A twist in time, works just fine.

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Started writing from 3:38 PM, 27th January, 2022

Welcome back guys. I think this is the second last chapter. . I think this will be around 1.5K words. Let's see. 

Percy's P.O.V. (his own words)-

Where should I be? Yeah right. Near the Great lake. 

Where I was? Right again. Infirmary.

My knack of going to the infirmary has not left me still. Thals used to say that I should get a ward of my own. (Kotlc anyone?

A voice in the hall cut my thoughts.

"-you only have some time" Dumbledore was telling Harry and Hermione. Hermione nodded vigorously while Harry seemed to be a bit slow on understanding.

"Remember, 3 tur-" Dumbledore started telling Harry and Hermione. I cut him before he could finish. 

"Hey, I am up. What's the plan?" I waved my hands over at them.

"Oh you are awake. I guess you would be needed too." Dumbledore said. "If you are feeling all right, you should join this . . . quest too." I rolled my eyes at his choice of words. 

"Right. What's the plan?" I asked him.

"We don't have much time. Fudge is coming. Hermione tell you, while you are on the quest. Remember all of you. All you need is a little bit more time." he winked at Hermione. "As I was saying, three turns only. If you succeed, more than 1 life will be saved." Then he left. 

Hermione seemed to have immediately understood whatever Dumbledore said. She took out a locket from her neck. I recognized it immediately as a time-turner. But-

"Where the hell did you find that?" I asked her. I slipped my hand in my pocket and checked whether my time-turner was still there. It was there.

"McGonagall gave it to me before the start of year to adjust with the classes. Any more questions and Sirius might as well been already executed. So shut up and follow the plan." She said rapidly. I being the wise one shut up immediately.

Hermione wore the necklace and we held her hand. Immediately a familiar sensation came to my gut, which went as quickly as it went. We found ourself in the infirmary. Only difference was we were three hours earlier. The time for Buckbeak to be executed. Well, supposed to be executed.

"Where were we at this time?" Hermione asked.

"Hagrid's patch. For Buckbeak to be executed. I was inside the cabin. That can mean only one thing." I said.

"We have to save Buckbeak." Hermione finished. 

"What are you two talking about?" Harry asked. He was clearly in the dark.

"Later. Do as we do. Now come." I said before sprinting towards Hagrid's cabin. Harry nodded before running too, along with Hermione. 

We were a few distance away from Hagrid's patch. Past me, Dumbledore, and the others just entered the cabin. 

"We got around eight minutes before we come back." I said. 

"Hey, what took you so long to just sign the paper?" Harry asked.

"Um- tea, and falling of the ink. Like that. At least it is lucky for us." I managed to lie smoothly. "I will go and bring Buckbeak. You are gonna take him inside the forest." 

"Wait. Can you bring it alone?" Hermione asked.

"Trust me. I have done harder work." Then I sneaked off to Buckbeak.

"Milord, you have come?" Buckbeak squeaked.

"Yup. I have. Now let's escape." Buckbeak nodded furiously. 

I muttered a spell breaking the bounds. Then I sat on Buckbeak's back and vroom. We were off in the sky. 

"Hey buddy. Down down. And remember, I can't speak with you in front of them." Buckbeak nodded once again and glided straight down towards Harry and Hermione. 

"You know, you could have just walked him here." Harry grumbled.

"Where's the fun in that?" I asked. Harry simply shrugged. 

"Now we have um . . . 2 hours before Sirius is captured. What do you wanna do till then?" I asked.

"Dunno." Hermione said.

"You haven't told us about yourself a lot to us. It's like Mr. Mystery." Harry said. 

"What do you want to know?" I asked. I was not keen on sharing personal stuff. I knew I had to lie a lot too. 

"When did you find out you were a wizard?" Hermione asked first.

"I didn't find it till I was 10." I started making up. "My parents' are half-bloods. And well, can we talk about something else?" I asked. It was real hard making stories up.

"Did you have friends back in America?" Harry asked.

"A few. Very few." 

"Wizard friends?"


"Did you like anyone back in America?" Hermione asked. 

"Not really."

"Did you have a best friend?" Harry asked.

"Um- I don't have a lot of friends. It requires a lot of trust to make friends. Unless you count my cousins, i don't have friends. No best friends though. I- . . . used to have a best friend before." 

"What happened?" 

"Trust issues." I said in a finishing tone. Harry and Hermione didn't ask me anymore questions. 

"I saw my father." Harry said suddenly.

"What?" Hermione asked.

"When we were fighting near the lake, two Patronuses rushed forwards to help us. You all were unconscious except Peter. Behind one of the Patronus was my father. If he was somehow that my father lived too -" 

"Look here Harry. Suppose your father did live, he would have surely told you by now. Right?" Hermione argued.


"I know how it is to feel when you get a chance to think that what you saw is not real. What you saw is just false. I have lost a lot of people too. When you wake up every morning, you hope to wake up in a different place while everything that happened was just a dream. I wake up like that every morning. Hoping for the bad incidents to be nothing more than a dream." I told Harry. "You father might be alive too. It can happen. But if it does not happen. . . Just be prepared for the worst."

Harry nodded as tears brimmed his eyes. 

"Nice speech, Milord"  A voice in my head said. I immediately understood that it was Buckbeak. I gave him a look that said 'thank you?'

"How did they die?" Harry asked me after a moment of silence.


"Your parents." 

"Car accident." I said. Wrong answer. Harry gave me a 'really' look.

"It's a . . . touchy subject." 

Then we stayed in the silence. It was kinda awkward. 

2 hours 10 minutes later - 

"Look, we are coming back." Hermione said. I looked at my wrist watch at saw it was almost 2 hour and 25 minutes up. Only 35 minutes remaining.

"We need to go. To the lake." Harry said.

"Aye aye captain." I said climbing on Buckbeak.

"What?" I asked them. They were looking at me weirdly.

"You did not bow to him before riding."

"He loves me, peeps. So come on. Climb on." Hermione and Harry nodded quickly. Then we flew right towards the lake, where the dementors were supposed to be.

"Why are we going towards the lake?" I asked Harry.

"That's were Sirius was caught. We need to find out who sent us to Madam Pomphrey and who saved us at that time." Harry said.


We jumped down from Buckbeak. He hid between a few bushes while we were behind the place from where the patronuses were sent.

"Just wait. My father will come at any time." Harry said.

"Who was the other person?" Hermione said.

I noticed him a bit. He looked kind of like me. Was it Poseidon? No. He is not going to come all the way to Hogwarts. Hel, he didn't even know where I was. I could of course stay in contact with him if he swears never to give this . . . entire other mess out to Zeus. 

What if - 

"We are dying." Hermione muttered. 

"Just wait. My dad will come and save us all." Harry said. 

In front of us, the dementors were sucking our souls out. Sirius's soul was almost out.

"Harry, it was us!" I told him.


"You saw someone who looked like you. It was future us! Me and you!" I told Harry. 

"Yes. Yes. It could be." Hermione squealed.

I pointed my wand at the dementors, and walked forwards.

Harry closed his eyes, trying to think of something happy. Luckily he missed the time I turned my wand to Riptide.

I closed my eyes thinking of a happy memory too. There were none of them. None. I felt weak again. What was the time when I was happy? Without being reminded of people dying or betrayal? There was no such time.

A faint silver started to glow from Harry's wand which started to emerge into a shape. 

I did something unexpected. 

Instead of my happiest memories, I focused on my worst memories. Memories that are more painful than being tortured in Tartarus. I had plenty of them. 

I focused on the two moments. One where I was jumping into Tartarus to hold Annabeth's hand. And the other when Annabeth was kissing that Apollo guy. I could feel power being released from me. A lot of power. With that, a dark silver thing emerged from my wand and joined to form a shape. Harry's Patronus was already made. I looked at it closely to notice that it was a stag. A male deer.

My Patronus surprised me. 

It was a deer. A female to be specific. The deer ran at full pace racing against Harry's stag. The deer was faster than the stag, but since the stag started running first, they reached at the same time, hitting the entire dementor hoard. The hoard stumbled and swayed away from the deer. 

"A deer?" Hermione asked. 

"Seems so." 

"Is that one of your parent's Patronus?"

"Don't think so. What about yours, Harry? Stag?"

"It was my father's" He said softly. I nodded. 

Your Patronus depends on the person you care for dearly. Mine is a deer? Who do I care for deeply? Nah I don't care for anyone like that. I was made to be alone. To be single. 

You know you are lying to yourself. An annoying voice in my head said. You are the tides, after all. 

So, that's all for today. You understand what I meant, then write in the chat. Hints- Deer, tide.

Well, it is too easy is you ask me. Whatever. 

P.S.- PJO_Magazines is releasing second edition of the Percy Jackson magazine day after tomorrow. Positions are OPEN. Just PM to that account. Others, please read, vote, and follow us for incoming editions. 

1760 words.

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