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As usual, the sun would rise. That's something for certain. The very same way, that beautiful ball of heat would be seen setting from the horizon—finally revealing the mystic moon previously hidden by the bright light one can't directly look at without going blind. The moon shall wait once again. Waiting, and waiting, until the earth finishes its rotation. Waiting until the sun rises to over shine it once more.

Seven such processes later, Yashiro is be seen busy in the third-floor girl's bathroom of the old building. It's been a full week since she barely escaped from being forced to serve under a weird mermaid—all because she swallowed a mermaid scale despite Hanako's warnings. She was surely facing the consequences right now, in the form of cleaning the bathroom that is.

"Hanako-san, Hanako-san, please let me go home for today!" Yashiro practically begged, clasping her gloved hands in front of her. A bucked with a cloth dangling from a side was hanging from her elbow, and her head had a cloth tied around it to keep her hair from falling to her face. To top it all off, an apron was tied around her waist, above her uniform—giving her a maid sort of look much to Hanako's amusement.

All in all, you can say she is in full gear to clean the toilet, and you can clearly tell she wasn't liking the job forced into her for disobedience.

Hanako on the other hand, was enjoying himself. Hence, he instantly popped out from the third stall with a bright close eyed smile. "Nope!" The apparition answered enthusiastically, his hands making an X in front of his chest.

"Please! Just for today!" Yashiro continued to beg with pressed palms—eyes tightly shut as if her whole life depended on Hanako's decision to let her off for the day.

"Nope. I've got an important job for you once you're done." Hanako casually announced, now with his back to her, facing the other individual in the bathroom. "I need you to hurry up and finish cleaning."

Yashiro opened her eyes, magenta hues shining as if to say she didn't give up yet. "Can't Yutsuki-san do the job? She's supposed to be your partner." She pointed out, almost complaining.

The boy apparition only hummed, thoughtfully observing the silent human within his boundary—casually sitting atop the window ledge, lost in a book that had a blank black cover. At the mention of her name, she looked up, tilting her head to silently ask whether he needed her for something—and her face continued to remain as monotone as ever.

"Nope!" Hanako answered, turning to Yashiro. "Himana isn't suited for the job." He reasoned out calmly with a smile making said whitehead return back to her book—concluding that she wasn't needed at the moment.

"No way." Yashiro mumbled, dejected lines appearing on her head for a second. The next thing they knew though, she was shaking Hanako back and forth by his shoulders. "This is the prime of my life! Youth is short! And I finally got my big chance!" The poor girl shouted, with crocodile tears.

"What chance?" Hanako asked, not looking a bit bothered with the rough treatment he's getting at the moment.

Just like that, as if a switch had been flipped with that question, Yashiro's personality did a full one eighty. Her face literally glowing with a close eyed smile as she swayed in her place, a bundle of genuine happiness.

Hanako slowly blinked before turned to the Himana, silently asking if she knew what was going on. Himana who caught his stare only responded with a small shake of her head, silently telling she wasn't too sure herself. "I saw her talking to Fuji-san from her class yesterday though." Her voice was soft, turning to Yashiro who instantly held up a peace sign.

The Daikon's expression looked so pure, that Himana instantly turned her attention back to her book—mumbling a 'too bright' under her breath. Hanako caught what she said though, and ended up curiously tilting his head at her, quickly getting distracted by Yashiro's monologue afterwards as said Daikon had started talking.

"Fuji-kun is the coolest guy in our class! He asked me out! And a second date too! A rendezvous in the classroom after school!" Safe to say Yashiro is excited for this s called rendezvous, would be an understatement. That's how perky she was being at the moment.

"A date?!" Hanako instantly floated near her, a mop in hand with his Haku-Joudai's floating near him. "What are you going to do? Naughty stuff?" He pouted—quite cutely must I say.

Himana glanced up at Hanako, raising a brow at the way he worded it. "By naughty stuff, you mean se-" Her mouth was instantly covered, by a sweat dropping Hanako.

"You shouldn't say it so bluntly." The blackhead uttered out, floating in front of her and still holding his hand against her mouth. "There was a reason why I didn't say it like that."

The blue-eyed girl calmly held his wrist to pry it away from her mouth though, Hanako letting her do as she pleased. "You didn't say it because you didn't have the guts?" She may not look like it with the blank face and all, but she was honestly guessing why the apparition didn't say it. It's just another word from the dictionary after all, and she's curious to why he made it seem like a bad word to say. I mean, it's not like she's cussing, right?

Unknowingly, she had delivered yet another huge blow to his pride, making Hanako depressed because Himana concluded him as a gutless apparition—even if that wasn't the case of course. "No! That's not why!" Hanako whined, like the child he was.

Only to be ignored by the white-haired, who let go of his hand to turn her attention to the blushing human girl. The reason for her reddened cheeks? Himana had no idea, but she had a question she wanted to ask her. "So? Are you two going to h-"

"Of course not!" Yashiro shouted with closed eyes—her cheeks redder than her eyes itself.

Himana blinked at her answer though, tilting her head just slightly. "Then what are you going to do?"

Yashiro's turned her body so that Himana and Hanko faced her side profile, and started fidgeting with her hands cutely balled near her cheeks. "You really want to know? I suppose I'll have to tell you~" The girl sang in a mysterious way, forgetting Himana's previous claim almost instantly.

All of a sudden, her aura dropped. The happy personality doing another flip as depressed lines appeared all over her face. "We're going to organize student council paperwork in an empty classroom." She briefly explained solemnly, while Hanako—who raised from the dead—floated behind the girl with curious wide eyes. "And Fuji-kun is going to leave right away, even though he invited me... he's so shy."

"What are you planning to rendezvous with, Yashiro?" Hanako questioned, quite concerned.

"Yuji-san isn't shy. He's most likely using your weakness to boys for his benefit." The protagonist stated bluntly, wanting Yashiro to just accept the truth that she was trying hard to deny. I mean it's displayed right in front of her after all, she's not that dumb to ignore all the red flags, is she?

Yes. She is indeed, that dumb. Not that it's a surprise though, considering humans are quite irrational creatures when what they like are included in the equation. A blatant proof of this, is how Himana's words fell upon the Daikon's deaf ears.

"It's fine! I may be just a convenient woman now, but I'll work my way up!" Yashiro tried to convince her companions and herself as she crouched down, facing the wall where the window was. What a hopeless girl indeed.

"You're certainly optimistic." Hanako breathed out. "Like my dear Himana said, I'm pretty sure he's just using you." Hanako floated down, placing his right hand on the wall near Yashiro's head, trapping her from behind. He smiled, leaning his lips near Yashiro's left ear. "Come on, stay with me." He voiced out gently, bringing his other hand around Yashiro's face, the mop still being held in his hand.

From above, Himana placed her book down on her lap, watching the scene with a deadpan. If Yashiro did indeed fell for Hanako's act, then she will—a hundred percent—consider her as a being with no hope.

"I'll treat you a lot better..." Hanako trailed off softly, but actions speak louder than words, and his actions are speaking quite loudly as he convincingly made Yashiro's gloved hands hold the handle of the mop. Yashiro was ignorant of this though—it could be clearly noticed with the way she slightly tilted her head up to stare at Hanako's face with a slight blush. "... than that guy will." Hanako continued his sweet talk.

He had overlooked two things though. One. Yashiro wasn't a complete idiot—even though it's hard to believe—she wasn't a complete idiot, hence why she finally noticed what the ghost was really up to. Two. He had completely forgotten about the third presence in the room, who was silently sitting above them, peering down at the two and wondering when Yashiro would notice Hanako's ploy.

The moment Yashiro noticed it thought, Himana brought up a leg to press the tip of her shoes against Hanako's forehead—effectively pushing him away from the Daikon and having him get his hands off her. "Yashiro-san." Himana called out, gaining the Daikon girl's attention and she hopped down to the space she created between Hanako and Yashiro—leaving Yashiro to stare at her back. "Both Fuji-san and Hanako-kun are bad choices." She stated bluntly.

Hanako who recovered from the rash actions of his partner, slowly floated up, pouting at the whitehead. "You shouldn't treat your partner like that Himana~" He whined childishly as he always does. "And why am I a bad choice?" Hanako floated near her to lean his upper body down—coming face to face with the girl. "I'm obviously the better choice out of the two." He turned his head to the daikon girl. "Right? Yashiro."

The magenta eyed girl stood up, before starting to slowly moving behind the other girl. "If my choices are cleaning the bathrooms with you or sorting papers alone, I prefer the papers." Yashiro confirmed, leaving Hanako quite shocked—one can practically see the thunder strike behind him.

Himana didn't mind giving a single bit of her attention to Hanako though, ignoring him to turn to Yashiro instead. "I'll come with. As secretary of the Student Council, I should be the one to do it in the first place." She voiced monotonously.

Oh, so that's why she seemed invested with the situation unlike being her normal airheaded self. Things are making more sense now.

"Really?!" Yashiro perked up at her response, getting quite excited. "Yay! Girl's time with Yutsuki-san!" The girl cheered, hugging Himana's nearest hand to her chest enthusiastically—something the whitehead didn't seem to mind at all much to Hanako's shock.

"Fine." Hanako's bland voice attracted both girl's attention, only to see him holding the same fish tank from a week ago—neatly filled with fresh water with the little house prepared inside. From where he pulled it out, no one was aware—but damn, that ghost is petty. "I guess both of you miss breathing through your gills." He smiled sweetly, obviously threatening. "Come, Haku-Joudai. Let's go buy fish food." With that, the apparition slowly floated towards the door, his Haku-Joudai's floating after him.

Yashiro's mind instantly changed, starting to mop the floor with a bright—obviously plastic—smile. "Yay! I love cleaning bathrooms!" There were literal stars floating all around her—again, plastic—giving her a bright aura.

Meanwhile, unlike the Radish, Himana looked completely apathetic of Hanako's threat—her reaction was a total opposite from Yashiro's as well. "I don't mind breathing through gills... but I'll have to skip on the fish food." She commented, completely serious with her answer.

Hanako was left to sweat drop at the whitehead yet once again. "Himana..."


Himana who sat behind Yashiro, stared out through the window to her left, completely ignoring the English listening practice taking place in the classroom. She was sure Yashiro wasn't listening to the voice coming from the speaker either—not that it's something the whitehead would concern over though. She wasn't setting a good example either ways.

She was actually quite thankful that the teacher personally decided to keep her seat at the very back left corner of the class despite the rest being arranged alphabetically. It was a suggestion from her in order to keep herself away from any possible human interaction, her discomfort towards regular human's wasn't a joke after all.

She had also noticed that most Anime protagonists sat in this exact place as well. That's just a plus though, after all, she doesn't consider herself as the main character or anything of sort. She never did and never will even later in life. If she were to consider anyone as main characters, it would be someone like Yashiro or Hanako as an apparition—maybe even Teru.

They can, after all, express much more emotions in a single day then she could in her whole life time.

Her blank blue eyes glazed over in a daze, the previously bright blues appearing to be a much blander darker—as if her eyes have lost all of its life, appearing lifeless like the dead.

I wonder what I was like before that happened?

Her eyelids closed, the dull lifeless blues disappearing behind as if protecting the horrors from the outside world.

I... can't remember...

Her eyes opened again, staring far away and into the vast blue skies, watching the clouds floating by without a single knowledge of the burdens she carried on her shoulders.

Back then... was I free?

The Haku-Joudai floating around her, softly pushed itself against her cheek—effectively snapping her out of her thoughts as if that was its intention, because afterwards, it never bothered her again.

"Yashiro-san. Please read from the textbook starting from page thirty-seven." The teacher asked, his name temporarily forgotten by the whitehead at the moment.

Yashiro who was brought back to the earth around the same time as Himana, unsurprisingly handled the situation with panic by abruptly standing up from her seat. "Y-Yessir!"

Yashiro-san... she and I never exchanged a single greeting before I met Hanako-kun... We are friends... right...?

I wonder how my life would've been had I not met him... Repetitive? Boring? Would I expect new things? A Change in My Life? Would I have experienced emotions?

The whitehead wondered as she casually watched Yashiro search around for her books that went missing all of a sudden. "Huh? It's gone! But it was just here."

I guess I wouldn't know unless I find a way to go back in time to stop myself from knocking on that bathroom stall...

But even then, I don't think I would've had this much fun with a human... I would've never found a human I could call a friend... It's all thanks to Hanako-kun...

Himana placed her chin on her hand, watching with mild interest as Yashiro realized that her broach had gone missing as well. "No way?!" Again, as expected, she started panicking even more.

I'll forever be thankful for the two of them... always.

Our dear protagonist smiled absently—albeit a small one—as she carefully lifted her English text book with her free hand to softly tap it against the frantic Radish girl's elbow. Upon gaining her attention, Himana calmly handed the book to her, completely ignorant of the bewildered stares and jaw drops she got out of it.


"Have you ever lost something
you were sure you'd been careful
with, or found something missing
from its usual place just when you
needed it? That must be the work
of Yousei-san. But you must never
look at Yousei-san. If you do...
it will take your life too."


"Hey Himana-Chan!" Akane called out, Yamabuki right beside him.

The white head was just headed outside to check the commotion near the lockers, until she was interrupted that is. She turned to the person whom she had started interacted with more frequently since the start of the year, blues meeting reddish-brown. "What is it, Akane-san?" She asked turning to the bespectacled boy.

The blond boy next to him tugged on Akane's sleeve in an urgent manner, a slight blush apparent on his face at the sight of the emotionless girl right in front of him. Akane ignored him though, in fact, he looked frantic for some reason as if he had lost something important to him—


"Did you perhaps lose something important to you?" Himana asked, despite knowing the answer to that question.

Upset enough to not mind anything else at the moment, Akane held both of her shoulders, shaking her back and forth. "Yes! Did you see Hanitarou anywhere!"

"Oi!" Yamabuki shouted, slipping his arms under Akane's armpits from behind to lock his elbows against the reddish-brown head's arms. He pulled back the violent male, effectively saving Himana from his rough actions.

The girl in question merely blinked, staring at the two with a level stare and not even a bit phased with the rough treatment. "No, I haven't seen Hanitarou. I'm guessing it's given to you by Aoi-san?"

"Yes, it is!!! It was given with love!" Akane fell on his knees with literal tears in his eyes—looking no different than a frantic old man betrayed by his wife who promised to stay by his side until death.

Himana stayed unaffected though, as if the occurrence was completely normal. With a soft hum, she calmly turns and walked away from the two to head to her original destination—the lockers.

Behind her, Yamabuki fell on his knees right next to Akane. "I... I talked to Yutsuki-san..." To be frank, he didn't personally exchange a single word with her, but I guess the close contact had him too shocked to think clearly it seems.

Meanwhile, Himana stopped a bit away from the crowd of students, managing to fully grasp the situation due to the loud human beings making quite a commotion outside.

"This Yousei-san is proving to be quite the problem isn't it, Haku-Joudai-san?" She softly uttered to the green soul which had been floating near her since that morning. Of course, she wasn't expecting a response. Just stating out facts.

The slightly green tinted Haku-Joudai was held in her hands, being gently caressed by the blue-eyed girl. Back in his boundary, you could clearly see a pouting apparition, wondering why the soul was getting more affection.

Coming back to Himana though, you can see her casually heading over to the old building. Letting her feet take her towards the area where she'd been sensing a high spiritual presence. She didn't look a single bit phased by the sudden darkening of the hallways, and the creepy aura around her—only advancing forward without batting an eye to the trail of items on the floor, and within the eerie silence that settled on her environment—fully knowing she'll be in contact with a Supernatural soon enough.

The calming silence didn't last for long as she expected from prior experience, because she soon heard something fall from a distance. Himana came to a stop, waiting for the sound to come again. The next thing she heard however, was the faint familiar voice from a distance. "O-Oh no..." The voice was unmistakably shaking—as if she'd been terrified for life.

The blue-eyed first year didn't hesitate to take off towards the noise, running down the hall before turning a sharp right—only to be welcomed by the sight of Yashiro on the floor. From her perspective, the Daikon girl was looking at something tall in front of her, and a pink hand was seen garbing her daikon ankles through a door.

"Yashiro-san!" Himana exclaimed for once, running down the hall hastily. Her albino hair and uniform flowing behind her as she did so, eyes steeled on her friend with the determination to get her out of harm.

"You. Saw. Us." A hollow voice reached Himana's ears just as she was a few feet's away from the fallen Daikon. She skillfully jumped when within distance, elegantly stomping both feet down on the pink hand without a single hint of fear or hesitation.

The Yousei-san pulled its hand away, but that wasn't the end. No, it was far from the end actually—since it's the very beginning for what's to come. The so-called Fairy rose itself to its full height before the two, reaching about three meters above their heads as it peered down at them with multiple eyes on its disfigured body. Quite frankly, it looked like something straight out of a child's drawing book—but it never failed to look terrifying despite the pink color.

"Get back!" Himana called out. Whether she said it to the apparition or to Yashiro, no one knows—but what is apparent is that she aimed to protect the Radish girl behind her, raising a hand to defending her dear friend from the disgusting thing before her.

The Yousei-san's multiple hands shot forward, leaving Himana to take action by sharply lifting both her arms towards it—palms facing the Yousei. Yashiro had her eyes shut in fear so she didn't know what happened, but the Yousei-san's hands clearly slammed against an invisible wall inches away from the whiteheads hand, being forced to send them back by a strong force.

"Get. Back." Himana repeated, narrowing her cold glowing blue moons. This time, it was apparent that she'd been addressing the Supernatural in front of her, which was surprising really—she had quite the audacity to order such a violent creature after all. Then again, that Yutsuki Himana for you folks.

The pink apparition obviously isn't listening to her though—just the opposite actually. It had jumped forward with twice the speed and strength it was sent back. However, it was stopped once again, this time, by a being of its kind and not some blank faced girl.

"Scatter them, Haku-Joudai!" Hanako, having appeared out of nowhere, sent the green tinted Haku-Joudai to attack the pink apparition. The soul accurately hit the main big eye of the creature, giving off a harsh gust of wind with the impact.

Yashiro shouted, lying flat on her stomach behind Himana who fell on her knees to hold her hands over her eyes—she barely witnessed the apparition shatter into pieces with squinted eyes, only to close them back again as a bright light almost blinded her.

"You're a sucker for handsome guys and apparitions, huh, Yashiro." Hanako's voice resonated through the Daikon's sniffles. Himana heard him walk towards them, but she wasn't listening to the apparition, instead, she was busy searching the doorway for the Supernatural while panting lightly. "Human's die so easily. You know?"

That sentence caught her attention, and her eyes instantly dulled. She let her head hand forward, her bangs easily covering her eyes like they were curtains meant to hide them away from the rest of the world. After all, with that single sentence, she was reminded of that horrid night. Of the memory first recorded in her mind after the previous ones were erased.

"Hanako-san." Yashiro mumbled, starring at the ghost crouching beside her with teary eyes. He had his right elbow propped up his knee, cupping his cheek as he kept on smiling as if a pink monster didn't just try to take both girls lives.

I needed the both of them to save me again.

With that thought, Yashiro's eyes trailed over to the back of the girl kneeling before her.

As if realizing her stare, the blue-eyed girl shook her head to get her mind out of her dark memories—shoving them to the back of her mind as she gently placed the tips of her fingers besides her knees, about to get up as she minded to not dirty her whole palm.

I should stop remembering that n—

Her thoughts were abruptly cut off when she felt hands holding her by her armpits—easily lifting her up enough for her feets to leave the floor and hang in the air as if she was a mere child.

Himana tilted her head back, already knowing who the culprit was. Her thoughts were indeed confirmed when she came face to face with the lopsided smile of Hanako, his head tilted cutely as his amber eyes peered into her blue ones. He looked upside down from her perspective, but her attention was taken away by something else above her—something pink that was falling towards them.

Hanako turned her around so that she was facing the Daikon girl still sitting on the floor, before placing her down. Not that Himana's attention diverted from her distraction though, her eyes were still on the pink plush like things nearing at a rapid speed.

She immediately held up her arms up to catch one of them plushie as soon as she was free of Hanako's hold—grasping ahold of the soft creature easily. The girl blinked, observing the pink bunny like creature in her hands, tensing when the cute thing moved. More of them rained down around them, one even landing on Yashiro's head, earning an "Ow!" from the Daikon.

"What are these cute little things?" Himana asked, not taking her eyes away from the pink creature held in her hands. She moved her gaze down, eyeing the others similar to the one she held, only to meet teary eyes—most of them supporting bruises much to her concern.

"They're Mokke." Hanako informed. "Currently known as 'Yousei-san.' They're apparitions who have lived with humans since ancient times, committing minor thefts and pranks."

Yashiro poked one of them, staring down at them with curious wide eyes. "They look a lot different than before. They're cute." She voiced in wonder.

"Stop." A cute baby like voice was heard from the cute creature.

"Cute..." Himana mumbled under her breath, eyes shining like that of a child—it's a weird sight since the rest of her face stayed the same. Yashiro and Hanako though, watched her with awe as if it's the rarest thing on the planet.

"Yutsuki-san?" Yashiro called out, only to be completely ignored.


"They're so cute." Himana murmured once again, crouching down to open her arms as if asking for a hug. Much to everyone's surprise, the Mokke's jumped into her arms, making her fall to her bum.

The whitehead didn't care how dirty she got anymore—her mind right now, free of any and everything at the moment. So, she didn't realize the small soft smile that spread upon her lips, an inaudible breathy laugh leaving out from it.

Her companions couldn't keep their eyes off the sight, they couldn't quite believe it a first even. "Yutsuki-san... laughed..." Yashiro breathed out. Not blinking once with the fear of that smile whisking away in case it's just a fragment of her imagination. "Pretty..."

Hanako floated next to the speechless human. It was obvious he's just as mesmerized at the sight. He didn't say it out loud, but in his mind, he did agree with the Daikon's compliment.

"I can't believe these cute little things were that creature a while ago." Himana voiced out her thoughts, voice low and softer than her usual monotonic one. Much like her voice, her face continued to hold that calm serene smile—gentle and never once taking her eyes away from the pink beings, patting them with clear adoration.

Hanako couldn't help but smiled at the sight, a smile that looked wistful as he—for once—envied the creatures far inferior to him. "Himana, they are called Mokke." Hanako repeated.

The whitehead nodded. "Mokke... the cute little things." She mumbled out, still petting the pink apparitions.

Yashiro and Hanako sweat dropped.

"The Mokke's cluster together like that and shapeshift when they attack something. They normally aren't aggressive and don't attack human, but..." Hanako trailed off when he noticed Himana still completely engrossed with the weak ghosts—she didn't seem to be listening to him either, instead, listening to the Mokke's confessing that they don't like killing. The more powerful apparition was left to pout quite childishly, a thought trailing in his head.

Maybe I should just leave that thought of changing their rumor to permanently kill them for good.

"So..." Himana started, snapping Hanako out from his dark thought. The whitehead looked up at the apparition, making direct eye contact with him. Her face had long gone back to being that blank canvas like state, all except for a certain knowing glint in her blue orbs—it made Hanako wonder if he had just expressed his thought out loud. "We just have to chance their rumor, right?"

"Change the rumor?" Yashiro asked, looking back and forth between the two, completely clueless.

Hanako turned to Yashiro, smiling like usual. "Most apparitions can't go against the rumors about them, no matter what they become, apparitions have to act accordingly. Apparitions who don't match their rumors will eventually vanish from the living world."

"Vanish..." Yashiro mumbled, tuning back to the cute beings as one of them took a candy out of an open candy packet—taking them from their ear like hand to shove them into their nonexistent mouth, the wrapper falling afterwards. Another one extended a candy to the Daikon legged girl. "Want one?"

"Yashiro, would you change the rumors about the Mokke for me?" Hanako asked, staring down at the girl with a more serious aura around him.

"Change the rumors?" The daikon wondered out loud.

Hanako's smiled widened, placing his right hand on his chest to extend his left hand to a side. "Yes. I'm one of the Seven Wonders of this school. I have the duty to monitor all apparitions in the school and to maintain order between humans and apparitions. I can't ignore murderous apparitions. I have to eliminate them." He stated, taking out his knife to bring it near his face, his eyes hidden behind the roof of his dark cap as he sliced the weapon down. "But... humans like Yashiro and Himana, can change the rumors and save them."

"Please." A Mokke begged

"Sorry about earlier."

"Have a candy."

"We have lived happily here for centuries."

"We want to stay here."

"Have a candy."

Most of the creatures had tears in her black beady eyes as they looked up at them. Having no other choice but to beg the humans if they wanted to stay alive. The poor creatures never wanted to kill, but they were forced to because of their rumor—and Himana can't help but feel a pang in her chest for them.

"Help the apparition's Himana... cause that's the last thing you'll do alive..."

"I'll help Hanako-kun." Himana stated firmly, gaining said apparition's attention. He was left to curiously tilt his head at the whitehead.

"Himana... you'll have to approach humans if you want to help... Are you fine with that?" He already knows the answer to that question though, and its proven when his partner went silent.

Himana's actions came to a halt as her hand stilled above a Mokke's head. She stared down at the ground in deep thought, a light frown decorating her soft features. Her eyes visibly dulled, gaze turning even more half lidded compared to usual as she silently contemplated Hanako's question.

"I'll do it!" Yashiro affirmed all of a sudden, making both Hanako and Himana look up at her. Yashiro took three Mokke's into her arms, smiling at the two with a bright smile that could rival the brightness of the sun itself. "I'll change the rumor for both of you! I'll do your share too, Yutsuki-san!"

"Hurrah!" Mokke's happily started jumped around, obviously grateful to be able to live longer.

Himana's eyes softened at the sight before her, a soft, almost invisible smile encasing her lips. "Thank you, Yashiro-san."

"No problem!" The Daikon girl enthusiastically responded back.

Yashiro-san, you're like the sun...

You outshine everything, leaving behind a clear trail... You affect others with your positive rays...

If I continue to be near you, my sins just might get forgotten... I... don't want that happening...

Not anytime soon... Nor never...

_______[]TILET BUND HANAK-KUN[]_______


Himana have a thing for cute things, so Hanako and
Nene concluded 'cute things' are her only discovered

Himana's favorite supernatural as of now, will be the 
Mokke's, yes she liked them that much. Lets hope
Hanako doesn't find out about this though...


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