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TW: mentions of child trafficking,
slavery and pedophilia!!! there
won't be explicit scenes, just a 
person talking bout it in regards
to the oc. those who feel like they
cannot take it, please skip the last
part of the story, taking place after
the last symbol which looks like
this— _______ ❭❱❭✕╳✕❬❰❬ _______

_______ ❭❱❭✕╳✕❬❰❬ _______

Blue eyes opened with great struggle, as if tons of weight were placed upon her lids to keep them closed–her body as heavy as lead, numb and unmoving against her commands. Her mind lagged, hazy from the long rest, a dull ache in her head preventing her from remembering anything. Her eyes were blurry, as if there had been an additional layer above it, looking through glass at the unfamiliar environment around her.

The peaceful silence felt bittersweet, and the reason behind the feeling was soon enlightened when strips of her clouded memories had started clearing up. The dull ache in her head had intensified, and her mind had slowly started recognizing the agony her physical body is going through at the moment. Despite everything, the blond never let out a single noise, only the silent stream of tears that went down the sides of her face spoke of the high volume of her agony.

She stayed still as a fresh corps put into a dirty coffin, about to be buried and never to see the light–left alone and to be forgotten overtime. However, she does not deserve to be treated so grandly, not when her people were left dead with their eye sockets empty and pilled upon dirt–never to be found within the dense forest, nor to be granted a proper burial.

The bodily pain she had experienced while being tossed around in the water current seemed nothing compared to the emotional pain she's experiencing. After all, not every day one would one survive a massacre, watching her one and only friend get killed right before her as she is left as the only survivor to carry the guilt.

She had once thought living within those walls and not being able to experience the world like the rest was the epitome of loneliness. She was a child after all, just how was she supposed to know the future which awaited her. The future which came knocking at her door, to inform her of true loneliness. The price of not appreciating what one had would only be realized after it slipped away and never to be returned. Such is the case for Yuna Kurta as well.

The gravity of loneliness is most genuine when one loose what they once had, not with envy of what others have.

Maybe the gods wanted to punish me for wanting more, for not being grateful...

I should have died... but then again, this could be a part of the punishment as well...

_______ ❭❱❭✕╳✕❬❰❬ _______

 The time had come for them to meet at last, with Yuna arriving to the location sent by Killua Zoldyck. She had originally thought she'd take a few days to meet them, however she managed to complete everything assigned to her by the White Hood much earlier than expected. Hence why she had called asking for their current location, which was immediately sent to her.

Only for her to stumble upon the sight of the three males running a conditional auctioning booth, one quite popular at that might she add. As impressive as it looked, she couldn't help but feel the distaste that crawled up her throat seeing the crowd containing males and males alone. Not to mention, every single one of them were adults.

Hence, she found no reason to hurry over to her 'acquaintances' and chose to observe them from a distance, watching everything go down with a small adoring smile. Her smile only further widened when Killua's senses caught the fact that someone was watching them from the shadows, discreetly looking around in search of who it is.

His senses are as sharp as always...

With a chuckle, her gaze moved towards Gon, seeing him breaking out in nervous cold sweat which he had to wipe off once a while.

There's no doubt that this is Leorio-san's idea. Gon-kun is too innocent to take advantage of people like that... and while I wouldn't put it pass Killua-kun, he would've thought of a more efficient way to earn money...

It was near sunset when the three males called it a day, Leorio busying himself with the money counting while Yuna made her way down to them as soon as the crown dispersed. Gon who picked up on her sent, perked up to look at her direction—breaking into a wide smile immediately afterwards. "Yuna!"

God he's too precious...

That was the only thought that passed her mind as the boy jumped over to give her a bear hug, almost taking her off her feet if not for Killua who had magically appeared besides her to hold onto her shoulder. "So you were the one watching us this entire time." He had uttered out, making her glance at him as she carefully placed a hand on Gon's back.

He had gotten his answer just from the gaze she had given him, not that he needed any conformation of course. He knows just how much of an antisocial person she is. Despite that though, she did have quite the odd sense of fashion which makes her stand out.

Her color theme this time around contained blue and white, almost opposite of himself who wore pink and white. A turtle necked-sleeveless sweater was tucked into a black lace up two-toned Godet miniskirt with a thick waistband, the usual mysterious black patterns printed on said waistband and on the front of her shirt, right above where her heart should be.

I'm starting to think she has someone personally tailing all her clothes...

Fingerless laced wrist warmer gloves occupied both her hands, only holding onto her middle fingers. As usual, her socks stayed mismatched, the right one white, reaching the middle of her thighs with laces decorating the end—meanwhile the left one was the color blue matching the turtleneck around her neck, stopping at the middle of her calf. As usual, there had been a metal like plate fitted into the thigh of the same leg, seemly never coming off of her body.

Killua noted her shoes looking the most normal they had ever been, containing two hues of blues. Her hair was unbound, locks of pink blond water falling down her back and reaching the back of her calves.

Man, I forget how long her hair is because usually she ties it up or has it in a messy bun...

Over all, she looked pretty good he admitted to himself. He nodded, fully knowing she had weapons strapped to her thighs hidden under her skirt. He had learned to never underestimate her ability to come prepared after all. He had done it once, but never again as he was made a fool in his own mind.

"You kept your promise!" Gon had exclaimed excitedly after breaking the hug, making Yuna involuntary smile, albeit small compared to the absolute beam he'd sent her way.

"Of course. I know how important a promise is after all." Yuna had replied casually, making Killua narrow his gaze at her from her side.

"Do you?" The boy teased.

Yuna frowned, folding her arms across her chest as she gazed at him with a neutral face. "I think I've proved that today, haven't I?" Her lips were slightly pursed, almost making it seem as if she had been pouting. Which didn't fail to amuse the ex-assassin as he snickered to himself.

Meanwhile Gon only smiled at the two, having finally gotten used to their banter, until Leorio had called for the three of them that is. 

_______ ❭❱❭✕╳✕❬❰❬ _______

The four 'friends' found themselves strolling around after sunset, Leorio suggesting they go out to eat instead of getting take out. The male continued to drag Gon around, boasting about their large haul of the day like a proud father to his son. Killua continued to stare at the pair with a deadpan, as he walked next to the only girl of the group who was starting to feel bad for the bright sun child.

"I mean let's face it, we need billions... and getting mere 10,000 Jenny per person is not going to get us anywhere." Killua had let out, only loud enough for her to hear him as he knew if his words reached Leorio's ears, he will surely start another monologue of his.

Just how many more days of torture is he planning to put poor Gon-kun through?

Yuna thought with a sweat drop, continuing the conversation. "Thinking logically... it won't take long for word to spread around about Gon-kun's flawless winning streak. Meaning more and more will be reluctant to challenge him, ending with a large reputation but less money..."


Yuna's thoughts came to a pause as a lightbulb seemed to have gone off in her mind. "Wait... reputation? Could that be what Leorio-san's aiming for?" Her eyes slightly widened. "A reputation is the correct pass for more opportunities, like how having a hunter license helps me gain access to a lot of things a normal person cannot." A smile graced her lips. "I should've known not to underestimate him with matters where money is involved."

Possibly the only time he can think rationally...

Killua responded, hands in the pockets of his pants as he finally glanced at his companion. "You think he's planning to use that to our advantage?"

"Could be." Yuna responded, meeting his gaze.

Killua let out a hum at that, bringing a hand to place it on his chin in thought. "In that case, he's probably trying to use Gon's display to attract bigger fishes."

Yuna nodded. "That makes the most sense considering this is the city of York New. There are all kinds of shady activities going around, especially around this time of year with the largest auction taking place."

Killua stared straight, into Leorio's back. "His ideas are usually stupid, but this one might just work out."

Only because it involves money.

As if hearing Killua's thoughts, Yuna sweat dropped, looking at their main topic of discussion as well. "Yeah..."

Money is the only thing he can think straight about... that is kind of impressive in a way... I think...?

At that very moment, Leorio felt a cold shiver travel down his back, practically feeling the judgmental gazes of the teens. "OI!" The man let out at once, head snapping back to the two. "YOU GUYS ARE TALKING CRAP BEHIND MY BACK AREN'T YOU?"

Killua placed his hands behind his head to shrug, staring directly at the man while Yuna awkwardly averted her gaze to a side, the fingers of her both hands entwined behind her back innocently.

"I don't know what you're talking about old man." Killua let out in a bored tone which hid his amusement.


Gon and Killua made eye contact, and immediately burst into laughter. Making Leorio shout at them some more. All while Yuna observed the scene with a content small smile, watching Leorio chase the boys to who knows where. Making her casually walk after them quite calmly despite the stares being directed towards the males.

Honestly... there is never a boring day around them...

_______ ❭❱❭✕╳✕❬❰❬ _______

Night fell with the boys settled in a restaurant, only, they were sitting at one of the tables placed outside. If you were wondering if the mention of 'only males' is a mistake, then no, it's not. That's because Yuna had parted from the group a moment ago, with the promise of returning back within only a few minutes, and had told them what to order for her prior.

Not even minutes after being settled, a man who looked nothing but suspicious approached their table, clad in a yellow yukata with eyes and hair a light blue which contrasted heavily against his attire. His light blue curled moustache did not help with how sketchy he looked.

Killua, ever the wiser immediately became skeptical of the man's intentions, while Leorio judged the man very openly. It was only Gon who whose curious eyes lingered on him without any judgement, only wondering why he had approached them. None of them were even given the chance to question him however, as he had immediately initiated conversation with the oldest of the three.

"Are you the gentleman responsible for the three children?" He had asked the suited man, completely ignoring two thirteen-year-old staring up at him—one with a glare and the other with curiosity.

The former instantly took offence to his statement of course. "Oi, we're old enough to take care of ourselves old man, if you have something to ask about us then talk to us." Killua all but snapped, albeit not loud enough to cause a commotion. Not yet anyway, but he is bound to very soon, as the sketchy man didn't have good intentions.

This can be seen from the way he completely ignored the teen, only looking over them with an interested gaze. "So, are you?" He had directed at Leorio once more, making nerves pop on the white heads temples.

Killua would've lunged at him by now, if not for Gon who had held him back. "Why you—"

"Wait! Let's first hear him out at least!" Gon insisted, only for Killua to let out a huff.

"No! He's clearly up to no good Gon!" The boy insisted, and he knew his instincts are right.

"My, my... such rowdiness from a young boy looking fit to be from an upper-class family." The sketchy males' comment had made Killua pause in mute shock and anger, watching the way this stranger continued to observe his appearance thoroughly. He felt shivers go down his spine, as he felt as if he is being inspected and priced off for each of his features. "There is no doubt, only someone very responsible can look after a child such as him." He hummed to himself.

Leorio's confusion instantly evaporated as his ears seemed to enlarge to the misplaced compliment, his lips stretched to match exactly that of a con-man's. "Of course!" He had exclaimed with a puffed chest. "Looking after them can be a chore, but it's absolutely nothing I can't manage!" Leorio proudly patted his chest while Gon sweat dropped and Killua sneered at his blatant lies. "Why are you in search for a responsible person? I mean, that's why you asked right? But beware, nothing comes for free~ Especially when asking for something from someone as busy as me!" Leorio wiggled his eyebrows, smile very insincere.

"Of course, when in a business like mine, nothing comes without a reasonable price." The scammer sent a smile right back at Leorio, looking genuine, but definitely insincere. He just knows how to make a fake one unlike the fake con-man who only recently got out of his teens. "I am willing to pay a billion."

Everyone, even Killua, paused at the amount. Eyes popping out of their sockets and jaws practically touching the floor. Leorio had been the first to come to his senses, jenny signs rolling over his pupils as he clasped his hands together. "B-Billion?!" He gulped down his stutter. "What do you want me to do to hand out that much?!"

To say he'd been excited would be an understatement, after all, the amount will lessen their work greatly. Heck, even Gon had stars in his eyes, while Killua was still feeling skeptical of the entire thing. He does not trust the guy, not a single bit.

"Of course, nothing comes for free around here as you have stated. Especially not during the auction days." The stranger elegantly brought a hand to place it above his chest. "Apart from the main auction, there are several other side auctions taking place in the underworld. As such, I am one who takes care of one of them." He moved his hand towards Killua and Gon. "One where exquisite looking things are sold of course."

Killua's eyes narrowed into the stranger's blues. "Just tell us what you want from us already." He muttered with clear irritation.

The blue haired man's smile seemed to widen at that. "A billion jenny..." His eyes trailed to meet Leorio's eagerly waiting ones. "... for the children you're taking care of." A pregnant silence followed right afterwards, and suddenly the noises of their surroundings were clearer. Their faces showing disbelief and genuine confusion, with Killua's face gradually turned to show his disgust. "You see; I was just wondering around in search for potential clients when my eyes caught very two fine specimens. I could not bear to turn away!" The stranger exclaimed excitedly, about to continue his monologue when Leorio butted in.

"W-Wait! Wait! PAUSE!" His brows furrowed, a bead of sweat travelling down his temple. "You're telling me to sell what to you?!" Leorio couldn't help but shout in disbelief, thinking he had heard it wrong.

"If not three, then the two white haired kids you have would do." The stranger responded gingerly, as if he was just talking about the whether they were having today. "Their beauty is simply magnificent to not be displayed!" He paused, finally seeing the absolute horror displayed on Leorio's face. "Oh? Is one billion too little for the both of them?"

Leorio spluttered. "That's not—"

"Then let me have the girl alone!" The freaky stranger insisted. "With that long hair and extremely pale skin, she can be the grand finale of this year's auction! I would've preferred to have both of them as an item together, but girls of her age are more expensive due to them being pure and still being developed! At that age, it'll be easy to mold her body and personality to the desire of-"

"Shut up."

To say Killua is mad is an understatement as he's absolutely seething. The boy himself could not fathom the intense feelings he's experiencing at the moment, struggling to calm himself down from separating the head of the stranger from his body. Despite his resistance, his Nen seeped out of him in dark waves, effecting the two older males who didn't know how to protect themselves against it.

"Killua!" Gon instantly shouted in slight panic, his own Nen surrounding him to protect himself but concerned about their friend who did not know about it. Thankfully, Killua calmed down a little at the voice of his friend, although barely holding his aura back from killing the normal people surrounding him. "And you! It's not nice to say things like that about my friends!" Gon had scolded the man who was left on his knees after Killua's outburst.

Killua continued to glower at the man. "Leave." His voice was heavy but quite calm, threateningly so. "Get out of my sight. I can't hold myself back from killing you if I keep seeing your face." His usual royal blues were nowhere in sight, instead replaced by a light electric devoid of any light, promising their murderous nature. His words holding no lie as the only reason why he gets like this is when he is ready to kill. While his Nen had ceased to exist, his bloodlust continued to threateningly pour out, albeit barely enough for the stranger to feel it.

Meanwhile, a certain protagonist having done with her business, had been walking back to the boys when she had felt Killua's Nen spike up dangerously. At once, she rushed towards the direction of the aura, concern gripping her nerves.

I left them for fifteen minutes... What trouble did they attract this time?

By the time she arrived, Killua's Nen had calmed down, however his discreet bloodlust she had been quite familiar with was instantly recognized. "Killua-kun!" Yuna had exclaimed upon stopping at the scene, a bit behind the stranger who was still on his knees.

At once, the bloodlust ceased to exist, the familiar voice calling out his name in that familiar way instantly calming him down. His sharp gaze snapped towards the girl who was trying to grasp what the situation was. She started stepping towards them after determining there was no danger around, only the blue haired stranger being the thing amiss of their environment.

Seeing this though, the white haired ex-assassin is out of his seat within seconds. Only when he appeared in between her and the stranger did they hear the chair hitting the floor behind him, yes he was that fast to block her from ever appearing in the eyes of someone as disgusting as the blue haired stranger. Yuna was forced to come to a stop, almost bumping into him if not for her fast reaction time.

Her eyes connected with his, confusion swirling within them as Killua place both his hands upon her shoulders. The boy barely glanced over his shoulder towards Leorio. "Old man, make sure he's not around by the time we come back." He ordered, casually turning the girl away and gently pushing her forward to make her start walking.

Albeit confused, Yuna went along with his actions, leaving behind Leorio and Gon to deal with the blue haired stranger. After all, despite her curiosity she knew she could trust Killua's judgement. Though what took her by surprise was when she felt him swiftly grab ahold of her left wrist, snapping out of it when he started dragging her away from Gon's table. Her discreet attempt to look back was stopped by his voice. "Don't. I don't want him to see your face— To see you at all."  

_______ ❭❱❭✕╳✕❬❰❬ _______

_______[]x[]HUNTER x HUNTER[]x[]_______


"The gravity of loneliness is most genuine when one loose what they once had, not with envy of what others have."


This quote was made by a friend of mine, because I had been having a hard time trying to make the explanation a bit poetic. 


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