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Angie: We knew everything about what's happened.

MK: Okay, but why didn't tell me though?!

Athena: Well if we tell you then.

Aims: Then the show will be crazy, so thats why we kelt it a secret from all of you.

Angie: Well I kinda told Macaque.

Gang: SAY WHAT?!

MK: You told Macaque who used our powers, fight the monkey king and used the lamp to get you, Athena, Angel, Mei, Pigsy, Tang and Lorise to attack me, but you told him that your from another world?! I don't think I want to trust you anymore.

Angie: M-MK... (She reached for her but MK slapped her hand away)

MK: Don't touch me I don't wanna talk to you anymore, just GO AWAY!

[MK yelled at her leaving Angie in shocked with tears forming, then Angie turned around and she ran inside and she sat down on her knees]


[Then out of nowhere Aims grabbed Angie]


Angie: I know. I know, look Aims I need to be alone. I just ruined MK and mine friendship.. I need some alone time.

Aims: Okay Angie, just be okay.

[Angie nodded before Aims left the room, Angie saw Mo on her lap with Yin and Yang]

Angie: Hey guys, haha I know MK will hate me now, but you guys will cheer me up.

[Meanwhile outside of the Dronecoper]

Tang: (Narrating.) It was then when the Lady Bone Demon played her final move. Even with the combined might of the Monkie Kid and the Monkey King, their all was simply not enough. The villain was victorious, plunging the world into darkness.

[The Dronecopter flies through a storm as it stops. MK is on the deck looking back.)

Tang: Now, any chance of hope lies in the hands of a monkey (Tang continues to write in his journal.) and a kid who wishes he was a monkey.

MK: (He groans.) Mr. Tang, would you quit it?

[The journal is snatched from Tang's hands by Pigsy. Tang gasps in anger.]

Pigsy: You've been reading your diary out loud literally all day. You're bummin' everybody out!

Tang: Hey! It's not a diary, I'm writing the next chapter. And very well too, I might add (He shows Pigsy the journal and flips to a page with a drawing of him a Monkey King in a heart.)

[Pigsy looks at his hand and realizes he's not holding the journal.]

Monkey King: Hey, as long as he wrote down that whole bit with me fighting Ne Zha and getting this bad boy, then we're good.

MK: I mean, the bit with the omelet thing, pretty cool.

Monkey King: Yeah, right? It was totally cool. Ha! Okay, gather around, everyone. It's Monkey King story time! So, I know what happened back there kinda sucked especially a few minutes ago.

Athena: Yeah I agree.

Mei: Mega sucked.

Monkey King: Mega sucked. But the ol' Great Sage had a trick or two up his sleeve.

Pigsy: Hmph. (Monkey King looks at him before continuing but suddenly the winds change, jerking the Dronecopter. The map goes flying and fortunately, MK catches it. They place a piece of metal on it this time.)

MK: Yeah, so you said you were looking for a weapon?

Monkey King: Yup.

Pigsy: And? Did you find it?

Monkey King: Nope. But this map is gonna help us track it down. What I'm assuming Angie was trying to say earlier--

MK: Can we not talk about her right now. I'm still mad about her..

Angel: MK, she just wantted to protect you.

MK: But I can protect myself. I don't care if she wants to protect me, after what she did I'm never gonna forgive her.

Aims: Okay as Monkey King was sayin' the weapon is called--

Tang: The Samadhi Fire!

Monkey King: Yeah, that. The most powerful force I've ever seen.

MK: Powerful enough to destroy the Lady Bone Demon?

Monkey King: Mhm.

MK: But what is it?

Monkey King: (He is about to go on, but they all see Tang eagerly ready to spout everything out. He sighs.) Go on then.

Lorise: My goodness, Tang. You gotta let the monkey speek

Tang: Hoo-hoo, okay! Ahem. Legends speak of a flame so powerful that nothing could put it out. Not even the Great Sage himself.

Monkey King: That's right. The Samadhi Fire burned out of control. The only way to contain it was by splitting it into pieces, and scattering them so their flames could never be reforged.

MK: So, you just tossed around a bunch of fires instead of one?

Monkey King: (He groans.) And we put the pieces into three rings so they cause no further harm. Come on, do I have to spell everything out? (Everyone looks at MK, who ponders on his ignorance. Monkey King sighs.) Now, that the Lady Bone Demon has the staff and yours and Angie's powers, she's too much for us to handle. We can't stop her, she's going to destroy... well, everything.

Sandy: So, find the rings, combine them, and then what? You said the Fire of Somewhatsi couldn't be controlled.

Monkey King + Angel: Samadhi.

Tang: Yes, you did say that.

Pigsy: (Simultaneously.) Yep, I heard him. I heard it too.

MK: Hey, if Monkey King thinks this can work, then it'll work! We can do this.

Monkey King: Yes! That's more like it!

[A blast fires down on the ship. A jet flyer emerges from behind it.]

Pigsy: The Lady Bone Demon?! How did she catch up to us already?!

[Then Angie came out and got everybody safe]

Angie: I gotcha ya!

Monkey King: Oh no.

[MK remembers his lost powers, but stays determined anyways.]

Macaque: Oh, Wukong! (He laughs.)

MK: Macaque?!

Angel: H-hot Monkey?!

Aims: Simp. (Angel looked at Aims as bonked her head) OW!

Monkey King: Oh, that's a relief. I thought it was someone important.

Macaque: Heh, always the comedian. Hey kiddo, ya miss me?

MK: No! Guys, get us outta here!

Angie: Hey dad.


Lorise: Uh guys we got a problem!

Athena + Mei + Tang: Right!

[Macaque fires at them as they try to escape.]

MK: Monkey King, you've gotta do something!

Monkey King: So... yeah, I'd love to, but I kinda sort of used the last bit of my powers getting this. (He points at the map.)

Macaque: (He catches up and fires at both of them before disappearing.) Hoo hoo, looking a little banged up there, Monkey King. The kids too. Looks like our old friend, the Lady Bone Demon, really did a number on you guys.

Monkey King: So what? You're her puppet now? I mean, makes sense. You did always have a side-kick kinda vibe.

Macaque: (He dives in at them from behind and they barely dodge away. He jumps down on Monkey King and pins him down.) You know me, as a new player in town, I'm just feeling out which one is the winning side. (He sees MK leap at him from behind with a pipe, and kicks Monkey King away to catch him.) Not smart, bud.

Monkey King: Kid!

Angie: MK! Dad don't!

Macaque: He yelled at you plus super hearing I heard everything what the kid says.

Macaque: (He quickly summons the Shadow Monkeys to hold Monkey King down.) The two of you are such a mess. I can't imagine why the Bone Demon wants me to bring you back. (He turns to MK.) Look at you, you're all used up. (He's about to finish him when a blast shoots at him. He dodges and the blast expels out the Shadow Monkeys holding down Monkey King. Macaque looks back and sees Mei, Lorise and Angel.) Interesting. (She continues to blast at him.)

Mei: You want to get to my monkeys, you gotta go through us first!

Lorise: Yeah nobodys messes with us.

Angel: Macaque I swear to god you're dead meat.

Macaque: Ah, you must be the Dragon Girl I've heard so little about. Little girls and plums, you both can shoot me all you want. It won't do you any good.

MK: Maybe not. But hey, you want to make an omelet, sometimes you gotta break a few engines.

Macaque + Angie: Uh, what?

MK: I-I don't know. I thought it was cool. Just— whatever! (He throws the piece of metal at Macaque, who casually dodges it.)

Macaque: Whoa, didn't see that one coming.

Angie: Guys we gotta hold on to each other. THE COPTER WILL GO DOWN! (She held onto MK and she helded his hand tightly) Sorry for not telling you though MK!

[However, it flies into one of the burners, which explodes, tipping the Dronecopter over. Macaque goes flying.]

Monkey King: Kid, why did you—

MK: Uh, well yeah, I-I was trying to do you in the omelet story. Do the weird, impulsive Monkey King thing and escape the bad guy?


Angel: Yeah sorry about that.

Monkey King: Well, I mean, Ne Zha ain't really a bad guy, but... did you forget about the part where I got really hurt?

[At this point, all the burners have been set aflame.]

Sandy + Athena: Hold onto your bricks, everyone!

Lorise + Angel: Uh oh.

[They break through the storm and fall out towards the ocean.]



Next: Great Grand Dragon Of The East.


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