Dementor troubles

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Started writing on 26th Jan, 2PM. Yeah, I got a long 7(?) day break. I did write a LONG chapter last time.

Hello guys. So this is the 2nd last chapter of this book. 3K reads is a nice feat. I highly appreciate all the people who have voted these chapters, commented and corrected out mistakes. I will give out the name of the next book in the 2nd next chapter. Percy and Artemis will  be finally meeting, though they will be kind of enemies at the first.

I am going to make Percy the other Hogwarts champion instead of Cedric. Yes I know it will have a lot of effects on Harry. And yes. Percy will be living at the end of the book. I still haven't found the right cover image. I will be starting to write that book from Feb. 

So, yeah. That about covers up the AN part. Without further ado, let me give you the second last chapter of this book - Dementor troubles

Percy's P.O.V. his words.

Yeah, you are right. Nothing worked out alright. 

Guess what happened? Escape of the rat happened. 

"CATCH HIM!" Harry shouted. Real useful help. As if it did not occur to us. We, I mean, Lupin, Sirius, Hermione and me, got to our feet to get hold of Peter. Pettigrew just to be exact. Should have checked with Hecate before getting this false alias. 

"What's the plan?" Hermione asked.

"Let's play catch the rat."

And as you can expect, the fates were having a field day and decided to make out lives a bit more interesting as if what I had had was not enough. The full moon rose. 

"Holy Frigging Hera" I cussed in my Nordic Greek style. Lupin's eyes naturally drifted to the moon. 

"What now?" Ginny shouted.

"I and Sirius will distract him. You all catch Pettigrew." I said. I looked at Sirius who did not look so sure of bring me to the fight. 

"Accio silver blade" I said loudly with my wand steady pointing towards the school. Dunno from where but a silver blade flew right to my hand. I threw it at Sirius who caught it.

"They don't teach these stuff at third year." Sirius pointed out helpfully.

"Books help too. Beginner's luck much?" I told him before running towards Lupin. He had finished his transformation to a werewolf. 

"We have to bring him away from them. He might hurt them." Sirius said looking at Ron and the others who were still trying to catch Peter. I nodded. 

"Hey ya big mutt. Wait, Lupin won't remember this later. Right?" I asked Sirius. That's my usual monster distraction. Hey if you go down, at least go down in style. 

"Accio silver blade" I said again, as one more silver blade zoomed into my hand. 

"You are going to use that?" Sirius asked me. He should NOT underestimate a person. I immediately threw my knife at his left arm, which brushed past it, and hit the tree behind. It was my target. 

"Any questions?" 

"Are you thinking of wounding him?" 

"Not unless absolute necessary." 

"You really don't seem like a thirteen year kid to me." 

On that note we finished our conversation. 

"Hey you big hairy tailed mutt, come here. Get me if ya can!" I shouted. Then I ran. Sirius ran before me in his dog form. Dogs run faster than humans. That's unfair. We quickly found ourself in the forbidden forest. Infront of us was a huge tree and behind us was the werewolf. On the other sides were the other trees. 

"Option 2." I said pointing my wand at Lupin. 

"What?." Sirius said changing into his human form. He drew out Ron's wand, which he had taken from him.

"Protego Maximus" I said. The werewolf was soon covered in a cocoon of silvery force-field.

"Why didn't you think of this earlier?"

"Didn't occur to me" I replied. "Let's go." 

"Pettigrew . . . he . . . es- . . . escaped." Harry panted. Dammit. 

"Come on. Back to Hogwarts. We will explain everything to Dumbledore. He will understand and convince the ministry that Sirius is innocent. At least he will try his best." I told him. Harry took another long breath before nodding. Beside him Ginny, Ron, and the others nodded too. 

"Let's go." Harry said. 

We ran for almost 10 minutes, before we reached the Black Lake. Just across this was the castle. But unfortunately, really unfortunately, the place was guarded by quite a few Dementors. Around 20. That's really nice. Should be easy.

"Oh Hel!" Man, this Norse curses were sticking to me a lot. "How are we supposed to cross-" I pointed to the dementors. 

I could feel Ginny, Luna, Hermione and Ron freezing in fear. Harry was shaking. Harry raised his wand. 

"Expecto Patronum" A feeble white animal ran at the dementors. It did nothing. Sirius did the same, but his animal was even feebler.

"Don't have much happy memory after staying in Azkaban for 12 years." Sirius mumbled.

"How do we do it?" I asked Harry. I should have learnt this spell from Hecate. 

"Just say the words 'Expecto Patronum'. Concentrate on the happiest memory you have. The happiest one. Concentrate on it. Feel it. And say out the words. I don't think I can hold them all alone for much more." 

I nodded. The spell was really easy and the plan would go a complete success. Expect for the small fact that I did NOT have a happy memory. 

Concentrate Percy. Concentrate.

The first memory I thought of was my mom and me in Montauk beach when I was little. It was a Gabe-free day. 

"Expecto-Patronum" I whispered. A faint trace of an animal a bit smaller than Harry's ran through the ground.

"Are our animals supposed to be the same?" I asked Harry. This time Hermione replied.

"It depends on the animal that affects you the most. Like if you love someone like your parent a lot, you get their Patronus. It is only one animal though. The animal must have some connection to you. Or the person whose Patronus or favorite animal is that." She explained. 

My parents weren't wizards. So, I thought I would get a horse or Pegasus or a sea creature, like that. 

Before I could use the spell again, the dementors had reached towards us. 

"Dam." I whispered.

The Dementors had started sucking our lives out. 

"Holy Frigg!" I fell to the ground barely able to open my mind. The dementors had called reinforcements. Almost a hundred dementors flew over our head, each taking a bit more of our soul out. 

Harry kept making small Patronuses to keep the dementors away. Sirius, Ginny, Hermione, Ron, and Ron had already collapsed on the ground. 

I wondered whether celestial bronze worked on them or not. They are monsters after all.

"Anakulosmos" I whispered. My wand changed into a sword. I swung it at one of the dementors. 

It slashed against the dementor's body. It didn't do much. But it did leave a mark on the dementor's shoulder. I slashed it again at another dementor. I gave a strong swipe. The dementor turned into sand. It worked. Unfortunately before I could give another swipe, three dozens of dementors rounded on me, sucking my soul away. My mind was filled with bad memories. Memories of my family dead, my friends betraying me, Olympus banishing me. It was too painful. I heard a soft clang of my sword dropping from my hands.

That was when I realized. I was weak. I was useless. I can't save Harry. I can't save the world, if I can't even save myself. I felt myself fade. 

I was an immortal, but well, I guess even immortality can't be held from a Dementor's kiss. 

A bright blue light emerged from Sirius' mouth. A dementor was sucking it out. 

All hope was lost. 

Suddenly emerged a bright light from two animals running towards us. Two very noticeable Patronuses. My eyes were almost closed. I squirmed and saw that one was a stag. And behind the Patronuses were two people. The blue thing from Sirius entered his mouth once more. The dementors were backing off from the aura radiated by the two animals. Before I could see anymore, the world became black. I couldn't remember more. 

So, that's the end of the chapter. Short chapter. I know, but I am busy writing the magazine story right now. The magazine's 2nd edition comes out on 1st Feb. Get more info on PJO_Magazines

1425 words.

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