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Yuna stood in front of a metal table where a four sectioned staff neatly laid upon, her precious possession that had been confiscated just prior to the beginning of the Hunter Exam by the White Hood-all in the name of having her try out other options and to modify the weapon accordingly to Yuna's Nen type.

Apparently having a single option is as dangerous as not having a weapon at all, since literally anything to exist can be used as a weapon. Hence, letting her go for a year without her main weapon had her trying to get used to using other different weapons she could get her hands on. Weather it was to improvise chains with poison, or to learn how to properly aim daggers, she had mastered them all.

There was truth to the White Hood's words though, especially considering the weapons she had come across so far during her travels. A fishing rod? No problem! It can easily hook onto enemies and take them off guard. Even swinging it hard enough to harm a pedophile dressed as a clown who calls himself a magician. How about pins? Why not?! One can easily throw them as daggers with Nen infused in it to change people's entire bone structures and appearances.

Then there is Killua, who doesn't even need a weapon because he is the weapon himself. He can easily manipulate his hands to the extent that he can pluck out a heart from a person's chest within seconds. Does he even need weapons to improve himself? Nope. Not one bit. In fact, Yuna thinks the weapons are the ones who needs him. Heck, if she had a consciousness as a weapon, she would be glad to be handled by someone as experienced as him.

The pink-blond chased her thoughts aside, and gently took the thin metal sections of her partner, two in each hand. Them fitting perfectly between her fingers as she easily lifted it off the table-leaving her hands looking like a cat with fat claws. The previously grey metal seemed to shine a beautiful lavender under the dim room light, as it gradually consumed her Nen aura-a smile falling upon her lips at the sight.

"Even I cannot handle that cursed blade because of the mount of Nen it consumes." White Hood murmured from the other side of the table, blank black eyes digging into Yuna's form, which only made her creepier in addition to the smile on her face. It was so fake that Yuna was sure even a visually impaired person would call bull. "You should be thankful of the unusual amount of aura you have... all because of those eyes of yours..."

Yuna with eyes expressing nothing, watched as White Hood placed a hand on top of the table to lean over it, coming dangerously close to her face. She could feel her breath, smelling like nothing in particular-and that alone made her uncomfortable. It was like she was an empty existence that doesn't exist in reality. She has no scent, produces no sound unless she wants to, will not be seen unless wanting to be seen and no presence despite being face to face.

Yuna's grip tightened on the thin metals, and with a simple flick of her wrist, she threw them up in such a way that the four rods made up a single line formation in midair right in front of her. She brought her hands to connect them swiftly, transforming it into a single grey staff with a lavender tint to it.

She didn't hesitate to swiftly bring the staff over her head and straight down at the White Hood, huffing out a breath when she didn't hit any flesh, and only cut straight through the metal table as if it was a thin sheet of aluminum. It split in half and collapsed on both sides under the uneven weight, leaving behind the view of her staff's head innocently hovering over the slightly dented the floor of the metal laboratory.

"No wonder it is considered in the series of the cursed blades despite being a four sectioned staff. It turns the Nen consumed from its owner into an invisible blade hidden with Hatsu." White Hood's smile never disappeared from her face, sending creeps down Yuna's spine as usual. "Too bad you won't be using it for long..." Yuna's eyes instantly narrowed into the White Hood's blank ones. "Your days are numbered after all, don't forget it, IA."

IA... also known as 'Intelligence Artificial' is the name of the invention she's been working with Mauve eyes in mind...

"Don't call me that." The thirteen-year-old murmured with a frown, disconnecting her staff and sheathing it on the weapon holder strapped around her thigh. She turned around to walk out of the room. "You people went through the effort to change the characters of my real name, so it's only natural for you to use it." The door closed behind her back without sparing a single glance back to the creepy scientist.


On the 3rd of September, a girl with long locks which could be mistaken for a dirty light pink has stepped into the city called York New. She had her reasons for being there, yet even then, the dreed that settled at the pits of her stomach could never be ignored. At once she had a feeling that the reunion planned by Gon's little group of friends, wasn't going to be going as smooth sailing as they had originally thought.

This was just the calm before the vicious storm about to strike upon them. She just knows. The girl named Yuna inhaled a large amount of the city air, exhaling it slowly.

"All of them have gathered within the bounds of this city."

White Hood with a mission in hand. Infiltrating into the Mafia by slipping through the assassin group they've been hiring.

Cooperating with Zeno Zoldyck-san and Silver Zoldyck-san who will attend the same mission objective... For them though, it is merely for their work.

Killua-kun the trained heir of the said Zoldyck family, who had run away/kidnaped from his home home.

Accompanying Gon-kun who searches for the game called greed island, also turning out to be the son of a bigshot.

Kurapika the last survivor with scarlet eyes, now searching for his missing mistress.

Said mistress who has absolutely no intention of exposing her true identity as the only holder of the Mauve eyes. Not that Yuna knew he had found out about her being alive of course.

Last, but not least, the entirety of the Phantom Troupe, all gathered in York New, up to no good.

The goal of the Troup? Yuna wasn't so sure about that one. However, she knew they we're all in the city, as her information had come from a very reliable source.

She had to be careful of her actions even more now, as things are only bound to go wrong when the phantom troupe, the last holder of the scarlet eyes and the mistress of the kurta clan ends up within the boundaries of the same city. "I can never put my guard down it seems. Hisoka is already involved... never again..."

If the phantom troupe gets to know about me as well... then I'm pretty sure I'll end up getting locked in that mansion... She would never let me out...

And most of all, I don't want to reveal my identity to him. I have failed him and his people after all... which had forced him down the path of bloodshed and revenge. Down the path where she knew he would meet his demise earlier than fate had in store for him.

It's because I have failed him- no, it's because I have failed them as their mistress that the last survivor is seeking down the dangerous path. Yet the only one to have been there when it happened, and was able to escape was only her, and her alone. The one to leave her people she was supposed to lead to meet their end.

"I wonder... will he blame it on me? Hate me if he were to find out...? It is only natural for him to take revenge on me as well... and the thought of dying by his hands... doesn't sound bad at all..." Yuna breathed out.

I truly won't mind dying by his hands, that way this bloodline of ours would have ended once and for all. At least then, their suffering will come to an end... and us Kurta people would never have to face something like that massacre ever again. Our people can finally rest in peace... is that how It worked again?

If both of us perished, the chances of our descendants suffering the same fate will also perish... but, does he deserve that? Do I have the right to continue and take things away from him after everything I did? What if he wanted to revive the clan? To have a family if he were to survive his revenge? Do I have the right to take that away from him? Do I truly have the right to take his revenge... his current purpose of existing away from him when he had decided on the path even more painful than death?

So many questions, yet the answer is very short and simple. She does not have the right to do anything. Then again, she betrayed him once, who is to say she cannot betray him once more for the very last and final time? After all it is for the better good... for the better, for him. She's just worried about his future and the sufferings he will be going through wasn't she?

You are so selfish.

Yuna smiled wistfully at her own thoughts. "I really am, aren't I? I have always been selfish... and I always will be."


Yuna could be seen roaming around the busy streets of York New City, gathering information for a mission handed out to her by the White hood. She was to collect all and any data about a man named Battera, one of the wealthiest figures within the city. Starting from how he hires people into his businesses to the identity of his rumored lover-any information she could get her hands on was considered crucial for this mission.

The data to be collected also included the necessity to find why exactly this man was so invested in the game called Greed Island despite not being able to use Nen, and why he seems so desperate for it as well.

Of course, Yuna had already figured out the answers for all of the questions that could be asked about the man. Analyzing his life and having learned enough to easily predict what kind of food he would prefer from every single restaurant he frequents. She was sure she could easily pass a quiz about him If questioned.

The mission also included the tracking down of his potential lover, finding out all that is available about her background and how exactly the man named Battera was involved with the women. All of the information were to be sent to the women she worked under via Nue, fully knowing from her past experiences that a tragic fate would soon befall upon the couple she had just been investigating.

Yes, Yuna knew she's being an accomplice to someone's possible demise, however have yet to come terms with the fact that she's been doing it for years now. Due to this experience, she knew exactly how to carry out the tasks... tasks she cannot refuse because this is the price she had to pay for refusing to participate in bloodshed of the innocent.

Hence, despite her hands being clean of blood, she can say for sure that the path she's walking on right now wasn't pure white. There are pretty decorations of red, in the form of blood. Or was it the other way around? Either ways, this is the path she decided upon the day she refused to get her own hands bloody, and she knew she did not have to do this for too long, as her time was soon approaching.

It is truly the calm before the storm... even for myself...

She had been carrying out the final phase of delivering the collected information when she got a call. Leading her to take out her phone without taking her eyes off from Nue who flew up into the sky to be lost within the clouds. Is wasn't until she finally looked down did she realize, that the one calling her right now, was certainly the one and only white crowned runaway prince of the Zoldyck family. She instantly knew the reason behind her call.

The few seconds after she had accepted the call though, she was greeted by utter silence, the buzzling city noises heard from the background. Then again, she wasn't surprised, considering this had been the first time he had ever taken the initiative to call her. She could practically hear the hesitation coming from the other side, until finally, the prince uttered his first words. "...Weirdo."

Of course... That's the very first word to come out of that mouth of his...

"Yes, Bleached Human?" Yuna had asked back, thinking in her mind to change his contact name from 'Killua-Kun' to that perfect nickname of his.

A bit of a silence followed afterwards, and she knew Killua was holding back from shouting at the phone. She bit her bottom lip to hold back a smile, before she heard the boy sigh from the other side. "Forget it." He murmured, before finally asking the key question which revealed the real intention of his call. "You're not going to break our promise are you?"

Straight to the point he went, and Yuna didn't hate that one bit. In fact, she felt a small fond smile crawling on her lips, her features softening. There's no doubt, she had certainly missed his Tsundere energy during their separation. Also missing the sun child's bright light just, the same.

"I told you I don't break promises, no matter how much I seek death." Yuna's amusement was professionally hidden. "You don't have to worry Killua-kun. I have been in York New City for a while now."

A click of a tongue was heard from the other side. "Who said I was worried? I only called cause Gon's been asking about you." It might look mean to us as we are read from text, but from the way Yuna heard his voice, the boy had been clearly pouting, no bite in his words at all.

"Huh? Who're you talking-" Gon's voice had been abruptly cut off with the sound of a thud followed by a yelp of pain, leaving Yuna with a dreadful silence which had her sweating a little.

"Did you just- Is Gon-kun okay?" Yuna asked, tone flabbergasted. She was sure a crime had just taken place on the other side of the call. She was a hundred percent sure of it.

"Oh don't worry, he just ran into something." Killua casually answered, brushing her worry aside.

What did he run into?! Your fist?!

She had a good feeling her guess was right on point.

"Doesn't matter right now, I'm sending you the time and location where everyone is going to be gathering. You and Kurapika are the only ones we haven't seen, even the perverted old man has been with us for a while now." Killua casually mentioned, instantly hearing the said male shouting from the background.


"Just make sure you aren't late, Weirdo." Killua ordered before he hung up the call without even a proper goodbye. Then again, she doesn't think he's the type to say such things unless he really means it, that is how she worked too after all. She only says her proper goodbyes when she knows she won't be seeing the person on the receiving end ever again. That is how it should be.

That is how things will be ending between us.

However, that short awkward call was the precise thing which left the girl who had been previously filled with negative thoughts, with a soft amused smile. Her overthinking self-had dissipated into the darkness of her mind where it came from, replaced by the giddy feeling of her looking forward to meeting the people she had started caring for.

It's actually a bit scary, how big of an impact they had on her who only wished to find the appropriate person to end her life.

_______[]x[]HUNTER x HUNTER[]x[]_______


❭❬𝕀ℕ𝕋ℝ𝕆𝔻𝕌ℂ𝕋𝕀𝕆ℕ❭❬ ➽ character banners ➽
Take a good look at the banners in the introduction chapter. Specifically at Kurapika and Yuna's ones. Don't you see the similarities between them? They both had the patterns seen on their clothing's on their banners for a good reason y'know~

𝟶𝟸𝟺‖ 𝙿𝙴𝙰𝙲𝙴 [☓] Ø𝚄𝚃 ➽ 17th & 18th paragraph of the present story line
As usual, there was a familiar strange pattern printed on the high and thick waistband of her short, other patterns on the legs of the same clothing-this time on the front side. If there was one thing both boys realized is that the same pattern is always there on her outfit of choice no matter what, almost as if she does it for a tradition.
For which tradition however, was something they'll be finding about later.

𝟶𝟷𝟻‖ 𝚆𝙷𝙸𝚃𝙴 [☓] 𝙷ØØ𝙳 the 2nd cloth design presented
In the second character cloth design I have published, I included the same banner from the introduction at the bottom left corner. Did you notice the her name in there?
'YUNA KXXXX' The K looks similar that to an X and that's the only reason why I dropped this hint. As expected, only a few caught this .

asiandragon13 DrainTheWells you both did great to catch this little detail hehe, a hand of applause to you! I, as the author am proud of you! <3


*cough cough* so... its been six months huh...
i feel really bad for making you guys wait for so long T . T I apologize with tears, i swear i feel so bad!

a lot of things have happened since then, i got a job, and this is my final year of degree too~ but i just can't keep this pending for long, since i don't wanna discontinue and finish this entirely.

so yes~ im gonna be updating regularly now! maybe once or twice or even thrice a month! so those of you who didn't remove this old thing from your library, pls look forward to it!

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