xxix. of gods and monsters

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She felt one cut open her scar, over and over again. Her mind was too much of a mess to even react to the pain. It moved, and another one climbed on top of her, its hand pressing down on her chest, crushing her lungs.

She tried to scream, to call for help, but her voice wouldn't work. The dragons came closer, panting at the sight of fresh meat. That was all Raya was to them.

Her shirt was soaked with blood, and she didn't even know how she was still alive. She stared in horror as a dark red dragon clamped it's mouth over her leg.

The dream changed suddenly.

She saw an hourglass, heard voices whispering about the time, yelling from somewhere around. 

There was an animal, struggling against his bonds. Someone was drunk, and the Whomping Willow was making noise.

She heard whispered thank yous, and rushed goodbyes. She heard someone yelling furiously from somewhere beyond. And then...

The dream shifted again.

A voice sung to her softly in another language. Raya didn't know the words, but the voice, and the melody, it made her sleeping self drowsy. She felt safe.

She was being rocked again, but not by the creature this time. It was a human, holding her close as they sang softly. Lights decorated the walls behind the person, giving the gloomy room a small bit of light.

She saw bright grey eyes that matched her own, a small smile as the person rocked her softly.

She reached towards those eyes...

The dream changed once more.

Voices were shouting at each other, yelling and screaming, and asking how they could let this happen. She heard accusations being thrown around, while others tried to calm everyone down.

A dark voice laughed at the chaos.

Raya sat up gasping.

"Breathe, Miss Newbrooke," Madam Pomfrey appeared from out of nowhere. "You alright? Eat some chocolate. Drink some of this. You need it."

Raya did as she was told, looking around the empty hospital wing.

"Where's Harry, Ron, and Hermione?" she asked.

"I kicked them out," Madam Pomfrey answered. "I had to kick all of your Ravenclaw friends out too. Some of them tried camping outside the hospital wing, but Filch chased them off."

"How long have I been out?" Raya clutched her head.

She felt like she'd gotten no sleep, but at least her body was recovered from using her powers.

"A little over two days," Pomfrey answered. "Mister Potter said something about ambrosia, but we don't have any on us. We had to use potions and wait for you to wake up the old fashioned way."

"Sirius," Raya muttered suddenly. "What happened to Sirius?"

Madam Pomfrey looked a little annoyed, "Black escaped at the last second. No one knows how, but he somehow managed it."

Raya blinked, "I need to see Harry."

"No," Madam Pomfrey made her sit. "I'm not letting you go until tomorrow morning. You're in very bad shape Miss Newbrooke."

"I'm fine," Raya muttered, thinking about the scar on her back.

She froze momentarily, remembering that she'd told everyone about it.

"Can you — can you ask Professor Lupin to come up here, then?" she asked nervously. "I need to talk to him about something. It's really important."

Madam Pomfrey winced.

"What is it?" Raya asked, heart pounding.

"Professor Lupin resigned," she said softly. "After Professor Snape told everyone he was a — a werewolf, Remus decided it would be best for him to leave Hogwarts."

"That's beyond stupid," Raya muttered, getting angry. "Professor Lupin was the best Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher we ever had. Him being a werewolf should change nothing."

Madam Pomfrey smiled sadly, "Unfortunately, the rest of the world doesn't think that way. Get some sleep. I'll let you out tomorrow if you're fine."

Raya slept, finally without dreaming. 

As Madam Pomfrey checked her over the next morning, Raya could tell she was trying to find an excuse to stick her in the hospital wing for a while longer. Finding nothing, she let her go.

Raya stumbled backwards as something flew into her the second she left the hospital wing.

She smiled lightly, hugging Cierra back. 

Elias, Thomas, Nathaniel, Cedric, Cho and Meredith all made their way to her, pulling her into a group hug. Raya melted in their embrace.

She was okay.

Raya rubbed Loki's ears, grinning as Cedric and Fred tried to stuff marshmallows in their mouth.

"Go, go, go, go!" George was cheering.

They continued shoving marshmallows in their mouth, puffing their cheeks up to fit more and more. Raya watched the scenery fly by from her seat on the Hogwarts Express.

Raya had managed to track down Harry, Hermione, and Ron before the end of the school year. They told Raya all about the time turner, and how they used it to free Buckbeak, who saved Sirius. Raya was only upset she was knocked out for that.

She laughed as Fred tapped out after thirty six marshmallows.

Cedric got up, cheering.

"Let's go!" Raya fist-bumped him. "Now, you gotta eat them."

Cedric and Fred stared at each other in horror, clearly not having thought this whole idea through. George and Raya were besides themself with laughter as the two of them tried chewing the marshmallows.

"I'm never eating one of those things again," Cedric gasped for air as he finally finished.

"I'm done," Fred was wheezing on the floor of their compartment. "I'm done."

Raya and George ignored them.

"You're coming to the Quidditch World Cup, right?" Raya asked.

"Of course," he grinned. "Dad gets tickets from the Ministry, so we're all gonna be there. Come by early, if you can. We'll probably be grabbing Harry and Cedric before heading off."

"I'll see what I can do," Raya promised. "But tell your dad not to worry about Ministry tickets. My dad's got a whole private section that can fit eighty people, and we don't know that many! He's been telling me to get all my friends to come with us. Bring everyone along, it'll be fun!"

George was grinning, bouncing happily at the invite.

Raya sat back, smiling at the sight of three of her closest friends. She thought of the last few weeks of school, remembering how Harry, Hermione, and Ron hadn't pushed Raya for an explanation on anything. 

They deserved to know the truth. And so did her friends.

"C'mon," she got up. "Follow me. I've got something to tell you guys."

Confused, the three boys got up and followed her to the Golden Trio's cabin. Raya slid open the door, settling in next to Harry, while Cedric and Weasleys sat around as well.

"What's the big surprise, Rye?" Fred asked. "You pregnant or something?"

"I'm fifteen," she deadpanned. "And not pregnant."

"It was a fair question," he raised his hands in surrender.

Raya looked to all those in the compartment, "Some of you guys have seen me do some things that you won't find in the Wizarding books, and some of you have been there for me since the beginning. I owe you all an explanation."

Harry, Ron, and Hermione sucked in a breath, already anticipating Raya's explanation.

Cedric, however, looked concerned.

"Raya, is everything okay?"

"It's nothing to worry about," she promised. "It's just something I should've told you guys a while ago."

"Does it have to do with how you calmed Snape down?" Hermione asked in barely more than a whisper.

Raya nodded. "You guys know the Greek myths?"

"Like the Minotaur, and centaurs, and Achilles, and Zeus, and—"

"—Please don't say all those names around me," Raya muttered, half expecting a bolt of lightning to strike her down.

"Why do you look so terrified?" George asked, more serious than ever before.

Raya took a deep breath. It was now or never.

"Because all the legends... the gods, the monsters, the heroes, the... the demigods... they're all real," she said. "And I'm part of them."


thanks for reading!!


but it's here at least!

anyways, next chapter we get luke back!!






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