Rescue and end of year 3

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Started writing on 31-02-2022, 4PM. 

Final chapter coming up.

Percy's P.O.V. -

 Harry, Hermione and Percy sat there behind the bushes, waiting to see who came to rescue us. 

It was only 2 minutes before the person appeared. 

It was Severus Snape. 

"Didn't you immobilize him?" Harry asked. 

"He can perform wandless magic too." Hermione reminded him. 

"And he for sure is gonna hand Sirius to the dementors." Percy supplied unhelpfully. 

"So what? We attack him, free Sirius and run away?" Harry asked.

"That's not a bad idea." Percy pondered. 

"Idiots. If we are seen, that means the whole plan will be wasted. Snape would see us. He would see double us. Then suppose we rescue Sirius, Snape will tell Fudge about us. Then we might be even executed for helping an important Azkabanee to escape. Worse we will be expelled." Hermione ranted off in one breath.

"Right. So what's the plan?" Harry asked.

"Let him take Sirius to the tower. Later when he leaves, we will break him free and let him leave with Buckbeak." Percy told them. They nodded their approval. "20 minutes left till 3 hours. We Gotta hurry."

Snape headed rapidly towards the tower. Surrounding him were seven beds floating, carrying each of them. Behind Sirius, Harry and Hermione sneaked. Percy was flying Buckbeak, a few feet behind them.

They reached the top of the tower where Sirius locked Snape. 

Snape left the tower after locking Sirius. Snape then carried the seven beds to Madam Pomphrey. 

"8 minutes left." Percy said landing with Buckbeak on the top of towers.

"Tower clear?" Percy asked. Harry and Hermione nodded. "Let's free a prisoner."

Hermione tried a variety of spells on the lock. But it did not budge.

"7 minutes to go. Mission progress?" Percy asked. Hermione let out a frustrated groan.

"Let me." Percy said. Hermione reluctantly let him.

"Stupefy" The entire door broke apart.

"Did you just - " Harry started.

" - break the door?" Hermione finished. 

"Yes. And now, its Filch incoming in 1 minute. He heard the noise. Cut the time to 1 minute." Percy informed the pair. He kicked the door away and entered the room? prison? 

Sirius was slowly regaining consciousness. Percy shook him hardly. 

"50 seconds only. You got to escape. Buckbeak's here. Fly away. Stay away from Hogwarts. It's a do or die. 42 seconds left." Percy explained quickly. Sirius took 10 seconds more to process what Percy said. 

"30 seconds left." Percy said. "Or you know what? I could earn you 2 more minutes, I believe." 

Sirius nodded his thanks to Percy. He went towards Harry and started talking with him. Percy did not listen to their conversation but he knew Hermione did. Percy went on to make Filch vomit his last food. It took Filch some time and he went to wash it away too. 

Sirius finished his talking to Harry. He patted Harry on the back and then hugged him. Percy made his way onto them. 

"- have to leave now. Any problems with your step family, don't hesitate to ask me for help. You are the only family I have left. Take care." Sirius was telling Harry. 

"only 1 minute 42 seconds remaining to 3 hours." I reminded them. 

"I have to leave. Good bye Harry. I will write to you." Sirius climbed on Buckbeak. "Thanks to you two too." 

Then Buckbeak and Sirius flew away from Hogwarts. Flying away and away. 

"Well, that went well. Only 1 min 12 seconds left. So we better hurry." Percy reminded them again.

"Let's run." Harry said. Then the trio ran at a super fast pace. They took shortcuts and detours so that the people wouldn't see them. 

"10 second left." Percy added unhelpfully as they were approaching the the hospital door. 

"We got it. 9." Harry said.

"8" Hermione said.








"Time's up" Percy said. The door opened revealing Dumbledore with his shining white beard and twinkling eyes that held a tad bit of mischief. He smiled upon seeing the three of them. Then he winked, and left the place, leaving the door opened. 

The three entered into the ward near Ron's bed. Beside Ron's bed were Ginny's and Luna's. All of them were still asleep. 

"We saved Sirius." Hermione panted out.

"And Buckbeak." Harry added.

"Yeah. We did." Percy said. 

A few minutes later, Snape, Dumbledore and Fudge entered the room. Then all Tartarus broke loose. 

The last few days of the year went well for all the Hogwarts students and professors. Harry won the Quidditch cup for the Gryffindors. (I have timeline rights for my story. So I am changing them. + I don't remember the timeline very accurately.) The dementors had been removed from the Hogwarts gate. Harry even got a chance to visit Hogsmeade after he got healed up. 

Ginny, Luna and Percy or rather Peter became a part of the Harry and co. trio. They had been sticking together except while going to classes. Percy and Hermione had handed the time-turner back to Dumbledore at separate times. 

Time skip to 7 days later, around 11 AM- 

Dear Perseus Jackson,

This letter is written to you to invite you to Asgard once again for the alliance matter. If you are free the day this letter reaches you, please come to the Chase Space. The Bifrost shall be open there to lead you to Asgard.

Hotel Valhalla Manager

The letter arrived to Percy seven days after the 'incident'. Percy had immediately packed up his bag to leave for Asgard. He would teleport to Chase Space and then to Asgard.

"Professor McGonagall, I have a family matter to attend to in Boston. I have my uncle's letter too." Percy said showing McGonagall a mistified forged letter from his uncle not saying 'what' the matter was. It was actually the letter from Asgard, but . . . well, the mist works wonders.

"When are you returning, Mr. Johnson?" McGonagall asked Percy. Percy could have easily told Dumbledore, but for some reasons, his instincts said not to. So he went to McGonagall.

"2 days to 3 days maximum." Percy replied.

"And how will you go to Boston?" She asked. Percy did not expect so many questions. He thought of one quickly.

"My aunt will come and apparate me from Hogsmeade." Percy replied.

"You can go. But you already have taken quite a few holidays in this session. You have to catch up on the work once you come back. All your homework too. Remember that." 

Percy nodded. 'It would have been quicker if I asked Dumbledore' Percy thought. After taking the approval and telling Hermione to tell the group that he won't be in Hogwarts for a couple of days, he left for Hogsmeade. He did not want to let them have any doubt.

Percy never really appreciated the beauty of Asgard before.

It was huge with gold cladded statues and palaces. Surrounding the huge palace were turrets made of gold that provided high class defense. The royal palace was a huge triangular shaped structure covered with so much gold that would make Apollo cry out of jealousy. It was so bright someone who is seeing Asgard for the first time would have to keep his eyes closed for the first few minutes. 

"Lord Perseus." A very formal voice cut Percy through his stream of thoughts about Asgard. It was Heimdall. (After watching Avengers, I realized that Avengers and Rick Riordan write about Heimdall totally different. I am going with a mix.

"Lord Heimdall" Percy acknowledged. 

"Lord Odin has specifically ordered me to lead you to the palace." Heimdall said. Percy nodded, and followed Heimdall to the palace. 

The royal chamber was decorated with red and gold strips of ribbon. The huge dining table in front of Percy was filled with gods. Now that Percy looked properly, the dining table was three times the width of one Hogwarts house table, and 2 times the length of a Hogwarts dining table. 

"Perseus Jackson" Odin's voice boomed. "We are really happy to have you here at Asgard. We have survived a war we were fated to lose your help. The frost Giants have once again backed away, preventing the start of Ragnarok. You have defied fate, yes. But for a greater cause. We, the Asgardians value your bravery and honor it. Hence forth, the alliance between your world, and Asgard has been established."

Percy bowed to Odin respectfully. "Thank you, Milord."

"The armies of Asgard shall be behind you in your wars just as you have been in ours." Odin stopped as Thor, passed a red thin book type thing and a pen to Odin. Odin open the first page, and scribbled something on the page.

"This book shall contain the mark of the alliance between us. We require your signature too." 

Percy walked up the platform, took the pen from Odin and signed his name in it.

Perseus Achilles Poseidon Jackson

Percy made a note that the ink was golden. 

"So today we feast for the start of the alliance." 

A deafening chorus of sound emerged from the gods. Percy had to agree. Food in Asgard defeated the food of Hogwarts.

And tada. The end of a book. 

I have been reading divergent, fanboying for Fourtris, hating Erudite and all those things. Finished reading more than 200 hundred pages of the first book in less than one day. Didn't want to stop reading, but well. . . I need to write this too. Right?

And the first part of this chapter I wrote in a sleep-deprived state. Don't mind me. Also PJO_Magazines published our second magazine edition. Don't forget to go and read it. 

I will just leave now. Fourtris is waiting for me. 

Oh and fun fact: Today's date is 2-2-22

1633 words.

Peace out,


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