004: 𝒏𝒆𝒘 𝒌𝒊𝒅𝒔

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- ͙۪۪̥˚•❛ 𝙄'𝙡𝙡 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙙𝙞𝙧𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙡𝙮 𝙖𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙪𝙣 𝙗𝙪𝙩 𝙣𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙢𝙞𝙧𝙧𝙤𝙧 ❜•˚ ͙۪۪̥◌
»»-———-  -———-««
.  8:50am - october 30th 1984
I arrived at school, put some gum in my mouth, and turned off my car. I exited and shut the door. A car raced past me, one I'd never seen before. My gaze was drawn to it as it approached. A man with curly hair and a denim jacket walked out. He put out his cigarette and turned to look around. He smirked when we made eye contact. Two more people came out. They were about the same age and looked alike; they had to be twins. One slammed the door shut and walked away, while the other hopped on her skateboard. I smiled as the boy walked towards the school. I approached my friends who were staring at him.

"Who is that?" Vicki asked. The smile on her face never dropped and it was clear she took a liking to him.

"I have no idea. But would you check out that ass? Just look at it go." Tina giggled and started playing with her hair.

"Let's go inside girls." I linked arms with Carol as we all walked inside.
.  10am
"So, are you coming to my party?" Tina asked as I walked out the classroom. She linked arms with me and handed me a leaflet.

"It's silly that you're even asking. Of course I'm going to be there." I smiled and folded it up, placing it in my back pocket. I looked around and saw the new boy. He grinned and walked up to us.

"Hey ladies." He smiled, resting his arm on the wall and leaning to the side. Tina nudged me slightly as she waved. "What's that?" He asked, pointing to the pile of leaflets she was holding.

"Oh! It's my halloween party I'm hosting." She unlinked arms and held one out for him. "Are you interested?" He looked at me, the smirk never leaving his face.

"Yeah. I'll drop by." He took it from her and looked me up and down. "Are you going?" I nodded, avoiding any interest in him that may have built up. "You're a talkative one." He joked. "I'll take her to her next class." He said to Tina. She nodded and waved, walking away.

"Do you not get hints?" I asked, starting to walk to my class. He turned around and started walking beside me.

"I do. I would've left if your eyes didn't tell a different story." His voice was strong yet calming and he tried to maintain eye contact with me. "How about you be my date? We can match and be the 'IT' couple. Good idea?"

I laughed and nudged him, turning the corner suddenly. "Boy, do you have dreams!" He ran to catch up with me and put his arm around my shoulder.

"Billy Hargrove." He told me. I looked up at him and nodded. "And you're Teresa Ortiz. I heard you and Steve Harrington had a thing for a few years before you broke it off. Have you noticed you're the talk of the school?"

"Of course I've noticed. Everyone thinks I'm a 'mean' girl but in reality... I'm just mean when others are." I told him before stopping in front of a classroom door.

"Skip this lesson... We can go for a drive instead. Get to know eachother more." He leant down until our faces were inches apart. I smirked and pushed him back.

"Keep dreaming, Hargrove. I'll think about the party offer." I walked into the classroom and sat down, greeting my friends as they started asking questions. I looked up to see him still at the door, smiling at me before backing away and walking off.
.  6pm
I sat at the table, messing with my food. I noticed my mom look at me and scoff but I ignored it. She promised to be a better mom but it seems like she's gone down hill. "Where's Dad?" I asked. "I'm not eating without him." I put my fork down and sat back in my chair. She threw her fork down and crossed her arms.

"You know your father and I have not been on good terms recently so why do you insist on us being in the same room?" Her eyebrows furrowed and I could see the anger build up in her eyes.

"No, you're right." I stood up and grabbed my plate. "I guess I can't be in the same room with you either." I walked off to my room, hearing clashes from downstairs. She was probably throwing everything away. Her anger always took control of her like this.

I placed my plate to the side after finishing my food and and sat on the edge of my bed. I heard a knock on my window and turned around. The curtains were closed but I could make out a male figure. I stood up and opened it, my eyes widening when I saw who it was. "Billy?" I opened my window and a grin grew on his face. "How do you know where I live?" I asked as he climbed in.

"I got it off your friend, Tina. The party is tomorrow and I needed to know if you want to go with me. If you do, what will we go as?" He snooped around my room, opening drawers and closing them again. I rolled my eyes and blocked my dresser drawer. "Spicy." He grinned.

"I'll go with you. We don't need to go as a 'couples' costume. Go as whatever, just pick me up." I replied, leaning on the dresser and crossing my arms.

"That seems like a fair deal." He nodded, sitting down on my bed.

"And- I'm not sticking around you the entire night. I have people to say hi to and let me appearance be known." I smiled and sat beside him. He chuckled to himself and shook his head.

"Of course. I have the same thing to do as well. We can't let people think we're a couple when we're not." He smiled to himself.

"Exactly. Now that we've got that discussed and you've snooped around my room, can you leave so I can get some sleep?" I asked. He nodded and stood up, climbing out the window. He grinned and waved as he climbed off the roof.
.  8:15am - october 31st 1984
I pulled up at school to and locked my car, after getting out. I walked over to Tina, Vicki and Carol, who waved at gripped onto my arms. "Woah- Okay.. What's going on?" I asked, laughing to myself.

"Billy asked for your address yesterday. Did you get up to anything fun?" Tina grinned, clearly thirsty for every single detail I had.

"Not really. He just asked if I was going to your party with him and I said yeah." I shrugged, pulling my arms away from their tight grip.

"Are you doing couples costumes?!" Carol smiled widely and bit her lip. Tommy had been ignoring her every need for attention so she clearly needed something to keep her going.

"No! We're not going as a couple. We're going as friends. We should probably get into school before we all get given a detention again." I walked towards the school as I heard them running to catch up with me. They continued asking questions but I just rolled my eyes and laughed.
.  3pm
I walked up to Billy who was leant his car. He noticed me and smiled. "Well, what are you doing here?" He asked, putting his cigarette out.

"Pick me up at 7. If you're late, I'll drive myself." I kept a serious face, causing the smile on his face to expand.

"Got it. I like it when you're serious. It makes you look hotter." He chuckled and I rolled my eyes, seeing two girls walk up to us. "Oh. You're both late again." He spoke to them, crossing his arms.

"Yeah, we had to get catch-up homework." The girl with the long hair and skateboard replied, opening the door to the car.

"Jesus. I don't care. You're late again, you're skating and walking home. Do you hear me?" He scoffed. They both nodded and got inside. "T... 7 it is." He grinned and got in the car as I walked off, hiding my smile.
.  7pm
I heard loud music and beep come from outside my house and quickly ran downstairs. "Where are you going?" I heard my mom ask, sternly.

"To a party. The one I told you about yesterday." I rolled my eyes and grabbed my purse.

"If you're home after midnight, you are done for, Teresa. Your father and I are worried about the people you're hanging out with." She came out the kitchen and crossed her arms.

"God! Get off my back. You can be such a bitch sometimes." I opened the door, slamming it behind me. I know I was going to get a beating for that but I ignored it and waved to Billy. I got in the car and smiled.

"You're two minutes late. I could've drove off." He joked as he turned down the volume and drove away from my house.

"You can blame my mom for that." I smiled as I looked at his outfit. "Who are you supposed to be?" I asked.

"Myself. I decided that I'm more unique than any movie character." He chuckled. I shook my head and laughed. "And you're a dead cheerleader."

"Yeah, me and my cheer team are all matching." I leant over and started skipping the songs.

"You're a cheerleader? That's the one thing I don't know about you." He wafted my hand away from the stereo.

"Oh? You did a background check. Hot." I joked, leaning back in the chair. I turned up the volume and smiled. "Now shut up so I can listen to music." He nodded and put a finger to his mouth.

We pulled up and got out the car. A few people walked up to us with a smile. "Hargrove, the keg stand is waiting for you." Tommy led the way as Carol clung onto my arm. He and another I haven't had the chance to get to know held him up as he drank from it, his face turning red. We started counting and cheering for him as he got off. "Forty-two!" Tommy shouted, giving him a cigarette. "We got ourselves a new Keg King!!" He cheered. Billy took the cigarette and out his arm over my shoulder.

"That's how you do it, Hawkins!" He shouted, smiling at me. I rolled my arm and put my arm around his waist as he led us inside. The rest followed, cheering him. He handed me his cigarette when his eyes caught Steve Harrington and I sighed, taking a puff and being dragged towards him. He wiped his mouth with the toilet paper hanging from the lights and stopped in front of him.

"We got ourselves a new Keg King, Harrington." Tommy smirked. Steve was stood with Nancy and I gave them both a small wave. "Seems like you're being replaced ever since you've gotten with the priss. Even T replaced you."

"Tommy." I shook my head, scoffing. Nancy rolled her eyes and walked off. I took another puff of the cigarette and then handed it back to Billy. "It was nice seeing you again, Steve." I smiled and dragged Billy away.

"You dated Harrington?" He asked as I poured us both drinks.

"Yeah. We were childhood friends then we started dating when we were 13 but I broke it off last year. I could tell he liked Nancy and it put me off." I explained, taking a sip of my drink.

"I'd never treat you like that." He smirked, putting out his cigarette and taking a sip of his drink.

"How would I know? I've only known you a day." I laughed, looking over at Carol who had successfully gotten Tommy to give her attention. "Tell me more about you, Billy. Every little thing."

"Everything? Alright..." He stood there for a bit before looking at me and clearing his throat. "I have two step sisters, as you've seen: Max and Dorothy. My dad remarried and my step mom is... uh... she's a handful. I don't get along with my step mom or her daughters-"

"Why don't you get along with them?" I asked. He looked away and took a sip of his drink and then sighed.

"I feel like they're replacing my mom. We all have people we don't like." He smiled. I nodded. "My dad's a dick and has something against me. We moved to Hawkins because my dad and his wife wanted a fresh start..." He went silent.

"Should we dance?" I asked, holding my hand out. He looked at me and grinned, taking it and dragging me to the crowd.
.  11:30pm
I took a sip of my drink as I leant against the counter, letting out a sigh. Everyone was busy dancing and I took this opportunity for time to myself. I looked around for a clock and saw the time, my eyes widening. "Shit." I looked around for my purse, not able to find it anywhere. Someone grabbed my arm and I took around to see it was Billy. "Oh, hi."

"Are you looking for something?" He asked, holding my purse. I took it off him with a smile.

"Thanks. I've got to go, tonight was nice." I went to walk off when he stopped me. I faced him and raised my eyebrows. "What?"

"I'll drop you off." He insisted. I shook my head, laughing.

"You've had too much to drink. You'll end up crashing the car. Unless you walk me?" I smiled. He nodded and took my hand, leading us out the door. I waved to Carol and Tina and walked home.

"My mom's going to kill me." I sighed, feeling the cold weather hit me. I shivered and looked around.

"How come?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows at me.

"I've had way too much to drink and I need to be home in 20 minutes." I laughed, steadying my walking.

"You don't seem too drunk." He also laughed, noticing the cold weather.

"Wait until we're 5 minutes away from my house. Every time I've come from drinking and got within 10 minutes of my house, everything goes downhill. I've heard stories." I told him.

"Well, you should go home with something to remember tonight." He let go of my hand and took off his jacket, placing it around my shoulders.

"Billy... You're not walking home shirtless." I went to take the jacket off when he stopped me.

"I'm immune to cold weather. Just have it." He smiled. I nodded and put it on properly. There was something about Billy that was different from the others. We walked in silence for a few minutes before he spoke once again. "My mom and dad always argued when I was a kid and it got to the point where my mom left... leaving me with my dad. I guess it impacted me quite a lot because I can't bring myself to trust his new wife or daughters. I hate him." He sighed and looked away from me. I took his hand again and gave it a light squeeze.

"That's understandable. My mom and dad's relationship is rough but they're staying together for me." I nodded slowly.

"Is that not breaking you, though?" He looked at me with a worried look but I just shook my head.

"No that broke me a long time ago." I laughed but his worried expression didn't crack. "Seriously. It doesn't even matter." I kept laughing but he just nodded.

"I see the alcohol starting to hit you now." He smiled.

"Whattt? No! Your worried expression was making me feel awkward. My house is like ten minutes away." I nodded. We turned the corner and saw my house. "I may have been wrong." He gripped my hand tighter and walked me in front of it.

"As soon as you get in..." He placed his hands on my waist. "Go upstairs, grab a bucket, change into your pyjamas, get a glass of water and go to sleep." He smiled. I nodded.

"Bucket... Pyjamas... Water and sleep. Got it." I repeated. "Oh! Do you want your jacket back?" I asked but he just shook his head.

"My house isn't far from here. Just... Have a good sleep. Don't go calling anyone." His smile never left his face but a chuckle did escape his mouth.

"Got it. Get home safe." I also smiled. He leant down and planted a soft kiss on my lips and then let go of me and stepped back.

"Let's hope you remember that." He waved and walked off. I brought my fingers to my lips as I felt my face flush bright red. I nodded and smiled, biting my lip and walking inside.

"Mom! I'm home." I closed the door and put my purse down. She came running in from the living room with crossed arms.

"It's 12:16! Your father and I were so worried. I told you to be back before midnight. How much have you had to drink?" She asked, getting closer.

"Not a lottt! Get out my ass. I have a life." I stumbled towards the stairs.

"Teresa! Your abuela is visiting tomorrow. You know how she gets." She scoffed and helped me up the stairs.

"Get off me!" I pushed her lightly and stormed up the stairs.

"I'm trying to help you." She stayed behind me on the stairs, making sure I wouldn't fall down.

"Then get me water." I walked into the bathroom, grabbed the bucket and placed it next to my bed. I changed into my pyjamas and laid down. My mom came in and gave me the water, looking at me with disgust before leaving.

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