Chapter 4: Meeting Y/N and the stolen Book of Peace

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A party was being held for The Book of Peace being held at the tower.

Kanto: "For as long as I can remember, I've dreamed of this moment. The sacred treasure that's protected us for a thousand years is now in Syracuse."

Man: "A toast!"

Woman: "To Kanto!"

Man: "Hear, hear!"

Valt smiles at his dad. Kanto raises his glass to the crowd.

Kanto: "To the Book of Peace!"

The man beside Valt is one of the Council Judge, Phi.

Phi: "And to you, King Kanto and Prince Valt."

Phi and Valt cheered with their cups. Then a guard ran past them towards the entrance.

Guard: "Make way!"

The crowd gasp as the guards surrounded Shu and his crew.

Shu: "You see? This is what happens when you use the front entrance."

Xander: "Mm-hmm."

Xander hums in agreement. Kanto and Valt walk up to them, Kanto had a displeased and confused look while Valt had a smile on his face.

Kanter: "What is he doing here?"

Valt: "At least he's not out robbing someone."

Valt pats his father's shoulder in reassurance and starts walking towards Shu and his crew.

Kanter: "That's because everyone worth robbing is here."

Spike walks away from Shu while panting.

Shu: "I'll bet you ten crowns you're about to put those swords down."

Guard: "I'll take that bet."

The guard glares at Shu while pointing the sword towards his neck.

Valt: "Guards, put away your swords. I don't see you for ten years, and now twice in one day... [scoffs] You're smothering me."

Then the two friends clasp hands.

Shu [chuckles]: "I knew you'd want to thank me for saving your life... again."

Valt [chuckles]: "You probably just heard we had free food and wine."

Valt wraps an arm around Shu and walks away with him. Shu turns to his crew while clasping his hands.

Shu: "You hear that, guys? Dinner and drinks are on the prince."

Valt: "Come on. There's someone I want you to meet."

Valt walks away leading Shu away to meet someone. Shu whispers softly to them.

Shu: "Get to work."

The crew started walking until the guards stop them.

Guard: "Weapons?"

Xander takes the swords out scaring the guards, they both gasp. Xander chuckled, then putting the swords away on a table next to them, then Cuza puts his swords away, then Yugo puts all of his weapons down. Valt was taking Shu to the middle of the party.

Valt: "Here she is. I've told her all about you."

Shu takes a guest's cup and drinks it. Valt walks up to a woman, with H/C hair talking with someone.

Valt [clears throat]: "Shu, I would like to introduce you to my fiancee, the Lady Y/N, Ambassador from Thrace."

Valt takes Y/N's hand and they both walk down to meet Shu. Y/N smiled warmly at Shu, as he stared at her in amazement and in astonishment.

Y/N: "So, this is the infamous Sinbad. I heard all about this morning. First you tried to rob Valt, and then you save his life. So, which are you... a thief or a hero?"

Y/N looked at Shu up and down, while wrapping her arms around Valt's arm. Shu couldn't answer as he was entrapped by Y/N's beauty.

Valt: "Shu wanted to give me an opportunity to thank..."

As they turned to Shu, only to see him gone.

Valt: "...him."

Spike gobbles all the food that was on the food table.

Cuza: "Eight months on the sea with nothing but eggs and pickles... you don't know what that can do to a man. Oh, it's almost too easy. There's only a handful of guards."

Cuza had a handful of food and moved out of the way as Shu came by. Xander came behind Cuza.

Shu: "Forget it. Let's get back to the ship."

Shu walked past them and walked back to the entrance to the ship.

Xander: "Just like that? But the Book is almost ours."

Xander and Cuza look over in the direction Shu walked away to see Y/N and Valt watching them. Y/N sighs and shrugs.

Xander: "Oh."

Xander understood what was going on.

Cuza: "Wh-What? Who is she? An old girlfriend?"

Xander: "I'm afraid it's not that simple. Let's go."

Everyone walked to the entrance.

Xander: "Yugo, pack it up."

Yugo: "What? I-I... I just put the..."

Yugo groans and picks up all of his weapons, then joining the others with Spike following behind. Eris is seen sitting on the roof.

Eris [chuckling wickedly]: "Oh, this is just too easy."

She then disappears in the night. Y/N and Valt walked towards the balcony, arms linked, where they can see the glow of the Book of Peace.

Y/N: "Look at this way: Now that Sinbad's gone, your father can finally relax and enjoy the evening."

Valt [chuckles]: "Well, you're right about that. He's trying not to show it, but he's so proud to have the Book in Syracuse. He's been planning this day his whole life."

Valt leans against the railing while Y/N leans forward looking at Valt.

Y/N: "And soon it will be your responsibility."

Valt: "Our responsibility."

Valt places a hand on Y/N's shoulder. Valt turns around and looks at the night sky while Y/N looks at the ocean.

Marina [sighs]: "It's beautiful."

Valt: "It is. My father spent years preparing it for the Book. There are guards on every level, and if you look up to the..."

Valt stops speaking as Y/N stands up, giving him a smirking look.

Valt: "Ah... [chuckling softly] You were talking about the ocean, weren't you?"

Y/N: "I only wish I'd seen more of it. I used to imagine sailing far beyond the Twelve Cities, discovering the world. [chuckling softly] Oh, look at it, Valt. There's so much wonder."

Y/N looks over at the horizon. Valt turns her around and grabbing both of her hands, and Y/N sat on the seat, as Vat kneeled in front of her.

Valt: "Y/N... Our marriage was arranged many years ago. It's always been expected of us. But politics is not a reason to get married. Uh, and I don't want you to do this just because it's your duty. I'm asking you for myself now. Y/N, will you marry me?"

Valt hesitated to ask but proposed to Y/N.

Y/N: "Proteus, I..."

Before Y/N could answer Kento found them on the balcony.

Kento: "There you are! I think the delegates from Manoli are trying to give a toast. Although, I'm not sure. They're doing something with their knees. Y/N, I need an ambassador."

Y/N exhales and looks over at Valt as he nods.

Y/N: "Of course, Sire."

Y/N wraps her arms around Kento's arm as they walk down with Valt following behind. At the tower where The Book of Peace is held, Eris goes to the tower, she was in the shadows going unnoticed by the guards at the tower, she then sizzles the candle wick.

Tower Guard: "Huh?"

The Tower guard notices and takes his sword out, looking at the candlewick being burnt out, then putting the sword back in, then looking at the book, he places his hand over then Eris appears in his shadow, she appears out of the door then sizzles two more candle wicks out. The Tower Guard turns around.

Tower Guard: "Who's there?"

Eris flies around and hides behind a pillar and made a puppet that looks like Shu before entering the puppet Shu, and takes the dagger out, that she stole from him earlier and walked out of the shadow.

Tower Guard: "Huh?"

The Tower Guard looks behind him and see's 'Shu'.

Eris takes the dagger out from behind her.

Tower Guard: "Shu!"

He charges at Eris, as he strikes Eris blocks it. Then punched the Tower Guard, he groaned in pain, then he turned unconscious Eris then transforming back into herself.

Eris: "I love playing pretend."

She then drops the dagger by the Tower Guard, then chuckling wickedly as she whisks towards the Book of Peace. She grabs the book and lifts it up.

Eris: "All the pieces are coming together."

Then Eris closed the Book of Peace then her shadow spread throughout the city of Syracuse. At the party, the buildings started to collapse, everything went dark. Y/N rushes to Valt.

Y/N: "Valt, the Book!"

They both grabbed each other and ran towards the balcony, and looks up to see a big cloud forming. Valt protectively wraps his arms around Y/N, as city buildings started to crack everywhere.

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