Chapter Five

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"Sirius, you can't come!" Molly yelled, as her eyes landed upon the shaggy, black dog walking closer to the front door of headquarters. The dog gave the woman a look before bounding out. Padfoot snapped at pigeons and chased his own tail in circles, making Harry and the others laugh in amusement.

Truthfully, Sirius' main motive to escort the children to King's Cross was in hopes of finally locating his daughter. If she was indeed out there safe and sound, then Carina would be heading off to Hogwarts again. With a huge determination and hope lit up within him, Padfoot followed the others as they prepared to depart for King's Cross.


Bidding the children, Sirius' eyes once again trailed over the platform, his heart sinking lower and lower each time he came up empty handed.

That is until this time his eyes landed upon the barrier.

A trolley was pushed forth, followed by its owner. The Black Heiress emerged, pausing, as a smile appeared on her lips upon seeing the familiar platform once again. Sirius' heart leapt with joy and relief, seeing his daughter in front of him with his very eyes, safe and sound. He took a few steps before he froze, as what he saw next made his stomach drop.

A boy with blonde hair emerged from the barrier, making Carina turn around and smile at him. Right after him appeared two very familiar adults.

Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy.

Sirius felt his heart stop. His mind raced with many thoughts at once.

She's been with the Malfoys? Is she hurt? How in the world did Lucius let her stay? Oh, what do I do? I need to talk to her!

"Padfoot, come on."

The dog turned back only to find Remus Lupin watching him intently. Padfoot whimpered, nodding his large head in the direction of the Malfoys. Confusion laced on Remus' face until understanding that the Animagus was trying to indicate something. Remus' eyes followed Sirius' gaze until they widened, practically about to bulge out of his head.

"Carina." He breathed out in shock of seeing the girl after so long, but even more astounding was the family she was currently standing alongside. "She seriously can't have been living with the Malfoys." Remus uttered in disbelief. His eyes trailed down Carina's figure, where she was wearing dark, long clothes similar to Narcissa's. Remus tore his gaze away from the group back to the dog beside him, and he was able to read the inner battle Sirius was having with himself.

"You can't approach her, it is only going to blow your cover." Remus sighed sadly when Padfoot whined a bit too loudly.

Unfortunately, Carina happened to look in that direction and flinched, unmoving when her gaze caught with the pale eyes of the black dog.

The eyes that belonged to her biological father.

The smile slid off her face, a horrified and longing expression visible.

"Carina?" A voice softly called out, making the young Black slightly jump, her gaze tearing away from the black dog.

Narcissa's eyes held concern, but one glance at her husband told her to not act too softly.

"Come on, you'll be late for the train."

Carina nodded, still not quite recovered from the shock of seeing her father, even if he was in his animagus form. Carina knew she would most likely encounter members of the Order, but the last person she expected to see was Sirius Black. Carina turned away, going forward to board the train.

"One moment." Spoke out the cold voice of Lucius Malfoy, who had been studying the young Black carefully with narrowed eyes, until he followed the Gryffindor's gaze and it landed on the dog. A sinister smile reached onto Lucius' face. "Tell me, Carina, is that your scum of a father?" He asked, pointing in the dog's direction, who was oblivious to Lucius having noticed him.

Carina stiffened, guilt eating at her for what she was about to do. "Yes, Mr. Malfoy."

Lucius nodded in satisfaction and that was a signal that the conversation was over.

Narcissa spoke, in an attempt to prevent her husband from speaking again, for the wellbeing of both Carina and Sirius,

"Dibly." The House-Elf appeared out of thin air, "Put Draco and Carina's luggage on the train."

"Yes, Mistress Malfoy." Dibly replied and scurried off with all the luggage floating behind her. Narcissa embraced her son and then her niece.

"Take care and remember to write to us." Narcissa Malfoy had bought a dark Eurasian Eagle-owl, similar to the one Draco owned, for Carina and the young Black had been beyond happy, upon getting an animal friend.

"Yes, mother."

"Yes, Aunt Cissa."

Dibly had returned. "Oh, Dibly will miss young Mistress Black, oh yes. Miss is very kind to Dibly." The elf began saying, bursting into tears.

"I will miss you too, Dibly. I appreciate all your service to me during the summer."

"That is what job Dibly has. I am happy my mistress is happy with me." Dibly blew her nose on her white rags.

Lucius scoffed, "Enough of that Carina, or people may assume my pureblooded niece actually has befriended a filthy House-Elf." Lucius spoke out, making Carina gulp, a blank expression on her face suddenly.

"Of course not, Mr. Malfoy."

"Very well, get going then."

Draco's hand slid into Carina's as the two began boarding the train. Carina heard a whine, halting her in her tracks, her eyes beginning to glaze over. She looked into the direction of the large, shaggy, black dog once more, who pleaded silently with his eyes for forgiveness, or at least a chance to rectify his mistake.

"Ri, let's go." Draco said, his expression turning befuddled, noticing the young Black's face, until he followed her gaze. When Draco's eyes landed on the animagus, he glared at it, before gently tugging on Carina's arm who looked at him. Draco nodded reassuringly and Carina nodded, looking back at Sirius but instead showing a great dislike on her face as she turned her nose up at him, boarding the train after her cousin.


"Draco," Carina groaned, burying her face in her hands, "Why would you say dogging your steps?" She began saying, making air quotations, "they'll know I told them Sirius being an animagus."

Draco scoffed, "Who cares? He never cared for you anyways."

Carina's chest felt heavy, her eyes glossing over. She turned her gaze outside the window, watching the landscape slowly shift as the Hogwarts Express got closer and closer to Hogsmeade station.

Draco, who was seated across from Carina, internally face-palmed as he realized his words must have stung Carina. After all, beneath that new mask she had created for the public, Carina Black was the same sweet and kind girl.

A girl deprived of love.

"Think of it more like revenge, cousin." Draco said, leaning back with a smirk, his arms crossed over his chest.

Carina turned to look at her best friend, her eyes red, "Dray, I'm not cruel. I don't want to take revenge for anything, I just want peace and happiness." She gave a humourless laugh, "Guess I won't be getting that either."

"Don't worry, I'm here. You can let yourself be free and happy with me whenever we get time. Remember, we're going to do this together."

A tiny smile broke onto Carina's lips. "Together."


"Black, you are to report to the headmaster's office." McGonagall said, catching up to Carina as she was leaving the Great Hall after the feast.

Carina felt her eyes widen in surprise. What had she done? "I'm sorry, Professor, but may I know why?"

McGonagall sighed, "I believe you will have to find out from Professor Dumbledore himself." She patted Carina on the shoulder and made to turn before stopping, "Oh and the password is Sherbet Lemon, Miss. Black."

"Alright, thank you, Professor." Carina replied as she headed out.

"Of course, Carina." The Head of Gryffindor house replied, watching the girl with a sad look. McGonagall always pitied her, she had to go through so much but yet she remained very kind. Professor McGonagall held a soft spot for her student.

"Hey, Rina, want to go up to the Astronomy tower?" Draco asked the young Black when he caught up to her.

"Maybe tomorrow Dray, Dumbledore is expecting me."

Draco's eyebrows rose, "Dumbledore? What does that mad man want with you?"

"I'm not sure." Carina answered ignoring Draco's rude comment. "I'll see you around, Draco. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Carina. Listen if anyone gives you any trouble, especially with you living with us now, tell me and I'll teach them a good lesson."

Carina smiled in gratitude for her friend's support.

"Goodnight, Coco."

"Don't call me that."

Carina merely waved and headed towards the headmaster's office, trying to stifle the humorous smile breaking onto her face.

After giving the password and going up the spiral staircase, Carina knocked on the door and entered when she was told so.

Albus Dumbledore was sitting behind his desk, his blue eyes twinkling as he watched Carina come in. The young Black gracefully strode forth and halted in front of his desk.

"You called for me, Headmaster?"

"Yes, indeed, I did, Miss. Black."

"May I know why, Professor?"

Dumbledore released a breath, "Because I need you to floo to Twelve Grimmauld Place at the request of someone."

Carina almost choked on air. This was not what she was expecting at all.

"Pardon me?"

"I need you to floo back to your ancestral home, Miss. Black." Dumbledore confirmed making Carina gulp. "That is not a request but an order. Chop, chop." He said, beckoning Carina in the direction of the fireplace. Carina shakily walked forth and grabbed some of the powder.

She stepped into the fireplace and released a breath.

You got this. Remember the training Aunt Cissy gave you.

With that she tossed the powder and shouted, "Twelve Grimmauld Place!"

Emerald green flames erupted all around as the headmaster's office vanished and many different destinations flashed before Carina, until she saw where she unfortunately needed to go.

Carina stumbled out into the kitchen of the Black family home. She coughed, brushing her Hogwarts uniform before she straightened, holding herself with a certain air of attitude around her.

Footsteps raced and the door into the kitchen flung open, slamming into the wall as the man Carina very much did not want to see stood there, slightly breathless, his eyes fixated upon the young Black. Carina turned her nose up at him and looked away, her gaze flying to the wall straight ahead.

"I was given an order by the Headmaster of Hogwarts that someone has requested my presence in the ancestral Black family home. May you tell me who that specific person is?"

Sirius stared at her, his lips parting in surprise. He had never heard Carina string those many words together, let alone those kinds of words in such a formal manner.

Sirius cleared his throat when he recovered from his shock, "I-I wanted to talk to you-"

"Well, make it quick, Sirius, as I need to sleep well before lessons commence tomorrow morning. I have very high expectations that I need to live up to."

Sirius felt as if he had been slapped in the face. This Carina felt nothing like the Carina he knew. His sweet daughter, who was so shy, was now speaking almost arrogantly, like most of the Purebloods he had encountered in his life. Most of all, what stung the most was that Carina had used his first name, nowhere near addressing Sirius as her dad.

"I..." Sirius ran a hand through his hair in nervousness. "Please take a seat."

"I would much prefer to remain standing, thank you very much."

Sirius gulped but nodded. Carina was not making this easy for him, and everytime she spoke, she moved, she looked at him, he was only reminded of how gravely he had messed up. He had driven his daughter into this. It was all his fault.

"Carina, my darling daughter, please listen to me once. I never meant to hurt you. I think seeing Harry just reminded me so much of James and I couldn't stay away from him. I never meant to push you away, I realize now you were also longing for love from me and I failed you as a father. I never meant any of those words that I said in anger the other day. I am so sorry for everything I put you through. Please give me another chance, I promise I will make it up to you. Please come back, leave the Malfoys-"

"Enough." Carina ordered, raising a hand to beckon silence. "I'm sorry, Mr. Black, but if you were expecting to win me over with a few words and then ignore me all over again, then you were wrong. A few words will not work. And about the Malfoys, they took me in and Aunt Cissa has been nothing but kind to me. Of course, there's also Draco who has been there for me when no one else was."

Sirius was crying, tears racing down his cheeks. He didn't know what to do.

"If you want me to forgive you, you would need to do more and go above and beyond Auntie Cissy. If you could, that would be great but I know for a fact you can't. What that woman has done for me, you can't ever match. I'm sorry, Sirius but I can't come back. My loyalty lies with the Malfoys." Carina had tears racing down her face, and she sniffed before wiping the tears away, trying to compose herself.

Sirius was sobbing now. His daughter was right in front of him and yet he was losing her, she was slipping through his fingers for good and there was nothing he could do.

"Please, Carina, I'm begging you. Just come back to us, even if you don't forgive me, please leave the Malfoys. Lucius only wants information out of you. I'm saying this for your safety. For Marlene's sake, please come back."

Sirius was literally pleading as he had his hands clasped in front of him, his eyes letting tears go.

A cold, humourless laugh escaped Carina's lips. "Well, at least Mr. Malfoy wants me in his home, even if it may be for his own personal gain. You didn't even care that your own daughter was under the same roof as you. It's like they say, 'you don't realize how important someone is until they are gone.' "

"Carina, I'm begging you-"

"I'm sorry but the damage has already been done. I have made my choice already, there is no coming back. Now, leave me be in peace, goodbye Mr. Black." Carina declared and she grabbed some of the floo powder. Sirius panicked, trying to stop her but Carina had already called out her destination.

"Headmaster of Hogwarts' Office!!"

With grief, Sirius watched his daughter disappear with the green flames and he fell onto his knees, sobbing in front of the empty fireplace.

He had done this. He had ruined his daughter's life. Sirius Black had succeeded in his duties as a godfather, but he had failed in being a good father.

Sirius had lost.

Sirius Black had lost his daughter for good.


How are you all?Β 

So I finally updated.Β 


I'm not even sure where I'm headed with this story at the moment but yeah lol.

Maybe I'll be back soon, if not, thank you so much for the support and take care! <33


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