Chapter 3: Shu meets Eris

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As Shu was dragged into the ocean by Cetus, Eris appears, she blows a large bubble sucking Shu in, and he gasps for air. He slowly stands up taking in the area. Then Eris's voice booms in.

Eris: "The day begin with such promise. And now look. My sea monster is dead, and I still don't have the Book of Peace. All because of you, Shu."

Eris appears in front of Shu, she laid down with her hands intertwined and placed them under her chin.

Shu: "Uh-huh. And you are?"

Eris: "Eris, the Goddess of Discord."

Eris form dispersed before she reappeared as she has introduced herself.

Eris: "No doubt you've seen my likeness on the temple walls."

She grew big and her fingers grew long and shaped like one of the fishes.

Shu [chuckles nervously]: "You know, they don't do you justice."

Eris: "Uh-huh. Now, about my sea monster."

Eris pushed Shu back a bit.

Shu: "Right, right. Listen, I'm sorry about that. I don't suppose a heartfelt apology would do."

Shu fiddles with his fingers as Eris chuckles wryly.

Eris [chuckles wryly]:  "Heartfelt? From you? Shu, you don't have a heart. That's what I like about you."

She then shaped herself to be in human size.

Eris: "So, I'm going go let you live. But there's just one little thing you have to do. Get the Book of Peace and bring it to me."

Shu: "Right. Hmm. Now, see, that's a problem for me because I had my own plans for it. Uh, ransom, get rich. You know, "me" stuff."

As Shu slowly walks back, Eris appeared behind his back. Shu lets out a startled cry.

Eris: "You're not thinking big enough, Shu."

Eris appeared behind him again and took the dagger out of his pocket.

Eris: "Steal the Book for ransom, and you'll be rich enough to lounge on an island beach. Steal the Book for me, and you can buy the beach, and the island and the world."

Shu: "Hmm. You let me live, you make me rich, I retire to paradise. So far, I don't see a downside. If you keep your word."

Shu shrugs his shoulders as he glares at Eris.

Eris: "Shu, when a goddess gives her word, she's bound for all eternity."

Eris fiddles with the dagger before making an 'X' mark on her shoulder-chest

Shu: "All right, you're on."

Then Eris appears next to him.

Eris: "I knew you'd see it my way. So, when you've stolen the Book, follow that star beyond the horizon. You'll find yourself in Tartarus, my Realm of Chaos."

Eris shows a bright star, at the far end of the ocean.

Shu: "Tartarus. I'll see you there."

Eris: "It's a date then."

Eris close up to Shu's face while pointing the dagger to his throat. Eris 'goves' back Shu's dagger as he tries to grab it, it fades away.

Eris: "So, where were we? [chuckling] Oh, yes. You were holding your breath."

Then the bubble started to disappear along with Eris. Shu goes back underwater, then swimming back up to the surface. Eris watched him as he swims back up.

Eris: "He's so cute. And so gullible. Cetus, well done."

Cetus appears beside her as she smiles wickedly as she as her own plans.

Shu gets out of the water, then Xander grabs him, then everyone cheers, Spike barking happily as he licked Shu's face.

Hikaru: "Shu, you're alive!"

Hyuga: "Glad you made it. Pay up. He lived."

Hyuga went to his twin to pay him up as they bet whether he's alive or not. Xander gives a hand to Shu and he gets up.

Xander: "What happened down there?"

Shu bends down a bit, his hands on both of his knees gasping for air.

Shu [gasping]: "You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

Xander: "Try me."

Xander shrugs.

Shu: "All right, here goes. So I meet Eris, the Goddess of Chaos. She's got a major crush on me, and she invited me back to her place."

Shu explains what happened as he took off his boot that was filled with water before placing it back. Shu looks over at Xander with a serious look. As Xander let out a laugh.

Xander: "Ha! That's a good one! Goddess of Chaos?"

The crew chuckle at Shu's story.

Xander: "Oh, I'm writing that down."

Xander walks away as Cuza leans over.

Cuza: "So, that's it then? No Book. Now what do we do?"

Shu: "A little patience, Cuza. It's not like we don't know where it's going."

Shu looks over at Valt's ship to see his friend's relieved look. Valt puts his sword away into his sword case that was wrapped around his waist

Valt: "Men, all sails to Syracuse!"

Man: "Right away, sir!"

The ship sails to Syracuse, people were cheering for their return, then three carry the Book of Peace and carry it to a building, then lights the building up. Nobody would know what would happen tonight.

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