[Chapter Eight]

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It was a rainy day, and everyone was now awake. PC turns on the mic, yawning before grumbling something. "Good morning rats. It seems that it's raining, but hey, whatever! Anyways, today's minigames is a game of hopscotch." they said.

"Hopscotch? Like, the children's game?" Psy says, briefly glancing at his ankle before looking back up at the camera. "Yes. What else would I be referencing you fool?" PC snaps.

Suddenly, the dome gets covered by this black, metallic covering and blocks off all light and rain from entering the dome. The area suddenly lights up in the pattern of a hopscotch drawout.

The cast also got enlarged a bit, making them a bit taller than they were originally. "Basically, you'll all be taking turns going through the minigame. However, when the arena flashes red, you must stop on whatever square you're on. Fail to stop in time, and you'll be executed." PC explains.

"Hey! This isn't fair! Psy has a sprained ankle! If he lands on one of the squares where you have to keep your foot up, he'll just die immediately!" Jamie exclaims, hugging Psy's arm. "It's alright. I feel I've lived long enough." Psy mutters.

"He'll probably figure it out." PC says nonchalantly. Suddenly, Ozzy gets pushed forwards and onto the first square. "First up, Ozzy! You may start now." PC says.

Ozzy starts to make his way across the board, being very cautious. To try to throw him off, PC blares some obnoxiously loud music.

As Ozzy was about to finish the minigame, the whole arena flashes red, and he stops. After a few seconds, the arena goes back to normal and Ozzy finishes the course.

"Congrats! Now Psy.." PC says, pushing Psy up to the square. " ..Your turn.." they said menacingly.
After a grueling eleven minutes, PC ends the minigame. The only fatality that happened was Francis, but that was just because PC decided to be a b^stard and sabotage him.

When the dome returned back to normal, the rain had cleared and there was a faint rainbow above the dome's open roof. "Ooh....pretty!" Aria exclaims. "Okay, well, you all initially survived, so I guess you're free to do whatever now." PC says.

With that, the contestants all went off to do their own thing. PC turns off the mic, and goes to get a bottle of liquor.
While PC and Ruby were drawing, the PC Doll was sitting with Coral amd watching some random videos. The two were bored, and PC Doll didn't feel like teasing anybody today....so....yeah.

About halfway into the video, Coral let out a small yawn and she started to lean on PC Doll's shoulder. "Mm...." she grumbles. The PC Doll turns off the video and allows Coral to lay in her lap.

"Mm....comfy..." Coral mutters softly. The PC Doll chuckles. "Psh. Sleep well, okay?" they said, keeping a half-smirk as they stroked Coral's messy hair.

PC turns to the two and just laughs softly. "Aww...ship." they said bluntly. "F#ck off. Deal with Ruby, because she's about to spray the insides of the vents." PC Doll retaliates.
Seb walks over to Psy, and has Ski get his attention. He turns to Seb, a strained expression on his face. "You okay there, bud?" Seb asks. "Mhm! N- never better!" Psy lies, trying not to worry Seb.

"After spraining his ankle, Psy's been feeling a lot more down than usual." Jamie says, appearing behind Psy and hugging him. Psy wraps a wing around Jamie protectively. "Guys, I'm fine! It's just a sprained ankle! Besides, I've suffered worse injuries." he says. 'Y'know, like almost dying to electrocution.' he thought snarkily.

"Dude, if a sprained ankle can drain your confidence that quickly, I can't imagine what a worse injury would do." Seb says, urging Psy to sit. As Seb, Jamie, and Psy start to talk, a random scream is heard throughout the dome; even without the mic being on.

"WHAT THE F#CK!?" Estella exclaims, suddenly jolting up. Psy forms a portal and manages to limp inside, followed by everyone else.

"Oh my God..."
Ruby stood there, startled, as black ooze was splattered everywhere. She knew her fire was strong, but not THIS strong! PC was on thr opposite side of Ruby, looking at her with an expression of shock and slight terror.

"...B- babe?" PC stutters out, speechless. Black ooze was dripping from scrapes on their body, and a lot of it. Most of it was spilling from their head.

Ruby starts to whimper before rushing out of the room, crying. PC felt conflicted on whether to chase after her or to try and explain what happened to the horror-stricken contestants.

Eventually, they chased after Ruby, calling her name and trying to reason with her. Everyone turned to the PC Doll, who explained that it and Coral were asleep when this whole....incident happened.

"...It looks like someone got murdered!" Ozzy exclaims, stumbling back. "Whatever Ruby did to cause this...she's gonna be scarred by this for a LONG time." Seb says, groaning as he steps in the black ooze by accident.

There was nothing the contestants or the dolls could do besides hope that PC and Ruby could work things out. And also figure out what the hell happened...
Okay! Finally, chapter eight is out. Sorry it took song..^^"

Anyways, what do you guys think happened? It has something to do with Ruby, but I wanna hear your theories! :D

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