β€–πŸŽπŸŽπŸ—β€– π–π„πˆπ‘πƒ 𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄

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Β _______||[⨀]||⨂||[⨀]||_______

At the end of the day, Himana sat in her usual seatβ€”sitting on the ledge by the window and silently observing the interaction between a normal human and an unearthly ghost boy.

The both of them look good together...

She stayed silent as Yashiro complained about their plans, before Hanako confessed he was an amateur when it comes to granting wishes.

Himana blinked when something cut through the air above her head, the wind messing up her hair a little. It was a moment later did she realized that it is was caused by the radish girl, who threw something out of the window. The blue-eyed girl shifted to partially turn her upper body around so that she could gaze outside.

It's a beautiful day today...

"Wait! Yashiro!" Hanako suddenly exclaimed, snapping our protagonist out of her thoughts and making her turn back to the two. "Don't touch that!" Hanako reached for a small bag in Yashiro's hand. Something Himana recognized instantly.

However, the radish girl ignored the ghosts warning to put one of the mermaid scales in her mouth. "Explain! Explain or I'll swallow it!" Yashiro demandedβ€”both her hands placed above her mouth.

"O-Okay, okay!" Hanako responded, his form frozen in midair due to shock. "Those are mermaid scales. Those who swallow those scales will be cursed, but also united by a strong-" A gulp was heard, making Hanako pause his explanation. Instantly he panicked. "Yashiro! I said not to swallow it. You'll be cursed!"

"I don't mind!" Yashiro exclaimed making Hanako halt. "If it means Minamoto-senpai will return my feelings, I don't mind being cursed!" She shouted. "You did have the right items after all! Hanako-san, you... Hanako-san you liar!"

That was the last heard from her before she ran out. The radish girl's footsteps fading into a distance, leaving behind a lonely silence.

Himana's gaze traveled to the silent ghost who had his back to her, expression hidden. She calmly hopped off her seat before walking up to the ghost. Stopping beside him to place a hand on his shoulder. "You weren't wrong, Yashiro-san will soon realize that. ... If she doesn't dry up in her fish form that is..." She mumbled, her voice calm.

What she said can be taken as a joke to light up the atmosphere, but Hanako knew better. The ghost let out a smile, turning to the girl and coming face to face with the blank expression of the whitehead. "Your right, I'll get the chance to scold her later, but I can't do that if she's dead, right?" He asked, holding his hands behind his back, still smiling at her.

The blue-eyed girl nodded, a soft micro smile decorating her features. "I'll go find her." She volunteered calmly.

"And I'll prepare the tank." Hanako stated.


That's what brought them to their situation now, all of them in an empty classroom. Yashiro in the form of a fish, in a rectangular tank, which had a cute house in it.

I honestly won't mind living in a place like that...

Himana commented in her mind as she sat on a table that was placed near a window. Her foot placed on a chair as she stared at the cute tank.

While the protagonist has been distracted, Yashiro had confessed that she'd never loved Teru at all. A statement that caught Himana's attention, which had her letting out a relieved sighβ€”happy that Yashiro won't end up under the control of Teru's weird kinks.

However, everything took a wrong turn when the classroom started shaking. "What have we here?" A female's voice echoed through the room, her voice sounding elderly as the shaking became more violentβ€”leading tables and chairs to rattle, and making lots of noise. Some of them toppling over as well.

"Wh-What?!" Yashiro exclaimed in alarm in her fish form.

The classroom slowly darkened. "Humans are truly foolish creatures." The same voice echoed. "But rejoice, girl. From now on, you will serve me." The center floor of the classroom caved in, the hole becoming larger, causing tables and chairs around the area to fall through. "I will show you the utmost kindness." Some sort of liquid started to float up from the newly formed hole before it gathered above in midair, a red glow glinting form it.

Hanako stepped in front of the two girls, a hand raised to his side as the Haku-Joudai's floated near him. "There you are, mermaid." Hanako mumbled as if he was expecting her.

Himana wasn't quite sure whether the thing that formed from the liquid was a mermaid or not. I mean, sure it had scales and a tail, but only the head of it looked human... never mind, even the face was creepy looking. The human headed fish wasn't what the two girls expected to be considered as a mermaid.

Yashiro was freaking out in the tank, shouting something similar along the lines of Himana's thoughts. All while wondering what's going on.

"This is the mermaid. She's here to collect you, her new servant." Hanako explained, making Yashiro tense up and Himana to narrow her eyes at the creature.

I'm not letting her take Yashiro-san.

The whitehead declared in her mind while Hanako smiled, closing his eyes. "But that's a problem. You're obstructing my business." He stated, opening his eyes to stare up at the so-called mermaid.

The huge creature leaned forward. "You're in my way, boy." The next thing they knew, Hanako was thrown away with a swing of the mermaid's tail. His body crashing throw tables and chairs.

"Hanako-san/kun!" Both girls exclaimed. While the mermaid raised a fin to hide her mouth, clearly smirking.

"Pathetic! My life spans a millennia. A mere School Wonder could never hope to best me." It stated, seemly enjoying herself.

Her explanation went through Himana's deaf ears though, as she kept her stare on Hanako. Her pupils shook at the sight of the apparition holding his right shoulder, sitting on the ground where he was thrown to. His expression wasn't seen with his eyes hidden behind his bangs, but Himana had seen enough for her to be see glimpse of something she had long forgotten.

Himana... listen to me my child...

The mermaid moved its fin with claws as it's fingers to the tank, but she never touched it. More like, Himana didn't let it happen as she moved in between them, standing as a barrier in between Yashiro and the one trying to kidnap her.

Everything will be... just fine...

The mermaid paused for a second, processing the girl's actions. "Huh? What is this? A mere human opposing me?" At that, Hanako's head snapped up to see his partner bold actions. Quite taken back just like Yashiro who was speechless for the moment.

You are... strong.

The girl looked up, her cold blue eyes revealing from under her white curtain like bangs, seemly glowing in the darkened room. Her eyes were narrowed, glaring straight into the mermaid, her lifeless orbs sending shivers down the creatures back. "I won't forgive anyone... who hurts my friend."

Hanako's eyes widened, never expecting to see her to display such raw emotions for his sake. She was clearly expressing anger, an emotion he had yet to see from her until now. The fact that it was for his sake though, warmed his heard despite the situation they were in at the moment.

He was once again reminded, that the girl had dealt with apparitions before. However, unlike the ones she'd encountered prior, the mermaid was different. Like the creature informed, she had lived long and had gotten stronger than most. She was on another level unlike the spirits lingering around.

"You, a human, can't do anything!" The mermaid exclaimed taking back her fin to swipe her tail at the girl. Yashiro shouted out her name, as she and Hanako watched with wide eyes. The tail swung, but it didn't hit its target as she crouched down, narrowly dodging the attack before she stood back up again.

"Just leave us alone." Himana voiced sternly as she glared up at the huge mermaid, her voice lower than an actual shout, but noticeably louder than it ever got before.

A couple veins popped on the creature's head in response. "You-"

"Wait for a few seconds." Hanako called out as he carefully stood up, gaining all three's attention. "I haven't granted Yashiro's wish yet. If you're going to take her, could you wait until I have?" Hanako asked, quite politely.

"Silence! Do not presume to command me." In her moment of distraction, Himana didn't notice a fin approaching her, not until it had grabbed her. Her eyes widened when she was lifted off the ground, the claws acting as fingers holding her tight enough to have no chance of escape. Taking note of this, Himana chose to not struggled it it's hold, staying calm and observant to its movements instead.

"Yutsuki-san!" Yashiro shouted with teary eyes. How that is possible despite being a fish and while in water? Shall remain a mystery for now.

Hanako stepped forward, his eyes hidden behind his bangs. "That's my partner you have, I'll have to ask you to give her back." Hanako asked, only to be ignored.

"Girl." The mermaid called out to the white head, making her look up into the huge single eye of the creature. "I can sense something different about you. Why don't you become one of my servants as well?" She asked with a smirk. "Then you'll get to be together with your friend too."

Himana's eyes narrowed at that. "No, not me nor Yashiro-san will become something that'll serve under you." She stated monotonously, leaving the mermaid a bit stunned at her blatant audacity.

"Give her back." Hanako asked once again, only to have the mermaid snap at him yet again.

"Shut up!" She shouted.

Unfortunate for the mermaid, that served to be the last straw for the boy apparition. "Oh, I see." He mumbled, calmly shoving his hand inside his uniform to pull out a kitchen knife with a red handle. "I'll use force too then."

Himana glanced back at Hanako, only to see his amber eyes glowing in the dark of the classroom, the color resembling more of a vibrant red. Her eyes widen in amazement, fascinated by the beautiful color despite her predicament.

Those blood moons...

"What impudence!" The mermaid shouted, opening her mouth as far as it can, revealing two rows of sharp pointed teeth. Her mouth resembling greatly that of a shark's.

Hanako took the initiative to easily slide down under the huge mermaid's body, before unleashing a full forceful swing of the knife. He managed to cut open her stomach, safely and swiftly jumping back right afterwards.

The mermaid was left shocked, not expecting that at all. "How can an apparition a paltry few decades old be so...? Curse you, School Wonder!" That was the last they heard from her before she disappeared into nothingness.

Himana who was free, fell down with her back facing the floor. Somehow managing to stay calm as she did so, with her arms lagging behind. It wasn't going to be bad fall, yet Hanako caught her in his arms. "Nice catch!" He complimented himself, carrying the white head in bridal style, back near tank Yashiro was in. "Are you okay?" He asked, looking down at the girl who was already staring up at him and into his eyes

"I'm the one who should be asking you that. You got thrown across the room." The white head shot back bluntly. Her face as blank as he remembered it to be.

Hanako didn't answer her question though, chuckling it off as he let her down to the floor. "I managed to send her packing for now, but she seems persistent so she'll probably be back." Hanako mumbled, watching Himana take her seat on the same table near the window. "Well, I guess buying some time is good enough."

The fish Yashiro instantly began to panic. "N-no way! What should I do, Hanako-san? Is that fish going to take me away?" Daikon fish asked, actual tears falling out of her fish eyes. "I wish I'd never made that wish." She cried, which was responded by Hanako in the form of scolding.

The blue-eyed girl let out a sigh, partially listening to Hanako as she admired the reddening sky, reminding her of the look in Hanako's eyes earlier.

She waited till Hanako finished, only to start talking, still staring up at the sky. "I'd have to agree with Hanako-kun on this one." She mumbled, making the two turn to her. "You were irresponsible and reckless." The white head let out bluntly, making two arrows stab the fish's small heart.

"But you have to agree, bring a creature with gills and fins... isn't that bad." Himana turned back to Yashiro, blank eyes staring right into Yashiro's small fish eyes.

"IT IS BAD!" Yashiro's high-pitched fish voice shouted before she started processing what the whitehead said. "Wait, how do you know how it feels?"

Hanako perked up. "Oh right, we didn't tell you, did we?"

"Didn't tell me what? That Yutsuki-san swallowed a mermaid scale too?" Yashiro asked in disbelief.

Hanako grinned. "Exactly! I swallowed one too, so the curse is split in half between us!" Hanako floated down behind his partner to wrap his arms around her neck. "We share a veryyy special bond~" Hanako sang smirking at the fish as he placed his chin above the girl's head.

Yashiro's supernatural fish, blushed at the ghost's intimate actions. More so when Himana didn't seem mind it at all.

The blue-eyed girl though, shifted to look up at Hanako, making him lift his chin to stare down. Both of them making eye contact. "You can change her back, right?" Himana asked, peering into his amber orbs.

Hanako stared right back, looking back and forth between two of her eyesβ€”both of them staying like that for a solid minute before the apparition finally let out a sigh of defeat.

He carefully unwrapped his arms to float above the tank, holding another mermaid scale in hand that literally came out of nowhere. "You didn't listen to me, but you didn't use this on your senpai. That means I can still grant you a wish." He revealed, making Yashiro perk up. "Do you want to be human again? If that's your wish, I'll grant it. For a price of course."

"Wh-What kind of a price?" The fish who was recently a radish asked nervously.

"Who knows? I'll let you lead a bare minimum of a normal life. How about it?" Hanako asked smiling down at the fish who nodded with her head above the water.

"I-I'll turn back! I want to turn back! Please, Hanako-san, make me human again!" Yashiro exclaimed still nodding her head.

"You said it." With the same smile dancing on his features, Hanako flicked the scale into air, catching it afterwards. "In that case, I'll have you pay me..." He trailed off, placing the scale of his tongue. "With your body." Hanako finished his sentence to gulp down the item.

Himana's indifferent gaze trailed over to Hanako's figure, suspecting him of his intentions. While his words registered in the fish's mind. "With my... huh?" Yashiro mumbled, her fish form blushing. Soon after, Yashiro changed back into a human, the tank ending up being dumped on her head as she sat on the floor.

"Across the border between this life and the next, we have been linked. I'll minimize the curse's effect on you." Hanako repeated the same lines he had said to the whitehead, before leaning down to bring his face closer to Yashiro's. "In exchange, I'll take..."

Both girls stared at him, one with a blank gaze while the other with a blush on her face.

"... your labor." Hanako ended his sentence making an 'Ok' sign from his hand. The whitehead instantly relaxed her guard, while Yashiro expressed confusion on her face. "Man, what a relief~ I was just thinking I wanted a human assistant. Did you think I meant something dirty?" He asked, making Yashiro's face turn a light pink. "Yashiro, you naughty daikon!" He teased, only to receive an elbow to his face.

Unknown to them, Himana cracked a small smile as she watched Hanako fall back. Before turning away to stare out at the red clouds once more, getting distracted by them.

"Huh? I can touch you, Hanako-san?" Yashiro asked, looking down at her hands in confusion.

Hanako sat up, a hand behind his head as he explained, seemly in pain. "I just told you, we share a bond. Go easy on me. I did grant you two wishes after all."

"Two?" The radish mumbled.

Hanako floated close to the girl, giving her a close eyed smile with his hands connected behind his back. "You wanted someone, anyone to return your feelings, right?" He asked before he opened his eyes. "And as far as I'm concerned, sharing a bond with someone is the same thing, right?"

Yashiro stared at him with wide eyes. "Tha-Thats..."

Hanako calmly turned to the third person in the room. "But my first and strongest bond, is with her." He voiced, observing the girl who was leaning her shoulder against the window, looking up and gazing at the now red sky with a dazed look. Her lips were slightly parted, making it seem as if she was awed by the scenery. "Our bond was made with the intention of helping each other, a direct intentional wish." Hanako explained, smiling softly.

Yashiro observed Hanako's expression before her gaze trailed back to the blue-eyed girl who wasn't paying the least bit of attention to them. Yashiro ended up smiling as well. "Yutsuki-san is a strange girl."

"That, she is." Hanako agreed.

... Is it really possible for a daikon to become a fish though?

Β _______||[⨀]||⨂||[⨀]||_______

Below is a picture I drew! Gotta love pencil drawing Anime!

Β _______[⨀]T⨂ILET B⨂UND HANAK⨂-KUN[⨀]_______

FACT NO: ⨂⨂⨂

Himana actually prefers her supernatural form over
her human form. She believes being a fish equals
less direct interaction with human beings.

She thinks it's rather peaceful to swim around as
a fish, in her silent water space.


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