Chapter Four

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The next day, Grimmauld Place was bustling with life as it normally did. Although, Sirius was feeling hollow, as he pondered upon how to approach Carina. He understood he had hurt Carina. He loved Harry and he had given him all his attention, taken the time to listen and understand his problems. Sirius knew he had blundered as he had only tried once to get to know his daughter, that too only on his best friend's saying.

Now everyone was in the dining room, eating breakfast, the usual chatter about. Sirius tried to take part so as not to raise suspicion on why he was so quiet, but each time his grey eyes flickered to the empty chair that Carina always occupied, he felt himself worry and twisted with guilt again. Every once in a while, Sirius looked at the entrance to the dining room, awaiting Carina but she never came.

Sirius wanted to ask Remus to go check on her but he was out for a small mission, not going to be back until the evening. As breakfast neared an end, Molly Weasley who had put away her dishes in the sink, finally decided to make sure Carina ate, seeing as she had decided not to disturb the girl in case she was asleep and needed her rest as she was sick.

"Sirius." Molly said, making the man jump slightly. "Go check on and fetch your daughter, she needs to eat especially since she's unwell." Sirius gulped but silently nodded and left the room.

Sirius took slow steps as he went up the stairs, not knowing how to face his daughter. On the way he passed Kreacher, who sneered up at him.

"This blood traitor hurt my young Miss. Black, how dare he-"

"Shut up! I don't need you to tell me how badly I messed up! Go make yourself useful and clean the dishes!"

"Yes, Master." Kreacher said bowing, before muttering, "Oh I hope Mistress is well now, as this scum hurt her very much-"

"I said GO!"

Kreacher scurried off, not before throwing a dirty look at Sirius and disappearing down the stairs. Sirius turned around and shook his head, as his moment of anger dissolved and the nervousness began settling back in. He walked a bit more until he came across the last door on the landing. He paused, staring at the door. He raised a hand and after hesitating for several minutes, knocked twice on the door.

No response.

Sirius sucked in a breath, "Carina?"


"I know you don't want to talk to me but I just wanted to say I am so sorry." Sirius paused, sighing, "I don't know what took over me but you are not responsible for your mother's passing. I didn't mean to say what I said, it just slipped out." He said, releasing a sigh. "I know if you don't want to talk to me or see me I get it, but you need to eat, Molly wants you downstairs so please just come with me."

Sirius again received silence and he frowned. He grabbed the doorknob and to his surprise it was open. Sirius opened the door and his eyes widened.

The bed was left unmade as it had been hours ago, the curtains were drawn shut, but Carina was nowhere to be seen. Sirius' eyes immediately flickered to the closet where Carina's belongings were but the doors were wide open and it was empty, everything was gone. Panic began to flood Sirius.

Carina Black wasn't in her room, and all her belongings were not there and Sirius went pale.

Where could she have gone?

"Tonks!" Sirius yelled, making the metamorphmagus come out of the kitchen and look up at him questioningly from the main floor.

"Carina's not in her room, she's gone-"

"What?" Tonks said bewildered as she climbed the stairs. "Isn't she sick and in bed?" She was confused when she finally reached onto the landing, and peeked her head into Carina's room only to realize she wasn't there. "I don't understand." Tonks breathed out, shaking her head slightly. "What is going on?"

Sirius groaned, burying his face in his hands before reciting the story to his cousin who couldn't believe what she had just heard.

"I can't believe you, Sirius-"

"I know, but please alert Dumbledore." Sirius pleaded.

"Yeah, I'm on it." And with that Tonks ran off, wide alert.

The head of the Black family began to cry, sinking to the floor. "Oh this is all my fault, where could she have gone?" Sirius mumbled out as he rubbed a hand over his face, scared. There was a war brewing out there once again, and his daughter had disappeared, stepping out of the safety Twelve Grimmauld Place provided, into the open, where she was an easy target for those on the side of the Dark wizard.


Molly Weasley had exploded upon learning the truth and had to be held back by Remus Lupin as she had attempted to hex Sirius Black, later that same day. There were a mix of reactions from everyone. Shock. Sadness. Anger. But most of all disappointment.

Disappointment in a father who had failed his daughter.


The Order had been frantic, trying to send their members far and wide, in order to locate the missing Black Heiress. Alas, after weeks upon searching, the hunt had ceased as all the expeditions had turned to be fruitless.

Sirius was in shambles. He had been overcome with guilt. What had he done? He had driven his very own flesh and blood away, into the open where she could have been taken or worse...

Sirius Black had started drinking heavily in the start, wallowing in his misery. Eventually, he began to pick himself up a bit, but every night he would lay in his bed, crying himself to sleep. Remus and Tonks had been by Sirius' side through it all, trying to help Sirius not beat himself too much for it.

Meanwhile, the Black Heiress was trying to adjust to her new life.

Living at Malfoy Manor meant being taught to live a certain way. Narcissa Malfoy had vigorously begun teaching Carina Black the ways of an ideal pureblood.

Carina Black had started to learn different languages, how to walk around gracefully and act, the appropriate way to dress and all that sorts. It was hard at first, what with Carina having been raised and already accustomed to her habits, and the outfall with Sirius on her mind, but slowly but surely, Carina was beginning to learn and understand.

By the end, Carina Black was a whole other person. She had a masked expression on her face. Carina would wear dresses of silk, her hair cascading down in curls or held up in a bun. When she walked, she glided across the floor as if she were floating. Her way of speaking sounded filled with kindness as it always was but with the added plus of more formalities. She had all sorts of jewellery adorning her pale skin.

Carina Black resembled nothing the girl that had entered Malfoy Manor not too long ago. She looked as if a perfect pureblood goddess.

Narcissa was proud of her niece. Now no one could point a finger at her. Draco was the most surprised. He had been observing the change but he could not believe what Carina had become. It almost pained him to see Carina put forth a false image, someone that was not true to her nature.

One day, Draco was searching all over the manor for Carina until he finally found his cousin in the room bearing the Malfoy family tree. He paused in the doorway, gazing at Carina who was staring at a certain name on the family tree.

Her name.

"You knew, didn't you?" She softly asked, her eyes still fixed upon her name.


"Meaning you knew we were cousins and yet you didn't tell me."

Carina looked up at him and Draco noticed her eyes glistening with tears.

"Why Draco?"

Draco sighed, rubbing a hand over his face as he stepped into the room, shutting the door behind him.

"How could I have, Rina? That would have meant I would have to explain who your parents were, how we are related. But I didn't know initially in the beginning." Draco paused, mulling over how to choose his next words. "I... I was picking on you because I... I fancied you."

A ringing silence took over as Draco stood there with his eyes shut in embarrassment. He slowly peeked through one eye. Carina stood there gaping at him. Her mind was buzzing with thoughts but the only thing she blurted out was,


Draco scoffed, "Now you're seriously going to ask me why I developed feelings for you? I didn't do it on purpose!" He exclaimed indignantly. "I guess I found you really beautiful."

"So," A look of betrayal was on Carina's face, "you only approached me because you fancied me?"

"What? No, no, no!" Draco said in alarm, "For Salzaar's sake, no! I actually decided to make friends with you when I realized we are cousins, but I got over those feelings pretty quick after then."

Draco looked at Carina, nervously awaiting a response while Carina opened and closed her mouth, before shaking her head, straightening herself.

"Well, all is forgiven dearest Draco. I am not angry at you, but I am pleased that the truth came to light in the end."

Draco, internally pleased although frowned, "Stop that."


"You know what I mean Ri. Stop doing that, it's not you!" The young Malfoy huffed, his gaze piercing into Carina's who held her ground until she sighed defeated, letting go of her mask.

"I know it's not, Dray, but we are going to have to pretend. Especially with how the dark future could be, it's better to start putting that pretending into practice." Carina softly smiled, "But on the bright side, I actually get to wear pretty clothes and be a lady at her finest." She laughed, earning an amused chuckle from Draco.

Draco wrapped an arm around Carina's shoulders.

"Whatever we have to go through, we do it together."


Hello everyone!

I know I haven't updated since the last 9-10 months, but I finally was able to write something and publish it! I'm just having some trouble with the current phase of the plot, so updatesย may be slow but I'll try my best. I know this chapter wasn't the greatest consideringย I haven't updated in a really long time but hopefully it was somewhat engaging. Please let me know if you have any suggestions for the upcoming story!

Take care and I hope to see you in the next one! <33


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