Chapter 2: Shu's and Valt's Reunion and the attack of Cetus

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Two sails were sailing in the water, a blue and a red one. On the red ship, a man, with albino hair, with red crimson eyes had a scar on his right eye walked on the ship, with his dog, Spike, in front of his men who are standing in line.

Shu: "Gentlemen, this is what we've been waiting for. The world's most valuable object is on its way to Syracuse. It's a shame it'll never get there."

His crew laugh, then Spike barks.

Shu: "After today, we retire to Fiji."

The crew cheer. Their ship was getting close to the blue ship.

Yugo: "Fiji! Fiji!"

Yugo takes his swords out, laughing. Cuza swings across the ship.

Shu: "Xander!"

Xander: "Aye, Captain."

Xander speeds the ship to be neck-to-neck next to the blue ship.

Shu: "Spike!"

Spike pushes a lever and the swords pop out of the side of the boat attaching it to the other ship.

Shu: "Let's get rich!"

Shu climbs up the pole, as he said that. The ship attacks the ship, then Shu swinged to the next boat, taking the swords out, then they attack, then Spike takes the bone, then catapult while flying at the men, then the crew jumped on the ship and started attacking, then throwing the bombs. Shu fights with a couple of the men and sends them flying, then he spins the swords, one of the men attack him from behind but Shu blocks it before sliding underneath him, then knocking him at the head with his own, then the rest of men run at Shu, he then kicked-face the men. Shu finished them off before landing back to his feet next to Xander, who shook his head and wrapped an arm around one of the men's neck, that Shu showed off.

Shu: "Did you catch that last move? Pretty cool, huh?"

Xander: "I thought you overworked it. Just a bit."

Shu: "Aw, y..."

Xander punched the men and went unconscious.

Shu: "Overworked it?"

They started working until one of the men charges at Xander, who caught it with his teeth, before throwing him in the water.

Shu: "Oh, and I was overworking it?"

Xander spits the sword, then Shu turns to a bluenette man fighting his men. He was firmly dressed and looked princey. Valt Aoi, Shu's best friend and childhood friend, along with Xander.

Shu: "Valt."

Xander: "Whoa. This just got interesting. How long has it been?"

Shu: "About a lifetime ago."

Shu walked towards Valt, as he kept attaching his men.

Shu: "You still fight like an old lady."

Valt's eyes widen hearing a familiar voice.

Valt: "Shu?"

He then gets tackled by Sinbad's men. Shu 'cringes'.

Shu: "Oh. Ooh."

Valt: Shu. What...? What are you doing here?

Valt shakes off  Shu's crewmates.

Shu: "I'm working."

Shu pulls out his blade before he breaks the keyhole.

Shu: "You?"

Valt: "What happened to you? Where have you been?"

Shu scoffs and throws the keyhole.

Shu: "Hey, love to stop and catch up, but I've got things to do, places to go, stuff to steal."

Shu enters the room with Valt following behind, wanting answers. Shu walked into the room to see The Book of Peace sitting in the darkroom.

Shu [whistling]: "Oh, yeah."

Valt: "Shu, we need to talk."

Valt steps in front of Shu, preventing him from going any further towards the book.

Shu: "Heard about it, read about it, never actually seen it."

Shu pushes Valt off of him and walks to the book taking a closer look.

Shu: "The Book of Peace."

Valt walks next to Shu.

Valt: "It's my job to bring it safely to Syracuse."

Shu: "Really? Now, see, now, I-I just feel bad, because you're going to get fired."

Valt looks at him with wide eyes. Shu circles The Book of Peace.

Valt: "You can't be serious. You disappear for ten years, show up, and rob me?"

Shu: "I wish it wasn't you. I do. [chuckling] Really. But..."

Valt: "But it is me, Shu."

Shu: "Valt, we had a special handshake, some code words, a secret hideout. It was fun, big fun, but, uh, we were kids."

Valt: "We were friends! You're not going to steal this. Not from me. And what would you do with it anyway? The Book of Peace protects all of us in the Twelve Cities."

Shu: "Exactly. So, just imagine how much all of us will pay to get it back."

Valt looks at him with a disbelief look before stepping protectively in front of The Book of Peace.

Valt: "Let me say it again. A long time ago, you and I were friends. If that ever meant anything to you, prove it now."

Shu looks at him sadly.

Shu: "You're right. That was a long time ago."

Shu reaches out to grab the Book but Valt grabs his wrist before pushing him away and pulling his sword out, and Shu does the same. And they both got into fighting stances. Shu lets out a chuckle.

Shu: "Come on. Don't get all heroic, Valt."

Shu gets up and pushes Valt's sword away but Valt didn't let his guard down and they started clashing swords.

Valt: "If you want the Book, you have to go through me."

Then all of a sudden a tentacle breaks through Valt's ship, where The Book of Peace was being held. They both fall to the ground. Shu and Valt look at each other confused.

Shu: "What the...?"

They both ran out of the room, to see Cetus, attacking this ship.

Valt: "Dear gods."

Cetus attacks the ship, hanging over the front of the ship, it starts climbing aboard the ship, then Spike grabs Cetus's tentacles, before getting lifted into the air.

Shu [chuckling]: "Go, Spike."

Spike was chewing the tentacle before getting flung in the sky towards, Shu's ship.

Raul: "I gotcha! I gotcha!"

Spike hits Raul, as they were sent on the ground.

Shu: "Well, I see you're busy. So, uh, stay in touch."

Shu lightly hits Valt's shoulder as he puts his sword away then walks away to his ship.

Valt: "Wait! Wait! You're just going to run away?"

Shu hops onto the ledge as he looks at Cetus.

Sinbad: "Uh, yeah."

Valt looks madly at him as Shu turns to jump on his ship only to be pushed away by Cetus's tail.

Shu: "Wh-whoa!"

The tail moves the ship away, and it slowly falls apart.

Xander: "Shu!"

Shu: "You! My...! My ship!"

Shu looks angrily at Cetus. Valt continues attacking Cetus, before he knocking Valt away, then they continue attacking Cetus, then grabbing a man with its tongue before swallowing him.

Shu: "Heads up!"

Shu lights the bomb before firing it towards Cetus. Cetus grabs the bomb before swallowing it.

Shu: "Now... stand by for sushi."

They both watch Cetus, waiting for the bomb to explode, they see it scrunching its face then the bomb explodes Cetus, smokes comes out from its mouth and spat at Valt and Shu, then spitting the man out that he swallowed earlier, then he angrily grabbing the sword and charged at Cetus.

Shu: "Give that guy a raise."

Cetus continues attacking the ship, crazily after eating the bomb.

Valt: "Come on! Come on, Shu! Let's go!"

Valt tries to get him and Shu out of the scene before Shu stops him.

Shu: "Wait. Stand your ground."

He then whistles, grabbing Cetus's attention.

Valt: "W-What are you doing?"

Shu: "Hey! Hey, hey! Lobster Boy, over here!"

Cetus turns its attention to Shu and Valt. Cetus sticks his tongue out, then Shu puts his sword pinning the mouth, Cetus roared in pain.

Shu: "Run!"

Valt: "Fall back!"

Valt calls his men to fall back. Shu looks up to see a broken log that attaches the sail. Shu grabs a rope that is laid on the dock.

Shu: "Grab hold!"

Shu ties the rope around the pole and Valt catches the other end of the rope. Shu gives a hand to Valt, as he accepts.

Shu: "Let's go!"

Then they both climb up the pole, Shu spots a dagger and used his foot to take it out and catches it with his mouth.

Shu [mumbles through the dagger]: "Come on!"

They both continue climbing, as Cetus wraps the pole with one of its tentacles that they were climbing on. They both made it to the top.

Valt: "And the plan?"

Shu takes the dagger out of his mouth while holding a rope in one hand.

Shu: "How about try not to get killed?"

Cetus struggles to get the sword out of its tongue.

Shu: "Hold on!"

 He then cuts the rope causing the log to tilt and the sharp edge pointing towards Cetus.

Shu: "Here, you'll need this."

Shu passes Valt the dagger.

Valt: "Where are you going?"

Shu: "Fishing!"

He climbs on the rope that he grabbed onto as he cut the other rope earlier, walking on the tightrope, balancing.

Shu: "Left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right."

Cetus grabs the tightrope, then Shu backflips over the tentacle then grabbing the rope and flip over, as Valt watches in worry, Shu landed on the other log then grabbing the dagger, and cuts the ropes, the end of the pole it was sharp. Valt looks down at Cetus knowing what Shu plans is. Shu and Valt get their daggers ready.

Shu: "Now!"

They both cut the rope, then the poles started falling down and landed on Cetus. Shu and Valt cheered as they swung on the rope.

Valt: "Whoo!"

Shu: "Woo-hoo!"

The crew cheer, then Sinbad lands near Cetus, then putting the dagger back. Valt lands next to him.

Valt: "Oh..."

Shu: "You okay?"

Valt: "Yeah. Thanks for sticking around."

Valt lightly punches Shu's shoulder.

Shu: "Ah, just like old times."

Shu looks over Valt's shoulder to see the tentacle about to attack them.

Shu: "Look out!" 

Shu pushes Valt out of the way as the tentacle grabs Shu.

Valt: "Shu!"

Shu splashes in the water as Valt tries to jump in to save Shu but his men grab him preventing him from going in the water. Shu tries to get out of Cetus as he gets dragged, then Eris appears, blowing at Cetus and Shu with a big bubble as Cetus lets go of him, and Shu lands in the bubble gasping for air.

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