SEASON 3: Chapter 5 - πŒπˆπ’π‚πŽππ‚π„ππ“πˆπŽππ’

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Jungkook: Now tell me, where were you?

Y/N: Jin, is this true?

Y/N looked at Jin, with hopeful eyes. She had left him incharge of Jongsoo. From the guilt on his face, Y/N guessed the answer, but she wanted to deny it.

Y/N: Tell me it's not true, where's Jongsoo?

Jungkook: Y/N, where were you?

Y/N: Jungkook, it's a long story. I'll explain later, we need to get Jongsoo.

Y/N held onto his arm, her voice was dimmed down. Jungkook had never seen her this defeated, not even when Bulletproof gang had found out that Y/N was actually KIA's spy (Season 1). She wanted their son safe. Jungkook yanked her hand away.

Jungkook: You aren't going anywhere. I'll get him.

Y/N: What do you mean? Am I supposed to sit still here?!

Jungkook: I don't know who you're in contact with. Unless things get clear you are not leaving the house.

As if she wasn't losing her mind, Jungkook added fuel to the fire. Y/N pulled out her gun and pointed it at her husband.

Y/N: Are you kidding me?! You think "I" would plot against you?!

All of the guards took out their guns and pointed them at Y/N, Jin was concerned. At this point of time, Y/N realised how powerless she was. She handed it all to Jungkook long time ago.
Y/N positioned the gun towards her forehead.

Y/N: Give me the signal and I'll pull the trigger. If I have to do this to prove this, I will.

Jin: Y/N!!

Jungkook held her hand and pulled it away from her forehead.

Jungkook: I love you and I am doing this to protect you

Jungkook was clear with his feelings, but his anger still lurked around his eyes. One of his men stepped forward and took out a GPS device.

???: Mark Lee is about an hour away, we can get him.

It seemed like Jungkook had already ordered his men to place a tracker on Mark's car.

Y/N: You already suspected him?...

Jungkook: I suspected everyone who entered my house

Y/N's phone started to buzz, it was in her hand. Jungkook glimpsed at the caller name, it said 'Namjoon'.

Y/N: Look, I will tell you everything

Jungkook took her phone and switched it off. He didn't give it back to her.

Jungkook: Let's go

Jungkook motioned Jin to follow him. Before Y/N could take a step, the guards held her back.

Y/N: Listen to me!!

Jungkook didn't, but Jin stopped midway.

Y/N: Don't do anything to Mark, let me talk to him!

Jin started to walk again. By the time he reached out, Jisoo also rushed along. Her face had gone extremely pale by now, as if she was terrified to death.

Jisoo: I'm scared...

Jin: They have a hostage now, you're safe for a while. Take her home

Jin ordered one of the guys. Instead of entering his own car, Jin got inside Jungkook's. Jin felt bad about Y/N's situation, he had warned her that things could go wrong.
But he knew Jungkook wouldn't do anything to harm her, his temper was temporary. He loved her after all. Jungkook just wanted Y/N to let him deal with things because he was unaware of whatever Y/N was doing. Jin brushed all of those thoughts, he was concerned about saving his nephew. Jungkook had made a wise move by tracking all those who entered this yard.
Like always, he was a step ahead.

Y/N breathed heavily, she was worried for multiple reasons. Firstly, her son was in enemy's hands. And secondly, she needed to figure out the situation with Mark. She looked around her, there were two men inside. There were even more outside the house. Y/N needed someone's help, but she didn't know to call, she didn't have her phone with her.
At times like these, she missed Jessi. Y/M couldn't seek help of anyone from the gang, she didn't want to turn against Jungkook. She was alone, once again.

Jin stared at the GPS, then turned to Jungkook.

Jin: Looks like Mark's at his apartment

Jungkook: You know where he lives?

Jin: Yes, I looked up into his data. I was already suspicious of him. He had worked under Jackson for so long... Ofcourse, he wanted his revenge. How did we not foresee this?

Jungkook: If you doubted him already, why didn't you say so?

Jin: Cause Y/N blindly trusted him...

Jungkook: Y/N...

Jungkook's expressions turned cold again, he was vexed.

Jin: Look, I know you'll get angry but I knew about it

Jungkook: About?

Jin: Y/N's mission. She made a deal with Namjoon, he has some helpful links. He's the one who had told her about Chen. He said he'd tell her who the second traitor is once she gets the mission done.

Jin sighed.

Jin: Looks like we found out ourselves

Jungkook recalled the time when Y/N wanted to confess something, but he didn't give her a chance. He also figured she didn't tell him anything because she was off at him. His fists tightened as he realized how different things could've turned out if they were a little cooperative. Nevertheless, he was still angry at her. She shouldn't have left their son alone while he was gone.

Jin: I'm sorry. I thought it was important to carry out a meeting regarding the recent attacks, so I left the house. I had asked the guards not to let anyone in but...

Jungkook: But?

Jin: According to Jisoo, Jongsoo got mad when they didn't allow Mark in. He does look up to Mark. So they allowed him in, no one really suspected Mark.

Jin clenched his jaws.

Jin: I'll kill him for what he did

Jungkook: No.

Jin glared at Jungkook.

Jin: Jungkook, we need to get rid of him before Y/N 'magically' arrives. I know she won't allow it, she really considers him as a brother.

Jungkook: No, Jin, you won't do it.

Jungkook reloaded his gun.
Jungkook: Because I will.

Taehyung: Are you feeling better now?

Rina: Yeah, it's good that you killed that Motherf***er.

Taehyung: I'll return to Seoul now, I feel like something's going on there

Rina: Aren't you going to meet Ahjussi?

Taehyung: Why should I?

Rina: I can tell...

Taehyung: What?

Rina: You're his son

Taehyung: Pretend you know nothing

Rina: Look, they'll be more than happy to embrace you! And I'm kind of jealous, but they really love you

Taehyung: My work....

Rina: Look, they'll understand why you do what you do... you have a past...

Taehyung: Thanks Rina, but for now, I don't want to talk about this. Take care of them

Rina rolled her eyes out got out of the car. She didn't wave him goodbye, she was mad at the fact that he wouldn't talk to his parents. But she did understand him, to some point.

Irene was trying to drive in peace, but Suga kept on calling her. Finally, she picked it up.

Suga: Where are you?!

Irene: I'm going to Y/N's place, I baked cookies for her and Jongsoo

Suga: Irene, reverse right now. Jin was attacked yesterday, things are dangerous.

Irene stopped the car outside Jungkook's house.

Irene: But, I'm already here~~~ I'll just stay over at her place for a while. You can come to pick me up later if you're that worried

Suga: Fine, don't go anywhere

Irene: Love you, bye

After hanging up the call, Irene kept the phone and stepped out of the car. She walked towards the front door but was stopped by the guards.

Irene: What?

??: Sorry ma'am, we can't allow anyone in. Boss' order

Irene: But, I had promised to bake cookies for Jongsoo

Irene looked down at the sweets, her mood dimmed down.

???: Little boss is not home

Irene: Then what about Y/N? She loves my baked food!

They remained quiet.

Irene: She's not home, either? They must be on a family trip, how sweet

Irene looked around, the men started to gather around. Perhaps, they really wanted her to leave, they didn't want another scolding from Jungkook.

Irene: I can't eat them all, and Suga doesn't like sweets

She started to hand the cookies over to the guards one by one, they were surprised at first but appreciated her kind gesture. Due to the chaos, none of them had eaten anything.

???: Thank you!

Irene: It's nothing!

She smiled and looked at the gate.

Irene:Suga will be here soon, he told me to wait for him.

They understood her situation, it was dangerous for he to leave alone, especially because of her condition.

??: They're tasty!

Irene nodded, but her smile soon faded. She watched of each of the guards fall unconscious one by one.

Irene: I'm sorry for doing this.

Irene started to knock the door. Y/N finally opened. The two guards inside were knocked out, Irene took care of the rest.

Irene: I did as you told me to

Irene looked at the unconscious bodies guiltily. Y/N stepped out with a mini cellphone in her hand.

Y/N: Don't worry, they're not dead.

Irene: What's going on?

Y/N glanced at Irene's car and put forward her hand, demanding for keys.

Y/N: I'm in trouble

Irene handed the keys to Y/N who didn't spare a second to get inside the car. Y/N started the engine and Irene hopped next to Y/N.

Y/N: No, you're not coming with me

Irene: I know something wrong is going on. You're locked in your own house! I need to be by your side.

Irene was worried and Y/N knew there was no way out of it.

Y/N: Put on your seatbelt

Y/N stepped onto the accelerator and rushed out of the place at high speed. She knew where she was going, and she needed to get there ASAP. Y/N kept dialing Jin and Jungkook's number on her cellphone but none received her call.

Y/N: Irene, pass me your phone

Y/N looked at the screen, she cut Suga's incoming call and dialed a number. Again he didn't pick up. Y/ switched phones and called Namjoon.

Namjoon: Hello?

Y/N: It's Y/N, something happened

Namjoon: Y/N? I've trying to call you for a while now. How did the mission go?

Y/N: All done except I couldn't kill Daeshim.

Namjoon: Oh....

Y/N: Look, my son is missing. I'm sure Jackson's behind the abduction

Namjoon: I'm sorry about that, I should've told you about Mark earlier. Perhaps, this could've been prevented

Y/N: Mark?

Namjoon: Yes, he's the second traitor

Y/N: Namjoon, you've someone on Jackson's team, right?

Namjoon: Yes, but I'm not sure if he'll agree to help 'you'.

Y/N: Why?

Namjoon: We're talking about Byun Baekhyun

Y/N: Look, help me in this. I'll do whatever KIA asks me to. Anything!

She sounded desperate, she was. At this point, she could only think of her son.

Namjoon: Becoming a mother did make you weak. Anyways, you don't need to do anything. I understand your feelings at this moment. I promise I'll do whatever I can

The room was dark, slight weeping could be heard. Someone opened the door. Jongsoo looked at the person who switched on the light. The kid quickly wiped his tears away.

Jackson: Hi, don't you look just like your father?

Jongsoo: Who are you?

Jackson: I've a long history with your family. It's very complicated, I'm not sure how I should introduce myself. I'm kind of a bad guy at the moment. But I swear I'm nice

Jongsoo: I asked for a name

Jongsoo bluntly said, Jackson let out a laugh.

Jackson: And you've your mother's attitude. I'm Jackson Wang

Jackson bent down and put forward his hand. Jongsoo stood on his feet and shook it.

Jongsoo: I'm Jeon Jongsoo

Jackson: I know little one

Jongsoo: I want to see my parents

Jackson: You see, they're a little busy right now. So, I'll take care of you in the meantime. Are you hungry?

Jongsoo: No

Jackson: What do you like to do? I'm sure you'll get bored

Jongsoo: I like to draw

Jackson: Great! Get the kid a drawing book.

The car stopped inside the parking lot. Jungkook glanced at the other cars, Mark's car was also there. Jin and Jungkook, accompanied by a few if6 their men broke into Mark's apartment which was on the sixth floor.

It was empty. The men looked around with guns in their hands. Jin knocked on the door of the last bedroom. He was about to open it when someone from inside opened the door.

Ara: Jin?

Ara looked around and immediately her expression turned solemn.

Ara: What do you want?

Jin: Where's Mark?

Ara: I dunno either. He called me over, saying that he has something important to say. Now tell me, what do you want from my son?

Jungkook: Your son has my son

Ara: Ridiculous, Mark loves Jongsoo

Jungkook: Jin, stay here, I'll go further

Jungkook had only turned when MarkΒ  arrived. He had a black bag in his hand.

Mark: What are you doing here?

Jungkook: You have quite the nerve

Jin: What's in this bag? Money? That you got from Jackson Wang?

Jungkook walked towards Mark and stopped right infront of him. Mark looked into his eyes with full of rage.

Jungkook: Where's Jongsoo?

Mark remained quiet for a second, a bit nervous. He broke the eye contact and looks down.

Ara: Hey, like I said, he wouldn't do it!

Mark: Mom, please stay out of this. Please leave

Ara: Mark?

Jungkook: Answer my question kid, where's my son?

Mark finally spoke after thinking hard.

Mark: I don't know where Jongsoo is

Jungkook: Did you take my son?

Mark: And what if I did? Now that we are standing face to face, I'll ask you something. Jeon Jungkook, why didn't you spare my father's life? Even if you wanted to kill him, did you really have to make me witness it? Why??!!! You've a habit of putting people through misery. Now I see that same misery in your eyes.

Jungkook took out his gun, he was not here for Mark's useless rants.

Mark: But it sucks you know...the poor little kid has to pay for your sins.

Jungkook: Since you don't know where Jongsoo is, you're of no use.

Y/N pulled the brakes, she could see a lot of Black Bullet's cars.

Y/N: Stay inside

Irene: Huh?

Y/N ran as fast as her legs could. The elevator wasn't open, she took the stairs. By the time she reached the fifth floor, she heard a woman screaming.

Y/N: Don't do it!

Y/N hurried upstairs. No matter how much love and care he showed to her, he was still Jeon Jungkook. The man who would kill anyone who threatens his people. Normally, she wouldn't have objected, but she couldn't let Mark die. She reached the sixth floor, and as she opened the door, she heard a gunshot.Β 

Ara was held by two men. Jin had his gun out like Jungkook. Mark was shot right in the middle of his chest. He looked at Y/N as he fell down.
At that moment, everything was frozen for Y/N. She wasn't angry, she wasn't sad. She felt dead as if she was the one who was shot.
Ara was in disbelief, she fell onto her knees and screamed. And then, it was only silence.
Y/N was just two steps away from saving Mark. She bent down and looked at Mark, and eventually started to weep.

Jin: Y/N, he took your son!!

Y/N shook her head,she didn't want to believe him.

Jin: He was working for the enemy!! Are you forgetting what we stand for? We end whoever storm against us! Y/N,Β  Mark sent Jongsoo to Jackson.

Y/N: He wouldn't!! He might've joined hands with Jackson....but the truth is ... that Mark was... actually..

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