The Time of Angels [Part 3]

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Inside transport ship...

"Doctor!" Amy yelled out while punching in random numbers into the keypad, all the while not letting go of Lexi's hand.

Beach (Night)...

The Doctor ran up the door. "Are you both alright? What's happening?"

Inside transport ship...

"Doctor! Doctor, it's coming out of the television." Lexi said shakily.

Beach (Night)...

The Doctor could hear Lexi speaking from the other side of the door.

"The Angel is here."

"Okay, one of you needs to be looking at the Angel. It doesn't matter who. The main thing is... Don't take your eyes off it! Who's looking at it right now?" The Doctor asked frantically.

"Lexi." Amy replied from the other side of the door.

"Okay, Lexi, I need you to listen to me. It can't move if you're looking." The Doctor took out the sonic and used it on the keypad. "What's wrong? It's deadlocked." The Doctor asked River.

"There is no deadlock." River said trying to override the controls.

"Don't blink, Lexi! Don't even blink!"

Inside transport ship...

"Doctor!" Lexi screamed. She felt Amy grip her hand tighter. Amy was still punching in random numbers into the keypad.

Beach (Night)...

"What are you doing?" River asked The Doctor.

"Cutting the power. It's using the screen. I'm turning the screen off. It's no good, it's deadlocked the whole system.

"There is no deadlock!" River exclaimed frustratedly.

"There is now!" The Doctor replied in the exact same manner.

"Help us!" Amy and Lexi screamed together from the other side of the door.

"Can one of you turn it off?"

Inside transport ship...

Amy moved away from the door and grabbed the remote and tried to turn it off.

"Doctor!" Lexi exclaimed blinking one eye at a time.

Beach (Night)...

"The screen, can one of you turn it off?" The Doctor asked more intently.

Inside transport ship...

"I just tried." Amy replied back.

"Try again; and Lexi, don't take your eyes off the Angel." The Doctor ordered from the other side of the door.

"I'm not!"

Beach (Night)...

The Doctor and River were still trying to override the controls.

"Each time it moves, it'll move faster. Don't even blink."

Inside transport ship...

"I'm not blinking! Have you ever tried not blinking? Amy are you blinking?!" Lexi asked winking one eye.

"Not even a little bit." Amy replied fumbling for the remote without taking her eyes off the Angel. She grabbed it and backed away while Lexi stayed put looking at the Angel. Amy tried switching it off again, but it kept turning itself back on. "It just keeps switching back on!"

Beach (Night)...

"Yeah, it's the Angel." The Doctor said for sure.

Inside transport ship...

"But it's just a recording." Lexi said still a bit in denial.

Beach (Night)...

"No, anything that takes the image of an Angel is an Angel." The Doctor turned to River. "What are you doing?"

"I'm trying to cut through. It's not even warm." River said using a small blowtorch.

"There is no way in. It's not physically possible."

Inside transport ship...

"Doctor! What's it gonna do to us?" Amy asked shakily.

Beach (Night)...

"Just keep looking at it. Both of you, don't stop looking!"

Inside transport ship...

"Just tell us! Tell us, please!"

Beach (Night)...

The Doctor ran for the book and brought it back to just outside the transport door where he sat down.

"Lexi, Amy, not the eyes."

Inside transport ship...

"Look anywhere but don't look at the eyes." The Doctor said from outside the door.

"Why?" The twins asked while looking directly in its eyes.

"What is it?" River asked The Doctor.

"'The eyes are not the windows of the soul, they are the doors. Beware what may enter them.'"

"Doctor, what did you say?" Amy asked confused.

"Don't look at the eyes!"

"No, about images, what did you say about images?"

"Whatever holds the image of an angel, is an angel."

"Okay, I think I get it... Amy give me the remote." Lexi asked holding out her hand while not taking her eyes off the angel. Once Amy had given Lexi the remote, she pointed it at the Angel. "Hold this... One, two, three, four..." Lexi hit the pause button while there was static.

The image of the Angel froze before turning off, the door opened and The Doctor and River came in. The Doctor unplugged the screen.

"Ha! She froze it! There was a sort of blip on the tape and she froze it. We really are clever if we both figured that out, eh Lexi?"

"Yeah we are, sis. You see, I froze it ON the blip. It wasn't the image of an angel anymore. That was good, yeah? It was, wasn't it? That was pretty good."

"That was amazing!" River exclaimed encouragingly.

"River, hug Amy and Lexi."


"Cos I'm busy."

"We're fine." They said together.

"You're brilliant!" River said standing between Amy and Lexi, putting an arm around each twin's shoulders.

"Thanks." They both said in unison.

"Yeah, we kind of creamed it, didn't we?" Lexi said looking over at Amy. Amy gave her a smile in return.

"So it was here? That was the Angel?" River asked getting back to the matter at hand.

"That was a projection of the Angel. It's reaching out, getting a good look at us. It's no longer dormant." The Doctor said seriously. They then heard an explosion from outside. The Doctor ran to the door.

Beach (Night)...

"It's gone positive!" A soldier informed Octavian.

"Doctor! We're through!" Octavian informed.

Inside transport ship...

The Doctor looked at Lexi, Amy and River from the door.

"Okay. Now it starts." The Doctor stated and then went outside.

Amy and Lexi both rubbed their left eyes simultaneously.

"Coming?" River asked while heading for the door.

"Yeah, coming. There's just... Something in my eye." Amy said.

Lexi looked over at her with a puzzled expression. "Hmm, mine too."

Maze of the Dead, Main Chamber...

The Doctor climbed down a rope ladder and joined Octavian at the bottom. They both turned on their torches and looked around. Amy, Lexi and River joined them and the other soldiers.

"Do we have a gravity globe?" The Doctor asked Octavian.

"Grav globe." Octavian said. One of the soldiers took out a sphere from his pack and handed it to him.

"Where are we? What is this?" Lexi asked glancing around.

"It's an Aplan mortarium. Sometimes called a maze of the dead." River said in reply.

"And what's that?" Amy asked also glancing around.

"Well, if you happen to be a creature of living stone..." The Doctor started while kicking the gravity sphere like a football and it rose into the air, stopped and then lit up the cave showing a large number of stone statues. "the perfect hiding place."

"I guess this makes it a bit trickier." Octavian said stating the obvious.

"A bit, yeah."

"A stone angel on the loose amongst stone statues. A lot harder than I'd prayed for."

"A needle in a haystack." River said as an analogy.

"A needle that looks like hay. A hay-like needle. Of death. A hay-like needle of death in a haystack of, er, statues. No, yours was fine." Everyone was giving The Doctor looks by now. He was rambling. Amy and Lexi just sort of giggled. It's not like this was the first time they heard him do that.

"Right." Octavian stated. "Check every single statue in this chamber. You know what you're looking for. Complete visual inspection. One question - how do we fight it?"

"We find it, and hope." The Doctor replied and walked off. The twins followed him.

River went to follow The Doctor, but Octavian grabbed her by the arm.

"He doesn't know yet, does he? Who and what you are."

"It's too early in his time stream."

"Well, make sure he doesn't work it out. And be sure Lexi... Was it? Doesn't figure it out either. Because if they figure it out, he's not going to help us, and she's going to be very upset with you."

"I won't let you down. Believe you me, I have no intentions of going back to prison, or having her hate me."

"Sir? Side chamber. One visible exit." A soldier called over to Octavian.

"Check it out. Angelo, go with him."

The two soldiers went to check out the chamber.

Maze of the Dead, Upward Passage...

The Doctor shined his torch in every direction, Amy and Lexi followed. They both stopped and looked at the many levels above them and all the statues lining the way. They both rubbed the corner of their left eyes with one finger and found a little grit. They then both used their full hands and grit came out through their fingers. Their eyes widened with fright. They stopped and looked at their hands but saw nothing. They both gave each other confused looks, but said nothing. River came up beside them.

"You both alright?" She asked concerned.

"Yeah, fine." Amy replied quickly.

"So, what's a maze of the dead?" Lexi asked changing the subject.

"Oh, it's not as bad as it sounds. It's just a labyrinth with dead people buried in the walls... Okay, that was fairly bad. Right, who wants to go first?" River asked holding up a syringe, the twins eyed it suspiciously.

"What is that?" Lexi asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Oh, just a viro-stabilizer. Stabilizes your metabolism against radiation, drive burn, anything. You're both going to need it when we get up to that ship."

Amy and Lexi looked at each other.

"Rock, paper, scissors?" Amy asked questioningly.

"It's as good a decision maker as any." Lexi replied shrugging her shoulders.

They both held out a hand and a clenched fist.

"Rock, paper, scissors!" Lexi picked rock and Amy picked scissors. Since Amy lost she would brave the needle first. This reminded Lexi of all the doctors appointments that they had when they were younger, where one of them would have to get the shot first and the other one would have watch anxiously and wait for their turn.

"Okay then. Amy give me your arm." River said. Amy held out her arm shakily. "This won't hurt a bit." River quickly administered the shot.

"Ow!" Amy shouted pulling her arm away.

"There, you see. I lied. Now, Lexi, your turn." River held out another syringe. Lexi looked at it wearily, but reluctantly held out her arm.

"Come on. It only hurts for a second." Amy said putting a hand on Lexi's shoulder.

River smiled and administered the shot.

"Ow!" Lexi yelped pulling her arm away, the same way Amy did.

River continued walking with Lexi on her left and Amy on her right.

"So what's he like? In the future, I mean." Amy asked looking at River.

"Yeah. Cos you know him in the future, don't you?" Lexi asked also looking at River.

River looked back and forth between the two of them.

"Wow, you two... Anyway, The Doctor? Well, The Doctor's... The Doctor."

"Oh, well that's helpful. Don't you think, Lexi? Do you think we should write that down?" Amy asked sarcastically.

"Yes, we are." River said look over to where The Doctor was.

"Sorry, what?" The Doctor asked while taking readings with River's device.

"Talking about you."

"I wasn't listening. I'm busy."

"Ah. The other way up."

The Doctor turned the device the other way round and looked over at River who merely raised her eyebrows.

"Yeah." The Doctor said grudgingly.

"You're so his wife." Lexi and Amy said together.

"Oh, Amy and Lexi! This is The Doctor we're talking about. Do you really think it could be anything that simple?"

"Yep." The twins said with smug grins.

"You're good. I'm not saying you're right... but you are very good."

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