The Time of Angels [Part 2]

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Beach (Night)...

A transport ship had arrived and the soldiers had already set up camp. Octavian strode across the ground followed by The Doctor, Amy and Lexi.

"The Angel, as far as we know, is still trapped in the ship. Our mission is to get inside and neutralize it. We can't get through up top, we'd be too close to the drives. According to this," Octavian showed a handheld device. "behind the cliff face, there's a network of catacombs leading right up to the temple. We can blow through the base of the cliffs, get into the entrance chamber, then make our way up."

"Oh, good." The Doctor a little bit pleased.

"Good, sir?" Octavian asked confused.

"Catacombs, probably dark ones. Dark catacombs, great!"

"Technically, I think it's called a maze of the dead."

"You can stop anytime you like."

"Father Octavian?" One of the soldiers called over Octavian.

"Excuse me, sir."

The Doctor waved off Octavian as he left. He then used the sonic on some of the equipment set up on the table.

"You're letting people call you 'sir'. You never do that." Lexi said sitting on the table.

"So, whatever a Weeping Angel is, it's really bad, yeah?" Amy asked sitting on the other side of the table.

"Now that's interesting..." The Doctor said looking back and forth between the twins. "You're both still here. Which part of 'Wait in the TARDIS till I tell you it's safe' was so confusing?"

"Ooh, are you all Mr. Grumpy Face today?" Lexi asked in a patronizing tone.

"A Weeping Angel, Ponds, is the deadliest, most powerful, most malevolent life form evolution has ever produced, and one is trapped inside that wreckage and I'm supposed to climb in with a screwdriver and a torch-and assuming I survive the radiation, and the whole ship doesn't blow up in my face-do something clever which I haven't actually thought of yet. That's my day, that's what I'm up to. Any questions?" He looked at the twins expectantly. Amy was the first to speak up.

"Is River Song your wife? Cos she's someone from your future, and the way she talks to you, I've never seen anyone do that." Amy looked over at Lexi as if waiting for her to speak, which she did.

"Yeah, Amy's right. She's kinda like, you know, 'Heel boy!' She's Mrs. Doctor from the future, isn't she? Is..." Lexi had a little trouble asking this next question, she wasn't quite sure why. "Is she gonna be your wife one day?"

"Yes. You're right... I am definitely Mr. Grumpy Face today."

"Doctor? Doctor!" River called over from the transport.

"Oops! Her indoors!" Amy exclaimed teasingly.

"Father Octavian!" River called for Octavian to come along also.

The Doctor, Octavian, Amy and Lexi made their way to the transport ship.

"Why do they call him Father?" Amy asked curiously.

"He's there Bishop, they're his clerics. It's the 51st Century, the Church has moved on."

Inside The Transport Ship...

On a screen there was black and white footage of a Weeping Angel, it's body was at an angle, and its hands were over its eyes. River was controlling the video with a remote.

"What do you think? It's from the security cameras in the Byzantium vault. I ripped it when I was on board. Sorry about the quality. It's four seconds. I've put it on a loop."

"Yeah, it's an Angel. Hands covering it's face." The Doctor confirmed.

"You've encountered the Angels before?" Octavian asked a bit surprised.

"Once, on Earth, a long time ago. But those were scavengers, barely surviving."

"It's just a statue." Lexi said trying to reason.

"It's a statue when you see it." River started to explain.

"Where did it come from?" The Doctor asked wanting know.

"Oh, pulled from the ruins of Razbahan, end of last century. It's been in private hands ever since, dormant all that time."

"There's a difference between dormant and patient."

"What's that mean, it's a statue when you see it?" Amy asked speaking up.

"The Weeping Angels can only move if they're unseen. So legend has it." River started, but was cut off by The Doctor.

"No, it's not a legend, it's a quantum lock. In the sight of any living creature, the Angels literally cease to exist. They're just stone. The ultimate defense mechanism."

"What, being a stone?" Lexi asked confused.

"Being a stone... until you turn your back."

Beach (Night)...

The Doctor led the others out of the transport.

"The hyperdrive would've split on impact. The whole ship will be flooded with radiation, cracked electrons, gravity storms, deadly to almost any living thing." The Doctor explained.

"Deadly to an Angel?" Octavian asked.

"Dinner to an Angel. The longer we leave it, the stronger it will grow. Who built that temple? Are they still around?"

River was reading her handheld. "The Aplans. The indigenous life form. They died out 400 years ago."

"200 years later, the planet was terraformed. Currently there are six billion human colonists." Octavian said explaining.

"You lot, you're everywhere! Like rabbits! I'll never get done saving you." The Doctor exclaimed complaining a little.

"Sir, if there's is a clear and present danger to the local population..."

"Oh, there is. Bad as it gets. Bishop, lock and load!"

"Verger, how we doing with those explosives? Dr. Song, with me."

"Two minutes. Sweetie, I need you." River said calling over from where she was.

The Doctor mouthed 'Sweetie' to himself, but then realized River meant him and went to her. Amy and Lexi stood in the transport entry.

"Anybody need us?" Amy yelled out.

"Nobody?" Lexi called crossing her arms in frustration before she and Amy walked back into the transport ship.

Inside the transport ship...

Lexi and Amy moved forward, entranced by the Angel on the screen. Since the last they had looked, it had moved its hands away from it face.

Beach (Night)...

River was showing The Doctor a book.

"I found this. Definitive work on the Angels. Well, the only one. Written by a madman, it's barely readable, but I've marked a few passages."

The Doctor quickly flipped through the book finishing it. "Not bad, but slow in the middle, didn't you hate his girlfriend? No, hang on, wait, wait!" He then proceeded to sniff the book.

Lexi popped her head out of the transport ship. "Dr. Song? Did you have more than one clip of the Angel?"

"No, just the four seconds."

Lexi looked puzzled for a moment and then walked back inside.

"This book is wrong! What's wrong with this book, it's wrong."

Inside the transport ship...

Lexi rejoined Amy and looked at the video again. The Angel was now facing forward, hands down at its sides.

"Did you see it move, Amy?" Lexi asked.

"No, I just turned away for a second and then found it like that." Amy responded.

Lexi tilted her head and then bent down to peer closely at the time code. It looped from 11:24 to 11:28 yet the position of the Angel changes. Engrossed, Amy and Lexi didn't notice the door close and lock behind them.

Beach (Night)...

River observed The Doctor as he examined the book.

"Oh, it's so strange when you go all baby-face. How early is this for you?" She asked holding her journal.

"Very early." The Doctor responded not even looking at her.

"So you don't know who I am yet?"

"How do you know who I am? I don't always look the same."

"I've got pictures of all your faces. You never show up in the right order though. I need the spotter's guide."

"Pictures? Why aren't there pictures?" The Doctor asked complaining flipping through the book some more.

Inside the transport ship...

Amy picked up the remote for the video and tried to turn it off, but it kept coming back on. She handed the remote to Lexi, who tried to do the same thing. When it didn't work Lexi set the remote down and peered at the screen.

"You're just a recording." Lexi said in denial.

"You can't move." Amy said in the exact same way.

They both looked away for a second to unplug the power source, but when they looked back, the Angel's face was close to the camera. They both backed away to the door.

"Doctor!" They screamed in unison.

They both tried to open the door. The door wouldn't budge. Lexi looked back at the screen while Amy kept trying to open the door. The Angel had its mouth open in full predatory mode.

"Doctor!" Lexi screamed even louder this time.

Beach (Night)...

"This whole book - it's a warning, about the Weeping Angels. So why no pictures? Why not show us what to look out for?" The Doctor rattled off questions.

"There was a bit about images." River supplied.

"Yes! Hang on..." The Doctor flipped through the book again. "'That which holds the image of an angel becomes itself an angel.'" The Doctor read from a page.

Inside the transport ship...

Amy looked at the screen as Lexi looked back to the door. In that tiny little moment, it had moved again. Lexi looked back at the screen while trying to open the door.

"Doctor!" The twins screamed together.

Beach (Night)...

"What does that mean? 'An image of a Angel becomes itself an Angel." River asked curiously.

Inside transport ship...

Lexi and Amy looked to see an image of the Angel becoming solid in the center of the transport.

"Doctor! It's in the room!" Lexi yelled out while grabbing her sister's hand.

Beach (Night)...

"Amy! Lexi!" The Doctor yelled out in realization running to the transport.

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