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[Angie, Angel, Athena and Lorise were at Macaque dojo, they were getting packed up like getting weapons, clothes and etc. Angie looked at her ring and she took it off and crushed it]

Angie: Haha I took it off!

Angel: Nice.

Lorise: Good job Angie.

Athena: The spider gang is somewhere who the heck knows where.

[Angie smiled until they saw a blue light]

Macaque: Okay girls, it' your time to shine.

[Angel, Athena and Lorise left as Angie looked at Macaque]

Angie: Please be safe dad.

Macaque: I will kiddo. Just promised me to protect the others.

Angie: Promise.

[Macaque smiled as Rambel and Savage was in Angie's bagpack, as Angie left, Macaque sighed and used the shadow portel, then the gang arrived at the the drone copter with Angie using her portel]

Mei: Oh hey guys, you four were late, MK just defeated the villain.

MK: Oh heys guys, h-hey Angie haha.

Tang: Ah, MK? I get the feeling you aren't telling us something?

MK: A few weeks ago, I met someone...

Mei: Oh, did you finally confess to Ang--

MK: Ugh! No! Not like?!

[Angie blinked thinking that was not a line from the show, as Athena, Lorise and Angel smirked as they knew what they were talking about]

MK: Remember when we fought DBK. I said he was different. And Spider Queen attacked and she was stronger, I was trying to protect you, keep it a secret, but it was all this girl. She calls herself--

Lady Bone Demon: The Lady Bone Demon.

[Then Lady Bone Demon comes behind MK, Angie eyes widen and she kelt something in her chest and she groans, but took a deep breath and looked at Lady Bone Demon with anger in her eyes]

Lady Bone Demon: Well it's nice to see you again Angie and your friends as well.

Angie: Well it's not nice seeing you. (Summoned her sword and she jumpped off the drone coper and landed infront of MK) I'm not letting you hurt MK or nobody!

Lady Bone Demon: Aww, did you tell MK about you and your friends about you being from another world?

Athena: OH COME ON?!


Angel: Angie please tell us, you didn't tell her!?

Angie: Uh. . .

MK: Angie you're from another world with Athena, Lorise and Angel?!

Angie: Ha ha, oh boy I tell you after this battle.

[Then Lady Bone Demon used her powers to fling the gang except MK and Angie dropped her sword]

Angie: No my sword!?

Lady Bone Demon: Huh, now. (The she used her powers to crushed Angie's sword and she grabbed the stars the powers it and ussed it to power up the mech) Perfect, now. You've done well, MK. Mastered so many powers. It seems you are ready to meet your destiny and--.

Pigsy: Yeah, yeah, destiny-shemestiny. You saw how fast the kid dismantled your little bone toy, right?

Lady Bone Demon: That was part of the plan. I do apologize for what comes next.

[Then MK used his cloning to tryed to defeated Lady Bone Demon mech, then Tang noticed something]

Tang: MK! The more power you use, the more--.

Lady Bone Demon: Powerful I become? Very observant.

[Then soon MK used his staff to build Monkey Mech, the gang was cheering MK on]

Mei: Monkey mech! He's doing it!

Pigsy: Show them what you can do kid!

Angie: Wait MK! Don't!

Athena: Guys we better go, Sandy we need get away.

Angel: Like now.

[Lorise nodded, then Lady Bone Demon used her wind powers to make the drone coper fly away]

Mei + Angie: MK!!!

[Then the gang flys away, Angie eyes widen and fell onto her knees]

Angie: I failed... I failed to protect MK...

Sandy: Angie it's alright, he'll come back.

Angie: NO HE WON'T! MONKEY KING WILL SAVE HIM. THAT MEANS I DIDN'T PROTECT MK. I NEED TO PROTECT MK FROM HIM BEING THE FREAKING HARBINGER OF- (Then they heared a scream and they all looked up and saw a portel and came out was a another girl

???: AAAH! (Then she landed onto the ground) Ow thats gotta hurt..

Angie: Wait Aims?!

Aims: Oh hey Angie!

[The duo smiled and hugged each other as everyone watches]

Angie: Oh yeah, guys this is Aims, one of my friends from school.

Tang: Hey I'm Tang.

Athena: I'm Athena.

Pigsy: Pigsy.

Sandy: I'm Sandy.

Lorise: Heyo I'm Lorise nice to meet you.

Mei: I'm Mei nice meet you girly.

Angel: And I'm Angel nice meeting you Aims.

[Then the gang saw Monkey King and MK coming to the drone]

Aims: Guys, INCOMING!!!

[The gang eyes widen and ran out the way, then Monkey King and MK landed and Angie helpped MK up]

Angie: MK, are you okay?

MK: Y-yeah I'm fine...

Monkey King: Hey, bud. Miss me?

MK: Where were you? You could have stopped this! We could have... We have to go back! We have to take her down! I'm going back I'm gonna get my staff and finish this

Aims: Oh man drama.

Monkey King: The staff is gone, bud. And I'm in no shape to face her. Neither of us are. I didn't get back in time.

Athena + Pigsy: Back from what? Your vacation?

Tang: Pigsy?

Angel: Uh oh.

Lorise: Athena please don't.

Athena: No! What could have been so important that you'd leave MK alone to face that... that thing? I thought you were his mentor!

Sandy: Enough! (The gang were shocked, as Aims and Angie hugged each other in fear) I think we should give Mr. Monkey King a chance to explain.

Monkey King: All right, all right! I was never on vacation! During the battle with Spider Queen, I found out the Lady Bone Demon was back. She's bad news. I needed something to fight her. Something so powerful even she wouldn't be able to win. A weapon

MK: Okay. A weapon. Hey, if you think it can beat her... let's go find it!

Monkey King: What? No! You're not going, I'm going!

MK: Wait, what? You chose me. I can help. We all can.

Monkey King: Yeah, so, here's the problem, you guys have this thing called "mortality", so...

Angel: Well Monkey king you're not so much "immortal" yourself.

Monkey King: Really peaches.

MK: We can do this. We're stronger together!

Monkey King: Fine.

MK + Mei + Angie + Aims: Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!!

Monkey King: But it's not going to be easy In fact, its going to be really dangerous.

Pigsy: Okay, so, where are we heading?

[Then Monkey King pulls out a map and everyone smiled]

Monkey King: Well, I guess.. we're going on a journey... to the west!

MK: Angie, we need to talk.

[Angie sighed and looked at MK and she knew she had alot of explaning alot]

Angie: I have a lot of explaining to do right.

MK: Yeah, we gotta talk about what Lady Bone Demon said.

Aims + Lorise: Oh boy somebody in trouble.

Angie: Okay I'll tell you. (She looked away before looking at MK) We knew everything about what's happened.

[The gang eyes widen and MK was the most shocked and he was pissed and Angie knew he was mad at her for not telling him]



Next: On the Run


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