How to Build Your Dragon

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ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: Coldplay - Paradise 


◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►►⠀⠀ ⠀ 0:00 / 3:48 ⠀ ───○ 🔊⠀ ᴴᴰ ⚙ ❐ ⊏⊐

When she was just a girl 

She expected the world 

But it flew away from her reach 

And the bullets catch in her teeth 

Life goes on, it gets so heavy 

The wheel breaks the butterfly 

Every tear a waterfall 

In the night the stormy night, she'll close her eyes 

In the night the stormy night away she'd fly


Cole, Wu and (Y/n) were looking at the Firstbourne Mech they'd built.

''We did it.'' Cole said proudly.

''But will it fly?'' Wu asked.

''Only one way to find out.'' Cole replied. 


Cole flipped on the goggles. (Y/n) watched him, amused.

He began pedalling the dragon, with Wu calling after him.

They watched as Cole crashed into the rocks.

(Y/n) face palmed.


''It won't fly,'' Wu said to the other ninja.

''It has to.'' Jay replied.

''I'm too heavy.'' Cole said. ''Maybe your calculations were off.''

''I designed it to your measurements. Have you gained weight?'' Jay asked.

Cole gasped, and (Y/n) stifled a laugh, Cole looked at her.

''I have given up cake, and my body is a temple.'' Cole retorted, turning himself away from Jay.

''Well, that's new, last time I made a cake, Cole ran like a rocket powered cheetah.'' (Y/n) said, crossing her arms.

Cole glanced at her, and Jay looked at the Master of Earth. ''Cole?''

''I can fly it.'' Wu spoke up.

''Your legs won't even reach the pedals.'' Cole said to him.

''Easier to grow a little than lose a lot.'' He replied, patting Cole's chest. 

''Hey!'' Cole said, before looking down at his feet.

(Y/n) went to his side, and hugged him. Cole was surprised, before hugging her back. 

''We can do this.'' (Y/n) encouraged him.


''It's tonight or never.'' Kai said, watching the Hunters from a distance.

Jay sighed. ''Well I guess the kid's flying.'' 


''If we're gonna sell this, stay in the clouds, and keep the moon at your back.'' Cole instructed Wu. ''After I bust them out, we'll meet you back here. You got it?'' He asked, and Wu nodded.

''Good luck.'' Cole said with a smile.

''I don't need luck. Just a push.'' Wu replied, and Cole hopped down.

(Y/n) helped Cole move the machine, before getting out of the way as Wu went downhill.

''Come on, kid. Come on.'' Cole said, desperation in his voice.

(Y/n) placed her hand on his shoulder, he turned his head towards her, and smiled.

He turned his head back to the machine, and saw it takeoff.

''Whoo! Ha, ha! You got it, Wu!'' Cole cheered. ''Fly! Fly! Oh. It works.'' 

''We built the impossible.'' (Y/n) said with a smile.


Using her powers, (Y/n) made the machine look a little more realistic, though she'd have to concentrate on it to keep the illusion going.

Wu made the Firstbourne machine blow fire, while Iron Baron watched. ''Fire Dragon!'' He yelled.

Then, Wu made it eject electricity from its mouth, while Kai gasped, acting. ''It's the mother of all Dragons!'' He exclaimed.

''Oh, no! But why would Firstbourne come here?'' Jay said, following along.

''Um, yes. She has come to protect her Wind Dragon!'' Zane said, following along too.

''He's right. It is Firstbourne!'' The dude with the spider mech exclaimed.

''Stations! Defend the fort!'' Iron Baron ordered his hunters.

The Hunters took aim at the ''Firstbourne Dragon'' not knowing it was actually a machine.

''Attack!'' Iron Baron shouted, and they all fired, with Wu dodging and evading each projectile that came towards him.

Cole and (Y/n) peaked around the corner of a tent, seeing all the Hunters focused on the ''Firstbourne''.

With the keys, Cole and (Y/n) ran over to them, unlocking them from the vengestone chains.

'' 'Bout time.'' Kai said.

''Now let's get outta this nuthouse!'' Jay exclaimed, free from his chains.

They followed Cole, and no Hunter followed.

Coming out of a space between two tents, they watched. ''Wow, Little Wu's really selling it.'' Jay said, looking up. ''And (Y/n) did a great job with the illusions.'' He complimented the Master of Illusion.

(Y/n) only rubbed the back of her head, smiling sheepishly.

''You built that, Cole?'' Kai asked.

''Huh. Looks bigger in the air.'' Cole said.

''I think that's the real deal there... in front of us.'' (Y/n) replied as the machine they'd built crashed.

The others watched as Wu climbed out of the machine, landing on his butt.

''Wait, if that's--? Then who's--?'' Cole stuttered, not believing what he saw.

''It's the real Firstbourne!'' Zane exclaimed.

''You know, I really have trouble dealing with you guys.'' (Y/n) said, shaking her head. ''I'm surrounded by idiots...'' She muttered under her breath.

Firstbourne shot a fireball at them, and they quickly got out of there, only just in time.

Wu got off his butt and ran off after them. 

They avoided each attack the Firstbourne threw at them, with (Y/n) barely dodging a fire blast. Cole pulled her out of the way just in time, and she ran with them.

Upon realising the reason Firstbourne was attacking the camp was because they still had the Wind Dragon. 

Kai slowly stepped towards it, his hand outstretched. 

''Dangerbuff? You're with them?'' The dude with the spider mech asked. ''I should've known you're a traitor!'' 

''Not a traitor.'' Cole replied. He pulled off his fake moustache. ''O-ow. A Ninja!'' He said, putting his hand to his chest.

(Y/n) sighed.

''Attack!'' the dude with no legs ordered. The Ninja ran at the attacking Hunters, while Kai ran to free the Wind Dragon.

After doing so, he used his sword to free the other dragons from their chains.

''You brought it here!'' Iron Baron said, tossing the head of the Firstbourne machine onto the ground. They stopped to look at him. ''Don't let them escape. They're going to help us capture the beast.''

Cole looked up to see the Wind Dragon above them, flying.

''I think you made a mistake.'' (Y/n) said, and the Wind Dragon blew them away. It gave a roar, and flew off.

''Be free.'' Kai whispered.

They then fled.


''Look who's up.'' Said Kai, looking at Wu.

Wu sighed, putting his blanket aside.

''And look who's got longer legs.'' Cole said, smiling. Wu looked down at himself. 

Wu was now older, probably their age. 

''Even as I'm saying that out loud, that's super weird, right?'' He asked the others.

(Y/n) nudged him, chuckling. ''Oh, Cole.''

''With his augmented growth cycle, that's quite normal for a young teenager.'' Zane said.

''A teenager? Oh, now we're in for it.'' Jay replied. 

(Y/n) raised an eyebrow.

''Jay, we're still teenagers.'' Kai reminded him. 

''But I have to look after you, like a mother.'' (Y/n) said, crossing her arms.

Jay huffed. ''Yeah, but grown-up teenagers.'' 

Wu touched his forehead. ''What is wrong, young Master Wu?'' Zane asked him.

''I... I had a dream.'' Wu replied. ''I was fishing with my father.'' 

''The first Spinjitzu Master.'' Jay said eagerly.

''And my brother was there.'' He replied, closing his eyes.

''His memories are coming back.'' Cole said to (Y/n) with a smile. 

''Do you remember anything else? Anything your father said?'' Kai asked him, walking around him.

''Yeah. He said--''

Wu was interrupted by a Hunter.

Everyone drew their weapons. ''Show yourself!'' Cole ordered them.

''There is no escape.'' They said, their voice distorted. ''You are my prisoners now.''

The group were in their defence positions. Cole stood in front of (Y/n), his hammer in his hand.

They walked over, holding a crossbow of some sort. They then pointed at Wu. ''Is it true?'' They asked.

''Is what true?'' Cole asked.

''What you said. He is the son of the first Spinjitzu Master. Is it true?'' They asked again.

''Don't tell him. Remember what happened when they found out about our powers.'' Kai whispered. 

''How do we know if they're a boy and not a girl?'' (Y/n) interrupted.

''I can hear you.'' They said. Firing a bolt from their crossbow at Cole's feet, he yelped. 

''Yes. It's true.'' Wu said, shoving Zane aside. ''I am the son of the first Spinjitzu Master. I am Wu.'' He declared.

The stranger stopped, and pulled off the mask and the hat. Revealing a woman with short black hair and scars on her forehead. ''Then the legend is true.'' She said. ''You have come back to take the Dragon Armour.'' 

Jay pushed aside Cole. ''Woah. Not what I was expecting.'' He said, looking at her.

''Sometimes you must expect the unexpected, Jay.'' (Y/n) replied with a chuckle.

''You're Heavy-Metal?'' Kai asked her. 

''That is my given Hunter name.'' She replied. ''My real name is Faith.'' 

''Faith. All you need is faith...'' Wu said to himself.

''Please. Tell me.'' She said. ''Do you know where the Dragon Armour is?'' She asked.

Wu looked at her, before closing his eyes. He then walked in one direction, before pointing. ''That way.'' He replied, looking at Faith with a smile.

She smiled back. ''Then we must go.'' Running over to the camp fire, she stomped the flames out, extinguishing it. 

''Go? Go where?'' Zane asked. 

''To the Armour.'' Wu answered with a smile.

''Iron Baron has his hunters looking for you. And they never fail.'' Faith informed them. ''The farther we get, the longer we'll live.'' 

''Yeah, Zane. We're going for the Armour. Away from the man with the funny hat. That's a good thing.'' Jay said, watching Faith run.

''Sure. 'Cause when has our Master ever led us astray?'' Kai asked Jay. He turned to Wu. ''Why are you leading us astray? You don't even know where the armour is.'' 

(Y/n) rolled her eyes.

Wu shook his head. ''No. But I have 'Faith'.''

''Oh. Faith? He has Faith.'' Kai replied, tapping Jay and making him turn around.

They all watched as Faith brought a vehicle behind her on a chain.

''Uh, how are we all gonna fit on this thing?'' Cole asked. 

''We aren't. But it will hold our supplies.'' Faith answered. ''What it can't carry, we bury.'' 

''If it's food, I'll gladly carry it.'' (Y/n) said.

''Iron Baron cannot know I am helping you.'' She said, picking up her crossbow.

''Yeah, yeah. Of course. Heh, heh.'' Jay chuckled nervously. ''Your secret's safe with us. Now lower that giant rifle thingy.'' 

Faith turned around, and threw it in the vehicle. 

''So...'' Jay started awkwardly. ''We have Faith.'' 

''I hope you know what you're doing.'' Kai said to Wu.

Awkward, I know.

One question ;) 

Why did (Y/n) get uncomfortable at the mention of Oni?

Anyways, don't forget to vote, comment and share this story if you love it <3

See ya, Bookworms!

WriterAgreste, over & out! 

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