it didn't make the noise."

"What noise?"

"You know, the..." The Doctor made the TARDIS wheezing sound, which made Amy and Lexi giggle.

"It's not supposed to make that noise. You leave the brakes on."

"Yeah, well, it's a brilliant noise, I love that noise." Lexi said in a defending tone.

"Thank you, Lexi." The Doctor said appreciatively. "Now, come along, Ponds, let's have a look."

"No, wait! Environment checks." River exclaimed.

"Oh, yes, sorry! Quite right. Environment checks." The Doctor stuck his head out the door. "Nice out."

"We're somewhere in the Garn Belt. There's an atmosphere. Early indications suggest..."

"We're on Alfava Metraxis, the seventh planet of the Dundra System. Oxygen-rich atmosphere, toxins in the soft band, 11-hour day, and..." The Doctor stuck his head out the door again. "chances of rain later."

River looked over at the twins. "He thinks he's so hot when he does that."

"... Maybe just a tad." River and Amy looked at Lexi. She hadn't meant to say that out loud. The Doctor walked back up and joined them at the console. "Anyway... How come you can fly the TARDIS?... River, was it?" Lexi said, trying to change the subject.

"Oh, I had lessons from the very best."

"Well, yeah." The Doctor said smugly.

"It's a shame you were busy that day." River replied picking up her red heels. "Right then, why did they land here?" River wondered while heading for the door.

"They didn't land." The Doctor corrected.

"Sorry?" River asked confused.

"You should've checked the Home Box - it crashed." The Doctor said following River.

River stepped outside and The Doctor closed the door behind her before heading back to the console.

"Explain! Who is that and how did she do that museum thing?" Amy asked coming up beside The Doctor.

"It's a long story and I don't know most of it. Off we go!" The Doctor said working the controls.

"What are you doing?" Lexi asked popping up on the other side of The Doctor startling him a bit.

"Leaving. She's got where she wants to go, let's go where we want to go."

"Are you basically running away?" Lexi asked brushing her hand against the console as she started to walk around it.


"Why?" Amy asked wondering.

"Cos she's the future, my future."

"Can you run away from that?" Lexi asked pointedly while still walking around the console.

"I can run away from anything I like, Lexi. Time is not the boss of me."

"Hang on." Amy said stopping Lexi by putting a hand on her shoulder. She looked her sister in the eyes while continuing to talk to The Doctor. "Is that a planet out there?" She asked giving her sister a knowing look. It took Lexi a second before her face spread into a wide grin.

"Yes, of course it's a planet."

"You promised us a planet." Amy said. She and Lexi both turned to look at The Doctor.

"Five minutes?" Lexi and Amy asked together.

"OK, five minutes!" The Doctor said finally giving in.

"Yes!" The twins exclaimed with exciting heading for the door.

"But that's all, cos I'm telling you now, that woman is not dragging me into anything!" The Doctor said while following Amy and Lexi to the door.

Beach (Day)...

The ship they were following had crashed on top of a very large and very old stone structure. It was burning in areas and bits of debris had fallen to the ground around the TARDIS. The Doctor, Lexi, Amy and River stood there, looking up at it.

"What caused it to crash? Not me." River said, sure of herself.

"Nah, the airlock would've sealed seconds after you blew it. According to the Home Box, the warp engines had a phase-shift. No survivors." The Doctor said a bit gloomily.

"A phase-shift would have to be sabotage. I did warn them."

"About what?"

"Well, at least the building was empty. Aplan temple. Unoccupied for centuries." River said as she began to key something into a handheld device. The Doctor walked back over to Amy and Lexi.

"Aren't you going to introduce us?" Amy asked gesturing between herself and Lexi.

"Right. Amy and Lexi Pond, Professor River Song."

River turned to face them. "Ahhh, I'm going to be a Professor some day, am I?" River asked with a smirk. The Doctor winced at his slip up. "How exciting!" River let out a little chuckle. "Spoilers!" She turned her attention back to what she was doing.

"Yeah, but who is she and how did she do that? She just left you a note in a museum!" Lexi asked a bit exasperated. The Doctor just walked off. River came up to stand beside the twins.

"Two things always guaranteed to show up in a museum: The Home Box of a category four starliner and, sooner or later, him. It's how he keeps score."

"We know." Amy and Lexi said laughing together.

"It's hilarious, isn't it?"

"Ha-ha-ha." The Doctor came up behind them with a sarcastic laugh. "I'm nobody's taxi service." The sonic said looking at River. "I'm not gonna be there to catch you every time you feel like jumping out of a spaceship."

"And you are so wrong. There's one survivor. There's a thing in the belly of that ship that can't ever die. Now he's listening!" River started talking into her device. "You lot in orbit yet?... Yeah, I saw it land... I'm at the crash site. Try and home in on my signal." River said holding up the device. "Doctor, can you sonic me? I need to boost the signal so we can use it as a beacon."

The Doctor took out the sonic screwdriver, and used it on River's communication device. She dropped a small curtesy as a thank you.

"Ooh, Doctor! You soniced her!" The twins laughed together. While The Doctor just gave them a look saying, 'Shut it'.

"We have a minute." River said calling over to The Doctor. "Shall we?" She opened her diary. "Where were we up to? Have we done the Bone Meadows?"

"What's the book?" Amy asked looking at The Doctor.

"Stay away from it." The Doctor said before turning around to look at Lexi.

"What are you looking at me for?" Lexi asked innocently.

"Well, I assume you're going to ask me something now. That's usually how it goes with you and Amy. You both stand on either side of me, asking questions one after another. Come on, I know you have a question." The Doctor said with a smug grin.

Lexi smiled in return. "Oh alright. What is the book? For real?"

"Haha,... Her diary."

"Our diary." River corrected.

"Her past, my... future. Time travel. We keep meeting in the wrong order."

Four columns of swirling 'dust' appeared then turned into four soldiers in desert camouflage uniforms. One of the soldiers approached River,

"You promised me an army, Doctor Song."

"No. I promised you the equivalent of an army. This is The Doctor." The Doctor gave a lighthearted salute to that.

"Father Octavian, sir." The soldier said while shaking The Doctor's hand. "Bishop, second class. 20 clerics at my command. The troops are already in the drop ship and landing shortly. Doctor Song was helping us with a covert investigation. Has Doctor Song explained what we're dealing with?"

"Doctor, what do you know of the Weeping Angels?"

The Doctor faced River quickly and became immediately tense.

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